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<div id="content"><h1 class="title">Apache OpenOffice for Windows</h1>
<h2><a href="#windows-version-support" id="windows-version-support">Windows Version Support</a></h2>
<p>The current Apache OpenOffice supports Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.</p>
<p>Specific platform version notes:</p>
<li><strong>Windows 2000</strong>: OpenOffice may work on Windows 2000, but we don&rsquo;t test or recommend it.</li>
<li><strong>Windows XP</strong>: Tested, stable, no platform-specific problems known.</li>
<li><strong>Windows Vista</strong>: Tested, stable, no platform-specific problems known.</li>
<li><strong>Windows 7</strong>: Tested, stable.</li>
<li><strong>Windows 8</strong>: We run as a &ldquo;desktop application&rdquo;, not a Metro &ldquo;App&rdquo;. Requires x86 or 64-bit Windows. We do not support Windows RT, the ARM-based version, intended for tablets.</li>
<p><strong>Please note</strong>: Apache OpenOffice is distributed as a 32-bit application. It will run successfully in 32-bit mode on 64-bit versions of Windows 7 and Windows 8. But in those cases a 32-bit JVM is required for some functionality. Details are <a href="">here</a>.</p>
<h2><a href="#hardware-requirements" id="hardware-requirements">Hardware Requirements</a></h2>
<p>Hardware demands are quite modest and even older machines should be able to run OpenOffice:</p>
<li><strong>Memory</strong>: Minimum 256 Mbytes RAM (512 MB RAM recommended).</li>
<li><strong>Storage</strong>: At least 650 Mbytes available disk space for a default install via download. After installation and deletion of temporary installation files, Apache OpenOffice will use approximately 440 Mbytes disk space.</li>
<li><strong>Graphics</strong>: 1024 x 768 or higher resolution with at least 256 colours.</li>
<h2><a href="#windows-specific-features" id="windows-specific-features">Windows-specific Features</a></h2>
<p>Apache OpenOffice has the following special features on Windows:</p>
<li>Mail client integration via Messaging Application Programming Interface <a href="">(MAPI)</a></li>
<h2><a href="#additional-resources" id="additional-resources">Additional Resources</a></h2>
<li>Click here to <a href="">download</a></li>
<li>Click here to get <a href="">Install intructions for OpenOffice on Windows</a></li>
<li>Click here to get help and support in the <a href="">Community Support Forums</a></li>
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