blob: f19d4ce883cacbe91c9f96ac31051ba97e7f3cdb [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
#include <utility>
#include "oox/helper/binaryinputstream.hxx"
#include "oox/helper/refvector.hxx"
namespace oox {
namespace ole {
// ============================================================================
/** A wrapper for a binary input stream that supports aligned read operations.
The implementation does not support seeking back the wrapped stream. All
seeking operations (tell, seekTo, align) are performed relative to the
position of the wrapped stream at construction time of this wrapper. It is
possible to construct this wrapper with an unseekable input stream without
losing any functionality.
class AxAlignedInputStream : public BinaryInputStream
explicit AxAlignedInputStream( BinaryInputStream& rInStrm );
/** Returns the size of the data this stream represents, if the wrapped
stream supports the size() operation. */
virtual sal_Int64 size() const;
/** Return the current relative stream position (relative to position of
the wrapped stream at construction time). */
virtual sal_Int64 tell() const;
/** Seeks the stream to the passed relative position, if it is behind the
current position. */
virtual void seek( sal_Int64 nPos );
/** Closes the input stream but not the wrapped stream. */
virtual void close();
/** Reads nBytes bytes to the passed sequence.
@return Number of bytes really read. */
virtual sal_Int32 readData( StreamDataSequence& orData, sal_Int32 nBytes, size_t nAtomSize = 1 );
/** Reads nBytes bytes to the (existing) buffer opMem.
@return Number of bytes really read. */
virtual sal_Int32 readMemory( void* opMem, sal_Int32 nBytes, size_t nAtomSize = 1 );
/** Seeks the stream forward by the passed number of bytes. */
virtual void skip( sal_Int32 nBytes, size_t nAtomSize = 1 );
/** Aligns the stream to a multiple of the passed size (relative to the
position of the wrapped stream at construction time). */
void align( size_t nSize );
/** Aligns the stream according to the passed type and reads an atomar value. */
template< typename Type >
inline Type readAligned() { align( sizeof( Type ) ); return readValue< Type >(); }
/** Aligns the stream according to the passed type and skips the size of the type. */
template< typename Type >
inline void skipAligned() { align( sizeof( Type ) ); skip( sizeof( Type ) ); }
BinaryInputStream* mpInStrm; /// The wrapped input stream.
sal_Int64 mnStrmPos; /// Tracks relative position in the stream.
sal_Int64 mnStrmSize; /// Size of the wrapped stream data.
// ============================================================================
/** A pair of integer values as a property. */
typedef ::std::pair< sal_Int32, sal_Int32 > AxPairData;
/** An array of string values as a property. */
typedef ::std::vector< ::rtl::OUString > AxStringArray;
// ============================================================================
const sal_Char* const AX_GUID_CFONT = "{AFC20920-DA4E-11CE-B943-00AA006887B4}";
const sal_uInt32 AX_FONTDATA_BOLD = 0x00000001;
const sal_uInt32 AX_FONTDATA_ITALIC = 0x00000002;
const sal_uInt32 AX_FONTDATA_UNDERLINE = 0x00000004;
const sal_uInt32 AX_FONTDATA_STRIKEOUT = 0x00000008;
const sal_uInt32 AX_FONTDATA_DISABLED = 0x00002000;
const sal_uInt32 AX_FONTDATA_AUTOCOLOR = 0x40000000;
const sal_Int32 AX_FONTDATA_LEFT = 1;
const sal_Int32 AX_FONTDATA_RIGHT = 2;
const sal_Int32 AX_FONTDATA_CENTER = 3;
/** All entries of a font property. */
struct AxFontData
::rtl::OUString maFontName; /// Name of the used font.
sal_uInt32 mnFontEffects; /// Font effect flags.
sal_Int32 mnFontHeight; /// Height of the font (not really twips, see code).
sal_Int32 mnFontCharSet; /// Windows character set of the font.
sal_Int32 mnHorAlign; /// Horizontal text alignment.
bool mbDblUnderline; /// True = double underline style (legacy VML drawing controls only).
