blob: 49c98fa6e1b58ad1d53ecb4e0be5ed72243fb2a1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#ifndef _NDGRF_HXX
#define _NDGRF_HXX
#include <sfx2/lnkbase.hxx>
#include <svtools/grfmgr.hxx>
#include <ndnotxt.hxx>
// --> OD, MAV 2005-08-17 #i53025#
#include <com/sun/star/embed/XStorage.hpp>
// <--
// --> OD 2007-03-28 #i73788#
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/weak_ptr.hpp>
class SwAsyncRetrieveInputStreamThreadConsumer;
// <--
class SwGrfFmtColl;
class SwDoc;
class GraphicAttr;
class SvStorage;
// --------------------
// SwGrfNode
// --------------------
class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwGrfNode: public SwNoTxtNode
friend class SwNodes;
GraphicObject maGrfObj;
GraphicObject* mpReplacementGraphic;
::sfx2::SvBaseLinkRef refLink; // falls Grafik nur als Link, dann Pointer gesetzt
Size nGrfSize;
// String aStrmName; // SW3: Name des Storage-Streams fuer Embedded
String aNewStrmName; // SW3/XML: new stream name (either SW3 stream
// name or package url)
String aLowResGrf; // HTML: LowRes Grafik (Ersatzdarstellung bis
// die normale (HighRes) geladen ist.
sal_Bool bTransparentFlagValid :1;
sal_Bool bInSwapIn :1;
sal_Bool bGrafikArrived :1;
sal_Bool bChgTwipSize :1;
sal_Bool bChgTwipSizeFromPixel :1;
sal_Bool bLoadLowResGrf :1;
sal_Bool bFrameInPaint :1; //Um Start-/EndActions im Paint (ueber
//SwapIn zu verhindern.
sal_Bool bScaleImageMap :1; //Image-Map in SetTwipSize skalieren
// --> OD 2007-01-19 #i73788#
boost::shared_ptr< SwAsyncRetrieveInputStreamThreadConsumer > mpThreadConsumer;
bool mbLinkedInputStreamReady;
com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::io::XInputStream> mxInputStream;
sal_Bool mbIsStreamReadOnly;
// <--
SwGrfNode( const SwNodeIndex& rWhere,
const String& rGrfName, const String& rFltName,
const Graphic* pGraphic,
SwGrfFmtColl* pGrfColl,
SwAttrSet* pAutoAttr = 0 );
// Ctor fuer Einlesen (SW/G) ohne Grafik
SwGrfNode( const SwNodeIndex& rWhere,
const String& rGrfName, const String& rFltName,
SwGrfFmtColl* pGrfColl,
SwAttrSet* pAutoAttr = 0 );
SwGrfNode( const SwNodeIndex& rWhere,
const GraphicObject& rGrfObj,
SwGrfFmtColl* pGrfColl,
SwAttrSet* pAutoAttr = 0 );
void InsertLink( const String& rGrfName, const String& rFltName );
sal_Bool ImportGraphic( SvStream& rStrm );
sal_Bool HasStreamName() const { return maGrfObj.HasUserData(); }
// --> OD 2005-05-04 #i48434# - adjust return type and rename method to
// indicate that its an private one.
// --> OD 2005-08-17 #i53025#
// embedded graphic stream couldn't be inside a 3.1 - 5.2 storage any more.
// Thus, return value isn't needed any more.
void _GetStreamStorageNames( String& rStrmName, String& rStgName ) const;
// <--
void DelStreamName();
DECL_LINK( SwapGraphic, GraphicObject* );
/** helper method to determine stream for the embedded graphic.
OD 2005-05-04 #i48434#
Important note: caller of this method has to handle the thrown exceptions
OD, MAV 2005-08-17 #i53025#
Storage, which should contain the stream of the embedded graphic, is
provided via parameter. Otherwise the returned stream will be closed
after the the method returns, because its parent stream is closed and deleted.
Proposed name of embedded graphic stream is also provided by parameter.
@author OD
@param _refPics
input parameter - reference to storage, which should contain the
embedded graphic stream.
@param _aStrmName
input parameter - proposed name of the embedded graphic stream.
@return SvStream*
new created stream of the embedded graphic, which has to be destroyed
after its usage. Could be NULL, if the stream isn't found.
SvStream* _GetStreamForEmbedGrf(
const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::embed::XStorage >& _refPics,
String& _aStrmName ) const;
/** helper method to get a substorage of the document storage for readonly access.
OD, MAV 2005-08-17 #i53025#
A substorage with the specified name will be opened readonly. If the provided
name is empty the root storage will be returned.
@param _aStgName
input parameter - name of substorage. Can be empty.
