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<p align="left">
<a href="" title="KR">Kay Ramme</a>,
<a href="">LiuTao</a>
Xiuzhi Cheng</p>
... by now OOo has been regarded as the only real alternative office suite, sometimes hard to build, often admired for its feature completeness, somewhat beaten because of the memory footprint, understood to have
one of the most classical graphical user interfaces ever, loved to recover other suites documents, and so on ...
... many words may be used for OOo, though small is not with them :-) OOo is a huge project, with lots of code and a more or less monolithic architecture. </p>
It seems a hero (or five) is needed ... we (Cynthia, Xiuzhi, LiuTao, Ingo and I) want to move out to fill this position ... to Improve and Support Modularization of OOo. </p>
<h2 align="center">The Build Wizard</h2>
<p>A prototype of the Build Wizard may be started directly: <a href="">Build Wizard</a></p>
<h2 align="center">IRC</h2>
<p>Meet us on IRC. Every Tuesday we do meet on IRC to discuss progress and state, goals and the weather.</p>
<p align="center">Channel:</p>
<p align="center">Time: 4:00pm PEK / 9:00am HAM / 4:00am New York / 1:00am SFO</p>
<h2 align="center">Other Links</h2>
<p align="center"><a href="">Modularization WiKi Page</a></p>
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