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<p><strong>Note:</strong>This FAQ is for the XML file format only. OASIS OpenDocument/ISO/IEC 26300 FAQs are available at <a href="">OASIS</a> and <a href=""></a>.<p>
<a name="top"></a><p><img alt="" src="">&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1"><b>MOST FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: QUESTIONS</b></font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img alt="" src=""></p><ol>
<li><a href="#1">
Which application uses XML-based file formats?
<li><a href="#2">
What are the default file extensions for XML-based documents?
<li><a href="#3">
What is all that binary goo I see in your files?
<li><a href="#4">
What package format do you use, and what do I find inside?
<li><a href="#5">
How can I put additional information into an XML file?
<li><a href="#6">
But I really, really want plain XML. No compression, no binary
data, no nothing. Just plain XML. Can I have that, please?
<li><a href="#7">
Why are so many styles written out?
<li><a href="#8">
How are embedded images and binary data handled?
<li><a href="#9">
Why didn't you use XHTML, XSL-FO, SVG, etc. ?
<li><a href="#10">
Can I write an XML translation from or into ...?
<li><a href="#11">
I found a bug. What do I do?
<li><a href="#12">
Hey, I like your XML format. How can I help?
<li><a href="#13">
But what about ...? And why isn't
my favorite question in here?
</ol><p><img alt="" src="">&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1"><b>MOST FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: ANSWERS</b></font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img alt="" src=""></p>
<ol><a name="1"></a><li value="1"><b>
Which application uses XML-based file formats?
All applications use XML-based file formats. All
applications (except Math) use the same format as defined in our <a href="xml_specification.pdf">specification</a>.
The Math component uses our package structure and format (see
below), but uses <a href="">MathML</a>
inside the package.
</answer></p><br></li></ol><a href="#top">Back to top</a><hr noshade="noshade" size="1" align="left"><br>
<ol><a name="2"></a><li value="2"><b>
What are the default file extensions for XML-based documents?
<table summary=" XML file types">
<tr> <th>Writer</th> <td>sxw</td> </tr>
<tr> <th>Calc</th> <td>sxc</td> </tr>
<tr> <th>Draw</th> <td>sxd</td> </tr>
<tr> <th>Impress</th> <td>sxi</td> </tr>
<tr> <th>Math</th> <td>sxm</td> </tr>
<tr> <th>Writer<br>global document</th> <td>sxg</td> </tr>
<p>XML is also used in other files
(e.g. configuration) which are not covered in the <tt>xmloff</tt>
</answer><br></li></ol><a href="#top">Back to top</a><hr noshade="noshade" size="1" align="left"><br>
<ol><a name="3"></a><li value="3"><b>
What is all that binary goo I see in your files?
<p>Our documents use packages that contain the XML data alongside
binary data such as images. The packages use the well known ZIP format.
Just open an sxw/sxc/... file with a ZIP-tool of your choice, and
you get access to the unadulterated XML.</p>
<p>The document meta data (in the meta.xml stream) is not
compressed. This allows for easy searching and extraction of the
meta data.</p>
<p> For more information on our packages, see the next question. </p>
</answer><br></li></ol><a href="#top">Back to top</a><hr noshade="noshade" size="1" align="left"><br>
<ol><a name="4"></a><li value="4"><b>
What package format do you use, and what do I find inside?
<p>We use the well-known ZIP file format as a package format. In
addition, we store an XML-based manifest file that describes the
package content and may supply additional information about the
included files (e.g. encryption method). Since we use ZIP, most
archive programs can already handle our files.</p>
<p>Inside the package, you generally find several streams that
make up the full office document. These are: </p>
<td>information about the document (author, time of last save, ...)</td>
<td>styles that are used in the document</td>
<td>main document content (text, tables, graphical elements)</td>
<td>document and view settings (such as magnification level and
selected printer); these are usually application specific </td>
<td>provides additional information about the other files (such
as MIME type or encryption method)</td>
<td>directory containing images (in their native, binary formats)</td>
<td>directory containing dialogs used by document macros</td>
<td>directory containing StarBasic macros</td>
<td>directories containing embedded objects, such as charts;
each directory contains one such object, stored in its native format.
For objects that is its XML representation, for other
objects it's usually a binary format.</td>
<p>For more information on why we chose ZIP, please read <a href="package.html">package.html</a>. For more information on the
ZIP format itself, please look <a href="">here</a>.</p>
</answer><br></li></ol><a href="#top">Back to top</a><hr noshade="noshade" size="1" align="left"><br>
<ol><a name="5"></a><li value="5"><b>
How can I put additional information into an XML file?
