blob: c79d9a5eef2c7a79d9bb4887e64f1b40ccd9de0f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_sc.hxx"
// INCLUDE ---------------------------------------------------------------
#include "dpsave.hxx"
#include "dpdimsave.hxx"
#include "dpobject.hxx" // GetMemberNames used in BuildAllDimensionMembersFromSource
#include "miscuno.hxx"
#include "scerrors.hxx"
#include "unonames.hxx"
#include "global.hxx"
#include <tools/debug.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/GeneralFunction.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/DataPilotFieldAutoShowInfo.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/DataPilotFieldLayoutInfo.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/DataPilotFieldOrientation.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/DataPilotFieldReference.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/DataPilotFieldSortInfo.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/DataPilotFieldSortMode.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/TableFilterField.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/XHierarchiesSupplier.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/XLevelsSupplier.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/XMembersSupplier.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/container/XNamed.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/util/XCloneable.hpp>
// Wang Xu Ming -- 2009-8-17
// DataPilot Migration - Cache&&Performance
#include "dptabsrc.hxx"
#include "dpglobal.hxx"
using namespace ScDPGlobal;
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/DataPilotFieldReferenceType.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/DataPilotFieldReferenceItemType.hpp>
using namespace com::sun::star::sheet;
// End Comments
#include <hash_map>
using namespace com::sun::star;
using ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference;
using ::com::sun::star::uno::Any;
using ::rtl::OUString;
using ::rtl::OUStringHash;
using ::std::hash_map;
using ::std::auto_ptr;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void lcl_SetBoolProperty( const uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet>& xProp,
const rtl::OUString& rName, sal_Bool bValue )
//! move to ScUnoHelpFunctions?
xProp->setPropertyValue( rName, uno::Any( &bValue, getBooleanCppuType() ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ScDPSaveMember::ScDPSaveMember(const String& rName) :
aName( rName ),
ScDPSaveMember::ScDPSaveMember(const ScDPSaveMember& r) :
aName( r.aName ),
nVisibleMode( r.nVisibleMode ),
nShowDetailsMode( r.nShowDetailsMode )
if (r.mpLayoutName.get())
mpLayoutName.reset(new OUString(*r.mpLayoutName));
sal_Bool ScDPSaveMember::operator== ( const ScDPSaveMember& r ) const
if ( aName != r.aName ||
nVisibleMode != r.nVisibleMode ||
nShowDetailsMode != r.nShowDetailsMode )
return sal_False;
return sal_True;
sal_Bool ScDPSaveMember::HasIsVisible() const
return nVisibleMode != SC_DPSAVEMODE_DONTKNOW;
void ScDPSaveMember::SetIsVisible(sal_Bool bSet)
nVisibleMode = bSet;
sal_Bool ScDPSaveMember::HasShowDetails() const
return nShowDetailsMode != SC_DPSAVEMODE_DONTKNOW;
void ScDPSaveMember::SetShowDetails(sal_Bool bSet)
nShowDetailsMode = bSet;
void ScDPSaveMember::SetName( const String& rNew )
// Used only if the source member was renamed (groups).
// For UI renaming of members, a layout name must be used.
aName = rNew;
void ScDPSaveMember::SetLayoutName( const OUString& rName )
mpLayoutName.reset(new OUString(rName));
const OUString* ScDPSaveMember::GetLayoutName() const
return mpLayoutName.get();
void ScDPSaveMember::RemoveLayoutName()
void ScDPSaveMember::WriteToSource( const uno::Reference<uno::XInterface>& xMember, sal_Int32 nPosition )
uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet> xMembProp( xMember, uno::UNO_QUERY );
DBG_ASSERT(, "no properties at member" );
if ( )
// exceptions are caught at ScDPSaveData::WriteToSource
if ( nVisibleMode != SC_DPSAVEMODE_DONTKNOW )
lcl_SetBoolProperty( xMembProp,
rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(DP_PROP_ISVISIBLE), (sal_Bool)nVisibleMode );
if ( nShowDetailsMode != SC_DPSAVEMODE_DONTKNOW )
lcl_SetBoolProperty( xMembProp,
rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(DP_PROP_SHOWDETAILS), (sal_Bool)nShowDetailsMode );
if (mpLayoutName.get())
ScUnoHelpFunctions::SetOptionalPropertyValue(xMembProp, SC_UNO_LAYOUTNAME, *mpLayoutName);
if ( nPosition >= 0 )
ScUnoHelpFunctions::SetOptionalPropertyValue(xMembProp, DP_PROP_POSITION, nPosition);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ScDPSaveDimension::ScDPSaveDimension(const String& rName, sal_Bool bDataLayout) :
aName( rName ),
pSelectedPage( NULL ),
bIsDataLayout( bDataLayout ),
bDupFlag( sal_False ),
nOrientation( sheet::DataPilotFieldOrientation_HIDDEN ),
nFunction( sheet::GeneralFunction_AUTO ),
