blob: 298fcb66599a35ef8220ada7784811418fa448fe [file] [log] [blame]
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
use warnings;
sub usage() {
print STDERR <<EOF;
Usage: <shapes> <text>
Converts presetShapeDefinitions.xml and presetTextWarpDefinitions.xml to a
.cxx that contains VML with the definitions of the shapes. The result is
written to stdout.
<shapes> presetShapeDefinitions.xml (including the path to it)
<text> presetTextWarpDefinitions.xml (including the path to it)
exit 1;
sub show_call_stack
my ( $path, $line, $subr );
my $max_depth = 30;
my $i = 1;
print STDERR "--- Begin stack trace ---\n";
while ( (my @call_details = (caller($i++))) && ($i<$max_depth) ) {
print STDERR "$call_details[1] line $call_details[2] in function $call_details[3]\n";
print STDERR "--- End stack trace ---\n";
$src_shapes = shift;
$src_text = shift;
usage() if ( !defined( $src_shapes ) || !defined( $src_text ) ||
$src_shapes eq "-h" || $src_shapes eq "--help" ||
!-f $src_shapes || !-f $src_text );
# Global variables
@levels = ();
$shape_name = "";
$state = "";
$path = "";
$adjust = "";
$max_adj_no = 0;
@formulas = ();
%variables = ();
$ignore_this_shape = 0;
$handles = "";
$textboxrect = "";
$last_pos_x = "";
$last_pos_y = "";
$no_stroke = 0;
$no_fill = 0;
$path_w = 1;
$path_h = 1;
@quadratic_bezier = ();
%result_shapes = ();
%shapes_ids = (
0 => 'notPrimitive',
1 => 'rectangle',
2 => 'roundRectangle',
3 => 'ellipse',
4 => 'diamond',
5 => 'triangle',
6 => 'rtTriangle',
7 => 'parallelogram',
8 => 'trapezoid',
9 => 'hexagon',
10 => 'octagon',
11 => 'plus',
12 => 'star5',
13 => 'rightArrow',
14 => 'thickArrow', # should not be used
15 => 'homePlate',
16 => 'cube',
17 => 'wedgeRoundRectCallout', # balloon
18 => 'star16', # seal
19 => 'arc',
20 => 'line',
21 => 'plaque',
22 => 'can',
23 => 'donut',
24 => 'textPlain', # textSimple - FIXME MS Office 2007 converts these to textboxes with unstyled text, so is it actually correct to map it to a real style?
25 => 'textStop', # textOctagon FIXME see 24
26 => 'textTriangle', # textHexagon FIXMME see 24
27 => 'textCanDown', # textCurve FIXMME see 24
28 => 'textWave1', # textWave FIXMME see 24
29 => 'textArchUpPour', # textRing FIXMME see 24
30 => 'textCanDown', # textOnCurve FIXMME see 24
31 => 'textArchUp', # textOnRing FIXMME see 24
32 => 'straightConnector1',
33 => 'bentConnector2',
34 => 'bentConnector3',
35 => 'bentConnector4',
36 => 'bentConnector5',
37 => 'curvedConnector2',
38 => 'curvedConnector3',
39 => 'curvedConnector4',
40 => 'curvedConnector5',
41 => 'callout1',
42 => 'callout2',
43 => 'callout3',
44 => 'accentCallout1',
45 => 'accentCallout2',
46 => 'accentCallout3',
47 => 'borderCallout1',
48 => 'borderCallout2',
49 => 'borderCallout3',
50 => 'accentBorderCallout1',
51 => 'accentBorderCallout2',
52 => 'accentBorderCallout3',
53 => 'ribbon',
54 => 'ribbon2',
55 => 'chevron',
56 => 'pentagon',
57 => 'noSmoking',
58 => 'star8', # seal8
59 => 'star16', # seal16
60 => 'star32', # seal32
61 => 'wedgeRectCallout',
62 => 'wedgeRoundRectCallout', # wedgeRRectCallout
63 => 'wedgeEllipseCallout',
