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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
// includes
#include "cacheitem.hxx"
#include <com/sun/star/uno/Exception.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/util/URL.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/XMultiServiceFactory.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/uno/XInterface.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/container/XNameAccess.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/container/XNameContainer.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/container/XNameReplace.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/util/ChangesEvent.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/uno/Reference.h>
#include <com/sun/star/uno/Any.h>
#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
// namespace
namespace filter{
namespace config{
// definitions
/** @short implements a cache, which contains all
elements of our filter and type detection
@descr The cache itself is threadsafe implemented.
Because it should be used as a singleton only.
To do so please use reference mechanism as wrapper
around this FilterCache class.
@attention Because we use a trick to get a full initialized
mutex lock during initialization time (means during
the constructor runs), the base class FilterCacheLock
must be the first of all declared one!
Further we make it public. So any user of this class
can lock us from outside too.
class FilterCache : public BaseLock
// public types
/** @short identify the type of a container item.
@descr Because the cache interface is a generic one
every group of container items must be specified.
enum EItemType
/** @short indicates, which items already exists inside this cache
and which not.
@descr This cache supports a 2-step load mechanism.
First only types (and only some special properties of every type!)
but no filters/frame loaders/content handlers will be readed.
That should be enough to work with this cache e.g. for loading
the first document. After this first document was loaded successfully,
a special "load-on-demand-thread" will be started to fill this cache
with ALL other informations, which was not readed before.
Thats the second step. All operations on top of this cache will be
blocked then.
enum EFillState
E_CONTAINS_ALL = 63 // must be a combination of all excepting E_CONTAINS_NOTHING! Please update if items will be added or removed ...
// private types
/** @short regulate, which properties of a configured item
will be readed.
@descr To perform reading of all configuration items,
only standard properties will be handled. At a second
step all optional properties will be read and added to
our internal structures. Of course the combination of
both options can be used too, to get all properties
at the same time.
enum EReadOption
/** @short indicates the state of a configuration set item.
@descr Inside method flush we check:
<li>if the item exists inside config layer but not inside our cache => REMOVED</li>
<li>if the item exists inside config layer and inside our cache => CHANGED</li>
<li>if the item does not exists inside config layer but inside our cache => ADDED.</li>
enum EItemFlushState
/// indicates an unchanged item (can occur e.g. if an item was added and(!) removed before it was flushed ...
/// indicates an item, which exists inside config layer but not inside our own cache
/// indicates an item, which exists inside config layer and inside our own cache
/// indicates an item, which does not exists inside config layer but inside our own cache
/** TODO document me */
enum EConfigProvider
// member
/** @short reference to an uno service manager, which can be used
to create own needed services. */
mutable css::uno::Reference< css::lang::XMultiServiceFactory > m_xSMGR;
/** @short holds the used configuration provider alive, which
provides access to the list of types. */
mutable css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface > m_xConfigTypes;
/** @short holds the used configuration provider alive, which
provides access to the list of filters. */
mutable css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface > m_xConfigFilters;
/** @short holds the used configuration provider alive, which
provides access to the list of other values needed
by our type detection framework. */
mutable css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface > m_xConfigOthers;
/** @short contains all loaded types with its properties. */
mutable CacheItemList m_lTypes;
/** @short contains all well known detect service with its properties. */
mutable CacheItemList m_lDetectServices;
/** @short contains all loaded filters with its properties. */
mutable CacheItemList m_lFilters;
/** @short contains all loaded frame loader with its properties. */
mutable CacheItemList m_lFrameLoaders;
/** @short contains all loaded content handler with its properties. */
mutable CacheItemList m_lContentHandlers;
/** @short optimize mapping of URL extensions to a type representation,
by using extensions as key and a list of internal
type names as value. */
mutable CacheItemRegistration m_lExtensions2Types;
/** @short optimize mapping of URL pattern to a type representation,
by using patterns as key and a list of internal
type names as value. */
mutable CacheItemRegistration m_lURLPattern2Types;
/** @short contains the current locale of the office and will be
used to work with localized configuration values. */
::rtl::OUString m_sActLocale;
::rtl::OUString m_sProductName;
/** TODO */
::rtl::OUString m_sOOoXMLFormatName;
/** TODO */
::rtl::OUString m_sOOoXMLFormatVersion;
/** @short contains status, which cache items/properties
was already loaded from the underlying configuration.
@descr This information can be used to detect missing
informations and load it on demand.
