blob: 6b6c126935bceb80ce7877bc0544357d31f9bb20 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
package installer::parameter;
use Cwd;
use installer::exiter;
use installer::files;
use installer::globals;
use installer::logger;
use installer::remover;
use installer::systemactions;
use strict;
# Parameter Operations
sub usage
if ( $installer::globals::debug ) { installer::logger::debuginfo("installer::parameter::usage"); }
print <<Ende;
The following parameter are needed:
-f: Path to the product list (required)
-s: Path to the setup script (optional, if defined in product list)
-i: Install path of the product (/opt/openofficeorg20) (optional)
-p: Product from product list to be created (required)
-l: Language of the product (comma and hash) (optional, defined in productlist)
-b: Build, e.g. srx645 (optional)
-m: Minor, e.g. m10 (optional)
-simple: Path to do a simple install to
-c: Compiler, e.g. wntmsci8, unxlngi5, unxsols4, ... (optional)
-u: Path, in which zipfiles are unpacked (optional)
-msitemplate: Source of the msi file templates (Windows compiler only)
-msilanguage: Source of the msi file templates (Windows compiler only)
-javalanguage: Source of the Java language files (opt., non-Windows only)
-buildid: Current BuildID (optional)
-pro: Product version
-format: Package format
-debian: Create Debian packages for Linux
-dontunzip: do not unzip all files with flag ARCHIVE
-dontcallepm : do not call epm to create install sets (opt., non-Windows only)
-ispatchedepm : Usage of a patched (non-standard) epm (opt., non-Windows only)
-copyproject : is set for projects that are only used for copying (optional)
-languagepack : do create a languagepack, no product pack (optional)
-patch : do create a patch (optional)
-patchinc: Source for the patch include files (Solaris only)
-dontstrip: No file stripping (Unix only)
-log : Logging all available information (optional)
-debug : Collecting debug information
Examples for Windows:
perl -f zip.lst -p OfficeFAT -l en-US
-u /export/unpack -buildid 8712
-msitemplate /export/msi_files
-msilanguage /export/msi_languages
Examples for Non-Windows:
perl -f zip.lst -p OfficeFAT -l en-US -format rpm
-u /export/unpack -buildid 8712 -ispatchedepm
# Writing all parameter into logfile
sub saveparameter
if ( $installer::globals::debug ) { installer::logger::debuginfo("installer::parameter::saveparameter"); }
$installer::logger::Global->printf("Command line arguments:\n");
my $index = 0;
foreach my $argument (@ARGV)
$installer::logger::Global->printf(" %2d: %s\n", $index++, $argument);
# also saving global settings:
$installer::logger::Global->printf("Separator: %s\n", $installer::globals::separator);
# Reading parameter
sub getparameter
if ( $installer::globals::debug ) { installer::logger::debuginfo("installer::parameter::getparameter"); }
while ( $#ARGV >= 0 )
my $param = shift(@ARGV);
if ($param eq "-f") { $installer::globals::ziplistname = shift(@ARGV); }
elsif ($param eq "-s") { $installer::globals::setupscriptname = shift(@ARGV); }
elsif ($param eq "-p") { $installer::globals::product = shift(@ARGV); }
elsif ($param eq "-l") { $installer::globals::languagelist = shift(@ARGV); }
elsif ($param eq "-b") { $installer::globals::build = shift(@ARGV); }
elsif ($param eq "-m") { $installer::globals::minor = shift(@ARGV); }
elsif ($param eq "-dontunzip") { $installer::globals::dounzip = 0; }
elsif ($param eq "-c") { $installer::globals::compiler = shift(@ARGV); }
elsif ($param eq "-pro") { $installer::globals::pro = 1; }
elsif ($param eq "-format") { $installer::globals::packageformat = shift(@ARGV); }
elsif ($param eq "-log") { $installer::globals::globallogging = 1; }
elsif ($param eq "-quiet") { $installer::globals::quiet = 1; }
