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<h2>FreeBSD porting status page : How to use SDK (OOo 2.x)</h2>
<p>$Id: sdk2.html,v 1.4 2005/08/22 05:57:57 xxjack12xx Exp $</p>
by <a href=""> porting team</a>,
<a href="">NAKATA, Maho</a>,
and <a href="">Jackson Low</a>
<h3>How to use SDK (OOo 2.x series)</h3>
This page explains how to use SDK. Since 2.0 is not released at the moment, this page is based on 1.9m107 (milestone 107).
<li> Install 2.0 for FreeBSD
You know what I mean :)
<li> Install gmake
If you haven't installed gmake, please install it.
# cd /usr/ports/devel/gmake ; make install clean
<li> Install Java (optional, but recommended for first try)
Ah, you don't like Java :)
# cd /usr/ports/java/jdk14 ; make install clean
<li> Obtain SDK
You can obtain SDK <a href="">here</a>. Please make sure you obtain the SDK for the operating system you are using or make it by yourself. Instructions for builing SDK are described in the <a href="">How to build</a> section on the main page.
<li> Setting up SDK
% make /work/tmp
% cd /work/tmp
% tar zxf &lt;somewhere&gt;/OOo_1.9m107_FreeBSD54Intel_sdk.tar.gz
% cd OpenOffice.org2.0_SDK/
% ./configure
*** Configure your SDK environment ***
Enter the Office Software Development Kit directory [/work/tmp/OpenOffice.org2. 0_SDK]:
Enter the Office installation directory []: /usr/local/openoffice.org1.9m107/
Enter GNU make (3.79.1 or higher) tools directory [/usr/local/bin]:
Enter zip (2.3 or higher) tool directory [/usr/local/bin]:
C++ compilers where for example a language binding exist:
- Solaris, Sun WorkShop 6 update 1 C++ 5.2 2000/09/11 or higher
- Linux, GNU C++ compiler, gcc version 3.0.1 or higher
Enter the the location of the C++ compiler (optional) [/usr/bin]:
Enter the Java SDK (1.4.1_01 or higher) installation directory (optional) []: /usr /local/jdk1.4.2/
Default output directory is the SDK directory itself.
Enter an existing directory if you prefer a different output directory (optional) []:
Automatic deployment of UNO components (YES/NO) [YES]:
* ... your SDK environment has been prepared.
* For each time you want to use this configured SDK environment, you
* have to run the "setsdkenv_unix" script file!
* Alternatively can you source one of the scripts ""
* or "setsdkenv_unix.csh" to get an environment without starting
* a new shell.
Just hit enter to accept the defaults, except for two points:<br>
Enter the Openoffice installation directory []: /usr/local/openoffice.org1.9m107/
You must enter (basically from packages or ports, the installation directory is
/usr/local/openoffice.org1.9m107/ )<br>
Enter Java SDK (1.4.1_01 or higher) installation directory [/usr/local]: /usr/local/jdk1.4.2
Same as above; please input `/usr/local/jdk1.4.2'.
<li> Use of SDK
After you have completed your SDK setup, you need to set environmental variables before it can used. Please type:
% ./setsdkenv_unix
Starting shell with SDK environment.
You can now use SDK. Congratulations!
<li> Sample programs
You might also be interested in the sample programs. Type ./setsdkenv_unix as described above to use them.
% ./setsdkenv_unix
Starting shell with SDK environment.
Next change dir to examples/DevelopersGuide/FirstSteps/
% cd examples/DevelopersGuide/FirstSteps/
This directory contains some very basic sample programs. First, type gmake
to prepare next steps.
% gmake
mkdir -p ../../../FREEBSDexample.out/class/FirstStepsExamples
mkdir -p ../../../FREEBSDexample.out/class/FirstStepsExamples
"/usr/local/jdk1.4.2//bin/javac" -classpath "/usr/local/openoffice.org1.9m107//program/classes/jurt.jar:/usr/local/openoffice.org1.9m107//program/classes/unoil.jar:/usr/local/openoffice.org1.9m107//program/classes/ridl.jar:/usr/local/openoffice.org1.9m107//program/classes/juh.jar:../../../FREEBSDexample.out/class/FirstStepsExamples" -d ../../../FREEBSDexample.out/class/FirstStepsExamples
rm -f ../../../FREEBSDexample.out/class/FirstStepsExamples/FirstUnoContact.jar
mkdir -p ../../../FREEBSDexample.out/class/FirstStepsExamples
cd ../../../FREEBSDexample.out/class/FirstStepsExamples && "/usr/local/jdk1.4.2//bin/jar" cvfm FirstUnoContact.jar FirstUnoContact.class
Please use one of the following commands to execute the examples!
Type gmake instead of typing make, since name of GNU make is gmake for (usual) FreeBSD.
% gmake
"/usr/local/jdk1.4.2//bin/java""/usr/local/openoffice.org1.9m107//program" -jar ../../../FREEBSDexample.out/class/FirstStepsExamples/FirstUnoContact.jar
Connected to a running office ...
remote ServiceManager is available
Connection is established and sample program worked! Congratulations!<br>
Next example is FirstLoadComponent. This program opens a calc sheet and insert 21 to A1, A2 cell. Do sum of them and result is written in A3 cell.
% gmake
"/usr/local/jdk1.4.2//bin/java""/usr/local/openoffice.org1.9m107//program" -jar ../../../FREEBSDexample.out/class/FirstStepsExamples/FirstLoadComponent.jar
Connected to a running office ...
Formula cell in column 0, row 2 contains =SUM(A1:A2)
HelloTextTableShape is interesting. This automatically creates Writer, Calc, and Draw!
% gmake
please refer <a href="file:///work/tmp/OpenOffice.org2.0_SDK/examples/examples.html">examples.html</a>
<li>Changes between 1.1 and 2.0
We can invoke OOo to listen on a TCP/IP port. We don't need to set it up.
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