@see EFillState
@see load()
EFillState m_eFillState;
/** TODO document me ... */
OUStringList m_lChangedTypes;
OUStringList m_lChangedFilters;
OUStringList m_lChangedDetectServices;
OUStringList m_lChangedFrameLoaders;
OUStringList m_lChangedContentHandlers;
/// readonly acccess to the module configuration of OOo
css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameAccess > m_xModuleCfg;
// interface
// ctor/dtor
/** @short standard ctor
@descr Its not allowed to do anything here ...
especially is forbidden to start operations,
which needs a FilterCache instance too!
Why? Because thie FilterCache instance will be
used as a singleton! And if during this ctor any
action related to this FilterCache singleton is
started ... a race will be the result.
The first method after construction of a new
singleton reference should be "load()". There
a special fill state of this cache can be forced.
/** @short standard dtor.
virtual ~FilterCache();
/** @short creates a copy of this container.
@descr Such copy can be used then to modify items (add/change/remove)
without the risk to damage the original container.
After its changed data was flushed to the configuration it can be
The original container will get these new data automatically
because it listen for changes on the internal used configuration layer.
If the new data are needed immediately inside the original container,
the method takeOver() can be used to copy all changes back.
The may be following notifications of the configuration will be superflous then.
But they can't be stopped ...
All internal structures will be copied here. But the internal used
configuration (update) access wont be copied. The cloned instance contains
a different one.
@note The cloned instance is created on the heap. The user of this instance
has to remove it later.
virtual FilterCache* clone() const;
/** @short copy the cache content or rClone back to this instance.
virtual void takeOver(const FilterCache& rClone);
/** @short force special fill state of this cache.
@descr This method check if all requested items/properties already
exists. Only missing informations will be readed.
Otherwhise this method does nothing!
This method must be called from every user of this cache
everytimes it need a filled cache. Normaly we load
only standard informations into this cache on startup.
After a few seconds we start a special thread, which
may fill this cache completely. But if somehwere outside
need a filled cache before ... it can run into trouble,
if this "load-on-demand" thread does not finished its work before.
This method "load(xxx)" synchronize such load-on-demand requests.
Of course it would be possible to suppress this special load thread
in general and start it manualy inside this load() request.
The outside code decide then, if and when this cache will be filled
with all available informations ...
@param bByThread
indicates using of this method by our global "load-on-demand-thread".
Its an implementation detail! We use it to check, if this "load()"
request was forced e.g. by one of our derived service container (which need
it to full fill its own operations) or if it was forced by our own
"load-on-demand-thread", which tries to optimize our startup performance
and start this load() only in case the office startup was already finished!
@throw An exception if the cache could not be filled really
or seems to be invalid afterwards. But there is no reaction
at all if this method does nothing inside, because the cache
is already full filled!
virtual void load(EFillState eRequired ,
sal_Bool bByThread = sal_False)
/** @short return the current fill state of this cache.
@descr This information can be used e.g. to start
a search on top of this cache with a minimum on
informations ... and do it again, if some other
cache items seems to be available after calling of "loadAll()"
on this cache and first search does not had any valid results.
@return sal_True if the required fill state exists for this cache; FALSE
virtual sal_Bool isFillState(EFillState eRequired) const
/** @short return a list of key names for items, which match
the specified criteria.
@descr The returned key names can be used at another method "getItem()"
of this cache to get further informations about this item.
@attention Please note: because this cache can be used inside multithreaded
environments, such returned key name can point to an already removed
item! Please be aware of some "NoSuchElementExceptions" if you try to
call any other method of this cache in relation to this key name.
@param eType
specify the sub container of this cache, which should be used for
searching. see also EItemType.
@param lIProps
specify the property set, which must exist at the searched items
as minimum.
@param lEProps
specify the property set, which must not(!) exist at the searched items
as minimum.
@return [OUStringList]
a list of key names, which identify items of the queried sub container.
May be an empty list.
@throw [css::uno::Exception]
if some input parameter are wrong or the cache itself is not valid
any longer, because any operation before damage it.
virtual OUStringList getMatchingItemsByProps( EItemType eType ,
const CacheItem& lIProps ,
const CacheItem& lEProps = CacheItem()) const
/** @short indicates if the requested sub container
contains some items.
@descr We dont provide any information about the count
of such items. Because we dont implement any index
based interface! The information "we have items or not"
must be enough for the outside code ... till somewhere
give us a good reason. :-)
@param eType
specify the sub container of this cache, which should be used.
see also EItemType.
@return [sal_Bool]
True, if the requested sub container contains some items;
False otherwhise.