elsif ($param eq "-verbose") { $installer::globals::quiet = 0; }
elsif ($param eq "-debug") { $installer::globals::debug = 1; }
elsif ($param eq "-tab") { $installer::globals::tab = 1; }
elsif ($param eq "-u") { $installer::globals::unpackpath = shift(@ARGV); }
elsif ($param eq "-i") { $installer::globals::rootpath = shift(@ARGV); }
elsif ($param eq "-dontcallepm") { $installer::globals::call_epm = 0; }
elsif ($param eq "-msitemplate") { $installer::globals::idttemplatepath = shift(@ARGV); }
elsif ($param eq "-msilanguage") { $installer::globals::idtlanguagepath = shift(@ARGV); }
elsif ($param eq "-patchinc") { $installer::globals::patchincludepath = shift(@ARGV); }
elsif ($param eq "-javalanguage") { $installer::globals::javalanguagepath = shift(@ARGV); }
elsif ($param eq "-buildid") { $installer::globals::buildid = shift(@ARGV); }
elsif ($param eq "-copyproject") { $installer::globals::is_copy_only_project = 1; }
elsif ($param eq "-languagepack") { $installer::globals::languagepack = 1; }
elsif ($param eq "-patch") { $installer::globals::patch = 1; }
elsif ($param eq "-debian") { $installer::globals::debian = 1; }
elsif ($param eq "-dontstrip") { $installer::globals::strip = 0; }
elsif ($param eq "-destdir") # new parameter for simple installer
$installer::globals::rootpath ne "" && die "must set destdir before -i or -simple";
$installer::globals::destdir = shift @ARGV;
elsif ($param eq "-simple") # new parameter for simple installer
$installer::globals::simple = 1;
$installer::globals::call_epm = 0;
$installer::globals::makedownload = 0;
$installer::globals::makejds = 0;
$installer::globals::strip = 0;
my $path = shift(@ARGV);
$path =~ s/^\Q$installer::globals::destdir\E//;
$installer::globals::rootpath = $path;
installer::logger::print_error( "unknown parameter: $param" );
# Usage of simple installer (not for Windows):
# $PERL -w $SOLARENV/bin/ \
# -f openoffice.lst -l en-US -p OpenOffice \
# -buildid $BUILD -rpm \
# -destdir /tmp/nurk -simple $INSTALL_PATH
# Controlling the fundamental parameter
# (required for every process)
sub control_fundamental_parameter
if ( $installer::globals::debug ) { installer::logger::debuginfo("installer::parameter::control_fundamental_parameter"); }
if ($installer::globals::product eq "")
installer::logger::print_error( "Product name not set!" );
# The path parameters can be relative or absolute.
# This function creates absolute pathes.
sub make_path_absolute
my ($pathref) = @_;
if ( $installer::globals::debug ) { installer::logger::debuginfo("installer::parameter::make_path_absolute : $$pathref"); }
if ( $installer::globals::isunix )
if (!($$pathref =~ /^\s*\//)) # this is a relative unix path
$$pathref = cwd() . $installer::globals::separator . $$pathref;
if ( $installer::globals::iswin || $installer::globals::isos2 )
if ( $^O =~ /cygwin/i )
if ( $$pathref !~ /^\s*\// && $$pathref !~ /^\s*\w\:/ ) # not an absolute POSIX or DOS path
$$pathref = cwd() . $installer::globals::separator . $$pathref;
my $p = $$pathref;
chomp( $p );
my $q = '';
# Avoid the $(LANG) problem.
if ($p =~ /(\A.*)(\$\(.*\Z)/) {
$p = $1;
$q = $2;
$p =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
chomp( $p = qx{cygpath -w "$p"} );
$$pathref = $p.$q;
# Use windows paths, but with '/'s.
$$pathref =~ s/\\/\//g;
if (!($$pathref =~ /^\s*\w\:/)) # this is a relative windows path (no dos drive)
$$pathref = cwd() . $installer::globals::separator . $$pathref;
$$pathref =~ s/\//\\/g;
$$pathref =~ s/[\/\\]\s*$//; # removing ending slashes
# Setting some global parameters
# This has to be expanded with furher platforms
sub setglobalvariables
if ( $installer::globals::debug ) { installer::logger::debuginfo("installer::parameter::setglobalvariables"); }