<p><em>Alien</em> attributes, i.e. attributes not defined in the DTD, will be preserved if they are attached to
<code>&lt;style:properties&gt;</code> elements in style
definitions. All other alien content will be discarded by the import filters.</p>
<p>Since you can attach styles to arbitrary text ranges, you can
use this mechanism to attach your information to arbitrary text
ranges, too.</p>
<p><strong>Note:</strong> The above mechanism seems to only work
in Writer. The issue is under investigation.</p>
<p>It is planned that you can also put additional files with your
own content into the packages. However, this doesn't work yet.</p>
</answer><br></li></ol><a href="#top">Back to top</a><hr noshade="noshade" size="1" align="left"><br>
<ol><a name="6"></a><li value="6"><b>
But I really, really want plain XML. No compression, no binary
data, no nothing. Just plain XML. Can I have that, please?
<p>For purposes of import and export, we provide <a href="">UNO</a>-based services that
allow you to import or export XML data through the SAX
interface. A documentation of this technique is available <a href="filter/">here</a>.</p>
<p>Also, it is planned to allow plain XML files (without packages)
to be read and written. However, this is not implemented yet.</p>
</answer><br></li></ol><a href="#top">Back to top</a><hr noshade="noshade" size="1" align="left"><br>
<ol><a name="7"></a><li value="7"><b>
Why are so many styles written out?
<p>In general, styles that are used in the document or that have been
modified by the user are written to disk. The former is necessary
to render the document correctly. The latter is preserved because
if a user edited those styles, he/she is likely to use them later
on. Therefore, those styles should not be discarded, even though
they do not contribute to the document in its current form and
<p>If styles that meet neither of these criteria are written, then
this is may be considered a bug. The Draw, Impress, and Calc
applications currently show this behavior. </p>
</answer><br></li></ol><a href="#top">Back to top</a><hr noshade="noshade" size="1" align="left"><br>
<ol><a name="8"></a><li value="8"><b>
How are embedded images and binary data handled?
Images and embedded objects are stored in their native formats
into the ZIP-based package format.
</answer></p><br></li></ol><a href="#top">Back to top</a><hr noshade="noshade" size="1" align="left"><br>
<ol><a name="9"></a><li value="9"><b>
Why didn't you use XHTML, XSL-FO, SVG, etc. ?
<p>Those formats are not used because they do not have a
suitable level of presentation for office documents. When we found an
established format (like the ones mentioned above) contains
concepts that are used in as well, then we
generally adopted their representation for those concepts in our
XML format. We hope this will ease transformation between the
<p>As an example for the unsuitable level of presentation consider
text fields: A text field contains a string of text that gets
automatically for this consider text fields: Text fields are
special regions of text strings that are automatically updated by
the application. The text fields must be preserved, of course, so
the application can continue to update them. While the above
formats easily accomodate the text field output (after all, it's
just a string of text), they can only be represented by some sort
of extension to the basic format. Since these sort of issues
occur quite a lot, it seemed more prudent to create an own format.</p>
</answer><br></li></ol><a href="#top">Back to top</a><hr noshade="noshade" size="1" align="left"><br>
<ol><a name="10"></a><li value="10"><b>
Can I write an XML translation from or into ...?
<p>You are absolutely welcome to write transformation from our
XML-based file format into and from anything you see fit.</p>
</answer><br></li></ol><a href="#top">Back to top</a><hr noshade="noshade" size="1" align="left"><br>
<ol><a name="11"></a><li value="11"><b>
I found a bug. What do I do?
<p>Report it using <a href="">IssueZilla</a>. Try
to give a detailed description of what went wrong. Don't forget to
include the document in which the error occurred. (After submission
of the bug, choose "create attachment".)</p>
<p><strong>DON'T BE SHY ABOUT REPORTING BUGS!</strong> All of us
are interested in stable and bug-free applications, and bug
reports from our users are a very important means towards that
end. Bug reports help all of us. If you don't report your
findings, we can't fix them, and so they will cause problems for
users as well.</p>
</answer><br></li></ol><a href="#top">Back to top</a><hr noshade="noshade" size="1" align="left"><br>
<ol><a name="12"></a><li value="12"><b>
Hey, I like your XML format. How can I help?
There are many things you can do to help.
<li>You can spread the word, e.g. by telling your friends and
co-workers about</li>
<li>You can use the applications and report any
bugs you find.</li>
<li>You can program transformation from our format into others
(and vice versa).</li>
<li>You can implement one of the suggestions on the todo list on our homepage. </li>
</answer></p><br></li></ol><a href="#top">Back to top</a><hr noshade="noshade" size="1" align="left"><br>
<ol><a name="13"></a><li value="13"><b>
But what about ...? And why isn't
my favorite question in here?
If your question is not answered here, ask it on our mailing
list. You can view the archives <a href="">here</a>. Instructions
for joining the list are on our <a href="">project homepage</a>.
</answer></p><br></li></ol><a href="#top">Back to top</a><hr noshade="noshade" size="1" align="left"><br>
<p><small>FAQ maintained by <a href="">dvo</a>.</small></p>
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