nUsedHierarchy( -1 ),
bSubTotalDefault( sal_True ),
nSubTotalCount( 0 ),
pSubTotalFuncs( NULL ),
pReferenceValue( NULL ),
pSortInfo( NULL ),
pAutoShowInfo( NULL ),
pLayoutInfo( NULL )
ScDPSaveDimension::ScDPSaveDimension(const ScDPSaveDimension& r) :
aName( r.aName ),
bIsDataLayout( r.bIsDataLayout ),
bDupFlag( r.bDupFlag ),
nOrientation( r.nOrientation ),
nFunction( r.nFunction ),
nUsedHierarchy( r.nUsedHierarchy ),
nShowEmptyMode( r.nShowEmptyMode ),
bSubTotalDefault( r.bSubTotalDefault ),
nSubTotalCount( r.nSubTotalCount ),
pSubTotalFuncs( NULL )
if ( nSubTotalCount && r.pSubTotalFuncs )
pSubTotalFuncs = new sal_uInt16[nSubTotalCount];
for (long nSub=0; nSub<nSubTotalCount; nSub++)
pSubTotalFuncs[nSub] = r.pSubTotalFuncs[nSub];
for (MemberList::const_iterator i=r.maMemberList.begin(); i != r.maMemberList.end() ; i++)
const String& rName = (*i)->GetName();
ScDPSaveMember* pNew = new ScDPSaveMember( **i );
maMemberHash[rName] = pNew;
maMemberList.push_back( pNew );
if (r.pReferenceValue)
pReferenceValue = new sheet::DataPilotFieldReference( *(r.pReferenceValue) );
pReferenceValue = NULL;
if (r.pSortInfo)
pSortInfo = new sheet::DataPilotFieldSortInfo( *(r.pSortInfo) );
pSortInfo = NULL;
if (r.pAutoShowInfo)
pAutoShowInfo = new sheet::DataPilotFieldAutoShowInfo( *(r.pAutoShowInfo) );
pAutoShowInfo = NULL;
if (r.pLayoutInfo)
pLayoutInfo = new sheet::DataPilotFieldLayoutInfo( *(r.pLayoutInfo) );
pLayoutInfo = NULL;
if (r.pSelectedPage)
pSelectedPage = new String( *(r.pSelectedPage) );
pSelectedPage = NULL;
if (r.mpLayoutName.get())
mpLayoutName.reset(new OUString(*r.mpLayoutName));
if (r.mpSubtotalName.get())
mpSubtotalName.reset(new OUString(*r.mpSubtotalName));
for (MemberHash::const_iterator i=maMemberHash.begin(); i != maMemberHash.end() ; i++)
delete i->second;
delete pReferenceValue;
delete pSortInfo;
delete pAutoShowInfo;
delete pLayoutInfo;
delete pSelectedPage;
delete [] pSubTotalFuncs;
sal_Bool ScDPSaveDimension::operator== ( const ScDPSaveDimension& r ) const
if ( aName != r.aName ||
bIsDataLayout != r.bIsDataLayout ||
bDupFlag != r.bDupFlag ||
nOrientation != r.nOrientation ||
nFunction != r.nFunction ||
nUsedHierarchy != r.nUsedHierarchy ||
nShowEmptyMode != r.nShowEmptyMode ||
bSubTotalDefault != r.bSubTotalDefault ||
nSubTotalCount != r.nSubTotalCount )
return sal_False;
if ( nSubTotalCount && ( !pSubTotalFuncs || !r.pSubTotalFuncs ) ) // should not happen
return sal_False;
long i;
for (i=0; i<nSubTotalCount; i++)
if ( pSubTotalFuncs[i] != r.pSubTotalFuncs[i] )
return sal_False;
if (maMemberHash.size() != r.maMemberHash.size() )
return sal_False;
MemberList::const_iterator a=maMemberList.begin();
MemberList::const_iterator b=r.maMemberList.begin();
for (; a != maMemberList.end() ; ++a, ++b)
if (!(**a == **b))
return sal_False;
if ( this->HasCurrentPage() && r.HasCurrentPage() )
if ( this->GetCurrentPage() != r.GetCurrentPage() )
return sal_False;
else if ( this->HasCurrentPage() || r.HasCurrentPage() )
return sal_False;
if( pReferenceValue && r.pReferenceValue )
if ( !(*pReferenceValue == *r.pReferenceValue) )
return sal_False;
else if ( pReferenceValue || r.pReferenceValue )
return sal_False;
if( this->pSortInfo && r.pSortInfo )
if ( !(*this->pSortInfo == *r.pSortInfo) )
return sal_False;
else if ( this->pSortInfo || r.pSortInfo )
return sal_False;
if( this->pAutoShowInfo && r.pAutoShowInfo )
if ( !(*this->pAutoShowInfo == *r.pAutoShowInfo) )
return sal_False;
else if ( this->pAutoShowInfo || r.pAutoShowInfo )
return sal_False;
return sal_True;
void ScDPSaveDimension::AddMember(ScDPSaveMember* pMember)
const String & rName = pMember->GetName();
MemberHash::iterator aExisting = maMemberHash.find( rName );
if ( aExisting == maMemberHash.end() )
std::pair< const String, ScDPSaveMember *> key( rName, pMember );
maMemberHash.insert ( key );
maMemberList.remove( aExisting->second );
delete aExisting->second;
aExisting->second = pMember;
maMemberList.push_back( pMember );
void ScDPSaveDimension::SetName( const String& rNew )
// Used only if the source dim was renamed (groups).
// For UI renaming of dimensions, the layout name must be used.
aName = rNew;
void ScDPSaveDimension::SetOrientation(sal_uInt16 nNew)
nOrientation = nNew;
void ScDPSaveDimension::SetSubTotals(long nCount, const sal_uInt16* pFuncs)
if (pSubTotalFuncs)
delete [] pSubTotalFuncs;
nSubTotalCount = nCount;
if ( nCount && pFuncs )
pSubTotalFuncs = new sal_uInt16[nCount];
for (long i=0; i<nCount; i++)
pSubTotalFuncs[i] = pFuncs[i];
pSubTotalFuncs = NULL;
bSubTotalDefault = sal_False;
bool ScDPSaveDimension::HasShowEmpty() const
return nShowEmptyMode != SC_DPSAVEMODE_DONTKNOW;
void ScDPSaveDimension::SetShowEmpty(sal_Bool bSet)
nShowEmptyMode = bSet;
void ScDPSaveDimension::SetFunction(sal_uInt16 nNew)
nFunction = nNew;
void ScDPSaveDimension::SetUsedHierarchy(long nNew)