@return XStorage
reference to substorage or the root storage
::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::embed::XStorage > _GetDocSubstorageOrRoot(
const String& aStgName ) const;
virtual ~SwGrfNode();
const Graphic& GetGrf() const { return maGrfObj.GetGraphic(); }
const GraphicObject& GetGrfObj() const { return maGrfObj; }
const GraphicObject* GetReplacementGrfObj() const;
virtual SwCntntNode *SplitCntntNode( const SwPosition & );
/// isolated only way to set GraphicObject to allow more actions when doing so
void SetGraphic(const Graphic& rGraphic, const String& rLink);
/// wrappers for non-const calls at GraphicObject
void ReleaseGraphicFromCache() { maGrfObj.ReleaseFromCache(); }
void StartGraphicAnimation(OutputDevice* pOut, const Point& rPt, const Size& rSz, long nExtraData = 0, const GraphicAttr* pAttr = NULL, sal_uLong nFlags = GRFMGR_DRAW_STANDARD, OutputDevice* pFirstFrameOutDev = NULL) { maGrfObj.StartAnimation(pOut, rPt, rSz, nExtraData, pAttr, nFlags, pFirstFrameOutDev); }
void StopGraphicAnimation(OutputDevice* pOut = NULL, long nExtraData = 0) { maGrfObj.StopAnimation(pOut, nExtraData); }
/// allow reaction on change of content of GraphicObject, so always call
/// when GraphicObject content changes
void onGraphicChanged();
virtual Size GetTwipSize() const;
void SetTwipSize( const Size& rSz );
sal_Bool IsTransparent() const;
inline sal_Bool IsAnimated() const { return maGrfObj.IsAnimated(); }
inline sal_Bool IsChgTwipSize() const { return bChgTwipSize; }
inline sal_Bool IsChgTwipSizeFromPixel() const { return bChgTwipSizeFromPixel; }
inline void SetChgTwipSize( sal_Bool b, sal_Bool bFromPx=sal_False ) { bChgTwipSize = b; bChgTwipSizeFromPixel = bFromPx; }
inline sal_Bool IsGrafikArrived() const { return bGrafikArrived; }
inline void SetGrafikArrived( sal_Bool b ) { bGrafikArrived = b; }
inline sal_Bool IsFrameInPaint() const { return bFrameInPaint; }
inline void SetFrameInPaint( sal_Bool b ) { bFrameInPaint = b; }
inline sal_Bool IsScaleImageMap() const { return bScaleImageMap; }
inline void SetScaleImageMap( sal_Bool b ) { bScaleImageMap = b; }
// steht in ndcopy.cxx
virtual SwCntntNode* MakeCopy( SwDoc*, const SwNodeIndex& ) const;
// erneutes Einlesen, falls Graphic nicht Ok ist. Die
// aktuelle wird durch die neue ersetzt.
sal_Bool ReRead( const String& rGrfName, const String& rFltName,
const Graphic* pGraphic = 0,
const GraphicObject* pGrfObj = 0,
sal_Bool bModify = sal_True );
// Laden der Grafik unmittelbar vor der Anzeige
short SwapIn( sal_Bool bWaitForData = sal_False );
// Entfernen der Grafik, um Speicher freizugeben
short SwapOut();
// Zugriff auf den Storage-Streamnamen
void SetStreamName( const String& r ) { maGrfObj.SetUserData( r ); }
void SetNewStreamName( const String& r ) { aNewStrmName = r; }
// is this node selected by any shell?
sal_Bool IsSelected() const;
// Der Grafik sagen, dass sich der Node im Undobereich befindet
virtual sal_Bool SavePersistentData();
virtual sal_Bool RestorePersistentData();
// Abfrage der Link-Daten
sal_Bool IsGrfLink() const { return refLink.Is(); }
inline sal_Bool IsLinkedFile() const;
inline sal_Bool IsLinkedDDE() const;
::sfx2::SvBaseLinkRef GetLink() const { return refLink; }
sal_Bool GetFileFilterNms( String* pFileNm, String* pFilterNm ) const;
void ReleaseLink();
// Skalieren einer Image-Map: Die Image-Map wird um den Faktor
// zwischen Grafik-Groesse und Rahmen-Groesse vergroessert/verkleinert
void ScaleImageMap();
// returns the with our graphic attributes filled Graphic-Attr-Structure
GraphicAttr& GetGraphicAttr( GraphicAttr&, const SwFrm* pFrm ) const;
// --> OD 2007-01-18 #i73788#
boost::weak_ptr< SwAsyncRetrieveInputStreamThreadConsumer > GetThreadConsumer();
bool IsLinkedInputStreamReady() const;
void TriggerAsyncRetrieveInputStream();
void ApplyInputStream(
com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::io::XInputStream> xInputStream,
const sal_Bool bIsStreamReadOnly );
void UpdateLinkWithInputStream();
// <--
// --> OD 2008-07-21 #i90395#
bool IsAsyncRetrieveInputStreamPossible() const;
// <--
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Inline Metoden aus Node.hxx - erst hier ist der TxtNode bekannt !!
inline SwGrfNode *SwNode::GetGrfNode()
return ND_GRFNODE == nNodeType ? (SwGrfNode*)this : 0;
inline const SwGrfNode *SwNode::GetGrfNode() const
return ND_GRFNODE == nNodeType ? (const SwGrfNode*)this : 0;
inline sal_Bool SwGrfNode::IsLinkedFile() const
return refLink.Is() && OBJECT_CLIENT_GRF == refLink->GetObjType();
inline sal_Bool SwGrfNode::IsLinkedDDE() const
return refLink.Is() && OBJECT_CLIENT_DDE == refLink->GetObjType();