blob: aa4ae578da10181c83100e9a02bc24b69387a293 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include <cstdio>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#include <_version.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <hash_map>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#if defined (LINUX) || (FREEBSD)
#include <netinet/in.h>
typedef int SOCKET;
#define closesocket close
#define SOCKET_ERROR -1
#ifdef SOLARIS
const char *basename( const char *filename )
const char *pSlash = strrchr( filename, '/' );
return pSlash ? pSlash + 1 : pSlash;
using namespace std;
static bool g_bNoUI = false;
static bool g_bSendReport = false;
static bool g_bLoadReport = false;
static bool g_bDebugMode = false;
static int g_signal = 0;
static string g_strProductKey;
static string g_strReportServer;
static unsigned short g_uReportPort = 80;
static string g_buildid;
static string g_strDefaultLanguage;
static string g_strXMLFileName;
static string g_strPStackFileName;
static string g_strChecksumFileName;
static string g_strProgramDir;
static char g_szStackFile[L_tmpnam] = "";
static char g_szDescriptionFile[2048] = "";
static char g_szReportFile[2048] = "";
#define PSTACK_CMD "pstack %d"
#ifdef LINUX
#define PMAP_CMD "cat /proc/%d/maps"
#define PMAP_CMD "pmap %d"
#define REPORT_SERVER (g_strReportServer.c_str())
#define REPORT_PORT g_uReportPort
static string getprogramdir()
return g_strProgramDir;
static const char *getlocale()
const char * locale = getenv( "LC_ALL" );
if( NULL == locale )
locale = getenv( "LC_CTYPE" );
if( NULL == locale )
locale = getenv( "LANG" );
if( NULL == locale )
locale = "C";
return locale;
static const char *get_home_dir()
struct passwd *ppwd = getpwuid( getuid() );
return ppwd ? (ppwd->pw_dir ? ppwd->pw_dir : "/") : "/";
static string trim_string( const string& rString )
string temp = rString;
while ( temp.length() && (temp[0] == ' ' || temp[0] == '\t') )
temp.erase( 0, 1 );
string::size_type len = temp.length();
while ( len && (temp[len-1] == ' ' || temp[len-1] == '\t') )
temp.erase( len - 1, 1 );
len = temp.length();
return temp;
static string xml_encode( const string &rString )
string temp = rString;
string::size_type pos = 0;
// First replace all occurrences of '&' because it may occur in further
// encoded chardters too
for( pos = 0; (pos = temp.find( '&', pos )) != string::npos; pos += 4 )
temp.replace( pos, 1, "&amp;" );
for( pos = 0; (pos = temp.find( '<', pos )) != string::npos; pos += 4 )
temp.replace( pos, 1, "&lt;" );
for( pos = 0; (pos = temp.find( '>', pos )) != string::npos; pos += 4 )
temp.replace( pos, 1, "&gt;" );
return temp;
static size_t fcopy( FILE *fpout, FILE *fpin )
char buffer[1024];
size_t nBytes;
size_t nBytesWritten = 0;
while ( 0 != (nBytes = fread( buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), fpin )) )
nBytesWritten += fwrite( buffer, 1, nBytes, fpout );
return nBytesWritten;
writes the report to a temp-file
from which it can be reviewed and sent
bool write_report( const hash_map< string, string >& rSettings )
FILE *fp = fopen( tmpnam( g_szReportFile ), "w" );
const char *pszUserType = getenv( "STAROFFICE_USERTYPE" );
fprintf( fp,
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
"<!DOCTYPE errormail:errormail PUBLIC \"-// ErrorMail 1.0//EN\" \"errormail.dtd\">\n"
"<errormail:errormail xmlns:errormail=\"\" usertype=\"%s\">\n"
"<reportmail:mail xmlns:reportmail=\"\" version=\"1.1\" feedback=\"%s\" email=\"%s\">\n"
"<reportmail:attachment name=\"description.txt\" media-type=\"text/plain\" class=\"UserComment\"/>\n"
