blob: bda52840dd4b52c785150f10156d2ebe842d21f8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_sw.hxx"
#include "crsrsh.hxx"
#include "rootfrm.hxx"
#include "pagefrm.hxx"
#include "viewimp.hxx"
#include "errhdl.hxx"
#include "viewopt.hxx"
#include "flyfrm.hxx"
#include "frmfmt.hxx"
#include "layact.hxx"
#include "swregion.hxx"
#include "dflyobj.hxx"
#include "dview.hxx"
#include <tools/shl.hxx>
#include <swmodule.hxx>
#include <svx/svdpage.hxx>
#include <accmap.hxx>
// OD 12.12.2002 #103492#
#include <pagepreviewlayout.hxx>
#include <comcore.hrc>
#include <svx/svdundo.hxx>
#include <IDocumentLayoutAccess.hxx>
#include <IDocumentDrawModelAccess.hxx>
#include <IDocumentDeviceAccess.hxx>
#include <IDocumentSettingAccess.hxx>
|* SwViewImp::Init()
|* Ersterstellung MA 25. Jul. 94
|* Letzte Aenderung MA 03. Nov. 95
void SwViewImp::Init( const SwViewOption *pNewOpt )
ASSERT( pDrawView, "SwViewImp::Init without DrawView" );
//Jetzt die PageView erzeugen wenn sie noch nicht existiert.
SwRootFrm *pRoot = pSh->GetLayout(); //swmod 071108//swmod 071225
if ( !pSdrPageView )
IDocumentDrawModelAccess* pIDDMA = pSh->getIDocumentDrawModelAccess();
if ( !pRoot->GetDrawPage() )
pRoot->SetDrawPage( pIDDMA->GetDrawModel()->GetPage( 0 ) );
if ( pRoot->GetDrawPage()->GetSize() != pRoot->Frm().SSize() )
pRoot->GetDrawPage()->SetSize( pRoot->Frm().SSize() );
pSdrPageView = pDrawView->ShowSdrPage( pRoot->GetDrawPage());
// OD 26.06.2003 #108784# - notify drawing page view about invisible
// layers.
pIDDMA->NotifyInvisibleLayers( *pSdrPageView );
pDrawView->SetDragStripes( pNewOpt->IsCrossHair() );
pDrawView->SetGridSnap( pNewOpt->IsSnap() );
pDrawView->SetGridVisible( pNewOpt->IsGridVisible() );
const Size &rSz = pNewOpt->GetSnapSize();
pDrawView->SetGridCoarse( rSz );
const Size aFSize
( rSz.Width() ? rSz.Width() /Max(short(1),pNewOpt->GetDivisionX()):0,
rSz.Height()? rSz.Height()/Max(short(1),pNewOpt->GetDivisionY()):0);
pDrawView->SetGridFine( aFSize );
Fraction aSnGrWdtX(rSz.Width(), pNewOpt->GetDivisionX() + 1);
Fraction aSnGrWdtY(rSz.Height(), pNewOpt->GetDivisionY() + 1);
pDrawView->SetSnapGridWidth( aSnGrWdtX, aSnGrWdtY );
if ( pRoot->Frm().HasArea() )
pDrawView->SetWorkArea( pRoot->Frm().SVRect() );
if ( GetShell()->IsPreView() )
pDrawView->SetAnimationEnabled( sal_False );
pDrawView->SetUseIncompatiblePathCreateInterface( sal_False );
// it's a JOE interface !
pDrawView->SetMarkHdlSizePixel(pNewOpt->IsBigMarkHdl() ? 9 : 7);
|* SwViewImp::SwViewImp() CTor fuer die Core-Internas
|* Ersterstellung MA 25. Jul. 94
|* Letzte Aenderung MA 06. Sep. 96
SwViewImp::SwViewImp( ViewShell *pParent ) :
pSh( pParent ),
pDrawView( 0 ),
pSdrPageView( 0 ),
pFirstVisPage( 0 ),
pRegion( 0 ),
pLayAct( 0 ),
pIdleAct( 0 ),
pAccMap( 0 ),
nRestoreActions( 0 ),
// OD 12.12.2002 #103492#
mpPgPrevwLayout( 0 )
//bResetXorVisibility =
//HMHbShowHdlPaint =
bResetHdlHiddenPaint =
bSmoothUpdate = bStopSmooth = bStopPrt = sal_False;
bFirstPageInvalid = sal_True;
|* SwViewImp::~SwViewImp()
|* Ersterstellung MA 25. Jul. 94
|* Letzte Aenderung MA 16. Dec. 94
delete pAccMap;
// OD 12.12.2002 #103492#
delete mpPgPrevwLayout;
//JP 29.03.96: nach ShowSdrPage muss auch HideSdrPage gemacht werden!!!