64 => 'wave',
65 => 'foldedCorner',
66 => 'leftArrow',
67 => 'downArrow',
68 => 'upArrow',
69 => 'leftRightArrow',
70 => 'upDownArrow',
71 => 'irregularSeal1',
72 => 'irregularSeal2',
73 => 'lightningBolt',
74 => 'heart',
75 => 'frame', # pictureFrame
76 => 'quadArrow',
77 => 'leftArrowCallout',
78 => 'rightArrowCallout',
79 => 'upArrowCallout',
80 => 'downArrowCallout',
81 => 'leftRightArrowCallout',
82 => 'upDownArrowCallout',
83 => 'quadArrowCallout',
84 => 'bevel',
85 => 'leftBracket',
86 => 'rightBracket',
87 => 'leftBrace',
88 => 'rightBrace',
89 => 'leftUpArrow',
90 => 'bentUpArrow',
91 => 'bentArrow',
92 => 'star24', # seal24
93 => 'stripedRightArrow',
94 => 'notchedRightArrow',
95 => 'blockArc',
96 => 'smileyFace',
97 => 'verticalScroll',
98 => 'horizontalScroll',
99 => 'circularArrow',
100 => 'notchedCircularArrow', # should not be used
101 => 'uturnArrow',
102 => 'curvedRightArrow',
103 => 'curvedLeftArrow',
104 => 'curvedUpArrow',
105 => 'curvedDownArrow',
106 => 'cloudCallout',
107 => 'ellipseRibbon',
108 => 'ellipseRibbon2',
109 => 'flowChartProcess',
110 => 'flowChartDecision',
111 => 'flowChartInputOutput',
112 => 'flowChartPredefinedProcess',
113 => 'flowChartInternalStorage',
114 => 'flowChartDocument',
115 => 'flowChartMultidocument',
116 => 'flowChartTerminator',
117 => 'flowChartPreparation',
118 => 'flowChartManualInput',
119 => 'flowChartManualOperation',
120 => 'flowChartConnector',
121 => 'flowChartPunchedCard',
122 => 'flowChartPunchedTape',
123 => 'flowChartSummingJunction',
124 => 'flowChartOr',
125 => 'flowChartCollate',
126 => 'flowChartSort',
127 => 'flowChartExtract',
128 => 'flowChartMerge',
129 => 'flowChartOfflineStorage',
130 => 'flowChartOnlineStorage',
131 => 'flowChartMagneticTape',
132 => 'flowChartMagneticDisk',
133 => 'flowChartMagneticDrum',
134 => 'flowChartDisplay',
135 => 'flowChartDelay',
136 => 'textPlain', # textPlainText
137 => 'textStop',
138 => 'textTriangle',
139 => 'textTriangleInverted',
140 => 'textChevron',
141 => 'textChevronInverted',
142 => 'textRingInside',
143 => 'textRingOutside',
144 => 'textArchUp', # textArchUpCurve
145 => 'textArchDown', # textArchDownCurve
146 => 'textCircle', # textCircleCurve
147 => 'textButton', # textButtonCurve
148 => 'textArchUpPour',
149 => 'textArchDownPour',
150 => 'textCirclePour',
151 => 'textButtonPour',
152 => 'textCurveUp',
153 => 'textCurveDown',
154 => 'textCascadeUp',
155 => 'textCascadeDown',
156 => 'textWave1',
157 => 'textWave2',
158 => 'textWave3',
159 => 'textWave4',
160 => 'textInflate',
161 => 'textDeflate',
162 => 'textInflateBottom',
163 => 'textDeflateBottom',
164 => 'textInflateTop',
165 => 'textDeflateTop',
166 => 'textDeflateInflate',
167 => 'textDeflateInflateDeflate',
168 => 'textFadeRight',
169 => 'textFadeLeft',
170 => 'textFadeUp',
171 => 'textFadeDown',
172 => 'textSlantUp',
173 => 'textSlantDown',
174 => 'textCanUp',
175 => 'textCanDown',
176 => 'flowChartAlternateProcess',
177 => 'flowChartOffpageConnector',
178 => 'callout1', # callout90
179 => 'accentCallout1', # accentCallout90