"<reportmail:attachment name=\"stack.txt\" media-type=\"text/plain\" class=\"pstack output\"/>\n"
"<officeinfo:officeinfo xmlns:officeinfo=\"\" build=\"%s\" platform=\"%s\" language=\"%s\" exceptiontype=\"%d\" product=\"%s\" procpath=\"%s\"/>\n"
pszUserType ? xml_encode( pszUserType ).c_str() : "",
xml_encode(rSettings.find( "CONTACT" )->second).c_str(),
xml_encode(rSettings.find( "EMAIL" )->second).c_str(),
xml_encode(rSettings.find( "TITLE" )->second).c_str(),
g_buildid.length() ? xml_encode( g_buildid ).c_str() : "unknown",
g_strProductKey.length() ? xml_encode(g_strProductKey).c_str() : "unknown",
struct utsname info;
memset( &info, 0, sizeof(info) );
uname( &info );
fprintf( fp,
"<systeminfo:systeminfo xmlns:systeminfo=\"\">\n"
"<systeminfo:System name=\"%s\" version=\"%s\" build=\"%s\" locale=\"%s\"/>\n"
xml_encode( info.sysname ).c_str(),
xml_encode( info.version ).c_str(),
xml_encode( info.release ).c_str(),
xml_encode( getlocale() ).c_str()
fprintf( fp, "<systeminfo:CPU type=\"%s\"/>\n", xml_encode( info.machine ).c_str() );
fprintf( fp, "</systeminfo:systeminfo>\n" );
FILE *fpxml = fopen( g_strXMLFileName.c_str(), "r" );
if ( fpxml )
fcopy( fp, fpxml );
fclose( fpxml );
FILE *fpchk = fopen( g_strChecksumFileName.c_str(), "r" );
if ( fpchk )
fcopy( fp, fpchk );
fclose( fpchk );
fprintf( fp, "</errormail:errormail>\n" );
fclose( fp );
return true;
bool write_description( const hash_map< string, string >& rSettings )
bool bSuccess = false;
FILE *fp = fopen( tmpnam( g_szDescriptionFile ), "w" );
if ( fp )
bSuccess = true;
fprintf( fp, "\xEF\xBB\xBF" );
fprintf( fp, "%s\n", rSettings.find( "DESCRIPTION" )->second.c_str() );
fclose( fp );
return bSuccess;
#if 0
// unused
static void printSettings( const hash_map<string,string>& rSettings )
printf( "Settings:\n" );
for( hash_map<string,string>::const_iterator it = rSettings.begin(); it != rSettings.end(); ++it )
printf( "%s=\"%s\"\n", it->first.c_str(), it->second.c_str() );
bool save_crash_report( const string& rFileName, const hash_map< string, string >& /*rSettings*/ )
bool bSuccess = false;
FILE *fpout = fopen( rFileName.c_str(), "w" );
if ( fpout )
FILE *fpin = fopen( g_szStackFile, "r" );
if ( fpin )
char buf[1024];
while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fpin) != NULL)
fputs(buf, fpout);
bSuccess = true;
fclose ( fpin );
fclose( fpout );
return bSuccess;
bool SendHTTPRequest(
FILE *fp,
const char *pszServer,
unsigned short uPort = 80,
const char *pszProxyServer = NULL,
unsigned short uProxyPort = 8080 )
bool success = false;
struct hostent *hp;
if ( pszProxyServer )
hp = gethostbyname( pszProxyServer );
hp = gethostbyname( pszServer );
if ( hp )
SOCKET s = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );
if ( s )
struct sockaddr_in address;
memcpy(&(address.sin_addr.s_addr), *(hp->h_addr_list),sizeof(struct in_addr));
address.sin_family = AF_INET;
if ( pszProxyServer )
address.sin_port = ntohs( uProxyPort );
address.sin_port = ntohs( uPort );
if ( 0 == connect( s, (struct sockaddr *)&address, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) )
fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_END );
size_t length = ftell( fp );
fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_SET );
char buffer[2048];
if ( pszProxyServer )
sprintf( buffer,
"POST http://%s:%d/soap/servlet/rpcrouter HTTP/1.0\r\n"
"Content-Type: text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\"\r\n"
"Content-Length: %d\r\n"
"SOAPAction: \"\"\r\n\r\n",
sprintf( buffer,
"POST /soap/servlet/rpcrouter HTTP/1.0\r\n"