nUsedHierarchy = nNew;
void ScDPSaveDimension::SetSubtotalName(const OUString& rName)
mpSubtotalName.reset(new OUString(rName));
const OUString* ScDPSaveDimension::GetSubtotalName() const
return mpSubtotalName.get();
bool ScDPSaveDimension::IsMemberNameInUse(const OUString& rName) const
MemberList::const_iterator itr = maMemberList.begin(), itrEnd = maMemberList.end();
for (; itr != itrEnd; ++itr)
const ScDPSaveMember* pMem = *itr;
if (rName.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(pMem->GetName()))
return true;
const OUString* pLayoutName = pMem->GetLayoutName();
if (pLayoutName && rName.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(*pLayoutName))
return true;
return false;
void ScDPSaveDimension::SetLayoutName(const OUString& rName)
mpLayoutName.reset(new OUString(rName));
const OUString* ScDPSaveDimension::GetLayoutName() const
return mpLayoutName.get();
void ScDPSaveDimension::RemoveLayoutName()
void ScDPSaveDimension::SetReferenceValue(const sheet::DataPilotFieldReference* pNew)
delete pReferenceValue;
if (pNew)
pReferenceValue = new sheet::DataPilotFieldReference(*pNew);
pReferenceValue = NULL;
void ScDPSaveDimension::SetSortInfo(const sheet::DataPilotFieldSortInfo* pNew)
delete pSortInfo;
if (pNew)
pSortInfo = new sheet::DataPilotFieldSortInfo(*pNew);
pSortInfo = NULL;
void ScDPSaveDimension::SetAutoShowInfo(const sheet::DataPilotFieldAutoShowInfo* pNew)
delete pAutoShowInfo;
if (pNew)
pAutoShowInfo = new sheet::DataPilotFieldAutoShowInfo(*pNew);
pAutoShowInfo = NULL;
void ScDPSaveDimension::SetLayoutInfo(const sheet::DataPilotFieldLayoutInfo* pNew)
delete pLayoutInfo;
if (pNew)
pLayoutInfo = new sheet::DataPilotFieldLayoutInfo(*pNew);
pLayoutInfo = NULL;
void ScDPSaveDimension::SetCurrentPage( const String* pPage )
delete pSelectedPage;
if (pPage)
pSelectedPage = new String( *pPage );
pSelectedPage = NULL;
sal_Bool ScDPSaveDimension::HasCurrentPage() const
return ( pSelectedPage != NULL );
const String& ScDPSaveDimension::GetCurrentPage() const
if (pSelectedPage)
return *pSelectedPage;
ScDPSaveMember* ScDPSaveDimension::GetExistingMemberByName(const String& rName)
MemberHash::const_iterator res = maMemberHash.find (rName);
if (res != maMemberHash.end())
return res->second;
return NULL;
ScDPSaveMember* ScDPSaveDimension::GetMemberByName(const String& rName)
MemberHash::const_iterator res = maMemberHash.find (rName);
if (res != maMemberHash.end())
return res->second;
ScDPSaveMember* pNew = new ScDPSaveMember( rName );
maMemberHash[rName] = pNew;
maMemberList.push_back( pNew );
return pNew;
void ScDPSaveDimension::SetMemberPosition( const String& rName, sal_Int32 nNewPos )
ScDPSaveMember* pMember = GetMemberByName( rName ); // make sure it exists and is in the hash
maMemberList.remove( pMember );
MemberList::iterator aIter = maMemberList.begin();
for (sal_Int32 i=0; i<nNewPos && aIter != maMemberList.end(); i++)
maMemberList.insert( aIter, pMember );
void ScDPSaveDimension::WriteToSource( const uno::Reference<uno::XInterface>& xDim )
uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet> xDimProp( xDim, uno::UNO_QUERY );
DBG_ASSERT(, "no properties at dimension" );
if ( )
// exceptions are caught at ScDPSaveData::WriteToSource
uno::Any aAny;
sheet::DataPilotFieldOrientation eOrient = (sheet::DataPilotFieldOrientation)nOrientation;
aAny <<= eOrient;
xDimProp->setPropertyValue( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(DP_PROP_ORIENTATION), aAny );
sheet::GeneralFunction eFunc = (sheet::GeneralFunction)nFunction;
aAny <<= eFunc;
xDimProp->setPropertyValue( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(DP_PROP_FUNCTION), aAny );
if ( nUsedHierarchy >= 0 )
aAny <<= (sal_Int32)nUsedHierarchy;
xDimProp->setPropertyValue( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(DP_PROP_USEDHIERARCHY), aAny );
if ( pReferenceValue )
aAny <<= *pReferenceValue;
xDimProp->setPropertyValue( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(SC_UNO_REFVALUE), aAny );
uno::Sequence<sheet::TableFilterField> aFilter;
// set the selected page field only if the dimension is used as page dimension
if ( pSelectedPage && nOrientation == sheet::DataPilotFieldOrientation_PAGE )
// single filter field: first field equal to selected string
sheet::TableFilterField aField( sheet::FilterConnection_AND, 0,
sheet::FilterOperator_EQUAL, sal_False, 0.0, *pSelectedPage );
aFilter = uno::Sequence<sheet::TableFilterField>( &aField, 1 );
// else keep empty sequence
ScUnoHelpFunctions::SetOptionalPropertyValue(xDimProp, DP_PROP_FILTER, aFilter);
if (mpLayoutName.get())
ScUnoHelpFunctions::SetOptionalPropertyValue(xDimProp, SC_UNO_LAYOUTNAME, *mpLayoutName);
const OUString* pSubTotalName = GetSubtotalName();
if (pSubTotalName)
// Custom subtotal name, with '?' being replaced by the visible field name later.