180 => 'borderCallout1', # borderCallout90
181 => 'accentBorderCallout1', # accentBorderCallout90
182 => 'leftRightUpArrow',
183 => 'sun',
184 => 'moon',
185 => 'bracketPair',
186 => 'bracePair',
187 => 'star4', # seal4
188 => 'doubleWave',
189 => 'actionButtonBlank',
190 => 'actionButtonHome',
191 => 'actionButtonHelp',
192 => 'actionButtonInformation',
193 => 'actionButtonForwardNext',
194 => 'actionButtonBackPrevious',
195 => 'actionButtonEnd',
196 => 'actionButtonBeginning',
197 => 'actionButtonReturn',
198 => 'actionButtonDocument',
199 => 'actionButtonSound',
200 => 'actionButtonMovie',
201 => 'hostControl', # should not be used
202 => 'textBox'
# An error occurred, we have to ignore this shape
sub error( $ )
my ( $msg ) = @_;
$ignore_this_shape = 1;
print STDERR "ERROR (in $shape_name ): $msg\n";
# Check that we are in the correct level
sub is_level( $$ )
my ( $level, $value ) = @_;
if ( $level > 0 ) {
error( "Error in is_level(), \$level should be <= 0." );
return ( $#levels + $level > 0 ) && ( $levels[$#levels + $level] eq $value );
# Setup the %variables map with predefined values
sub setup_variables()
%variables = (
'l' => 0,
't' => 0,
'r' => 21600,
'b' => 21600,
'w' => 21600,
'h' => 21600,
'ss' => 21600,
'ls' => 21600,
'ssd2' => 10800, # 1/2
'ssd4' => 5400, # 1/4
'ssd6' => 3600, # 1/6
'ssd8' => 2700, # 1/8
'ssd16' => 1350, # 1/16
'ssd32' => 675, # 1/32
'hc' => 10800, # horizontal center
'vc' => 10800, # vertical center
'wd2' => 10800, # 1/2
'wd3' => 7200, # 1/3
'wd4' => 5400, # 1/4
'wd5' => 4320, # 1/5
'wd6' => 3600, # 1/6
'wd8' => 2700, # 1/8
'wd10' => 2160, # 1/10
'wd12' => 1800, # 1/12
'wd32' => 675, # 1/32
'hd2' => 10800, # 1/2
'hd3' => 7200, # 1/3
'hd4' => 5400, # 1/4
'hd5' => 4320, # 1/5
'hd6' => 3600, # 1/6
'hd8' => 2700, # 1/8
'hd10' => 2160, # 1/10
'hd12' => 1800, # 1/12
'hd32' => 675, # 1/32
'25000' => 5400,
'12500' => 2700,
'cd4' => 90, # 1/4 of a circle
'cd2' => 180, # 1/2 of a circle
'3cd4' => 270, # 3/4 of a circle
'cd8' => 45, # 1/8 of a circle
'3cd8' => 135, # 3/8 of a circle
'5cd8' => 225, # 5/8 of a circle
'7cd8' => 315, # 7/8 of a circle
'-5400000' => -90,
'-10800000'=> -180,
'-16200000'=> -270,
'-21600000'=> -360,
'-21599999'=> -360,
'5400000' => 90,
'10800000' => 180,
'16200000' => 270,
'21600000' => 360,
'21599999' => 360
# '21600000' => 360, # angle conversions
# '27000000' => 450,
# '32400000' => 540,
# '37800000' => 630
# Convert the (predefiend) value to a number
sub value( $ )
my ( $val ) = @_;
my $result = $variables{$val};
return $result if ( defined( $result ) );
return $val if ( $val =~ /^[0-9-]+$/ );
error( "Unknown variable '$val'." );
return $val;
# Convert the DrawingML formula to a VML one
%command_variables = (
'w' => 'width',
'h' => 'height',
'r' => 'width',
'b' => 'height'
# The same as value(), but some of the hardcoded values can have a name
sub command_value( $ )
my ( $value ) = @_;
return "" if ( $value eq "" );
return $value if ( $value =~ /^@/ );
my $command_val = $command_variables{$value};
if ( defined( $command_val ) ) {
return $command_val;
return value( $value );