if( pDrawView )
delete pDrawView;
ASSERT( !pLayAct, "Have action for the rest of your life." );
ASSERT( !pIdleAct,"Be idle for the rest of your life." );
|* SwViewImp::DelRegions()
|* Ersterstellung MA 14. Apr. 94
|* Letzte Aenderung MA 14. Apr. 94
void SwViewImp::DelRegion()
|* SwViewImp::AddPaintRect()
|* Ersterstellung MA ??
|* Letzte Aenderung MA 27. Jul. 94
sal_Bool SwViewImp::AddPaintRect( const SwRect &rRect )
if ( rRect.IsOver( pSh->VisArea() ) )
if ( !pRegion )
pRegion = new SwRegionRects( pSh->VisArea() );
(*pRegion) -= rRect;
return sal_True;
return sal_False;
|* ViewImp::CheckWaitCrsr()
|* Ersterstellung MA 10. Aug. 94
|* Letzte Aenderung MA 10. Aug. 94
void SwViewImp::CheckWaitCrsr()
if ( pLayAct )
|* ViewImp::IsCalcLayoutProgress()
|* Ersterstellung MA 12. Aug. 94
|* Letzte Aenderung MA 12. Aug. 94
sal_Bool SwViewImp::IsCalcLayoutProgress() const
if ( pLayAct )
return pLayAct->IsCalcLayout();
return sal_False;
|* ViewImp::IsUpdateExpFlds()
|* Ersterstellung MA 28. Mar. 96
|* Letzte Aenderung MA 28. Mar. 96
sal_Bool SwViewImp::IsUpdateExpFlds()
if ( pLayAct && pLayAct->IsCalcLayout() )
return sal_True;
return sal_False;
|* SwViewImp::SetFirstVisPage(), ImplGetFirstVisPage();
|* Ersterstellung MA 21. Sep. 93
|* Letzte Aenderung MA 08. Mar. 94
void SwViewImp::SetFirstVisPage()
if ( pSh->bDocSizeChgd && pSh->VisArea().Top() > pSh->GetLayout()->Frm().Height() )
//Wir stecken in einer Action und die VisArea sitzt wegen
//Loeschoperationen hinter der erste sichtbaren Seite.
//Damit nicht zu heftig Formatiert wird, liefern wir die letzte Seite
pFirstVisPage = (SwPageFrm*)pSh->GetLayout()->Lower();
while ( pFirstVisPage && pFirstVisPage->GetNext() )
pFirstVisPage = (SwPageFrm*)pFirstVisPage->GetNext();
const SwViewOption* pSwViewOption = GetShell()->GetViewOptions();
const bool bBookMode = pSwViewOption->IsViewLayoutBookMode();
SwPageFrm *pPage = (SwPageFrm*)pSh->GetLayout()->Lower();
SwRect aPageRect = pPage->Frm();
while ( pPage && !aPageRect.IsOver( pSh->VisArea() ) )
pPage = (SwPageFrm*)pPage->GetNext();
if ( pPage )
aPageRect = pPage->Frm();
if ( bBookMode && pPage->IsEmptyPage() )
const SwPageFrm& rFormatPage = pPage->GetFormatPage();
aPageRect.SSize() = rFormatPage.Frm().SSize();
pFirstVisPage = pPage ? pPage : (SwPageFrm*)pSh->GetLayout()->Lower();
bFirstPageInvalid = sal_False;
|* SwViewImp::MakeDrawView();
|* Ersterstellung AMA 01. Nov. 95
|* Letzte Aenderung AMA 01. Nov. 95
void SwViewImp::MakeDrawView()
IDocumentDrawModelAccess* pIDDMA = GetShell()->getIDocumentDrawModelAccess();
// the else here is not an error, _MakeDrawModel() calls this method again
// after the DrawModel is created to create DrawViews for all shells...
if( !pIDDMA->GetDrawModel() )
if ( !pDrawView )
// #i72809#
// Discussed with FME, he also thinks that the getPrinter is old and not correct. When i got
// him right, it anyways returns GetOut() when it's a printer, but NULL when not. He suggested
// to use GetOut() and check the existing cases.