ScUnoHelpFunctions::SetOptionalPropertyValue(xDimProp, SC_UNO_FIELD_SUBTOTALNAME, *pSubTotalName);
// Level loop outside of maMemberList loop
// because SubTotals have to be set independently of known members
long nCount = maMemberHash.size();
long nHierCount = 0;
uno::Reference<container::XIndexAccess> xHiers;
uno::Reference<sheet::XHierarchiesSupplier> xHierSupp( xDim, uno::UNO_QUERY );
if ( )
uno::Reference<container::XNameAccess> xHiersName = xHierSupp->getHierarchies();
xHiers = new ScNameToIndexAccess( xHiersName );
nHierCount = xHiers->getCount();
sal_Bool bHasHiddenMember = false;
for (long nHier=0; nHier<nHierCount; nHier++)
uno::Reference<uno::XInterface> xHierarchy = ScUnoHelpFunctions::AnyToInterface( xHiers->getByIndex(nHier) );
long nLevCount = 0;
uno::Reference<container::XIndexAccess> xLevels;
uno::Reference<sheet::XLevelsSupplier> xLevSupp( xHierarchy, uno::UNO_QUERY );
if ( )
uno::Reference<container::XNameAccess> xLevelsName = xLevSupp->getLevels();
xLevels = new ScNameToIndexAccess( xLevelsName );
nLevCount = xLevels->getCount();
for (long nLev=0; nLev<nLevCount; nLev++)
uno::Reference<uno::XInterface> xLevel = ScUnoHelpFunctions::AnyToInterface( xLevels->getByIndex(nLev) );
uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet> xLevProp( xLevel, uno::UNO_QUERY );
DBG_ASSERT(, "no properties at level" );
if ( )
uno::Any aAny;
if ( !bSubTotalDefault )
if ( !pSubTotalFuncs )
nSubTotalCount = 0;
uno::Sequence<sheet::GeneralFunction> aSeq(nSubTotalCount);
sheet::GeneralFunction* pArray = aSeq.getArray();
for (long i=0; i<nSubTotalCount; i++)
pArray[i] = (sheet::GeneralFunction)pSubTotalFuncs[i];
aAny <<= aSeq;
xLevProp->setPropertyValue( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(DP_PROP_SUBTOTALS), aAny );
if ( nShowEmptyMode != SC_DPSAVEMODE_DONTKNOW )
lcl_SetBoolProperty( xLevProp,
rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(DP_PROP_SHOWEMPTY), (sal_Bool)nShowEmptyMode );
if ( pSortInfo )
ScUnoHelpFunctions::SetOptionalPropertyValue(xLevProp, SC_UNO_SORTING, *pSortInfo);
if ( pAutoShowInfo )
ScUnoHelpFunctions::SetOptionalPropertyValue(xLevProp, SC_UNO_AUTOSHOW, *pAutoShowInfo);
if ( pLayoutInfo )
ScUnoHelpFunctions::SetOptionalPropertyValue(xLevProp, SC_UNO_LAYOUT, *pLayoutInfo);
// exceptions are caught at ScDPSaveData::WriteToSource
if ( nCount > 0 )
uno::Reference<sheet::XMembersSupplier> xMembSupp( xLevel, uno::UNO_QUERY );
if ( )
uno::Reference<container::XNameAccess> xMembers = xMembSupp->getMembers();
if ( )
sal_Int32 nPosition = -1; // set position only in manual mode
if ( !pSortInfo || pSortInfo->Mode == sheet::DataPilotFieldSortMode::MANUAL )
nPosition = 0;
for (MemberList::const_iterator i=maMemberList.begin(); i != maMemberList.end() ; i++)
ScDPSaveMember* pMember = *i;
if (!pMember->GetIsVisible())
bHasHiddenMember = true;
rtl::OUString aMemberName = pMember->GetName();
if ( xMembers->hasByName( aMemberName ) )
uno::Reference<uno::XInterface> xMemberInt = ScUnoHelpFunctions::AnyToInterface(
xMembers->getByName( aMemberName ) );
pMember->WriteToSource( xMemberInt, nPosition );
if ( nPosition >= 0 )
++nPosition; // increase if initialized
// missing member is no error
if (
ScUnoHelpFunctions::SetOptionalPropertyValue(xDimProp, SC_UNO_HAS_HIDDEN_MEMBER, bHasHiddenMember);
void ScDPSaveDimension::UpdateMemberVisibility(const hash_map<OUString, bool, OUStringHash>& rData)
typedef hash_map<OUString, bool, OUStringHash> DataMap;
MemberList::iterator itrMem = maMemberList.begin(), itrMemEnd = maMemberList.end();
for (; itrMem != itrMemEnd; ++itrMem)
ScDPSaveMember* pMem = *itrMem;
const String& rMemName = pMem->GetName();
DataMap::const_iterator itr = rData.find(rMemName);
if (itr != rData.end())
bool ScDPSaveDimension::HasInvisibleMember() const
MemberList::const_iterator itrMem = maMemberList.begin(), itrMemEnd = maMemberList.end();
for (; itrMem != itrMemEnd; ++itrMem)
const ScDPSaveMember* pMem = *itrMem;
if (!pMem->GetIsVisible())
return true;
return false;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ScDPSaveData::ScDPSaveData() :
pDimensionData( NULL ),
bFilterButton( sal_True ),
bDrillDown( sal_True ),
// Wang Xu Ming -- 2009-8-17
// DataPilot Migration - Cache&&Performance
mnCacheId( -1),
// End Comments
ScDPSaveData::ScDPSaveData(const ScDPSaveData& r) :
nColumnGrandMode( r.nColumnGrandMode ),
nRowGrandMode( r.nRowGrandMode ),
nIgnoreEmptyMode( r.nIgnoreEmptyMode ),
nRepeatEmptyMode( r.nRepeatEmptyMode ),
bFilterButton( r.bFilterButton ),
bDrillDown( r.bDrillDown ),
// Wang Xu Ming -- 2009-8-17
// DataPilot Migration - Cache&&Performance
mnCacheId( r.mnCacheId ),
// End Comments
if ( r.pDimensionData )
pDimensionData = new ScDPDimensionSaveData( *r.pDimensionData );
pDimensionData = NULL;
long nCount = r.aDimList.Count();
for (long i=0; i<nCount; i++)
ScDPSaveDimension* pNew = new ScDPSaveDimension( *(ScDPSaveDimension*)r.aDimList.GetObject(i) );
aDimList.Insert( pNew, LIST_APPEND );
if (r.mpGrandTotalName.get())