# Insert the new formula to the list of formulas
# Creates the name if it's empty...
sub insert_formula( $$ )
my ( $name, $fmla ) = @_;
my $i = 0;
foreach $f ( @formulas ) {
if ( $f eq $fmla ) {
if ( $name ne "" ) {
$variables{$name} = "@" . $i;
return "@" . $i;
if ( $name eq "" ) {
$name = "@" . ( $#formulas + 1 );
$variables{$name} = "@" . ( $#formulas + 1 );
push @formulas, $fmla;
if ( $#formulas > 127 ) {
error( "Reached the maximum amount of formulas, have to ignore the shape '$shape_name'" );
return $variables{$name};
# The same as insert_formula(), but converts the params
sub insert_formula_params( $$$$$ )
my ( $name, $command, $p1, $p2, $p3 ) = @_;
my $result = $command;
if ( $p1 ne "" ) {
$result .= " " . command_value( $p1 );
if ( $p2 ne "" ) {
$result .= " " . command_value( $p2 );
if ( $p3 ne "" ) {
$result .= " " . command_value( $p3 );
return insert_formula( $name, $result );
# Convert the formula from DrawingML to VML
sub convert_formula( $$ )
my ( $name, $fmla ) = @_;
if ( $fmla =~ /^([^ ]+)/ ) {
my $command = $1;
# parse the parameters
( my $values = $fmla ) =~ s/^([^ ]+) *//;
my $p1 = "", $p2 = "", $p3 = "";
if ( $values =~ /^([^ ]+)/ ) {
$p1 = $1;
$values =~ s/^([^ ]+) *//;
if ( $values =~ /^([^ ]+)/ ) {
$p2 = $1;
$values =~ s/^([^ ]+) *//;
if ( $values =~ /^([^ ]+)/ ) {
$p3 = $1;
# now convert the formula
if ( $command eq "+-" ) {
if ( $p1 eq "100000" ) {
$p1 = value( 'w' );
insert_formula_params( $name, "sum", $p1, $p2, $p3 );
elsif ( $command eq "*/" ) {
if ( ( $p2 =~ /^(w|h|ss|hd2|wd2|vc)$/ ) && defined( $variables{$p1} ) ) {
# switch it ;-) - presetTextWarpDefinitions.xml has it in other order
my $tmp = $p1;
$p1 = $p2;
$p2 = $tmp;
if ( ( $p1 =~ /^(w|h|ss|hd2|wd2|vc)$/ ) && defined( $variables{$p2} ) ) {
my $val3 = $p3;
if ( $val3 =~ /^[0-9-]+$/ ) {
$val3 *= ( value( 'w' ) / value( $p1 ) );
# Oh yes, I'm too lazy to implement the full GCD here ;-)
if ( ( $val3 % 100000 ) == 0 ) {
$p1 = 1;
$p3 = sprintf( "%.0f", ( $val3 / 100000 ) );
elsif ( $val3 < 100000 ) {
$p3 = 1;
while ( ( ( $p3 * 100000 ) % $val3 ) != 0 ) {
$p1 = ( $p3 * 100000 ) / $val3;
else {
error( "Need to count the greatest common divisor." );
elsif ( $p3 eq "100000" && $p2 =~ /^[0-9-]+$/ ) {
# prevent overflows in some shapes
$p2 = sprintf( "%.0f", ( $p2 / 10 ) );
$p3 /= 10;
elsif ( $p3 eq "32768" && $p2 =~ /^[0-9-]+$/ ) {
# prevent overflows in some shapes
$p2 = sprintf( "%.0f", ( $p2 / 8 ) );
$p3 /= 8;
elsif ( $p3 eq "50000" ) {
$p3 = 10800;
elsif ( $name =~ /^maxAdj/ ) {
my $val = value( $p1 );
if ( $val =~ /^[0-9-]+$/ ) {
$p1 = sprintf( "%.0f", ( value( 'w' ) * $val / 100000 ) );
if ( ( value( $p1 ) eq value( $p3 ) ) || ( value( $p2 ) eq value( $p3 ) ) ) {
my $val = value( ( value( $p1 ) eq value( $p3 ) )? $p2: $p1 );
if ( $val =~ /^@([0-9]+)$/ ) {
insert_formula( $name, $formulas[$1] );
else {
insert_formula( $name, "val $val" );
else {
insert_formula_params( $name, "prod", $p1, $p2, $p3 );
elsif ( $command eq "+/" ) {
# we have to split this into 2 formulas - 'sum' and 'prod'
my $constructed = insert_formula_params( "", "sum", $p1, $p2, "0" );
insert_formula_params( $name, "prod", 1, $constructed, $p3); # references the 'sum' formula
elsif ( $command eq "?:" ) {
insert_formula_params( $name, "if", $p1, $p2, $p3 );
elsif ( $command eq "sin" || $command eq "cos" ) {
if ( $p2 =~ /^[0-9-]+$/ && ( ( $p2 % 60000 ) == 0 ) ) {
$p2 /= 60000;
else {
$p2 = insert_formula_params( "", "prod", "1", $p2, "60000" );
# we have to use 'sumangle' even for the case when $p2 is const
# and theoretically could be written as such; but Word does not
# accept it :-(
my $conv = insert_formula_params( "", "sumangle", "0", $p2, "0" );
$p2 = $conv;
insert_formula_params( $name, $command, $p1, $p2, "" );
elsif ( $command eq "abs" ) {
insert_formula_params( $name, $command, $p1, "", "" );
elsif ( $command eq "max" || $command eq "min" ) {
insert_formula_params( $name, $command, $p1, $p2, "" );
elsif ( $command eq "at2" ) {
insert_formula_params( $name, "atan2", $p1, $p2, "" );
elsif ( $command eq "cat2" ) {
insert_formula_params( $name, "cosatan2", $p1, $p2, $p3 );
elsif ( $command eq "sat2" ) {
insert_formula_params( $name, "sinatan2", $p1, $p2, $p3 );
elsif ( $command eq "sqrt" ) {
insert_formula_params( $name, "sqrt", $p1, "", "" );
elsif ( $command eq "mod" ) {
insert_formula_params( $name, "mod", $p1, $p2, $p3 );
elsif ( $command eq "val" ) {
insert_formula_params( $name, "val", value( $p1 ), "", "" );
else {
error( "Unknown formula '$name', '$fmla'." );
else {
error( "Cannot convert formula's command '$name', '$fmla'." );