@throw [css::uno::Exception]
if some input parameter are wrong or the cache itself is not valid
any longer, because any operation before damage it.
virtual sal_Bool hasItems(EItemType eType) const
/** @short return a list of all key names, which represent
an item inside the specified sub container.
@attention Please note: because this cache can be used inside multithreaded
environments, such returned key names can point to some already removed
items! Please be aware of some "NoSuchElementExceptions" if you try to
call any other method of this cache in relation to this key names.
@param eType
specify the sub container of this cache, which should be used for
searching. see also EItemType.
@return [OUStringList]
a list of key names, which can be used to access the item properties
using some other methods of this cache.
@throw [css::uno::Exception]
if some input parameter are wrong or the cache itself is not valid
any longer, because any operation before damage it.
virtual OUStringList getItemNames(EItemType eType) const
/** @short check if the required item exist inside this container.
@attention This method exists to supports some UNO container interfaces
only. (e.g. XNameAccess.hasByName()). But inside multithreaded
environments there is no guarantee, that this item still exists, if
its really requested e.g. by calling getItem()!
Be aware of some NoSuchElementExistExceptions ...
@param eType
specify the sub container of this cache, which should be used.
see also EItemType.
@param sItem
the key name of the requested item inside the pecified sub container.
@throw [css::uno::Exception]
if some input parameter are wrong or the cache itself is not valid
any longer, because any operation before damage it.
virtual sal_Bool hasItem( EItemType eType,
const ::rtl::OUString& sItem)
/** @short return an item, which match the specified type and name.
@descr Because this cache can be used inside multithreaded environments
the caller must be aware of some exceptions - especially a "NoSuchElementExcepotion".
May another thread already removed the required item before ...
@param eType
specify the sub container of this cache, which should be used for
searching. see also EItemType.
@param sItem
specify the requested item by its key name.
@return [CacheItem]
the required item if it could be located ...
But we throw an exception if the required item does not exist!
@throw [css::container::NoSuchElementException]
if the required item does not still exist.
@throw [css::uno::Exception]
if some input parameter are wrong or the cache itself is not valid
any longer, because any operation before damage it.
virtual CacheItem getItem( EItemType eType,
const ::rtl::OUString& sItem)
/** TODO document me ...
virtual void removeItem( EItemType eType,
const ::rtl::OUString& sItem)
/** TODO document me ...
virtual void setItem( EItemType eType ,
const ::rtl::OUString& sItem ,
const CacheItem& aValue)
/** TODO document me ...
virtual void refreshItem( EItemType eType,
const ::rtl::OUString& sItem)
/** @short add some implicit properties to the given
cache item reference.
@descr Such properties can e.g. finalized or mandatory.
They are not persistent and not really part of e.g. a
filter not. But they are attributes of a configuration
entry and can influence our container interface.
@attention These properties are not part of the normal CacheItem
returned by the method getItem(). Because getItem() is
used internaly too but these specialized properties
are needed at our container services only. So these
function sets are different to allow different handling.
@param eType
specify the sub container of this cache, which should be used for
searching. see also EItemType.
@param sItem
specify the requested item by its key name.
@param rItem
contains already the normal properties of this item,
and will be used as out parameter to add the implicit
attributes there.
@throw [css::uno::Exception]
if an internal error occurred.
Note: If the item is missing inside the underlying configuration
no exception will be thrown. In such case the item is marked as
finalized/mandatory automatically
Reason: May be the item cames from the old configuration package and
was not migrated to the new one. So we can't provide write access
to such items ...
virtual void addStatePropsToItem( EItemType eType,
const ::rtl::OUString& sItem,
CacheItem& rItem)
/** TODO document me
virtual void removeStatePropsFromItem(CacheItem& aValue)
/** @short force writing of all changes (which was made after
last flush was called) back to the configuration.
@descr TODO
@throw [css::uno::Exception]
if the cache itself is not valid
any longer, because any operation before damage it.
virtual void flush()
/** @short supports a flat type detection for given URL.
@descr Because such detection works on our optimized internal
structures (e.g. mapping from extensions/pattern to type names),
it should be made inside this cache.
@param aURL
URL of the content, which type should be detected.
Its already parsed and splitted into its different parts,
like e.g.: main, jump marks etcpp.
@param rFlatTypes
used as [out] parameter to add all types, which match to the given
URL. Further an information is added for every type. It indicates, how
this type is related to the specified URL (means e.g. if it matches
by extension or URLPattern ...).
@attention Please note: because this cache can be used inside multithreaded
environments, such returned key names can point to some already removed
items! Please be aware of some "NoSuchElementExceptions" if you try to
call any other method of this cache in relation to this key names.