explicit AxFontData();
/** Converts the internal representation of the font height to points. */
sal_Int16 getHeightPoints() const;
/** Converts the passed font height from points to the internal representation. */
void setHeightPoints( sal_Int16 nPoints );
/** Reads the font data settings from the passed input stream. */
bool importBinaryModel( BinaryInputStream& rInStrm );
/** Reads the font data settings from the passed input stream that contains
an OLE StdFont structure. */
bool importStdFont( BinaryInputStream& rInStrm );
/** Reads the font data settings from the passed input stream depending on
the GUID preceding the actual font data. */
bool importGuidAndFont( BinaryInputStream& rInStrm );
// ============================================================================
/** Import helper to read simple and complex ActiveX form control properties
from a binary input stream. */
class AxBinaryPropertyReader
explicit AxBinaryPropertyReader( BinaryInputStream& rInStrm, bool b64BitPropFlags = false );
/** Reads the next integer property value from the stream, if the
respective flag in the property mask is set. */
template< typename StreamType, typename DataType >
inline void readIntProperty( DataType& ornValue )
{ if( startNextProperty() ) ornValue = maInStrm.readAligned< StreamType >(); }
/** Reads the next boolean property value from the stream, if the
respective flag in the property mask is set. */
void readBoolProperty( bool& orbValue, bool bReverse = false );
/** Reads the next pair property from the stream, if the respective flag in
the property mask is set. */
void readPairProperty( AxPairData& orPairData );
/** Reads the next string property from the stream, if the respective flag
in the property mask is set. */
void readStringProperty( ::rtl::OUString& orValue );
/** Reads a string array property from the stream, if the respective flag
in the property mask is set. */
void readStringArrayProperty( AxStringArray& orArray );
/** Reads the next GUID property from the stream, if the respective flag
in the property mask is set. The GUID will be enclosed in braces. */
void readGuidProperty( ::rtl::OUString& orGuid );
/** Reads the next font property from the stream, if the respective flag in
the property mask is set. */
void readFontProperty( AxFontData& orFontData );
/** Reads the next picture property from the stream, if the respective flag
in the property mask is set. */
void readPictureProperty( StreamDataSequence& orPicData );
/** Skips the next integer property value in the stream, if the respective
flag in the property mask is set. */
template< typename StreamType >
inline void skipIntProperty() { if( startNextProperty() ) maInStrm.skipAligned< StreamType >(); }
/** Skips the next boolean property value in the stream, if the respective
flag in the property mask is set. */
inline void skipBoolProperty() { startNextProperty(); }
/** Skips the next pair property in the stream, if the respective flag in
the property mask is set. */
void skipPairProperty() { readPairProperty( maDummyPairData ); }
/** Skips the next string property in the stream, if the respective flag in
the property mask is set. */
inline void skipStringProperty() { readStringProperty( maDummyString ); }
/** Skips the next string array property in the stream, if the respective
flag in the property mask is set. */
inline void skipStringArrayProperty() { readStringArrayProperty( maDummyStringArray ); }
/** Skips the next GUID property in the stream, if the respective flag in
the property mask is set. */
inline void skipGuidProperty() { readGuidProperty( maDummyString ); }
/** Skips the next font property in the stream, if the respective flag in
the property mask is set. */
inline void skipFontProperty() { readFontProperty( maDummyFontData ); }
/** Skips the next picture property in the stream, if the respective flag
in the property mask is set. */
inline void skipPictureProperty() { readPictureProperty( maDummyPicData ); }
/** Has to be called for undefined properties. If the respective flag in
the mask is set, the property import cannot be finished successfully. */
inline void skipUndefinedProperty() { ensureValid( !startNextProperty() ); }
/** Final processing, reads contents of all complex properties. */
bool finalizeImport();
bool ensureValid( bool bCondition = true );
bool startNextProperty();
/** Base class for complex properties such as string, point, size, GUID, picture. */
struct ComplexProperty
virtual ~ComplexProperty();
virtual bool readProperty( AxAlignedInputStream& rInStrm ) = 0;
/** Complex property for a 32-bit value pair, e.g. point or size. */
struct PairProperty : public ComplexProperty
AxPairData& mrPairData;
inline explicit PairProperty( AxPairData& rPairData ) :
mrPairData( rPairData ) {}
virtual bool readProperty( AxAlignedInputStream& rInStrm );
/** Complex property for a string value. */
struct StringProperty : public ComplexProperty
::rtl::OUString& mrValue;
sal_uInt32 mnSize;
inline explicit StringProperty( ::rtl::OUString& rValue, sal_uInt32 nSize ) :
mrValue( rValue ), mnSize( nSize ) {}
virtual bool readProperty( AxAlignedInputStream& rInStrm );
/** Complex property for an array of strings. */
struct StringArrayProperty : public ComplexProperty
AxStringArray& mrArray;
sal_uInt32 mnSize;
inline explicit StringArrayProperty( AxStringArray& rArray, sal_uInt32 nSize ) :
mrArray( rArray ), mnSize( nSize ) {}
virtual bool readProperty( AxAlignedInputStream& rInStrm );
/** Complex property for a GUID value. */
struct GuidProperty : public ComplexProperty
::rtl::OUString& mrGuid;
inline explicit GuidProperty( ::rtl::OUString& rGuid ) :
mrGuid( rGuid ) {}
virtual bool readProperty( AxAlignedInputStream& rInStrm );
/** Stream property for a font structure. */
struct FontProperty : public ComplexProperty
AxFontData& mrFontData;
inline explicit FontProperty( AxFontData& rFontData ) :
mrFontData( rFontData ) {}
virtual bool readProperty( AxAlignedInputStream& rInStrm );
/** Stream property for a picture or mouse icon. */
struct PictureProperty : public ComplexProperty
StreamDataSequence& mrPicData;
inline explicit PictureProperty( StreamDataSequence& rPicData ) :
mrPicData( rPicData ) {}
virtual bool readProperty( AxAlignedInputStream& rInStrm );
typedef RefVector< ComplexProperty > ComplexPropVector;
AxAlignedInputStream maInStrm; /// The input stream to read from.
ComplexPropVector maLargeProps; /// Stores info for all used large properties.
ComplexPropVector maStreamProps; /// Stores info for all used stream data properties.
AxPairData maDummyPairData; /// Dummy pair for unsupported properties.
AxFontData maDummyFontData; /// Dummy font for unsupported properties.
StreamDataSequence maDummyPicData; /// Dummy picture for unsupported properties.
::rtl::OUString maDummyString; /// Dummy string for unsupported properties.
AxStringArray maDummyStringArray; /// Dummy string array for unsupported properties.
sal_Int64 mnPropFlags; /// Flags specifying existing properties.
sal_Int64 mnNextProp; /// Next property to read.
sal_Int64 mnPropsEnd; /// End position of simple/large properties.
bool mbValid; /// True = stream still valid.
// ============================================================================
} // namespace ole
} // namespace oox