"Content-Type: text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\"\r\n"
"Content-Length: %d\r\n"
"SOAPAction: \"\"\r\n\r\n",
if ( g_bDebugMode )
printf( "*** Sending HTTP request ***\n\n" );
printf( buffer );
if ( SOCKET_ERROR != send( s, buffer, strlen(buffer), 0 ) )
size_t nBytes;
nBytes = fread( buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), fp );
if ( nBytes )
if ( g_bDebugMode )
fwrite( buffer, 1, nBytes, stdout );
success = SOCKET_ERROR != send( s, buffer, nBytes, 0 );
} while( nBytes && success );
if ( success )
if ( g_bDebugMode )
printf( "*** Receiving HTTP response ***\n\n" );
memset( buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer) );
success = SOCKET_ERROR != recv( s, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0 );
if ( success )
char szHTTPSignature[sizeof(buffer)] = "";
unsigned uHTTPReturnCode = 0;
sscanf( buffer, "%s %d ", szHTTPSignature, &uHTTPReturnCode );
success = uHTTPReturnCode == 200;
if ( g_bDebugMode )
printf( buffer );
memset( buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer) );
} while ( 0 < recv( s, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0 ) );
closesocket( s );
return success;
static void WriteSOAPRequest( FILE *fp )
fprintf( fp,
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
"<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=\"\"\n"
fprintf( fp, "<rds:submitReport>\n" );
fprintf( fp, "<body xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">This is an autogenerated crash report mail.</body>\n" );
fprintf( fp, "<hash xsi:type=\"apache:Map\">\n" );
FILE *fpin = fopen( g_szReportFile, "r" );
if ( fpin )
fprintf( fp,
"<key xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">reportmail.xml</key>\n"
"<value xsi:type=\"xsd:string\"><![CDATA[" );
fcopy( fp, fpin );
fprintf( fp, "]]></value></item>\n" );
fclose( fpin );
fpin = fopen( g_szDescriptionFile, "r" );
if ( fpin )
fprintf( fp,
"<key xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">description.txt</key>\n"
"<value xsi:type=\"xsd:string\"><![CDATA[" );
fcopy( fp, fpin );
fprintf( fp, "]]></value></item>\n" );
fclose( fpin );
fpin = fopen( g_szStackFile, "r" );
if ( fpin )
fprintf( fp,
"<key xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">stack.txt</key>\n"
"<value xsi:type=\"xsd:string\"><![CDATA[" );
fcopy( fp, fpin );
fprintf( fp, "]]></value></item>\n" );
fclose( fpin );
fprintf( fp,
struct RequestParams
bool success;
FILE *fpin;
const char *pServer;
unsigned short uPort;
const char *pProxyServer;
unsigned short uProxyPort;
bool send_crash_report( const hash_map< string, string >& rSettings )
if ( 0 == strcasecmp( rSettings.find( "CONTACT" )->second.c_str(), "true" ) &&
!trim_string(rSettings.find( "EMAIL" )->second).length() )
return false;
char *endptr = NULL;
const char *pProxyServer = rSettings.find( "SERVER" )->second.c_str();
unsigned short uProxyPort = (unsigned short)strtoul( rSettings.find( "PORT" )->second.c_str(), &endptr, 10 );
bool bUseProxy = !strcasecmp( "true", rSettings.find( "USEPROXY" )->second.c_str() );
write_description( rSettings );
write_report( rSettings );
bool bSuccess = false;
FILE *fptemp = tmpfile();
if ( fptemp )
WriteSOAPRequest( fptemp );
fseek( fptemp, 0, SEEK_SET );
bSuccess = SendHTTPRequest(
bUseProxy ? pProxyServer : NULL,
uProxyPort ? uProxyPort : 8080
fclose( fptemp );
unlink( g_szDescriptionFile );
unlink( g_szReportFile );
return bSuccess;
static bool append_file( const char *filename, string& rString )
char buf[1024];
bool bSuccess = false;
FILE *fp = fopen( filename, "r" );
if ( fp )
bSuccess = true;
