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/** base class for helpers dealing with unique column values
class UniqueColumnValue
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/** extracts the name of the table a form is based on.
<p>This method works for forms based directly on tables, and for forms based on statements, which
themself are based on one table.<br/>
Everything else (especially forms based on queries) is not yet implemented.</p>
protected String extractTableName( XPropertySet xForm ) throws
String sReturn;
Integer aCommandType = (Integer)xForm.getPropertyValue( "CommandType" );
String sCommand = (String)xForm.getPropertyValue( "Command" );
if ( CommandType.COMMAND == aCommandType.intValue() )
// get the connection from the form
XConnection xFormConn = (XConnection)UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XConnection.class,
xForm.getPropertyValue( "ActiveConnection" ) );
// and let it create a composer for us
XSQLQueryComposerFactory xComposerFac =
XSQLQueryComposerFactory.class, xFormConn );
XSQLQueryComposer xComposer = xComposerFac.createQueryComposer( );
// let this composer analyze the command
xComposer.setQuery( sCommand );
// and ask it for the table(s)
XTablesSupplier xSuppTables = (XTablesSupplier)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XTablesSupplier.class, xComposer );
XNameAccess xTables = xSuppTables.getTables();
// simply take the first table name
String[] aNames = xTables.getElementNames( );
sCommand = aNames[0];
return sCommand;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/** generates a statement which can be used to create a unique (in all conscience) value
for the column given.
<p>Currently, the implementation uses a very simple approach - it just determines the maximum of currently
existing values in the column. If your concrete data source supports a more sophisticated approach of generating
unique values, you probably want to adjust the <code>SELECT</code> statement below accordingly.</p>
a String which can be used as statement to retrieve a unique value for the given column.
The result set resulting from such a execution contains the value in it's first column.
protected String composeUniqueyKeyStatement( XPropertySet xForm, String sFieldName ) throws
String sStatement = new String( "SELECT MAX( " );
sStatement += sFieldName;
sStatement += new String( ") + 1 FROM " );
// the table name is a property of the form
sStatement += extractTableName( xForm );
// note that the implementation is imperfect (besides the problem that MAX is not a really good solution
// for a database with more that one client):
// It does not quote the field and the table name. This needs to be done if the database is intolerant
// against such things - the XDatabaseMetaData, obtained from the connection, would be needed then
// Unfortunately, there is no UNO service doing this - it would need to be implemented manually.
return sStatement;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/** generates a unique (in all conscience) key into the column given
@param xForm
the form which contains the column in question
@param sFieldName
the name of the column
protected int generatePrimaryKey( XPropertySet xForm, String sFieldName ) throws
// get the current connection of the form
XConnection xConn = (XConnection)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XConnection.class, xForm.getPropertyValue( "ActiveConnection" ) );
// let it create a new statement
XStatement xStatement = xConn.createStatement();
// build the query string to determine a free value
String sStatement = composeUniqueyKeyStatement( xForm, sFieldName );
// execute the query
XResultSet xResults = xStatement.executeQuery( sStatement );
// move the result set to the first record );
// get the value
XRow xRow = (XRow)UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XRow.class, xResults );
int nFreeValue = xRow.getInt( 1 );
// dispose the temporary objects
FLTools.disposeComponent( xStatement );
// this should get rid of the result set, too
return nFreeValue;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/** inserts a unique (in all conscience) key into the column given
@param xForm
the form which contains the column in question
@param sFieldName
the name of the column
public void insertPrimaryKey( XPropertySet xForm, String sFieldName ) throws
// check the privileges
Integer aConcurrency = (Integer)xForm.getPropertyValue( "ResultSetConcurrency" );
if ( ResultSetConcurrency.READ_ONLY != aConcurrency.intValue() )
// get the column object
XColumnsSupplier xSuppCols = (XColumnsSupplier)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XColumnsSupplier.class, xForm );
XNameAccess xCols = xSuppCols.getColumns();
XColumnUpdate xCol = (XColumnUpdate)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XColumnUpdate.class, xCols.getByName( sFieldName ) );
xCol.updateInt( generatePrimaryKey( xForm, sFieldName ) );
/** base class for helpers dealing with unique column values
class KeyGeneratorForReset extends UniqueColumnValue implements XResetListener
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
private DocumentViewHelper m_aView;
private String m_sFieldName;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/** ctor
@param aView
the view which shall be used to focus controls
@param sFieldName
the name of the field for which keys should be generated
public KeyGeneratorForReset( String sFieldName, DocumentViewHelper aView )
m_sFieldName = sFieldName;
m_aView = aView;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/** sets the focus to the first control which is no fixed text, and not the
one we're defaulting
public void defaultNewRecordFocus( XPropertySet xForm ) throws
XIndexAccess xFormAsContainer = (XIndexAccess)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XIndexAccess.class, xForm );