mpGrandTotalName.reset(new OUString(*r.mpGrandTotalName));
ScDPSaveData& ScDPSaveData::operator= ( const ScDPSaveData& r )
if ( &r != this )
// Wang Xu Ming -- 2009-8-17
// DataPilot Migration - Cache&&Performance
new( this ) ScDPSaveData ( r );
// End Comments
return *this;
sal_Bool ScDPSaveData::operator== ( const ScDPSaveData& r ) const
if ( nColumnGrandMode != r.nColumnGrandMode ||
nRowGrandMode != r.nRowGrandMode ||
nIgnoreEmptyMode != r.nIgnoreEmptyMode ||
nRepeatEmptyMode != r.nRepeatEmptyMode ||
bFilterButton != r.bFilterButton ||
mnCacheId != r.mnCacheId ||/// Wang Xu Ming -- 2009-6-18 DataPilot Migration
bDrillDown != r.bDrillDown ||
mbDimensionMembersBuilt != r.mbDimensionMembersBuilt)
return sal_False;
if ( pDimensionData || r.pDimensionData )
if ( !pDimensionData || !r.pDimensionData || !( *pDimensionData == *r.pDimensionData ) )
return sal_False;
sal_uLong nCount = aDimList.Count();
if ( nCount != r.aDimList.Count() )
return sal_False;
for (sal_uLong i=0; i<nCount; i++)
if ( !( *(ScDPSaveDimension*)aDimList.GetObject(i) ==
*(ScDPSaveDimension*)r.aDimList.GetObject(i) ) )
return sal_False;
if (mpGrandTotalName.get())
if (!r.mpGrandTotalName.get())
return false;
if (!mpGrandTotalName->equals(*r.mpGrandTotalName))
return false;
else if (r.mpGrandTotalName.get())
return false;
return sal_True;
long nCount = aDimList.Count();
for (long i=0; i<nCount; i++)
delete (ScDPSaveDimension*)aDimList.GetObject(i);
delete pDimensionData;
void ScDPSaveData::SetGrandTotalName(const OUString& rName)
mpGrandTotalName.reset(new OUString(rName));
const OUString* ScDPSaveData::GetGrandTotalName() const
return mpGrandTotalName.get();
ScDPSaveDimension* ScDPSaveData::GetDimensionByName(const String& rName)
long nCount = aDimList.Count();
for (long i=0; i<nCount; i++)
ScDPSaveDimension* pDim = (ScDPSaveDimension*)aDimList.GetObject(i);
if ( pDim->GetName() == rName && !pDim->IsDataLayout() )
return pDim;
ScDPSaveDimension* pNew = new ScDPSaveDimension( rName, sal_False );
aDimList.Insert( pNew, LIST_APPEND );
mbDimensionMembersBuilt = false; // BuildAllDimensionMembers only handles existing entries in aDimList
return pNew;
ScDPSaveDimension* ScDPSaveData::GetExistingDimensionByName(const String& rName) const
long nCount = aDimList.Count();
for (long i=0; i<nCount; i++)
ScDPSaveDimension* pDim = (ScDPSaveDimension*)aDimList.GetObject(i);
if ( pDim->GetName() == rName && !pDim->IsDataLayout() )
return pDim;
return NULL; // don't create new
ScDPSaveDimension* ScDPSaveData::GetNewDimensionByName(const String& rName)
long nCount = aDimList.Count();
for (long i=0; i<nCount; i++)
ScDPSaveDimension* pDim = (ScDPSaveDimension*)aDimList.GetObject(i);
if ( pDim->GetName() == rName && !pDim->IsDataLayout() )
return DuplicateDimension(rName);
ScDPSaveDimension* pNew = new ScDPSaveDimension( rName, sal_False );
aDimList.Insert( pNew, LIST_APPEND );
mbDimensionMembersBuilt = false; // BuildAllDimensionMembers only handles existing entries in aDimList
return pNew;
ScDPSaveDimension* ScDPSaveData::GetDataLayoutDimension()
ScDPSaveDimension* pDim = GetExistingDataLayoutDimension();
if (pDim)
return pDim;
ScDPSaveDimension* pNew = new ScDPSaveDimension( String(), sal_True );
aDimList.Insert( pNew, LIST_APPEND );
mbDimensionMembersBuilt = false; // BuildAllDimensionMembers only handles existing entries in aDimList
return pNew;
ScDPSaveDimension* ScDPSaveData::GetExistingDataLayoutDimension() const
long nCount = aDimList.Count();
for (long i=0; i<nCount; i++)
ScDPSaveDimension* pDim = (ScDPSaveDimension*)aDimList.GetObject(i);
if ( pDim->IsDataLayout() )
return pDim;
return NULL;
ScDPSaveDimension* ScDPSaveData::DuplicateDimension(const String& rName)
// always insert new
//! check if dimension is there?
ScDPSaveDimension* pOld = GetDimensionByName( rName );
ScDPSaveDimension* pNew = new ScDPSaveDimension( *pOld );
pNew->SetDupFlag( sal_True );
aDimList.Insert( pNew, LIST_APPEND );
mbDimensionMembersBuilt = false; // BuildAllDimensionMembers only handles existing entries in aDimList
return pNew;
void ScDPSaveData::RemoveDimensionByName(const String& rName)
long nCount = aDimList.Count();
for (long i=0; i<nCount; i++)
ScDPSaveDimension* pDim = (ScDPSaveDimension*)aDimList.GetObject(i);
if ( pDim->GetName() == rName && !pDim->IsDataLayout() )
delete pDim;
ScDPSaveDimension& ScDPSaveData::DuplicateDimension( const ScDPSaveDimension& rDim )
ScDPSaveDimension* pNew = new ScDPSaveDimension( rDim );
pNew->SetDupFlag( sal_True );
aDimList.Insert( pNew, LIST_APPEND );
mbDimensionMembersBuilt = false; // BuildAllDimensionMembers only handles existing entries in aDimList
return *pNew;
ScDPSaveDimension* ScDPSaveData::GetInnermostDimension(sal_uInt16 nOrientation)
// return the innermost dimension for the given orientation,
// excluding data layout dimension
ScDPSaveDimension* pInner = NULL;
long nCount = aDimList.Count();
for (long i=0; i<nCount; i++)
ScDPSaveDimension* pDim = static_cast<ScDPSaveDimension*>(aDimList.GetObject(i));
if ( pDim->GetOrientation() == nOrientation && !pDim->IsDataLayout() )