while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != NULL)
rString.append( buf );
fclose( fp );
return true;
string crash_get_details( const hash_map< string, string >& rSettings )
string aRet;
write_description( rSettings );
write_report( rSettings );
aRet.append( rSettings.find( "TITLE" )->second.c_str() );
aRet.append( "\n\n" );
append_file( g_szDescriptionFile, aRet );
aRet.append( "\n\n-------\n\n" );
append_file( g_szReportFile, aRet );
aRet.append( "\n\n-------\n\n" );
append_file( g_szStackFile, aRet );
unlink( g_szDescriptionFile );
unlink( g_szReportFile );
return aRet;
// ensure validity of program relative paths
static void setup_program_dir( const char* progname )
char szCanonicProgPath[PATH_MAX];
if ( realpath( progname, szCanonicProgPath ) )
string aDir = szCanonicProgPath;
size_t pos = aDir.rfind( '/' );
// FIXME: search PATH if necessary
assert( pos != string::npos );
g_strProgramDir = aDir.substr( 0, pos + 1 );
aDir.erase( pos );
chdir( aDir.c_str() );
static long setup_commandline_arguments( int argc, char** argv, int *pSignal )
long pid = 0;
int signal = 0;
for ( int n = 1; n < argc; n++ )
if ( 0 == strcmp( argv[n], "-p" ) )
if ( ++n < argc )
pid = strtol( argv[n], NULL, 0 );
else if ( 0 == strcmp( argv[n], "-s" ) )
if ( ++n < argc )
signal = strtol( argv[n], NULL, 0 );
else if ( 0 == strcmp( argv[n], "-debug" ) )
g_bDebugMode = true;
else if ( 0 == strcmp( argv[n], "-xml" ) )
if ( ++n < argc )
g_strXMLFileName = argv[n];
else if ( 0 == strcmp( argv[n], "-stack" ) )
if ( ++n < argc )
g_strPStackFileName = argv[n];
else if ( 0 == strcmp( argv[n], "-chksum" ) )
if ( ++n < argc )
g_strChecksumFileName = argv[n];
else if ( 0 == strcmp( argv[n], "-noui" ) )
g_bNoUI = true;
else if ( 0 == strcmp( argv[n], "-send" ) )
g_bSendReport = true;
else if ( 0 == strcmp( argv[n], "-load" ) )
g_bLoadReport = true;
else if ( argv[n] && strlen(argv[n]) )
"\n%s crash_report %s\n\n" \
"/?, -h[elp] %s\n\n" \
"%-20s %s\n\n",
*pSignal = signal;
return pid;
static bool read_line( FILE *fp, string& rLine )
char szBuffer[1024];
bool bSuccess = false;
bool bEOL = false;
string line;
while ( !bEOL && fgets( szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer), fp ) )
int len = strlen(szBuffer);
bSuccess = true;
while ( len && szBuffer[len - 1] == '\n' )
szBuffer[--len] = 0;
bEOL = true;
line.append( szBuffer );
rLine = line;
return bSuccess;
static string get_script_string( const char *pFileName, const char *pKeyName )
FILE *fp = fopen( pFileName, "r" );
string retValue;
if ( fp )
string line;
string section;
while ( read_line( fp, line ) )
line = trim_string( line );
string::size_type iEqualSign = line.find( '=', 0 );
if ( iEqualSign != string::npos )
string keyname = line.substr( 0, iEqualSign );
keyname = trim_string( keyname );
string value = line.substr( iEqualSign + 1, string::npos );
value = trim_string( value );
if ( value.length() && '\"' == value[0] )
value.erase( 0, 1 );
string::size_type iQuotes = value.find( '"', 0 );
if ( iQuotes != string::npos )
value.erase( iQuotes );
if ( 0 == strcasecmp( keyname.c_str(), pKeyName ) )
retValue = value;
fclose( fp );
return retValue;
static string get_profile_string( const char *pFileName, const char *pSectionName, const char *pKeyName, const char *pDefault = NULL )
FILE *fp = fopen( pFileName, "r" );
string retValue = pDefault ? pDefault : "";
if ( fp )
string line;
string section;
while ( read_line( fp, line ) )
line = trim_string( line );
if ( line.length() && line[0] == '[' )
line.erase( 0, 1 );
string::size_type end = line.find( ']', 0 );
if ( string::npos != end )