// Check worked well. Took a look at viewing, printing, PDF export and print preview with a test
// document which has an empty 2nd page (right page, see bug)
OutputDevice* pOutDevForDrawView = GetShell()->GetWin();
// pOutDevForDrawView = (OutputDevice*)GetShell()->getIDocumentDeviceAccess()->getPrinter( false );
pOutDevForDrawView = GetShell()->GetOut();
pDrawView = new SwDrawView( *this, pIDDMA->GetDrawModel(), pOutDevForDrawView);
GetDrawView()->SetActiveLayer( XubString::CreateFromAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "Heaven" ) ) );
const SwViewOption* pSwViewOption = GetShell()->GetViewOptions();
// #i68597# If document is read-only, we will not profit from overlay,
// so switch it off.
if(pDrawView && pDrawView->IsBufferedOverlayAllowed())
bool bIsReadOnly(pSwViewOption->IsReadonly());
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
// add test possibilities
static bool bAlwaysActivateForTest(false);
if(bAlwaysActivateForTest && bIsReadOnly)
bIsReadOnly = false;
|* SwViewImp::GetRetoucheColor()
|* Ersterstellung MA 24. Jun. 98
|* Letzte Aenderung MA 24. Jun. 98
Color SwViewImp::GetRetoucheColor() const
const ViewShell &rSh = *GetShell();
if ( rSh.GetWin() )
if ( rSh.GetViewOptions()->getBrowseMode() &&
COL_TRANSPARENT != rSh.GetViewOptions()->GetRetoucheColor().GetColor() )
aRet = rSh.GetViewOptions()->GetRetoucheColor();
else if(rSh.GetViewOptions()->IsPagePreview() &&
aRet = SwViewOption::GetDocColor();
return aRet;
/** create page preview layout
OD 12.12.2002 #103492#
@author OD
void SwViewImp::InitPagePreviewLayout()
ASSERT( pSh->GetLayout(), "no layout - page preview layout can not be created.");
if ( pSh->GetLayout() )
mpPgPrevwLayout = new SwPagePreviewLayout( *pSh, *(pSh->GetLayout()) );
void SwViewImp::UpdateAccessible()
// We require a layout and an XModel to be accessible.
IDocumentLayoutAccess* pIDLA = GetShell()->getIDocumentLayoutAccess();
Window *pWin = GetShell()->GetWin();
ASSERT( GetShell()->GetLayout(), "no layout, no access" ); //swmod 071108//swmod 071225
ASSERT( pWin, "no window, no access" );
if( IsAccessible() && pIDLA->GetCurrentViewShell() && pWin ) //swmod 071108//swmod 071225
void SwViewImp::DisposeAccessible( const SwFrm *pFrm,
const SdrObject *pObj,
sal_Bool bRecursive )
ASSERT( !pFrm || pFrm->IsAccessibleFrm(), "frame is not accessible" );
ViewShell *pVSh = GetShell();
ViewShell *pTmp = pVSh;
if( pTmp->Imp()->IsAccessible() )
pTmp->Imp()->GetAccessibleMap().Dispose( pFrm, pObj, 0, bRecursive );
pTmp = (ViewShell *)pTmp->GetNext();
} while ( pTmp != pVSh );
void SwViewImp::MoveAccessible( const SwFrm *pFrm, const SdrObject *pObj,
const SwRect& rOldFrm )
ASSERT( !pFrm || pFrm->IsAccessibleFrm(), "frame is not accessible" );
ViewShell *pVSh = GetShell();
ViewShell *pTmp = pVSh;
if( pTmp->Imp()->IsAccessible() )
pTmp->Imp()->GetAccessibleMap().InvalidatePosOrSize( pFrm, pObj, 0,
rOldFrm );
pTmp = (ViewShell *)pTmp->GetNext();
} while ( pTmp != pVSh );
//IAccessibility2 Implementation 2009-----
void SwViewImp::FirePageChangeEvent(sal_uInt16 nOldPage, sal_uInt16 nNewPage)
if( IsAccessible() )
GetAccessibleMap().FirePageChangeEvent( nOldPage, nNewPage);
void SwViewImp::FireSectionChangeEvent(sal_uInt16 nOldSection, sal_uInt16 nNewSection)
if( IsAccessible() )
GetAccessibleMap().FireSectionChangeEvent(nOldSection, nNewSection);
void SwViewImp::FireColumnChangeEvent(sal_uInt16 nOldColumn, sal_uInt16 nNewColumn)
