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<p>The following articles represent a selection of those pertaining to,
Open Source, or the general IT industry that may be of interest to the community.
If you would like to share an article with the community, please send the link
to Louis Su&aacute;rez-Potts, editor, at <a href=""></a>. </p>
<p><a href="../news.html">Back to News Index</a></p>
<table width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#99CCFF">
<td colspan="2" bgcolor="#99ccff" valign="top">
<td rowspan="2" class="alt8"><a href="" target="_blank"></a></td>
<td class="alt9"><a href="" target="_blank">The
Case For Open Source<br>
</a><i>December 4, 2000</i></td>
<td class="alt9">Bill Portelli, CEO of CollabNet, Inc., gives a compelling
account of why Sun Microsystems and a growing number of other companies
have found the most profitable way to develop software is to give it away.</td>
<td rowspan="2" class="alt8"><a href="">BusinessNow</a></td>
<td class="alt9"><a href="">CollabNet
on TV!</a><br>
<i>November 26, 2000</i> </td>
<td class="alt9">BusinessNow presents an illuminating look at CollabNet's
work in creating the new model of software development. A must see for
those curious about what goes on at a major open-source consulting office.</td>
<td rowspan="2" class="alt8"><a href="">Linux
Community </a></td>
<td class="alt9"><a href="">Gewinner
des Linux New Media Award 2000</a><br>
<i>November 10, 2000</i></td>
<td class="alt9">Am 9. November 2000 fand auf dem LinuxPark in M&uuml;nchen
die Verleihung des ersten Linux New Media Awards statt. Vor einem illustren
Publikum wurden acht Preise in den Kategorien Beste Web-Software, Innovativste
Desktop-Software, Praktischstes Kommandozeilen-Werkzeug, Beste Linux-Distribution, <a href="//awards/awardpic.html">Innovativste
Open Source Software einer Firma</a>, Bester vorkonfigurierter Linux-Rechner,
Coolstes Embedded Linux System und Bestes Buch zum Thema Linux oder Open
Source vergeben. </td>
<td rowspan="2" width="25%" > <a href="">Sun Microsystems,
Inc.</a> </td>
<td class="alt9"><a href="">The
Sun Press Release on Making the Code Available</a><br>
<i>October 16, 2000</i> </td>
<td class="alt9">Forty-five minutes after the code was released, the deluge
of download requests was so great that the servers were
brought down, if only temporarily. As analysts and officials have suggested,
this demand for the StarOffice source code demonstrates the enthusiasm
open-source developers have for OpenOffice and the potential of the project
to succeed.</td>
<td rowspan="2" class="alt8"><a href="">ZDNet News</a></td>
<td class="alt9"><a href=",4586,2640108,00.html?chkpt=zdhpnews01">Sun
Puts StarOffice into Open Source</a><br>
<i>October 13, 2000</i> </td>
<td class="alt9">Sun Microsystems Inc. is billing it as the biggest project
in open source history. As of today, developers interested in viewing,
tinkering with, and/or licensing the StarOffice desktop office suite or
its component parts are free to download the code. "This will be programming
in the large made public for the first time," said Bill Roth, Sun group
product manager. "This is nine times the size of Mozilla."</td>
<td rowspan="2" class="alt8"><a href="">Linux Today</a></td>
<td class="alt9"><a href="">StarOffice
Code Released in Largest Open Source Project</a><br>
<i>October 13, 2000</i> </td>
<td class="alt9">Sun Microsystems is taking huge steps into the world of
open source software today, and at the same time is taking great pains
not to make those steps awkward ones. Sun's joint effort with CollabNet
kicked into high gear on the OpenOffice Web site at 5 a.m. PST this morning
with the release of much of the source code for the upcoming 6.0 version
of StarOffice. According to Sun, this release of 9 million lines of code
under GPL is the beginning of the largest open source software project
ever. </td>
<td rowspan="2" class="alt8"> <a href="" target="_blank">NewsForge</a> </td>
<td class="alt9"><a href="">Here
and now with the sober-minded Sander Vesik</a><br>
<i>November 14, 2000</i></td>
<td class="alt9">Julie Bresnick interviews's Dublin-based
release engineer about his background, thoughts, and work.</td>
<td rowspan="2" class="alt8"><a href="">Wired</a></td>
<td class="alt9"><a href=",1282,39452,00.html">Sun
Opens StarOffice Code</a><br>
<i>Wired, October 13</i> </td>
<td class="alt9">Sun Microsystems has turned its office-productivity software
loose on the open-source community, hoping that programmers will do for
it what they have done for Linux and Netscape 6. And if the stampede to
download the source code for its StarOffice 6.0 application suite is any
indication, that may very well happen. </td>
<td rowspan="2" class="alt8"><a href="" target="_blank">DevX</a></td>
<td class="alt9"><a href="">StarOffice
Chief Offers Insights on Going Open Source </a> <br>
<i>August 25, 2000</i></td>
<td class="alt9">DevX Senior Editor Stefan Gr&uuml;nwedel speaks with StarDivision's
founder Marco Boerries on, Open Source, and more.</td>
<td rowspan="2" class="alt8"><a href="">Sun Microsystems,
<td class="alt9"><a href="">GNOME Foundation
Adopts Productivity Software As The Core of The GNOME
Office Suite</a><br>
<i>August 15, 2000</i> </td>
<td class="alt9">GNOME Office will equip users with a wide array of compatible
and intuitive productivity features, such as integrated mail, calendar,
and address management; network configuration and management; a network-based
file management system; internationalization; an object-oriented application
framework; CORBA support for distributed software; layout and rendering
of internationalized text; and much, much more. </td>
<td rowspan="2" class="alt8"> <a href="">Linux