# Setting the installertype directory corresponding to the environment variable PKGFORMAT
# The global variable $installer::globals::packageformat can only contain one package format.
# If PKGFORMAT cotains more than one format (for example "rpm deb") this is splitted in the
# makefile calling the perl program.
$installer::globals::installertypedir = $installer::globals::packageformat;
if ( $installer::globals::compiler =~ /wnt(msc|gcc)i/ )
$installer::globals::iswindowsbuild = 1;
if ( $installer::globals::compiler =~ /unxso[lg][siux]/ )
$installer::globals::issolarisbuild = 1;
if ( $installer::globals::packageformat eq "pkg" )
$installer::globals::issolarispkgbuild = 1;
$installer::globals::epmoutpath = "packages";
$installer::globals::isxpdplatform = 1;
if (( $installer::globals::compiler =~ /unxmacxi/ ) || ( $installer::globals::compiler =~ /unxmacxp/ ))
$installer::globals::ismacbuild = 1;
if ( $installer::globals::packageformat eq "dmg" )
$installer::globals::ismacdmgbuild = 1;
if ( $installer::globals::compiler =~ /unxfbsd/ )
$installer::globals::isfreebsdbuild = 1;
if ( $installer::globals::packageformat eq "bsd" )
$installer::globals::epmoutpath = "freebsd";
$installer::globals::isfreebsdpkgbuild = 1;
if ( $installer::globals::compiler =~ /unxso[lg]s/ ) { $installer::globals::issolarissparcbuild = 1; }
if ( $installer::globals::compiler =~ /unxso[lg]i/ ) { $installer::globals::issolarisx86build = 1; }
if ($ENV{OS} eq 'LINUX')
$installer::globals::islinuxbuild = 1;
if ( $installer::globals::packageformat eq "rpm" )
$installer::globals::islinuxrpmbuild = 1;
$installer::globals::isxpdplatform = 1;
$installer::globals::epmoutpath = "RPMS";
if ( $installer::globals::compiler =~ /unxlngi/ )
$installer::globals::islinuxintelrpmbuild = 1;
if ( $installer::globals::compiler =~ /unxlngppc/ )
$installer::globals::islinuxppcrpmbuild = 1;
if ( $installer::globals::compiler =~ /unxlngx/ )
$installer::globals::islinuxx86_64rpmbuild = 1;
if ( $installer::globals::rpm eq "" ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Environment variable \"\$RPM\" has to be defined!", "setglobalvariables"); }
# Creating Debian packages ?
if (( $installer::globals::packageformat eq "deb" ) || ( $installer::globals::debian ))
$installer::globals::debian = 1;
$installer::globals::packageformat = "deb";
my $message = "Creating Debian packages";
$installer::globals::islinuxrpmbuild = 0;
$installer::globals::islinuxdebbuild = 1;
$installer::globals::epmoutpath = "DEBS";
if ( $installer::globals::compiler =~ /unxlngi/ )
$installer::globals::islinuxinteldebbuild = 1;
if ( $installer::globals::compiler =~ /unxlngppc/ )
$installer::globals::islinuxppcdebbuild = 1;
if ( $installer::globals::compiler =~ /unxlngx/ )
$installer::globals::islinuxx86_64debbuild = 1;
# Defaulting to native package format for epm
if ( ! $installer::globals::packageformat ) { $installer::globals::packageformat = "native"; }
# extension, if $installer::globals::pro is set
if ($installer::globals::pro) { $installer::globals::productextension = ".pro"; }
# no languages defined as parameter
if ($installer::globals::languagelist eq "") { $installer::globals::languages_defined_in_productlist = 1; }
# setting and creating the unpackpath
if ($installer::globals::unpackpath eq "") # unpackpath not set
$installer::globals::unpackpath = cwd();
if ( $installer::globals::iswin ) { $installer::globals::unpackpath =~ s/\//\\/g; }
if ( $installer::globals::localunpackdir ne "" ) { $installer::globals::unpackpath = $installer::globals::localunpackdir; }
if (!($installer::globals::unpackpath eq ""))
$installer::globals::unpackpath =~ s/\Q$installer::globals::separator\E\s*$//;
if (! -d $installer::globals::unpackpath ) # create unpackpath
# setting jds exclude file list
if ( $installer::globals::islinuxrpmbuild )
$installer::globals::jdsexcludefilename = "jds_excludefiles_linux.txt";
if ( $installer::globals::issolarissparcbuild )
$installer::globals::jdsexcludefilename = "jds_excludefiles_solaris_sparc.txt";
if ( $installer::globals::issolarisx86build )
$installer::globals::jdsexcludefilename = "jds_excludefiles_solaris_intel.txt";
# setting and creating the temppath
if (( $ENV{'TMP'} ) || ( $ENV{'TEMP'} ) || ( $ENV{'TMPDIR'} ))
if ( $ENV{'TMP'} ) { $installer::globals::temppath = $ENV{'TMP'}; }
elsif ( $ENV{'TEMP'} ) { $installer::globals::temppath = $ENV{'TEMP'}; }
elsif ( $ENV{'TMPDIR'} ) { $installer::globals::temppath = $ENV{'TMPDIR'}; }
$installer::globals::temppath =~ s/\Q$installer::globals::separator\E\s*$//; # removing ending slashes and backslashes