if( IsAccessible() )
GetAccessibleMap().FireColumnChangeEvent(nOldColumn, nNewColumn);
//-----IAccessibility2 Implementation 2009
void SwViewImp::InvalidateAccessibleFrmContent( const SwFrm *pFrm )
ASSERT( pFrm->IsAccessibleFrm(), "frame is not accessible" );
ViewShell *pVSh = GetShell();
ViewShell *pTmp = pVSh;
if( pTmp->Imp()->IsAccessible() )
pTmp->Imp()->GetAccessibleMap().InvalidateContent( pFrm );
pTmp = (ViewShell *)pTmp->GetNext();
} while ( pTmp != pVSh );
void SwViewImp::InvalidateAccessibleCursorPosition( const SwFrm *pFrm )
if( IsAccessible() )
GetAccessibleMap().InvalidateCursorPosition( pFrm );
void SwViewImp::InvalidateAccessibleEditableState( sal_Bool bAllShells,
const SwFrm *pFrm )
if( bAllShells )
ViewShell *pVSh = GetShell();
ViewShell *pTmp = pVSh;
if( pTmp->Imp()->IsAccessible() )
pTmp->Imp()->GetAccessibleMap().InvalidateStates( ACC_STATE_EDITABLE, pFrm );
pTmp = (ViewShell *)pTmp->GetNext();
} while ( pTmp != pVSh );
else if( IsAccessible() )
GetAccessibleMap().InvalidateStates( ACC_STATE_EDITABLE, pFrm );
void SwViewImp::InvalidateAccessibleRelationSet( const SwFlyFrm *pMaster,
const SwFlyFrm *pFollow )
ViewShell *pVSh = GetShell();
ViewShell *pTmp = pVSh;
if( pTmp->Imp()->IsAccessible() )
pTmp->Imp()->GetAccessibleMap().InvalidateRelationSet( pMaster,
pFollow );
pTmp = (ViewShell *)pTmp->GetNext();
} while ( pTmp != pVSh );
/** invalidate CONTENT_FLOWS_FROM/_TO relation for paragraphs
OD 2005-12-01 #i27138#
@author OD
void SwViewImp::_InvalidateAccessibleParaFlowRelation( const SwTxtFrm* _pFromTxtFrm,
const SwTxtFrm* _pToTxtFrm )
if ( !_pFromTxtFrm && !_pToTxtFrm )
// No text frame provided. Thus, nothing to do.
ViewShell* pVSh = GetShell();
ViewShell* pTmp = pVSh;
if ( pTmp->Imp()->IsAccessible() )
if ( _pFromTxtFrm )
InvalidateParaFlowRelation( *_pFromTxtFrm, true );
if ( _pToTxtFrm )
InvalidateParaFlowRelation( *_pToTxtFrm, false );
pTmp = (ViewShell *)pTmp->GetNext();
} while ( pTmp != pVSh );
/** invalidate text selection for paragraphs
OD 2005-12-12 #i27301#
@author OD
void SwViewImp::_InvalidateAccessibleParaTextSelection()
ViewShell* pVSh = GetShell();
ViewShell* pTmp = pVSh;
if ( pTmp->Imp()->IsAccessible() )
pTmp = (ViewShell *)pTmp->GetNext();
} while ( pTmp != pVSh );
/** invalidate attributes for paragraphs
OD 2009-01-06 #i88069#
@author OD
void SwViewImp::_InvalidateAccessibleParaAttrs( const SwTxtFrm& rTxtFrm )
ViewShell* pVSh = GetShell();
ViewShell* pTmp = pVSh;
if ( pTmp->Imp()->IsAccessible() )
pTmp->Imp()->GetAccessibleMap().InvalidateAttr( rTxtFrm );
pTmp = (ViewShell *)pTmp->GetNext();
} while ( pTmp != pVSh );
// OD 15.01.2003 #103492# - method signature change due to new page preview functionality
void SwViewImp::UpdateAccessiblePreview( const std::vector<PrevwPage*>& _rPrevwPages,
const Fraction& _rScale,
const SwPageFrm* _pSelectedPageFrm,
const Size& _rPrevwWinSize )
if( IsAccessible() )
GetAccessibleMap().UpdatePreview( _rPrevwPages, _rScale,
_pSelectedPageFrm, _rPrevwWinSize );
void SwViewImp::InvalidateAccessiblePreViewSelection( sal_uInt16 nSelPage )
if( IsAccessible() )
GetAccessibleMap().InvalidatePreViewSelection( nSelPage );
SwAccessibleMap *SwViewImp::CreateAccessibleMap()
ASSERT( !pAccMap, "accessible map exists" )
pAccMap = new SwAccessibleMap( GetShell() );
return pAccMap;
void SwViewImp::FireAccessibleEvents()
if( IsAccessible() )
IMPL_LINK(SwViewImp, SetStopPrt, void *, EMPTYARG)
bStopPrt = sal_True;
return 0;