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<P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><B>Project Sections</B>: <A HREF=""><B>Home</B></A>
|&nbsp;<A HREF="development/index.html">Development</A>
<H1> Graphics</H1>
<TH BGCOLOR="#e8e8e8">
<P ALIGN=LEFT>Project Lead</P>
<P><A HREF="mailto:Kai.Ahrens@Sun.COM">Kai Ahrens</A></P>
<TH BGCOLOR="#e8e8e8">
<P><A HREF="mailto:Christian.LippkaSun.COM">Christian Lippka </A>
<TH BGCOLOR="#e8e8e8">
<P><A HREF="mailto:Marc.Neumann@Sun.COM">Marc Neumann</A></P>
<H2 ALIGN=LEFT>Project Overview
<P>The Graphics project is the host project for
different graphic centric applications like the drawing application
<B>Draw</B>, which allows you to easily create pixel and vector based
graphics, the presentation application <B>Impress</B> for creating
'bleeding edge' and powerful presentations and the charting
application <A HREF=""><B>Chart
2</B> </A>to add the necessary charting functionality to all
applications, especially to the spreadsheet application<U><B> <A HREF="">Calc</A></B></U>.</P>
<P>The project also contains the necessary modules for several
graphic engines like e.g. the 'DrawingEngine' or the
'PresentationEngine' on which all applications are built upon.</P>
<P>Beside that, the graphic filter development as well as the
development of the MS Powerpoint binary filter is located within this
<P>If you want to take a deeper look at the currently developed new
Charting (Chart 2) module, please click <U><B> <A HREF="">here</A></B></U>
for futher information.</P>
<H2 ALIGN=LEFT>Participation</H2>
<P>You can find various resoures here on this page as well as in our
<A HREF=""><B>
Wiki</B></A>. So, what are you looking for?
<P>There are several entries in our <STRONG><A HREF="">Wiki</A>
</STRONG>that are related to the several subprojects within this OOo
project. Please visit the<STRONG> <A HREF="">Draw
Wiki</A> </STRONG>for Drawing application related documentation,
visit the<STRONG> <A HREF="">Impress
Wiki</A> </STRONG>for Impress application related information and
visit the<STRONG> <A HREF="">Chart2
Wiki</A> for Chart 2 related documentation.</STRONG><BR><BR>The<U><B>
<A HREF="">
Wiki</A></B></U><A HREF="">
</A>will soon feature also whole categories dedicated to end user
documentation for each of the mentioned subprojects. There, you'll
find articles, HowTo's, frequently asked questions (and answers).
You might also want to visit the Tutorials category for taking a
look at an<U><B> <A HREF="">Impress
Tutorial</A></B></U> for example.<BR><BR>As always, you're
encouraged to contribute to the Wiki - if you find something is
missing, or otherwise have information to share with the community:
just add it!</P>
<P>You want to contribute some comprehensive coding or some code
snippets, but don't know where to start? Welcome!</P>
<P>IssueZilla, the OOo internal bugtracking system features a
keyword &quot;easy2dev&quot;, which indicates issues which are easy
to fix - that easy, that new developers should have not much trouble
with them. Not much of the projects issues have this flag been set
so far, but this will change in the near future to attract more and
more developers to participate&nbsp;in the success of OOo and so to
be a part of this great community. So, if you're looking for some
small fixes to do: take a look at<U><B> <A HREF=";issue_status=STARTED&amp;issue_status=REOPENED&amp;keywords=easy2dev&amp;keywords_type=anytokens">this
list.</A></B></U><A HREF=";issue_status=STARTED&amp;issue_status=REOPENED&amp;keywords=easy2dev&amp;keywords_type=anytokens">
</A><BR>If you're interested in one of the mentioned engagements,
just ask the&nbsp;owner of the issue, and/or the person who added
the keyword. They&nbsp; are able to tell you how to fix it the best
way. Ask them, or send a mail to our graphics<U><B> <A HREF="">developer
mailing list</A></B></U> - and we'll help you getting started!</P>
<P>If you're looking for a greater challenge, pick the<U><B> <A HREF=";issue_type=DEFECT&amp;issue_status=UNCONFIRMED&amp;issue_status=NEW&amp;issue_status=STARTED&amp;issue_status=REOPENED">issue</A></B></U>
or <A HREF=";issue_type=ENHANCEMENT&amp;issue_type=FEATURE&amp;issue_status=UNCONFIRMED&amp;issue_status=NEW&amp;issue_status=STARTED&amp;issue_status=REOPENED"><B>RFE</B></A>
which you would <EM>most</EM> like to get fixed. Ask in the issue,
or in our&nbsp;graphics<U><B> <A HREF="">developer
mailing list</A></B></U>, for help in fixing it.</P>
<P>We also maintain a list of small to medium self-contained
projects for developers, so if you're interested in such a project,
please have a look at our graphics <A HREF=""><U><B>open
projects lists</B></U></A>.
<LI><P><STRONG>Quality Assurance</STRONG>
<P>We're working hard to make all parts of the grapghics project
perfect, but let's face the truth: we're not there (yet). If you
found a bug, or are missing a feature, you can help by <A HREF=""><B>describing
it in IssueZilla</B></A>, which is's own bug tracking
<P>If you have some more time to spend to make
better, please consider joining the <A HREF=""><B>QA
<LI><P><B>Important Links</B></P>
<LI><P><B><A HREF=""><FONT SIZE=2>
Wiki </FONT></A></B>
Wiki</A><A HREF="">
<LI><P><B><STRONG><A HREF=""><FONT SIZE=2>Impress
2</A><A HREF="">
<LI><P><B><STRONG><A HREF=""><FONT SIZE=2>Impress
projects lists</STRONG></U></FONT></A><STRONG><A HREF="development/projects.html"><FONT SIZE=2>.
mailing list</STRONG></FONT></A></B></P>
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