section = trim_string( line.substr( 0, end ) );
string::size_type iEqualSign = line.find( '=', 0 );
if ( iEqualSign != string::npos )
string keyname = line.substr( 0, iEqualSign );
keyname = trim_string( keyname );
string value = line.substr( iEqualSign + 1, string::npos );
value = trim_string( value );
if (
0 == strcasecmp( section.c_str(), pSectionName ) &&
0 == strcasecmp( keyname.c_str(), pKeyName )
retValue = value;
fclose( fp );
return retValue;
static string get_environment_string( const char *pEnvName )
const char *pEnvValue = getenv( pEnvName );
if ( pEnvValue )
return pEnvValue;
return "";
static string read_from_file( const string& rFileName )
string content;
FILE *fp = fopen( rFileName.c_str(), "r" );
if ( fp )
char buffer[256 + 1];
size_t nBytesRead;
while( 0 != ( nBytesRead = fread( buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer) - 1, fp ) ) )
buffer[nBytesRead] = 0;
content += buffer;
fclose( fp );
return content;
#define RCFILE ".crash_reportrc"
#define XMLFILE ".crash_report_frames"
#define CHKFILE ".crash_report_checksum"
#define LCKFILE ".crash_report_unsent"
#define PRVFILE ".crash_report_preview"
static void load_crash_data()
g_strXMLFileName = get_home_dir();
g_strXMLFileName += "/";
g_strXMLFileName += string(XMLFILE);
g_strChecksumFileName = get_home_dir();
g_strChecksumFileName += "/";
g_strChecksumFileName += string(CHKFILE);
static bool write_crash_data()
bool success = true;
string sFile = get_home_dir();
sFile += "/";
sFile += string(XMLFILE);
FILE *fp = fopen( sFile.c_str(), "w" );
if ( fp )
FILE *fpin = fopen( g_strXMLFileName.c_str(), "r" );
if ( fpin )
fcopy( fp, fpin );
fclose( fpin );
fclose( fp );
sFile = get_home_dir();
sFile += "/";
sFile += string(CHKFILE);
fp = fopen( sFile.c_str(), "w" );
if ( fp )
FILE *fpin = fopen( g_strChecksumFileName.c_str(), "r" );
if ( fpin )
fcopy( fp, fpin );
fclose( fpin );
fclose( fp );
sFile = get_home_dir();
sFile += "/";
sFile += string(LCKFILE);
fp = fopen( sFile.c_str(), "w" );
if ( fp )
fprintf( fp, "Unsent\n" );
fclose( fp );
return success;
#if 0
// unused
static bool write_settings( const hash_map< string, string >& rSettings )
bool success = false;
string sRCFile = get_home_dir();
sRCFile += "/";
sRCFile += string(RCFILE);
FILE *fp = fopen( sRCFile.c_str(), "w" );
if ( fp )
fprintf( fp, "[Options]\n" );
fprintf( fp, "UseProxy=%s\n", rSettings.find( "USEPROXY" )->second.c_str() );
fprintf( fp, "ProxyServer=%s\n", rSettings.find( "SERVER" )->second.c_str() );
fprintf( fp, "ProxyPort=%s\n", rSettings.find( "PORT" )->second.c_str() );
fprintf( fp, "ReturnAddress=%s\n", rSettings.find( "EMAIL" )->second.c_str() );
fprintf( fp, "AllowContact=%s\n", rSettings.find( "CONTACT" )->second.c_str() );
fclose( fp );
return success;
static void read_settings( hash_map< string, string >& rSettings )
string sRCFile = get_home_dir();
sRCFile += "/";
sRCFile += string(RCFILE);
rSettings[ "EMAIL" ] = get_profile_string( sRCFile.c_str(), "Options", "ReturnAddress" );
rSettings[ "SERVER" ] = get_profile_string( sRCFile.c_str(), "Options", "ProxyServer" );
rSettings[ "PORT" ] = get_profile_string( sRCFile.c_str(), "Options", "ProxyPort" );
rSettings[ "USEPROXY" ] = get_profile_string( sRCFile.c_str(), "Options", "UseProxy" );
rSettings[ "CONTACT" ] = get_profile_string( sRCFile.c_str(), "Options", "AllowContact" );
rSettings[ "DESCRIPTION" ] = "";
rSettings[ "TITLE" ] = "";
static void read_settings_from_environment( hash_map< string, string >& rSettings )
string strEnv;
strEnv = get_environment_string( "ERRORREPORT_RETURNADDRESS" );