# There's no exact equivalent of 'arcTo' in VML, we have to do some special casing...
%convert_arcTo = (
'0' => {
'90' => {
'path' => 'qy',
'op' => [ 'sum 0 __last_x__ __wR__', 'sum __hR__ __last_y__ 0' ],
'-90' => {
'path' => 'qy',
'op' => [ 'sum 0 __last_x__ __wR__', 'sum 0 __last_y__ __hR__' ],
'90' => {
'90' => {
'path' => 'qx',
'op' => [ 'sum 0 __last_x__ __wR__', 'sum 0 __last_y__ __hR__' ],
'-90' => {
'path' => 'qx',
'op' => [ 'sum __wR__ __last_x__ 0', 'sum 0 __last_y__ __hR__' ],
'180' => {
'90' => {
'path' => 'qy',
'op' => [ 'sum __wR__ __last_x__ 0', 'sum 0 __last_y__ __hR__' ],
'-90' => {
'path' => 'qy',
'op' => [ 'sum __wR__ __last_x__ 0', 'sum __hR__ __last_y__ 0' ],
'270' => {
'90' => {
'path' => 'qx',
'op' => [ 'sum __wR__ __last_x__ 0', 'sum __hR__ __last_y__ 0' ],
'-90' => {
'path' => 'qx',
'op' => [ 'sum 0 __last_x__ __wR__', 'sum __hR__ __last_y__ 0' ],
# Elliptic quadrant
# FIXME optimize so that we compute the const values when possible
sub elliptic_quadrant( $$$$ )
my ( $wR, $hR, $stAng, $swAng ) = @_;
if ( defined( $convert_arcTo{$stAng} ) && defined( $convert_arcTo{$stAng}{$swAng} ) ) {
my $conv_path = $convert_arcTo{$stAng}{$swAng}{'path'};
my $conv_op_ref = $convert_arcTo{$stAng}{$swAng}{'op'};
$path .= "$conv_path";
my $pos_x = $last_pos_x;
my $pos_y = $last_pos_y;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$conv_op_ref}; ++$i ) {
my $op = $conv_op_ref->[$i];
$op =~ s/__last_x__/$last_pos_x/g;
$op =~ s/__last_y__/$last_pos_y/g;
$op =~ s/__wR__/$wR/g;
$op =~ s/__hR__/$hR/g;
my $fmla = insert_formula( "", $op );
$path .= $fmla;
# so far it's sufficient just to rotate the positions
# FIXME if not ;-)
$pos_x = $pos_y;
$pos_y = $fmla;
$last_pos_x = $pos_x;
$last_pos_y = $pos_y;
else {
error( "Unhandled elliptic_quadrant(), input is ($wR, $hR, $stAng, $swAng)." );
# Convert the quadratic bezier to cubic (exact)
# No idea why, but the 'qb' did not work for me :-(
sub quadratic_to_cubic_bezier( $ )
my ( $axis ) = @_;
my $a0 = $quadratic_bezier[0]->{$axis};
my $a1 = $quadratic_bezier[1]->{$axis};
my $a2 = $quadratic_bezier[2]->{$axis};
my $b0 = $a0;
# $b1 = $a0 + 2/3 * ( $a1 - $a0 ), but in VML
# FIXME optimize for constants - compute directly
my $b1_1 = insert_formula_params( "", "sum", "0", $a1, $a0 );
my $b1_2 = insert_formula_params( "", "prod", "2", $b1_1, "3" );
my $b1 = insert_formula_params( "", "sum", $a0, $b1_2, "0" );
# $b2 = $b1 + 1/3 * ( $a2 - $a0 );
# FIXME optimize for constants - compute directly
my $b2_1 = insert_formula_params( "", "sum", "0", $a2, $a0 );
my $b2_2 = insert_formula_params( "", "prod", "1", $b2_1, "3" );
