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<h2> Spotlight: On Developers
and Technology </h2>
<p>In the last ten days, no single issue has dominated the mailing lists. Rather,
there have been a variety of issues. In the &quot;<a href="//www-discuss/current/" target="_blank">discuss</a>&quot;
list, which is the more general-issue mailing list, the community has discussed,
among other things, the availability of the <a href="//www-discuss/current/msg01949.html">software
on CD</a>, and <a href="//www-discuss/current/msg01988.html" target="_blank">user
interface modifications</a>. That said, Bill Roth's response to Microsoft's
Jim Allchin's<a href="" target="_blank">
foot-in-mouth voicings</a> about how Open Source is not just a &quot;threat
to innovation&quot; but &quot;un-American&quot; (!) continues to draw comment
in the discuss list. Of the lists more focused on the practical applications
of the software, the <a href="" target="_blank">
porting list</a> has been especially popular, with the biggest news having to
do with a<a href="" target="_blank">
successful port of the software to NetBSD/sparc</a>. A more formal announcement
will appear on this page shortly. As always, for up-to-date information relating
to this (and any other) project, it's best to subscribe to the relevant <a href="//mail_list.html">mailing
list. </a></p>
<p><b>Previous Spotlights</b></p>
<p><a href="./spotlight1.html">Groupware</a></p>
<p><a href="./spotlight2.html">J&ouml;rg Brunsmann</a></p>
<p><a href="./spotlightindex.html">Return to index.</a></p>
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