for ( int i = 0; i<xFormAsContainer.getCount(); ++i )
// the model
XPropertySet xModel = UNO.queryPropertySet( xFormAsContainer.getByIndex( i ) );
// check if it's a valid leaf (no sub form or such)
XPropertySetInfo xPSI = xModel.getPropertySetInfo( );
if ( ( null == xPSI ) || !xPSI.hasPropertyByName( "ClassId" ) )
// check if it's a fixed text
Short nClassId = (Short)xModel.getPropertyValue( "ClassId" );
if ( FormComponentType.FIXEDTEXT == nClassId.shortValue() )
// check if it is bound to the field we are responsible for
if ( !xPSI.hasPropertyByName( "DataField" ) )
String sFieldDataSource = (String)xModel.getPropertyValue( "DataField" );
if ( sFieldDataSource.equals( m_sFieldName ) )
// both conditions do not apply
// -> set the focus into the respective control
XControlModel xCM = UNO.queryControlModel( xModel );
m_aView.grabControlFocus( xCM);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// XResetListener overridables
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
public boolean approveReset( rEvent ) throws
// not interested in vetoing this
return true;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
public void resetted( aEvent ) throws
// check if this reset occurred becase we're on a new record
XPropertySet xFormProps = UNO.queryPropertySet( aEvent.Source );
Boolean aIsNew = (Boolean)xFormProps.getPropertyValue( "IsNew" );
if ( aIsNew.booleanValue() )
{ // yepp
// we're going to modify the record, though after that, to the user, it should look
// like it has not been modified
// So we need to ensure that we do not change the IsModified property with whatever we do
Object aModifiedFlag = xFormProps.getPropertyValue( "IsModified" );
// now set the value
insertPrimaryKey( xFormProps, m_sFieldName );
// then restore the flag
xFormProps.setPropertyValue( "IsModified", aModifiedFlag );
// still one thing ... would be nice to have the focus in a control which is
// the one which's value we just defaulted
defaultNewRecordFocus( xFormProps );
catch( e )
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// XEventListener overridables
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
public void disposing( EventObject aEvent )
// not interested in
/** base class for helpers dealing with unique column values
class KeyGeneratorForUpdate extends UniqueColumnValue implements XRowSetApproveListener
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
private String m_sFieldName;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
public KeyGeneratorForUpdate( String sFieldName )
m_sFieldName = sFieldName;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// XRowSetApproveListener overridables
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
public boolean approveCursorMove( aEvent ) throws
// not interested in vetoing moves
return true;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
public boolean approveRowChange( RowChangeEvent aEvent ) throws
if ( RowChangeAction.INSERT == aEvent.Action )
// the affected form
XPropertySet xFormProps = UNO.queryPropertySet( aEvent.Source );
// insert a new unique value
insertPrimaryKey( xFormProps, m_sFieldName );
catch( e )
return true;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
public boolean approveRowSetChange( aEvent ) throws
// not interested in vetoing executions of the row set
return true;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// XEventListener overridables
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
public void disposing( EventObject aEvent )
// not interested in
/** allows to generate unique keys for a field of a Form
public class KeyGenerator
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
private KeyGeneratorForReset m_aResetKeyGenerator;
private KeyGeneratorForUpdate m_aUpdateKeyGenerator;
private boolean m_bResetListening;
private boolean m_bUpdateListening;
private DocumentHelper m_aDocument;
private XPropertySet m_xForm;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/** ctor
@param xForm
specified the form to operate on
@param sFieldName
specifies the field which's value should be manipulated
public KeyGenerator( XPropertySet xForm, String sFieldName,
XComponentContext xCtx )
m_xForm = xForm;
DocumentHelper aDocument = DocumentHelper.getDocumentForComponent( xForm, xCtx );
m_aResetKeyGenerator = new KeyGeneratorForReset( sFieldName, aDocument.getCurrentView() );
m_aUpdateKeyGenerator = new KeyGeneratorForUpdate( sFieldName );
m_bResetListening = m_bUpdateListening = false;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/** stops any actions on the form
public void stopGenerator( )
XReset xFormReset = UNO.queryReset( m_xForm );
xFormReset.removeResetListener( m_aResetKeyGenerator );
XRowSetApproveBroadcaster xFormBroadcaster = (XRowSetApproveBroadcaster)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XRowSetApproveBroadcaster.class, m_xForm );
xFormBroadcaster.removeRowSetApproveListener( m_aUpdateKeyGenerator );
m_bUpdateListening = m_bResetListening = false;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/** activates one of our two key generators
public void activateKeyGenerator( boolean bGenerateOnReset )
// for resets
XReset xFormReset = UNO.queryReset( m_xForm );
// for approving actions
XRowSetApproveBroadcaster xFormBroadcaster = (XRowSetApproveBroadcaster)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XRowSetApproveBroadcaster.class, m_xForm );
if ( bGenerateOnReset )
if ( !m_bResetListening )
xFormReset.addResetListener( m_aResetKeyGenerator );
if ( m_bUpdateListening )
xFormBroadcaster.removeRowSetApproveListener( m_aUpdateKeyGenerator );
m_bUpdateListening = false;
m_bResetListening = true;
if ( m_bResetListening )
xFormReset.removeResetListener( m_aResetKeyGenerator );
if ( !m_bUpdateListening )
xFormBroadcaster.addRowSetApproveListener( m_aUpdateKeyGenerator );
m_bResetListening = false;
m_bUpdateListening = true;