pInner = pDim;
return pInner; // the last matching one
ScDPSaveDimension* ScDPSaveData::GetFirstDimension(sheet::DataPilotFieldOrientation eOrientation)
long nCount = aDimList.Count();
for (long i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
ScDPSaveDimension* pDim = static_cast<ScDPSaveDimension*>(aDimList.GetObject(i));
if (pDim->GetOrientation() == eOrientation && !pDim->IsDataLayout())
return pDim;
return NULL;
long ScDPSaveData::GetDataDimensionCount() const
long nDataCount = 0;
long nCount = aDimList.Count();
for (long i=0; i<nCount; i++)
const ScDPSaveDimension* pDim = static_cast<const ScDPSaveDimension*>(aDimList.GetObject(i));
if ( pDim->GetOrientation() == sheet::DataPilotFieldOrientation_DATA )
return nDataCount;
void ScDPSaveData::SetPosition( ScDPSaveDimension* pDim, long nNew )
// position (nNew) is counted within dimensions of the same orientation
sal_uInt16 nOrient = pDim->GetOrientation();
aDimList.Remove( pDim );
sal_uLong nCount = aDimList.Count(); // after remove
sal_uLong nInsPos = 0;
while ( nNew > 0 && nInsPos < nCount )
if ( ((ScDPSaveDimension*)aDimList.GetObject(nInsPos))->GetOrientation() == nOrient )
aDimList.Insert( pDim, nInsPos );
void ScDPSaveData::SetColumnGrand(sal_Bool bSet)
nColumnGrandMode = bSet;
void ScDPSaveData::SetRowGrand(sal_Bool bSet)
nRowGrandMode = bSet;
void ScDPSaveData::SetIgnoreEmptyRows(sal_Bool bSet)
nIgnoreEmptyMode = bSet;
void ScDPSaveData::SetRepeatIfEmpty(sal_Bool bSet)
nRepeatEmptyMode = bSet;
void ScDPSaveData::SetFilterButton(sal_Bool bSet)
bFilterButton = bSet;
void ScDPSaveData::SetDrillDown(sal_Bool bSet)
bDrillDown = bSet;
void lcl_ResetOrient( const uno::Reference<sheet::XDimensionsSupplier>& xSource )
sheet::DataPilotFieldOrientation eOrient = sheet::DataPilotFieldOrientation_HIDDEN;
uno::Reference<container::XNameAccess> xDimsName = xSource->getDimensions();
uno::Reference<container::XIndexAccess> xIntDims = new ScNameToIndexAccess( xDimsName );
long nIntCount = xIntDims->getCount();
for (long nIntDim=0; nIntDim<nIntCount; nIntDim++)
uno::Reference<uno::XInterface> xIntDim = ScUnoHelpFunctions::AnyToInterface( xIntDims->getByIndex(nIntDim) );
uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet> xDimProp( xIntDim, uno::UNO_QUERY );
if (
uno::Any aAny;
aAny <<= eOrient;
xDimProp->setPropertyValue( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(DP_PROP_ORIENTATION), aAny );
void ScDPSaveData::WriteToSource( const uno::Reference<sheet::XDimensionsSupplier>& xSource )
if (!
// source options must be first!
uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet> xSourceProp( xSource, uno::UNO_QUERY );
DBG_ASSERT(, "no properties at source" );
if ( )
// source options are not available for external sources
//! use XPropertySetInfo to test for availability?
if ( nIgnoreEmptyMode != SC_DPSAVEMODE_DONTKNOW )
lcl_SetBoolProperty( xSourceProp,
rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(DP_PROP_IGNOREEMPTY), (sal_Bool)nIgnoreEmptyMode );
if ( nRepeatEmptyMode != SC_DPSAVEMODE_DONTKNOW )
lcl_SetBoolProperty( xSourceProp,
rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(DP_PROP_REPEATIFEMPTY), (sal_Bool)nRepeatEmptyMode );
// no error
const OUString* pGrandTotalName = GetGrandTotalName();
if (pGrandTotalName)
ScUnoHelpFunctions::SetOptionalPropertyValue(xSourceProp, SC_UNO_GRANDTOTAL_NAME, *pGrandTotalName);
// exceptions in the other calls are errors
// reset all orientations
//! "forgetSettings" or similar at source ?????
//! reset all duplicated dimensions, or reuse them below !!!
DBG_TRACE( "ScDPSaveData::WriteToSource" );
lcl_ResetOrient( xSource );
long nCount = aDimList.Count();
for (long i=0; i<nCount; i++)
ScDPSaveDimension* pDim = (ScDPSaveDimension*)aDimList.GetObject(i);
rtl::OUString aName = pDim->GetName();
sal_Bool bData = pDim->IsDataLayout();
//! getByName for ScDPSource, including DataLayoutDimension !!!!!!!!
uno::Reference<container::XNameAccess> xDimsName = xSource->getDimensions();
uno::Reference<container::XIndexAccess> xIntDims = new ScNameToIndexAccess( xDimsName );
long nIntCount = xIntDims->getCount();
sal_Bool bFound = sal_False;
for (long nIntDim=0; nIntDim<nIntCount && !bFound; nIntDim++)
uno::Reference<uno::XInterface> xIntDim = ScUnoHelpFunctions::AnyToInterface( xIntDims->getByIndex(nIntDim) );
if ( bData )
uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet> xDimProp( xIntDim, uno::UNO_QUERY );
if ( )
bFound = ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetBoolProperty( xDimProp,
rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(DP_PROP_ISDATALAYOUT) );
//! error checking -- is "IsDataLayoutDimension" property required??
uno::Reference<container::XNamed> xDimName( xIntDim, uno::UNO_QUERY );
if ( && xDimName->getName() == aName )
bFound = sal_True;
if ( bFound )
if ( pDim->GetDupFlag() )
String aNewName = pDim->GetName();
// different name for each duplication of a (real) dimension...
for (long j=0; j<=i; j++) //! Test !!!!!!