my $b2 = insert_formula_params( "", "sum", $b1, $b2_2, "0" );
my $b3 = $a2;
return ( $b0, $b1, $b2, $b3 );
# Extend $path by one more point
sub add_point_to_path( $$ )
my ( $x, $y ) = @_;
if ( $path =~ /[0-9]$/ && $x =~ /^[0-9-]/ ) {
$path .= ",";
$path .= $x;
if ( $path =~ /[0-9]$/ && $y =~ /^[0-9-]/ ) {
$path .= ",";
$path .= $y;
# Start of an element
sub start_element( $% )
my ( $element, %attr ) = @_;
push @levels, $element;
#print "element: $element\n";
if ( is_level( -1, "presetShapeDefinitons" ) || is_level( -1, "presetTextWarpDefinitions" ) ) {
$shape_name = $element;
$state = "";
$ignore_this_shape = 0;
$path = "";
$adjust = "";
$max_adj_no = 0;
@formulas = ();
$handles = "";
$textboxrect = "";
$last_pos_x = "";
$last_pos_y = "";
$no_stroke = 0;
$no_fill = 0;
@quadratic_bezier = ();
if ( $shape_name eq "sun" ) {
# hack for this shape
$variables{'100000'} = "21600";
$variables{'50000'} = "10800";
$variables{'25000'} = "5400";
$variables{'12500'} = "2700";
$variables{'3662'} = "791";
my $found = 0;
foreach my $name ( values( %shapes_ids ) ) {
if ( $name eq $shape_name ) {
$found = 1;
if ( !$found ) {
error( "Unknown shape '$shape_name'." );
elsif ( $element eq "pathLst" ) {
$state = "path";
elsif ( $element eq "avLst" ) {
$state = "adjust";
elsif ( $element eq "gdLst" ) {
$state = "formulas";
elsif ( $element eq "ahLst" ) {
$state = "handles";
elsif ( $element eq "rect" ) {
$textboxrect = value( $attr{'l'} ) . "," . value( $attr{'t'} ) . "," .
value( $attr{'r'} ) . "," . value( $attr{'b'} );
elsif ( $state eq "path" ) {
if ( $element eq "path" ) {
$no_stroke = ( defined( $attr{'stroke'} ) && $attr{'stroke'} eq 'false' );
$no_fill = ( defined( $attr{'fill'} ) && $attr{'fill'} eq 'none' );
$path_w = $attr{'w'};
$path_h = $attr{'h'};
elsif ( $element eq "moveTo" ) {
$path .= "m";
elsif ( $element eq "lnTo" ) {
$path .= "l";
elsif ( $element eq "cubicBezTo" ) {
$path .= "c";
elsif ( $element eq "quadBezTo" ) {
my %points = ( 'x' => $last_pos_x, 'y' => $last_pos_y );
@quadratic_bezier = ( \%points );
elsif ( $element eq "close" ) {
$path .= "x";
elsif ( $element eq "pt" ) {
# rememeber the last position for the arcTo
$last_pos_x = value( $attr{'x'} );
$last_pos_y = value( $attr{'y'} );
$last_pos_x *= ( value( 'w' ) / $path_w ) if ( defined( $path_w ) );
$last_pos_y *= ( value( 'h' ) / $path_h ) if ( defined( $path_h ) );
if ( $#quadratic_bezier >= 0 ) {
my %points = ( 'x' => $last_pos_x, 'y' => $last_pos_y );
push( @quadratic_bezier, \%points );
else {
add_point_to_path( $last_pos_x, $last_pos_y );
elsif ( ( $element eq "arcTo" ) && ( $last_pos_x ne "" ) && ( $last_pos_y ne "" ) ) {