if ( strEnv.length() )
rSettings[ "EMAIL" ] = strEnv;
if ( !(rSettings.find( "CONTACT" )->second).length() )
rSettings[ "CONTACT" ] = "true";
else if ( !(rSettings.find( "CONTACT" )->second).length() )
rSettings[ "CONTACT" ] = "false";
strEnv = get_environment_string( "ERRORREPORT_HTTPPROXYSERVER" );
if ( strEnv.length() )
rSettings[ "SERVER" ] = strEnv;
strEnv = get_environment_string( "ERRORREPORT_HTTPPROXYPORT" );
if ( strEnv.length() )
rSettings[ "PORT" ] = strEnv;
strEnv = get_environment_string( "ERRORREPORT_HTTPCONNECTIONTYPE" );
if ( strEnv.length() )
rSettings[ "USEPROXY" ] = 0 == strcasecmp( strEnv.c_str(), "MANUALPROXY" ) ? "true" : "false";
strEnv = get_environment_string( "ERRORREPORT_BODYFILE" );
if ( strEnv.length() )
rSettings[ "DESCRIPTION" ] = read_from_file( strEnv );
strEnv = get_environment_string( "ERRORREPORT_SUBJECT" );
if ( strEnv.length() )
rSettings[ "TITLE" ] = strEnv;
static bool setup_version()
if ( !getenv( "PRODUCTNAME" ) )
string productkey = get_profile_string( "bootstraprc", "Bootstrap", "ProductKey" );
g_strProductKey = productkey;
if ( productkey.length() )
static string productname;
static string productversion;
string::size_type iSpace = productkey.find( ' ', 0 );
if ( string::npos != iSpace )
productname = productkey.substr( 0, iSpace );
productversion = productkey.substr( iSpace + 1, string::npos );
productname = productkey;
productname.insert( 0, "PRODUCTNAME=" );
putenv( (char *)productname.c_str() );
productversion.insert( 0, "PRODUCTVERSION=" );
putenv( (char *)productversion.c_str() );
g_buildid = get_profile_string( "versionrc", "Version", "BuildId" );
g_strDefaultLanguage = get_script_string( "instdb.ins", "DefaultLanguage" );
g_strReportServer = get_profile_string( "bootstraprc", "ErrorReport", "ErrorReportServer" );
string strReportPort = get_profile_string( "bootstraprc", "ErrorReport", "ErrorReportPort", "80" );
char *endptr = NULL;
unsigned short uReportPort = (unsigned short)strtoul( strReportPort.c_str(), &endptr, 10 );
g_uReportPort = uReportPort ? uReportPort : 80;
return 0 != g_strReportServer.length();
#if 0
// Use gconftool-2 to determine if gnome accessiblity is enabled
// unused
static bool get_accessibility_state()
bool bAccessible = false;
FILE *fin = popen( "gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/interface/accessibility", "r");
if ( fin )
char buffer[sizeof("true")];
bAccessible = fgets( buffer, sizeof(buffer), fin ) && 0 == strcmp( buffer, "true" );
pclose( fin );
return bAccessible;
int main( int argc, char** argv )
freopen( "/dev/null", "w", stderr );
setup_program_dir( argv[0] );
// Don't start if accessiblity is enabled or report server is not given
if ( setup_version() )
/*long pid =*/ setup_commandline_arguments( argc, argv, &g_signal );
if ( g_bLoadReport )
if ( g_bSendReport )
hash_map< string, string > aDialogSettings;
read_settings( aDialogSettings );
read_settings_from_environment( aDialogSettings );
send_crash_report( aDialogSettings );
hash_map< string, string > aDialogSettings;
read_settings( aDialogSettings );
read_settings_from_environment( aDialogSettings );
write_report( aDialogSettings );
string sPreviewFile = get_home_dir();
sPreviewFile += "/";
sPreviewFile += string(PRVFILE);
FILE *fpout = fopen( sPreviewFile.c_str(), "w+" );
if ( fpout )
FILE *fpin = fopen( g_szReportFile, "r" );
if ( fpin )
fcopy( fpout, fpin );
fclose( fpin );
fclose( fpout );
unlink( g_szReportFile );
if ( g_bLoadReport )
unlink( g_strXMLFileName.c_str() );
unlink( g_strChecksumFileName.c_str() );
unlink( g_szStackFile );
return 0;
return -1;