@throw [css::uno::Exception]
if the cache itself is not valid
any longer, because any operation before damage it.
virtual void detectFlatForURL(const css::util::URL& aURL ,
FlatDetection& rFlatTypes) const
// private helper
/** @short return a reference to one of our internal
sub container, which contains items of the
requested type.
@param eType
specify, which sub container is needed outside.
@return [CacheItemList&]
a reference(!) to the right sub container member.
@throw [css::uno::Exception]
if the required list does not exist.
CacheItemList& impl_getItemList(EItemType eType) const
/** @short return a valid configuration update access
to the underlying configuration package, which
is fix for this cache.
@descr It checks first, if the internal member m_xConfig already
points to an open update access. If not - it opens a new one.
Doing so this method can be called everytimes a configuration
access is needed.
@param eProvider
specify the needed configuration provider.
see EConfigProvider for further informations ...
@attention If a configuration access was opened successfully
all necessary listener connections will be established
too. So this cache will be informed about outside updates.
css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface > impl_openConfig(EConfigProvider eProvide)
/** @short tries to open the requested configuration root
using the specified modi.
@param sRoot
specify the configuration root, which should be opened.
@param bReadOnly
enable/disable write access on the returned configuration
@param bLocalesMode
enable/disable special handling of localized configuratiom
items by the returned configuration object.
@return A valid reference, if the configuration access could be opened
and initialized within the requested modes successfully;
a NULL reference otherwhise.
css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface > impl_createConfigAccess(const ::rtl::OUString& sRoot ,
sal_Bool bReadOnly ,
sal_Bool bLocalesMode);
/** @short reads the specified configuration key
and return its value.
@descr The specified key must be an absolute configuration path,
which can be splitted into its package and relative path tokens.
@attention Because this function might opens a new configuration
read access for reading one key value only, it should
be used in rare cases only. Its an easy way ... but an
expensive one.
@param sDirectKey
the absolute configuration path, which should be readed.
@return [css::uno::Any]
the value of the requested key.
Can be empty if an internal error occurred or if the requested
key does not exists!
css::uno::Any impl_getDirectCFGValue(const ::rtl::OUString& sDirectKey);
/** @short load the underlying configuration into this cache.
@descr Which items should be readed can be regulate by the
parameter eRequiredState. That provides the possibility
to load standard values on startup only and update this
cache later on demand with all available informations.
@param eRequiredState
indicates, which fill state this cache should have afterwards.
void impl_load(EFillState eRequiredState)
/** @short validate the whole cache and create
structures for optimized items access.
@descr Wrong cache items will be removed automatically.
Wrong dependencies will be corrected automatically.
If something could not be repaired - an exception
is thrown.
Further some optmized structures will be created.
E.g.: a hash to map extensions to her types.
@attention There is no exception, if the cache could be repaired
but contained wrong elements before!
@throw [css::uno::Exception]
if cache is invalid and could not be repaired.
void impl_validateAndOptimize()
/** @short register the specified item for the given type.
@descr Because detect services, frame loader or content handler
are not listed inside the xml configuration as separated
items (they are properties of any type entry!), this method update
the internal lists of such items. Thats necessary to have
it accessible for our container interfaces of detect, frame loader
and content handler services.
@param pList
points to a CacheItemList of this filter cache, where
this item registration should be updated or added.
@param sItem
specify the detect service, frame loader or content handler,
which should be registered for the given type.
@param sType
contains the internal type name, where the item should be registered for.
@throw [css::uno::Exception]
If registration failed by any reason.
That does not include double registrations!
void impl_resolveItem4TypeRegistration( CacheItemList* pList,
const ::rtl::OUString& sItem,
const ::rtl::OUString& sType)
// static helper
/** @short read the specified config set into the cache.
@descr This method provides the following mechanism for reading:
a) read only standard properties of set items
b) read anything
c) read only optional properties and update already existing
items of the specified cache
@param xConfig
API which provides access to the required configuration set.
@param eType
specify the type of config item, which must be interpreted.
Of course this information can be used to locate the right set
at the given xConfig API object.
@param eOption
regulate reading of standard/optional or all properties.
@param pCache
points to the cache member, which should be filled or updated.
@throw [css::uno::Exception]
if an unrecoverable error occur inside this operation.
void impl_loadSet(const css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameAccess >& xConfig,
EItemType eType ,
EReadOption eOption,
CacheItemList* pCache )
/** @short read the specified container item from the given configuration set.
@descr Its not added to any internal structures here. That must be done
outside this method.