$installer::globals::temppath = $installer::globals::temppath . $installer::globals::separator . $installer::globals::globaltempdirname;
installer::systemactions::create_directory_with_privileges($installer::globals::temppath, "777");
my $dirsave = $installer::globals::temppath;
if ( $installer::globals::compiler =~ /^unxmac/ )
my $localcall = "chmod 777 $installer::globals::temppath \>\/dev\/null 2\>\&1";
$installer::globals::temppath = $installer::globals::temppath . $installer::globals::separator . "i";
$installer::globals::temppath = installer::systemactions::create_pid_directory($installer::globals::temppath);
push(@installer::globals::removedirs, $installer::globals::temppath);
if ( ! -d $installer::globals::temppath ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Failed to create directory $installer::globals::temppath ! Possible reason: Wrong privileges in directory $dirsave .", "setglobalvariables"); }
$installer::globals::jdstemppath = $installer::globals::temppath;
$installer::globals::jdstemppath =~ s/i_/j_/;
push(@installer::globals::jdsremovedirs, $installer::globals::jdstemppath);
$installer::globals::temppath = $installer::globals::temppath . $installer::globals::separator . $installer::globals::compiler . $installer::globals::productextension;
if ( $^O =~ /cygwin/i )
$installer::globals::cyg_temppath = $installer::globals::temppath;
$installer::globals::cyg_temppath =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
chomp( $installer::globals::cyg_temppath = qx{cygpath -w "$installer::globals::cyg_temppath"} );
$installer::globals::temppathdefined = 1;
$installer::globals::jdstemppathdefined = 1;
$installer::globals::temppathdefined = 0;
$installer::globals::jdstemppathdefined = 0;
# only one cab file, if Windows msp patches shall be prepared
if ( $installer::globals::prepare_winpatch ) { $installer::globals::number_of_cabfiles = 1; }
# Controlling the parameter that are
# required for special processes
sub control_required_parameter
if ( $installer::globals::debug ) { installer::logger::debuginfo("installer::parameter::control_required_parameter"); }
if (!($installer::globals::is_copy_only_project))
# idt template path. Only required for Windows build ($installer::globals::compiler =~ /wntmsci/)
# for the creation of the msi database.
if (($installer::globals::idttemplatepath eq "") && ($installer::globals::iswindowsbuild))
installer::logger::print_error( "idt template path not set (-msitemplate)!" );
# idt language path. Only required for Windows build ($installer::globals::compiler =~ /wntmsci/)
# for the creation of the msi database.
if (($installer::globals::idtlanguagepath eq "") && ($installer::globals::iswindowsbuild))
installer::logger::print_error( "idt language path not set (-msilanguage)!" );
# Analyzing the idt template path
if (!($installer::globals::idttemplatepath eq "")) # idttemplatepath set, relative or absolute?
# Analyzing the idt language path
if (!($installer::globals::idtlanguagepath eq "")) # idtlanguagepath set, relative or absolute?
# In the msi template directory a files "codes.txt" has to exist, in which the ProductCode
# and the UpgradeCode for the product are defined.
# The name "codes.txt" can be overwritten in Product definition with CODEFILENAME (
if (( $installer::globals::iswindowsbuild ) && ( $installer::globals::packageformat ne "archive" ) && ( $installer::globals::packageformat ne "installed" ))
$installer::globals::codefilename = $installer::globals::idttemplatepath . $installer::globals::separator . $installer::globals::codefilename;
$installer::globals::componentfilename = $installer::globals::idttemplatepath . $installer::globals::separator . $installer::globals::componentfilename;
# Patch currently only available
# for Solaris packages and Linux
if (( $installer::globals::patch ) && ( ! $installer::globals::issolarispkgbuild ) && ( ! $installer::globals::islinuxrpmbuild ) && ( ! $installer::globals::islinuxdebbuild ) && ( ! $installer::globals::iswindowsbuild ) && ( ! $installer::globals::ismacdmgbuild ))
installer::logger::print_error( "Sorry, Patch flag currently only available for Solaris pkg, Linux RPM and Windows builds!" );
if (( $installer::globals::patch ) && ( $installer::globals::issolarispkgbuild ) && ( ! $installer::globals::patchincludepath ))
installer::logger::print_error( "Solaris patch requires parameter -patchinc !" );
if (( $installer::globals::patch ) && ( $installer::globals::issolarispkgbuild ) && ( $installer::globals::patchincludepath ))