aNewName += '*'; //! modify name at creation of SaveDimension
uno::Reference<util::XCloneable> xCloneable( xIntDim, uno::UNO_QUERY );
DBG_ASSERT(, "cannot clone dimension" );
if (
uno::Reference<util::XCloneable> xNew = xCloneable->createClone();
uno::Reference<container::XNamed> xNewName( xNew, uno::UNO_QUERY );
if (
xNewName->setName( aNewName );
pDim->WriteToSource( xNew );
pDim->WriteToSource( xIntDim );
DBG_ASSERT(bFound, "WriteToSource: Dimension not found");
if ( )
if ( nColumnGrandMode != SC_DPSAVEMODE_DONTKNOW )
lcl_SetBoolProperty( xSourceProp,
rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(DP_PROP_COLUMNGRAND), (sal_Bool)nColumnGrandMode );
if ( nRowGrandMode != SC_DPSAVEMODE_DONTKNOW )
lcl_SetBoolProperty( xSourceProp,
rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(DP_PROP_ROWGRAND), (sal_Bool)nRowGrandMode );
DBG_ERROR("exception in WriteToSource");
sal_Bool ScDPSaveData::IsEmpty() const
long nCount = aDimList.Count();
for (long i=0; i<nCount; i++)
ScDPSaveDimension* pDim = (ScDPSaveDimension*)aDimList.GetObject(i);
if ( pDim->GetOrientation() != sheet::DataPilotFieldOrientation_HIDDEN && !pDim->IsDataLayout() )
return sal_False;
return sal_True; // no entries that are not hidden
ScDPDimensionSaveData* ScDPSaveData::GetDimensionData()
if (!pDimensionData)
pDimensionData = new ScDPDimensionSaveData;
return pDimensionData;
void ScDPSaveData::SetDimensionData( const ScDPDimensionSaveData* pNew )
delete pDimensionData;
if ( pNew )
pDimensionData = new ScDPDimensionSaveData( *pNew );
pDimensionData = NULL;
void ScDPSaveData::BuildAllDimensionMembers(ScDPTableData* pData)
if (mbDimensionMembersBuilt)
// First, build a dimension name-to-index map.
typedef hash_map<OUString, long, ::rtl::OUStringHash> NameIndexMap;
NameIndexMap aMap;
long nColCount = pData->GetColumnCount();
for (long i = 0; i < nColCount; ++i)
aMap.insert( NameIndexMap::value_type(pData->getDimensionName(i), i));
NameIndexMap::const_iterator itrEnd = aMap.end();
sal_uInt32 n = aDimList.Count();
for (sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < n; ++i)
ScDPSaveDimension* pDim = static_cast<ScDPSaveDimension*>(aDimList.GetObject(i));
const String& rDimName = pDim->GetName();
if (!rDimName.Len())
// empty dimension name. It must be data layout.
NameIndexMap::const_iterator itr = aMap.find(rDimName);
if (itr == itrEnd)
// dimension name not in the data. This should never happen!
long nDimIndex = itr->second;
const std::vector<SCROW>& rMembers = pData->GetColumnEntries(nDimIndex);
size_t mMemberCount = rMembers.size();
for (size_t j = 0; j < mMemberCount; ++j)
const ScDPItemData* pMemberData = pData->GetMemberById( nDimIndex, rMembers[j] );
String aMemName = pMemberData->GetString();
if (pDim->GetExistingMemberByName(aMemName))
// this member instance already exists. nothing to do.
auto_ptr<ScDPSaveMember> pNewMember(new ScDPSaveMember(aMemName));
mbDimensionMembersBuilt = true;
void ScDPSaveData::BuildAllDimensionMembersFromSource( ScDPObject* pDPObj )
// Initialize all members like BuildAllDimensionMembers, but access only the DataPilotSource, not the table data.
// This could also replace BuildAllDimensionMembers, but the performance implications still have to be checked.
// ScDPObject is used for the helper method GetMemberNames.
if (mbDimensionMembersBuilt)
uno::Reference<sheet::XDimensionsSupplier> xSource = pDPObj->GetSource();
uno::Reference<container::XNameAccess> xDimsName = xSource->getDimensions();
// GetMemberNames uses the dimension index from getElementNames
uno::Sequence<OUString> aDimNames = xDimsName->getElementNames();
// First, build a dimension name-to-index map.
typedef hash_map<OUString, long, ::rtl::OUStringHash> NameIndexMap;
NameIndexMap aMap;
long nColCount = aDimNames.getLength();
for (long i = 0; i < nColCount; ++i)
aMap.insert( NameIndexMap::value_type(aDimNames[i], i) );
NameIndexMap::const_iterator itrEnd = aMap.end();
sal_uInt32 n = aDimList.Count();
for (sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < n; ++i)
ScDPSaveDimension* pDim = static_cast<ScDPSaveDimension*>(aDimList.GetObject(i));
const String& rDimName = pDim->GetName();
if (!rDimName.Len())
// empty dimension name. It must be data layout.
NameIndexMap::const_iterator itr = aMap.find(rDimName);
if (itr == itrEnd)
// dimension name not in the data. This should never happen!
long nDimIndex = itr->second;
uno::Sequence<OUString> aMemberNames;
pDPObj->GetMemberNames( nDimIndex, aMemberNames );
sal_Int32 nMemberCount = aMemberNames.getLength();
for (sal_Int32 j = 0; j < nMemberCount; ++j)
String aMemName = aMemberNames[j];
if (pDim->GetExistingMemberByName(aMemName))
// this member instance already exists. nothing to do.
auto_ptr<ScDPSaveMember> pNewMember(new ScDPSaveMember(aMemName));
mbDimensionMembersBuilt = true;
bool ScDPSaveData::HasInvisibleMember(const OUString& rDimName) const
ScDPSaveDimension* pDim = GetExistingDimensionByName(rDimName);
if (!pDim)
return false;
return pDim->HasInvisibleMember();
void ScDPSaveData::Refresh( const uno::Reference<sheet::XDimensionsSupplier>& xSource )
long nCount = aDimList.Count();
std::list<String> deletedDims;
for (long i=nCount-1; i >=0 ; i--)
ScDPSaveDimension* pDim = (ScDPSaveDimension*)aDimList.GetObject(i);
rtl::OUString aName = pDim->GetName();
if ( pDim->IsDataLayout() )
uno::Reference<container::XNameAccess> xDimsName = xSource->getDimensions();
uno::Reference<container::XIndexAccess> xIntDims = new ScNameToIndexAccess( xDimsName );
long nIntCount = xIntDims->getCount();
sal_Bool bFound = sal_False;
for (long nIntDim=0; nIntDim<nIntCount && !bFound; nIntDim++)
uno::Reference<uno::XInterface> xIntDim = ScUnoHelpFunctions::AnyToInterface( xIntDims->getByIndex(nIntDim) );
uno::Reference<container::XNamed> xDimName( xIntDim, uno::UNO_QUERY );
if ( && xDimName->getName() == aName )
bFound = sal_True;
if ( !bFound )
deletedDims.push_back( aName );
DBG_TRACE( "\n Remove dim: \t" );
DBG_TRACESTR( String( aName ) );
nCount = aDimList.Count();
for (long i=nCount-1; i >=0 ; i--) //check every dimension ??