@param xSet
provides access to the configuration set, which includes all items.
@param eType
specify, which container item type must be readed.
@param sItem
means the internal name, which can be used to address the item
properties relativ to the given configuration set.
@param eOption
regulate, which properties of the requested item should be read.
See definition of EReadOption for further informations.
@throw [css::uno::Exception]
if an unrecoverable error occur inside this operation.
CacheItem impl_loadItem(const css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameAccess >& xSet ,
EItemType eType ,
const ::rtl::OUString& sItem ,
EReadOption eOption)
/** @short try to load the requested item on demand from the underlying configuration
@descr The outside code has to be shure, that the item does not already exists
inside this cachse. Otherwise it will be loaded twice. This method
doesn't check such constellations!
@param eType
specify the type of config item, which must be interpreted.
Of course this information can be used to locate the right set
at the given xConfig API object.
@param sItem
the set node name of the requested item.
@return An iterator, which points directly to the new cached item.
Is a valid iterator if no exception occurred here!
But to improve robustness - it should be checked :-)
@throw [css::container::NoSuchElementException]
if the item does not exists inside the configuration layer too!
@throw [css::uno::Exception]
if an unrecoverable error occurs inside this operation.
CacheItemList::iterator impl_loadItemOnDemand( EItemType eType,
const ::rtl::OUString& sItem)
/** TODO */
void impl_saveItem(const css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameReplace >& xSet ,
EItemType eType ,
const CacheItem& aValue)
/** TODO */
void impl_addItem2FlushList( EItemType eType,
const ::rtl::OUString& sItem)
/** TODO */
void impl_flushByList(const css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameAccess >& xSet ,
EItemType eType ,
const CacheItemList& rCache,
const OUStringList& lItems)
/** @short specify, which save operation is necessary for the specified item.
@desrc If an item of this cache will be added/removed or modified it will
be changed inside memory only first. But we save its name inside a special
list of changed items. If at least the method flush() is called, we use
this list to check if the item was changed/added or removed. This method
checks the exist state of the requested item inside our own cache
and inside the underlying configuration layer to find out, if the item
must be removed/added or modified inside the configuratuion layer.
@param xSet
points directly to the configuration set, where the item should resist
(if it exists!).
@param rList
points to our internal cache list, where the item should resist
(if it exists!).
@param sItem
the internal name of the item, which should be checked.
@return An enum value of type EItemFlushState, which indicates the needed
API operation for updating the underlying configuration layer.
@throws An exception if anything failed inside this operation.
e.g. the given configuration set was not open.
EItemFlushState impl_specifyFlushOperation(const css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameAccess >& xSet ,
const CacheItemList& rList,
const ::rtl::OUString& sItem)
/** TODO */
void impl_readPatchUINames(const css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameAccess >& xNode,
CacheItem& rItem)
/** TODO */
void impl_savePatchUINames(const css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameReplace >& xNode,
const CacheItem& rItem)
/** TODO */
void impl_readOldFormat()
/** TODO */
CacheItem impl_readOldItem(const css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameAccess >& xSet ,
EItemType eType,
const ::rtl::OUString& sItem)
/** TODO */
void impl_interpretDataVal4Type(const ::rtl::OUString& sValue,
sal_Int32 nProp ,
CacheItem& rItem );
/** TODO */
void impl_interpretDataVal4Filter(const ::rtl::OUString& sValue,
sal_Int32 nProp ,
CacheItem& rItem );
/** TODO */
OUStringList impl_tokenizeString(const ::rtl::OUString& sData ,
sal_Unicode cSeperator);
/** TODO */
::rtl::OUString impl_searchFrameLoaderForType(const ::rtl::OUString& sType) const;
::rtl::OUString impl_searchContentHandlerForType(const ::rtl::OUString& sType) const;
/** @short check if the specified OOo module is installed.
@param sModule
the long name of the module (e.g. "").
@return sal_True if the requested module is installed; sal_False otherwise.
sal_Bool impl_isModuleInstalled(const ::rtl::OUString& sModule);
/** @short convert a list of flag names to its int representation.
@param lNames
the list of flag names.
@return [sal_Int32]
the converted flag field.
static sal_Int32 impl_convertFlagNames2FlagField(const css::uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString >& lNames);
/** @short convert a flag field value to its list representation of flag names.
@param nFlags
the flag field value
@return [seq< string >]
the converted flag name list.
static css::uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > impl_convertFlagField2FlagNames(sal_Int32 nFlags);
} // namespace config
} // namespace filter