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<h1>Under Construction</h1>
<p>This page is under construction. Please visit again later.</p>
<p>Currently hosted are the following files:</p>
<dt><a href="office-spec.sxw">office-spec.sxw</a></dt>
<p>Working document for the OASIS Open Office TC specification. This
draft is only used internally by the TC.</p>
<p><b>Note:</b> The current <em>committee draft</em> is available
<dt><a href="extract.xsl">extract.xsl</a></dt>
<p>XSLT to extract the Relax NG from the specification document.</p>
<p>May also be used to extract text of a specific format from
any OASIS Open Office or document.</p>
<dt><a href="oasis2ooo.xsl">oasis2ooo.xsl</a></dt>
<p>XSLT to transform OASIS Open Office into documents.</p>
<dt><a href="ooo2oasis.xsl">ooo2oasis.xsl</a></dt>
<p>XSLT to transform into OASIS Open Office documents.</p>
<p>CVS history and past versions of these documents may be accessed
through <a
CVS</a> or a <a
href="">CVS web
front end</a>. The CVS path to the documents is <tt>xml/www/oasis</tt>. </p>
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