Planet</a> </td>
<td class="alt9"><a href="">A
Hands-On Review of the Open Source OpenOffice: Building from the Source</a><br>
<i>July 24, 2000</i></td>
<td class="alt9">The big news today may be the unveiling of the OpenOffice
web site, but lost in the shuffle has been any reporting on exactly what
Sun and CollabNet are offering on . . . As you might expect,
Sun did more than just release an Open Source product: it also cleaned
up the code and made some significant changes to the software. </td>
<td rowspan="2" class="alt8"> <a href="">Computerworld</a> </td>
<td class="alt9"><a href=",1212,NAV47_STO47334-,00.html">Open-source
Community Welcomes StarOffice Release Under GPL</a><br>
<i>July 20, 2000</i> </td>
<td class="alt9">The announcement [of the release of the source code] received
much attention at the O'Reilly Open Source Convention in Monterey, Calif.,
yesterday, with many open-source luminaries applauding the move. Sun is
positioning StarOffice as a replacement for Microsoft Office 2000. [StarOffice]
runs on Windows, Linux, OS/2 and Solaris. StarOffice joins other open-source
suites, including Gnome Office. </td>
<td rowspan="2" width="25%" > <a href="">eWeek</a> </td>
<td class="alt9"><a href=",11011,2605874,00.html">Open-Source
StarOffice Earns Early Praise</a><br>
<i>July 20, 2000</i> </td>
<td class="alt9">Sun Microsystems Inc.'s decision Wednesday to release the
source code of its StarOffice productivity application suite to the open-source
development community under the GNU General Public License is reaping early
praise. </td>
<td rowspan="2" width="25%" ><a href="">LinuxToday</a></td>
<td class="alt9"><a href="">Smart
Partner: Sun To Open StarOffice Code In October</a><br>
<i>July 19, 2000</i> </td>
<td class="alt9">Sun also is creating an independent Foundation
modeled on the Apache Foundation. Sun is funding the foundation to get
it started but will hold a minority position and plans to name other partners
soon. "Getting agreement inside Sun was an endeavor, but what I wanted
to achieve was creating an open alternative to Microsoft Office, and that
is bigger than GPLing the source code," Boerries said. "In my discussions
with customers and communities and governments it became clear that for
this project GPL was the right license, and it proves that Sun is an innovative
and fast-moving company in doing the right thing. </td>
<td rowspan="2" width="25%" > <a href="">UpsideToday</a> </td>
<td class="alt9"><a href="">Sun
spells out new license: G-P-L</a><br>
<i>July 19, 2000</i> </td>
<td class="alt9">As Marco Boerries, VP of Sun Microsystems enunciated at
the O'Reilly Open Source Conference : "Let me just say three letters: G-P-L," said
Boerries, triggering a loud ovation. (For those not in the know, Boerries
was speaking of the GNU General Public License -- the license that protects
the Gnu/Linux operating system.) </td>
<td rowspan="2" class="alt8"><a href="">The Register</a></td>
<td class="alt9"><a href="">Boerries
confirms StarOffice to go GPL, Mac version</a><br>
<i>July 19, 2000</i> </td>
<td class="alt9">StarOffice creator Marco Boerries has confirmed that Sun
intends to GPL the productivity suite. Sun made the official announcement
today, but leaking to reporters earlier, Boerries said that source code
for the next version of StarOffice, 6.0, will be available for download
from 13th October. </td>
<td rowspan="2" class="alt8"><a href="">Sun Microsystems,
<td class="alt9"><a href="//press/sun_release.html">The
Sun Press Release on</a><br>
<i>July 19, 2000</i> </td>
<td class="alt9">Today at the O'Reilly Open Source Convention in Monterey,
California, Sun Microsystems, Inc. announced it will release the source
code of its StarOffice (TM) Suite, a leading, high quality, office productivity
application software suite, to the open source community under the GNU
General Public License (GPL). Sun also announced will be
formed and managed by Collab.Net and will serve as the coordination point
for the source code, the definition of XML-based file formats, and the
definition of language-independent office application programming interfaces
(APIs.) </td>
<td rowspan="2" class="alt8"><a href="">CollabNet, Inc.</a></td>
<td class="alt9"><a href="//press/collab_net_release.html">The
CollabNet Press Release on</a><br>
<i>July 19, 2000</i> </td>
<td width="75%">Collab.Net, Inc., a leading provider of collaborative software
development services, based on open source principles - today announced
that Sun Microsystems has selected the Collab.Net SourcecastSM environment
as the infrastructure for, the open source community site
for its StarOffice product. Collab.Net is providing a global development
platform and support for and consulting with Sun to establish as a key open source virtual community. </td>
<td rowspan="2" class="alt8"><a href=""> </a></td>
<td class="alt9"><a href="">Sun
Looks To Boost StarOffice Suite by Opening Its Code</a><br>
<i>July 18, 2000</i> </td>
<td class="alt9">Sun Microsystems Inc. will announce today that it plans
to make the underlying code of its StarOffice suite, a set of office applications
that compete directly with Microsoft Corp.'s popular Office suite, available
for free to software developers. </td>
<td rowspan="2" class="alt8"><a href=""></a></td>
<td class="alt9"><a href="">Sun
Opens StarOffice Source Code</a><br>
<i>July 17, 2000</i> </td>
<td class="alt9">PALO ALTO, CALIF. (Reuters) - Sun Microsystems Inc., the
owner of the free StarOffice suite of programs that competes with Microsoft
Corp.'s Office programs, plans to make the source for StarOffice public,
in an effort to give the fledgling program a boost with software developers. </td>
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