# there's no exact equivalent of arcTo in VML, so we have to
# compute here a bit...
my $stAng = value( $attr{'stAng'} );
my $swAng = value( $attr{'swAng'} );
my $wR = value( $attr{'wR'} );
my $hR = value( $attr{'hR'} );
$wR *= ( value( 'w' ) / $path_w ) if ( defined( $path_w ) );
$hR *= ( value( 'h' ) / $path_h ) if ( defined( $path_h ) );
if ( ( $stAng =~ /^[0-9-]+$/ ) && ( $swAng =~ /^[0-9-]+$/ ) ) {
if ( ( ( $stAng % 90 ) == 0 ) && ( ( $swAng % 90 ) == 0 ) && ( $swAng != 0 ) ) {
my $end = $stAng + $swAng;
my $step = ( $swAng > 0 )? 90: -90;
for ( my $cur = $stAng; $cur != $end; $cur += $step ) {
elliptic_quadrant( $wR, $hR, ( $cur % 360 ), $step );
else {
error( "Unsupported numeric 'arcTo' ($attr{'wR'}, $attr{'hR'}, $stAng, $swAng)." );
else {
error( "Unsupported 'arcTo' conversion ($attr{'wR'}, $attr{'hR'}, $stAng, $swAng)." );
else {
error( "Unhandled path element '$element'." );
elsif ( $state eq "adjust" ) {
if ( $element eq "gd" ) {
my $adj_no = $attr{'name'};
my $is_const = 0;
$adj_no =~ s/^adj//;
if ( $adj_no eq "" ) {
$max_adj_no = 0;
elsif ( !( $adj_no =~ /^[0-9]*$/ ) ) {
$is_const = 1;
elsif ( $adj_no != $max_adj_no + 1 ) {
error( "Wrong order of adj values." );
else {
$max_adj_no = $adj_no;
if ( $attr{'fmla'} =~ /^val ([0-9-]*)$/ ) {
my $val = sprintf( "%.0f", ( 21600 * $1 ) / 100000 );
if ( $is_const ) {
$variables{$adj_no} = $val;
elsif ( $adjust eq "" ) {
$adjust = $val;
else {
$adjust = "$val,$adjust";
else {
error( "Wrong fmla '$attr{'fmla'}'." );
else {
error( "Unhandled adjust element '$element'." );
elsif ( $state eq "formulas" ) {
if ( $element eq "gd" ) {
if ( $attr{'fmla'} =~ /^\*\/ (h|w|ss) adj([0-9]+) 100000$/ ) {
insert_formula( $attr{'name'}, "val #" . ( $max_adj_no - $2 ) );
elsif ( $attr{'fmla'} =~ /^pin [^ ]+ ([^ ]+) / ) {
print STDERR "TODO Map 'pin' to VML as xrange for handles.\n";
my $pin_val = $1;
if ( $pin_val eq "adj" ) {
insert_formula( $attr{'name'}, "val #0" );
elsif ( $pin_val =~ /^adj([0-9]+)/ ) {
insert_formula( $attr{'name'}, "val #" . ( $max_adj_no - $1 ) );
else {
insert_formula( $attr{'name'}, "val " . value( $pin_val ) );
elsif ( $attr{'fmla'} =~ /adj/ ) {
error( "Non-standard usage of adj in '$attr{'fmla'}'." );
else {
convert_formula( $attr{'name'}, $attr{'fmla'} );
elsif ( $state eq "handles" ) {
if ( $element eq "pos" ) {
$handles .= "<v:h position=\"" . value( $attr{'x'} ) . "," . value( $attr{'y'} ) . "\"/>\n";
# End of an element
sub end_element( $ )
my ( $element ) = @_;
pop @levels;
if ( $element eq $shape_name ) {
if ( !$ignore_this_shape ) {
# we have all the info, generate the shape now
$state = "";
# shape path
my $out = "<v:shapetype id=\"shapetype___ID__\" coordsize=\"21600,21600\" o:spt=\"__ID__\" ";
if ( $adjust ne "" ) {
$out .= "adj=\"$adjust\" ";
# optimize it [yes, we need this twice ;-)]
$path =~ s/([^0-9-@])0([^0-9-@])/$1$2/g;
$path =~ s/([^0-9-@])0([^0-9-@])/$1$2/g;
$out .= "path=\"$path\">\n";
# stroke
$out .= "<v:stroke joinstyle=\"miter\"/>\n";
# formulas
if ( $#formulas >= 0 )
$out .= "<v:formulas>\n";
foreach $fmla ( @formulas ) {
$out .= "<v:f eqn=\"$fmla\"/>\n"
$out .= "</v:formulas>\n";
# path
if ( $textboxrect ne "" ) { # TODO connectlocs, connectangles
$out .= "<v:path gradientshapeok=\"t\" o:connecttype=\"rect\" textboxrect=\"$textboxrect\"/>\n";
# handles
if ( $handles ne "" ) {
$out .= "<v:handles>\n$handles</v:handles>\n";
$out .="</v:shapetype>";
# hooray! :-)
$result_shapes{$shape_name} = $out;
else {
print STDERR "Shape '$shape_name' ignored; see the above error(s) for the reason.\n";
