blob: 37eb0ce245b96ea6f2283674be2345e606229315 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
// imports
import java.lang.*;
import java.util.*;
// definition
/** can be used to analyze command line parameters
* and merge it together with might existing config
* files. That provides the possibility to overwrite
* config values via command line parameter.
public class ConfigHelper extends java.util.Properties
// member
/** indicates an empty command line. */
private boolean m_bEmpty = true;
// ctor
/** initialize a new helper with the list of
* command line parameters and bind this new instance
* to a property file on disk.
* @param sPropFile
* name of the property file.
* If its set to null or an empty value
* it will be ignored.
* @param lCommandLineArgs
* the list of original command line arguments.
* @throws [Exception]
* in case the command line contains an unknown
* schema for specifying parameters or the
* specified property file does not exists
* or seem to be corrupted.
public ConfigHelper(java.lang.String sPropFile ,
java.lang.String[] lCommandLineArgs)
throws java.lang.Exception
// first load prop file, so its values can be overwritten
// by command line args later
// Do it only, if a valid file name was given.
// But in case this file name is wrong, throw an exception.
// So the outside code can react!
if (
(sPropFile != null) &&
(sPropFile.length() > 0 )
java.lang.ClassLoader aLoader = getClass().getClassLoader(); aStream = aLoader.getResourceAsStream(sPropFile);
if (aStream == null)
aStream = new;
int count = 0;
if (lCommandLineArgs != null)
count = lCommandLineArgs.length;
m_bEmpty = (count < 1);
for (int arg=0; arg<count; ++arg)
// is it a named-value argument?
// Note: We ignores double "=" signs! => search from left to right
int len = lCommandLineArgs[arg].length();
int pos = lCommandLineArgs[arg].indexOf('=');
if (pos != -1)
java.lang.String sArg = lCommandLineArgs[arg].substring(0,pos);
java.lang.String sValue = lCommandLineArgs[arg].substring(pos+1);
setProperty(sArg, sValue);
// is it a boolean argument?
// Note: Because "--" and "-" will be interpreted as the same
// we search from right to left!
pos = lCommandLineArgs[arg].lastIndexOf('-');
if (pos == -1)
pos = lCommandLineArgs[arg].lastIndexOf('/');
if (pos != -1)
java.lang.String sArg = lCommandLineArgs[arg].substring(pos+1);
setProperty(sArg, java.lang.String.valueOf(true));
// There is an unknown format used by this argument ...
throw new MalformedCommandLineException("Invalid command line detected. The argument \""+lCommandLineArgs[arg]+"\" use an unsupported format.");
/** indicates if the given command line includes
* a help request.
* @return True if there was an explicit help request.
public synchronized boolean isHelp()
return (
(containsKey("help")) ||
(containsKey("?") ) ||
(containsKey("h") )
/** indicates if the gioven command line was empty.
* @return True if there was an empty command line.
public synchronized boolean isEmpty()
return m_bEmpty;
/** returns the value of sProp as boolean value.
* @param sProp
* the name of the parameter.
* @return The boolean value of the requested property.
* @throw [NoSuchElementException]
* if the requested property does not exists.
public synchronized boolean getBoolean(java.lang.String sProp)
throws java.util.NoSuchElementException
java.lang.String sValue = getProperty(sProp);
if (sValue == null)
throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException("The requested config value \""+sProp+"\" does not exists!");
return new java.lang.Boolean(sValue).booleanValue();
public synchronized boolean getBoolean(java.lang.String sProp ,
boolean bDefault)
java.lang.String sDefault = java.lang.String.valueOf(bDefault);
java.lang.String sValue = getProperty(sProp, sDefault);
return new java.lang.Boolean(sValue).booleanValue();
/** returns the value of sProp as int value.
* @param sProp
* the name of the parameter.
* @return The int value of the requested property.
* @throw [NoSuchElementException]
* if the requested property does not exists.
public synchronized int getInt(java.lang.String sProp)
throws java.util.NoSuchElementException
java.lang.String sValue = getProperty(sProp);
if (sValue == null)
throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException("The requested config value \""+sProp+"\" does not exists!");
return new java.lang.Integer(sValue).intValue();
public synchronized int getInt(java.lang.String sProp ,
int nDefault)
java.lang.String sDefault = java.lang.String.valueOf(nDefault);
java.lang.String sValue = getProperty(sProp, sDefault);
return new java.lang.Integer(sValue).intValue();
/** returns the value of sProp as string value.
* @param sProp
* the name of the parameter.
* @return The string value of the requested property.
* @throw [NoSuchElementException]
* if the requested property does not exists.
public synchronized java.lang.String getString(java.lang.String sProp)
throws java.util.NoSuchElementException
java.lang.String sValue = getProperty(sProp);
if (sValue == null)
throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException("The requested config value \""+sProp+"\" does not exists!");
return sValue;
/** returns the value of sProp as string list value!
* @descr The delimiter must be well known and
* it must be clear if trailing/leading
* whitespaces must be ignored or not.
* @param sProp
* the name of the parameter.
* @param sDelim
* the delimiter, which must be used to split
* the config string value into an array.
* @param bTrim
* if its set to true, trailing and leading whitespace
* characters will be omitted.
* @param bDecode
* if its set to TRUE all liste items will be
* interpreted as "<xxx>" and converted to <xxx>!
* @return The string list value of the requested property.
* @throw [NoSuchElementException]
* if the requested property does not exists.
public synchronized java.util.Vector getStringList(java.lang.String sProp ,
java.lang.String sDelimiter,
boolean bTrim ,
boolean bDecode )
throws java.util.NoSuchElementException
java.lang.String sValue = getProperty(sProp);
if (sValue == null)
throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException("The requested config value \""+sProp+"\" does not exists!");
java.util.Vector lValue = new java.util.Vector();
java.util.StringTokenizer lTokens = new java.util.StringTokenizer(sValue, sDelimiter);
java.lang.String sToken = lTokens.nextToken();
// remove trailing/leading whitespaces
if (bTrim)
sToken = sToken.trim();
// remove ""
if (
(bDecode ) &&
(sToken.indexOf("\"") == 0 ) &&
(sToken.lastIndexOf("\"") == sToken.length()-1)
sToken = sToken.substring(1, sToken.length()-1);
catch(java.lang.Throwable ex)
{ lValue.clear(); }
return lValue;