ScDPSaveDimension* pDim = (ScDPSaveDimension*)aDimList.GetObject(i);
rtl::OUString aName = pDim->GetName();
if ( pDim->IsDataLayout() )
pDim->Refresh( xSource, deletedDims );
mbDimensionMembersBuilt = false; // there may be new members
DBG_ERROR("error in ScDPSaveData::Refresh");
void ScDPSaveDimension::Refresh( const com::sun::star::uno::Reference<
com::sun::star::sheet::XDimensionsSupplier>& xSource ,
const std::list<String>& deletedDims)
if ( )
ScDPSource* pTabSource = static_cast<ScDPSource*>( xSource.get() );
ScDPTableDataCache* pCache = pTabSource->GetCache();
if ( pCache->GetId() == -1 )
SCCOL nSrcDim = pCache->GetDimensionIndex( GetName() );
if ( nSrcDim == -1 )
if ( pSelectedPage )
{//check pSelected page
DBG_TRACESTR( (*pSelectedPage) );
if ( pCache->GetIdByItemData( nSrcDim, *pSelectedPage ) == -1 )
delete pSelectedPage;
pSelectedPage = NULL;
if ( pReferenceValue && pReferenceValue->ReferenceItemType == DataPilotFieldReferenceItemType::NAMED )
{//check pReferenceValue
#ifdef DEBUG
switch( pReferenceValue->ReferenceType)
case sheet::DataPilotFieldReferenceType::ITEM_PERCENTAGE: //both
DBG_TRACE( "\n sheet::DataPilotFieldReferenceType::ITEM_PERCENTAGE \n" );
case sheet::DataPilotFieldReferenceType::ITEM_DIFFERENCE: //both
DBG_TRACE( "\n sheet::DataPilotFieldReferenceType::ITEM_DIFFERENCE \n" );
case sheet::DataPilotFieldReferenceType::ITEM_PERCENTAGE_DIFFERENCE: //both
DBG_TRACE( "\n sheet::DataPilotFieldReferenceType::ITEM_PERCENTAGE_DIFFERENCE \n" );
case sheet::DataPilotFieldReferenceType::RUNNING_TOTAL:
DBG_TRACE( "\n sheet::DataPilotFieldReferenceType::RUNNING_TOTAL \n" ); //enable name
switch( pReferenceValue->ReferenceType)
case sheet::DataPilotFieldReferenceType::ITEM_PERCENTAGE:
case sheet::DataPilotFieldReferenceType::ITEM_DIFFERENCE:
case sheet::DataPilotFieldReferenceType::ITEM_PERCENTAGE_DIFFERENCE:
case sheet::DataPilotFieldReferenceType::RUNNING_TOTAL:
if( pReferenceValue->ReferenceItemType == DataPilotFieldReferenceItemType::NAMED )
const String& sReferenceFieldName = pReferenceValue->ReferenceField;
DBG_TRACESTR( sReferenceFieldName );
SCCOL nRefDim = pCache->GetDimensionIndex( sReferenceFieldName );
bool bValid = true;
if ( nRefDim == -1 )
bValid = false;
else if ( pReferenceValue->ReferenceType != sheet::DataPilotFieldReferenceType::RUNNING_TOTAL )
{ //running total has not reference item
const String& sReferenceItemName = pReferenceValue->ReferenceItemName;
DBG_TRACESTR( sReferenceItemName );
if ( pCache->GetIdByItemData( nRefDim, sReferenceItemName ) == -1 )
bValid = false;
if ( !bValid )
delete pReferenceValue;
pReferenceValue = NULL;
if ( pSortInfo )
{ //check sortinfo
if ( pSortInfo->Mode == DataPilotFieldSortMode::DATA )
DBG_TRACE( "\n DataPilotFieldSortMode::DATA \n" );
const String& sFieldDimName = pSortInfo->Field;
std::list<String>::const_iterator iter = std::find( deletedDims.begin(), deletedDims.end(), sFieldDimName );
if ( iter != deletedDims.end() && pCache->GetDimensionIndex( sFieldDimName ) == -1 )
pSortInfo->Mode = DataPilotFieldSortMode::MANUAL;
pSortInfo->Field = GetName();
if ( pAutoShowInfo )
{ //check autoshow
const String& sFieldDimName = pAutoShowInfo->DataField;
std::list<String>::const_iterator iter = std::find( deletedDims.begin(), deletedDims.end(), sFieldDimName );
if ( iter != deletedDims.end() && pCache->GetDimensionIndex( sFieldDimName ) == -1 )
delete pAutoShowInfo;
pAutoShowInfo = NULL;
//remove unused members
for (MemberList::iterator i=maMemberList.begin(); i != maMemberList.end() ; )
rtl::OUString aMemberName = (*i)->GetName();
if ( pCache->GetIdByItemData( nSrcDim, aMemberName ) == -1 )
i = maMemberList.erase( i );
// End Comments
bool operator == (const ::com::sun::star::sheet::DataPilotFieldSortInfo &l, const ::com::sun::star::sheet::DataPilotFieldSortInfo &r )
return l.Field == r.Field && l.IsAscending == r.IsAscending && l.Mode == r.Mode;
bool operator == (const ::com::sun::star::sheet::DataPilotFieldAutoShowInfo &l, const ::com::sun::star::sheet::DataPilotFieldAutoShowInfo &r )
return l.IsEnabled == r.IsEnabled &&
l.ShowItemsMode == r.ShowItemsMode &&
l.ItemCount == r.ItemCount &&
l.DataField == r.DataField;
bool operator == (const ::com::sun::star::sheet::DataPilotFieldReference &l, const ::com::sun::star::sheet::DataPilotFieldReference &r )
return l.ReferenceType == r.ReferenceType &&
l.ReferenceField == r.ReferenceField &&
l.ReferenceItemType == r.ReferenceItemType &&
l.ReferenceItemName == r.ReferenceItemName;