$shape_name = "";
elsif ( $state eq "path" ) {
if ( $element eq "path" ) {
$path .= "ns" if ( $no_stroke );
$path .= "nf" if ( $no_fill );
$path .= "e";
elsif ( $element eq "quadBezTo" ) {
# we have to convert the quadratic bezier to cubic
if ( $#quadratic_bezier == 2 ) {
my @points_x = quadratic_to_cubic_bezier( 'x' );
my @points_y = quadratic_to_cubic_bezier( 'y' );
$path .= "c";
# ignore the starting point
for ( my $i = 1; $i < 4; ++$i ) {
add_point_to_path( $points_x[$i], $points_y[$i] );
else {
error( "Wrong number of points of the quadratic bezier." );
@quadratic_bezier = ();
elsif ( $element eq "avLst" ) {
$state = "";
elsif ( $element eq "gdLst" ) {
$state = "";
elsif ( $element eq "ahLst" ) {
$state = "";
# Text inside an element
sub characters( $ )
#my ( $text ) = @_;
#################### A trivial XML parser ####################
# Parse the attributes
sub parse_start_element( $ )
# split the string containing both the elements and attributes
my ( $element_tmp ) = @_;
$element_tmp =~ s/\s*$//;
$element_tmp =~ s/^\s*//;
( my $element = $element_tmp ) =~ s/\s.*$//;
if ( $element_tmp =~ /\s/ ) {
$element_tmp =~ s/^[^\s]*\s//;
else {
$element_tmp = "";
# we have the element, now the attributes
my %attr;
my $is_key = 1;
my $key = "";
foreach my $tmp ( split( /"/, $element_tmp ) ) {
if ( $is_key ) {
$key = $tmp;
$key =~ s/^\s*//;
$key =~ s/\s*=\s*$//;
else {
$attr{$key} = $tmp;
$is_key = !$is_key;
if ( $element ne "" ) {
start_element( $element, %attr );
# Parse the file
sub parse( $ )
my ( $file ) = @_;
my $in_comment = 0;
my $line = "";
while (<$file>) {
# ignore comments
if ( /<!--/ ) {
$in_comment = 1;
elsif ( /-->/ && $in_comment ) {
$in_comment = 0;
elsif ( $in_comment ) {
# ignore empty lines
next if ( $_ eq "" );
# take care of lines where element continues
if ( $line ne "" ) {
$line .= " " . $_;
else {
$line = $_;
next if ( !/>$/ );
# the actual parsing
my @starts = split( /</, $line );
$line = "";
foreach $start ( @starts ) {
next if ( $start eq "" );
@ends = split( />/, $start );
my $element = $ends[0];
my $data = $ends[1];
# start or end element
if ( $element =~ /^\/(.*)/ ) {
end_element( $1 );
elsif ( $element =~ /^(.*)\/$/ ) {
parse_start_element( $1 );
( my $end = $1 ) =~ s/\s.*$//;
end_element( $end );
else {
parse_start_element( $element );
# the data
characters( $data ) if ( defined( $data ) && $data ne "" );
# Do the real work
open( IN, "<$src_shapes" ) || die "Cannot open $src_shapes.";
parse( IN );
close( IN );
open( IN, "<$src_text" ) || die "Cannot open $src_text.";
parse( IN );
close( IN );
if ( !defined( $result_shapes{'textBox'} ) ) {
$result_shapes{'textBox'} =
"<v:shapetype id=\"shapetype___ID__\" coordsize=\"21600,21600\" " .
"o:spt=\"__ID__\" path=\"m,l,21600l21600,21600l21600,xe\">\n" .
"<v:stroke joinstyle=\"miter\"/>\n" .
"<v:path gradientshapeok=\"t\" o:connecttype=\"rect\"/>\n" .
# Generate the code
print <<EOF;
// Shape types generated from
// '$src_shapes'
// and
// '$src_text'
// which are part of the OOXML documentation
#include <svx/escherex.hxx>
const char* pShapeTypes[ ESCHER_ShpInst_COUNT ] =
for ( $i = 0; $i < 203; ++$i ) {
if ( $i < 4 ) {
print " /* $i - $shapes_ids{$i} - handled separately */\n NULL,\n";
else {
print " /* $i - $shapes_ids{$i} */\n";
my $out = $result_shapes{$shapes_ids{$i}};
if ( defined( $out ) ) {
# set the id
$out =~ s/__ID__/$i/g;
# escape the '"'s
$out =~ s/"/\\"/g;
# output as string
$out =~ s/^/ "/;
$out =~ s/\n/"\n "/g;
$out =~ s/$/"/;
print "$out,\n";
else {
print " NULL,\n";
print <<EOF;