$installer::globals::patchincludepath = installer::converter::make_path_conform($installer::globals::patchincludepath);
# Testing existence of files
# also for copy-only projects
if ($installer::globals::ziplistname eq "")
installer::logger::print_error( "ERROR: Zip list file has to be defined (Parameter -f) !" );
if ($installer::globals::setupscriptname eq "") { $installer::globals::setupscript_defined_in_productlist = 1; }
else { installer::files::check_file($installer::globals::setupscriptname); } # if the setupscript file is defined, it has to exist
# Writing parameter to shell and into logfile
sub outputparameter ()
if ( $installer::globals::debug ) { installer::logger::debuginfo("installer::parameter::outputparameter"); }
my @output = ();
push(@output, "\n");
push(@output, "########################################################\n");
push(@output, "$installer::globals::prog, version 1.0\n");
push(@output, "Product list file: $installer::globals::ziplistname\n");
if (!($installer::globals::setupscript_defined_in_productlist))
push(@output, "Setup script: $installer::globals::setupscriptname\n");
push(@output, "Taking setup script from solver\n");
push(@output, "Unpackpath: $installer::globals::unpackpath\n");
push(@output, "Compiler: $installer::globals::compiler\n");
push(@output, "Product: $installer::globals::product\n");
push(@output, "BuildID: $installer::globals::buildid\n");
push(@output, "Build: $installer::globals::build\n");
if ( $installer::globals::minor ) { push(@output, "Minor: $installer::globals::minor\n"); }
else { push(@output, "No minor set\n"); }
if ( $installer::globals::pro ) { push(@output, "Product version\n"); }
else { push(@output, "Non-Product version\n"); }
if ( $installer::globals::rootpath eq "" ) { push(@output, "Using default installpath\n"); }
else { push(@output, "Installpath: $installer::globals::rootpath\n"); }
push(@output, "Package format: $installer::globals::packageformat\n");
if (!($installer::globals::idttemplatepath eq "")) { push(@output, "msi templatepath: $installer::globals::idttemplatepath\n"); }
if ((!($installer::globals::idttemplatepath eq "")) && (!($installer::globals::iswindowsbuild))) { push(@output, "msi template path will be ignored for non Windows builds!\n"); }
if (!($installer::globals::idtlanguagepath eq "")) { push(@output, "msi languagepath: $installer::globals::idtlanguagepath\n"); }
if ((!($installer::globals::idtlanguagepath eq "")) && (!($installer::globals::iswindowsbuild))) { push(@output, "msi language path will be ignored for non Windows builds!\n"); }
if ((!($installer::globals::iswindowsbuild)) && ( $installer::globals::call_epm )) { push(@output, "Calling epm\n"); }
if ((!($installer::globals::iswindowsbuild)) && (!($installer::globals::call_epm))) { push(@output, "Not calling epm\n"); }
if (!($installer::globals::javalanguagepath eq "")) { push(@output, "Java language path: $installer::globals::javalanguagepath\n"); }
if ((!($installer::globals::javalanguagepath eq "")) && ($installer::globals::iswindowsbuild)) { push(@output, "Java language path will be ignored for Windows builds!\n"); }
if ( $installer::globals::patchincludepath ) { push(@output, "Patch include path: $installer::globals::patchincludepath\n"); }
if ( $installer::globals::globallogging ) { push(@output, "Complete logging activated\n"); }
if ( $installer::globals::debug ) { push(@output, "Debug is activated\n"); }
if ( $installer::globals::tab ) { push(@output, "TAB version\n"); }
if ( $installer::globals::strip ) { push(@output, "Stripping files\n"); }
else { push(@output, "No file stripping\n"); }
if ( $installer::globals::debian ) { push(@output, "Linux: Creating Debian packages\n"); }
if ( $installer::globals::dounzip ) { push(@output, "Unzip ARCHIVE files\n"); }
else { push(@output, "Not unzipping ARCHIVE files\n"); }
if (!($installer::globals::languages_defined_in_productlist))
push(@output, "Languages:\n");
foreach my $element (@installer::globals::languageproducts) { push(@output, "\t$element\n"); }
push(@output, "Languages defined in $installer::globals::ziplistname\n");
if ( $installer::globals::is_copy_only_project ) { push(@output, "This is a copy only project!\n"); }
if ( $installer::globals::languagepack ) { push(@output, "Creating language pack!\n"); }
if ( $installer::globals::patch ) { push(@output, "Creating patch!\n"); }
push(@output, "########################################################\n");
# output into shell and into logfile
foreach my $line (@output)