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<h2>Interview: Ed Peterlin and Dan Williams:<br> for Mac OS X </h2>
<p>The first Mac OS X port of (638c) was released at Apple's <a href="">World
Wide Developer Conference</a>, on May 7. was there in strength:
we had a very popular booth and Ed Peterlin presented an exciting demonstration
of the build before an audience of Open Source developers. (More on this soon.)</p>
<p>In the months since then, the two community contributors primarily responsible
for the Mac OS X port, Ed Peterlin and Dan Williams, have substantially furthered
their work; although it is still a developer release, it now runs using
1.0 and can be immediately <a href="">downloaded</a>.
It also, with some limitations, saves files and prints. The following is a very
slightly edited e-mail interview conducted over a few days last May. The build
Ed and Dan refer to in conversation is the older build, 638c. If you are curious
about what the updated port (1.0) does and does not do, Dan prepared an excellent
<a href="../about_us/pressfaq_ooo-osx.html">FAQ</a>.</p>
<h4>The People</h4>
<p>I have never met Dan Williams; but I did spend a lot of time during WWDC with
Ed Peterlin, and I would love to have the talent to put to paper his energy,
enthusiasm, and dedication to this project. Both Ed and Dan don't seem to sleep; for Mac OS X is their hobby.</p>
<h5>Ed Peterlin</h5>
<p>Ed's day job is at <a href="">BIOPAC Systems, Inc.</a>,
where he is responsible for Macintosh development. In his words: "I write
software for displaying and analyzing physiological signals, such as heartbeat
and muscle response, that are acquired from our MP hardware." But what
drew him to</p>
<p>"I grew interested in through using
StarOffice on Solaris boxes a few years ago. Having no other office solution
for a Solaris machine, I became quite impressed with its capabilities and
usability. Even at BIOPAC I've used when we ran out of licenses
for MSFT Office but had to read technical documents that were written in Word.
When I heard an OS X port was released to the open source community, I felt
interested in bringing this solution that had proven so useful to me in the
past to one of my favorite platforms. I joined the project
the weekend after I got a machine capable of running OS X, around July-September
of last year.</p>
<p>"I became interested in Macs as an extension of the old Apple IIe, my first
computer. I was in an Apple-based school system, and after I outgrew my IIe
a Mac was the next best step. Not to mention that at the time I could get a IIe emulator
card and still play my favorite video games."</p>
<h5>Dan Williams</h5>
<p>"By day I am an undergraduate Anthropology major
specializing in Archaeology (screw Cultural [Anthropology], Archaeology is
where the real fun is), which is partially where I get the time to work on I have fun making databases that store and analyze spatial
data, and have an active interest in Geographic Information Systems and developing
their potential in Archaeology.</p>
<p>"After hearing a lot about StarOffice, trying it
out on Linux, and seeing it as really the only viable alternative to Microsoft
Office on any platform, I became interested in I looked at
it, said, This is cool. It had everything I thought should be
in an office suite, and I decided that MS Office wasn't anything special after
seeing how good StarOffice was. I thought that, since it wasn't on Mac and
I had Unix and Mac OS programming experience, I'd help it get there.</p>
<p>"I got my start with an Apple IIe back in early elementary school, graduated
to a Mac LCIII, bought Think C back when it <em>wasn't</em> a Symantec product,
and taught myself Mac programming though books. It was amazing that I could
create programs that did stuff like professional programs did. From there I
kept buying copies of CodeWarrior and keeping up on new Toolbox stuff. When
I first used Unix I was impressed, but the Mac was still better to use. When
Mac OS X came along, I got very excited because of the power of its Unix base.
And because StarOffice was on Unix, it could be on Mac OS X too."</p>
<h4>About the Port</h4>
<p><strong>Ed:</strong> "The build [638c for Mac OS X] was the first of many milestones
that the Mac OS X porting effort reached. For the last year, everyone working
on the Mac OS X porting project has been staring at error messages coming out
of the development tools, and the 638c developer build represented the first
time we'd been able to get to launch.</p>
<p>"I have been impressed with just how much of the
software appears to be functional, a real testament to the engineers who originally
designed with the foresight that it would be moved into new
platforms. Even while watching people play with the demo machine at WWDC I
was continually amazed to see just how much works. That said, there's still
quite a ways to go.</p>
<p>"Our Quartz native graphics layer is not yet complete, so we can't run the first
build on Mac OS X without additional software to allow us to use the X11 graphics
layer. We are still lacking several key features, such as printing, and have
issues with saving files. Other features such as the ability to use Java code,
Mozilla LDAP support, and play sound during presentations are also broken. There's
a whole litany of missing features on our <a href="">roadmap
webpage</a> that need to be implemented before we reach 1.0.</p>
<p>"When 1.0 is released [it's just been <a href="">released</a>&#151;LSP],
we'll have one of the best office suites available for Darwin and Mac OS X.
It will be feature complete with 1.0 on the other first tier
platforms, and it will still look like does on other platforms.
After that, we want to make the best <em>Mac</em> office suite possible for
Mac OS X. I hope we'll have enough developers to begin including the Aqua look
and feel, use sheets and drawers, implement collapsible toolbars, and perhaps
even integrate with QuickTime and other features of OS X. This will help us
to truly deliver a great Mac OS X experience without sacrificing the familiarity
and power brings from its Windows and Unix heritage."</p>
<p><strong>Dan:</strong> "First, the Aqua VCL build needs to actually compile,
then we need to fill in the missing implementations. Next, the look and feel
needs to be customized to match the Mac OS X user experience and the nuances
that Mac users have come to expect. I believe that that's where the most work
lies, and that's where the most fun will be had: watching a real office suite
take on an Aqua L&amp;F [look and feel] and come out usable and shining, a pleasure
to look at and use.</p>
<p>"But not to forget the X11 VCL build either: There are no full office suites
available for Darwin, an will be the best one when we're done
with it. I don't think either of these will happen for months, but we're working
toward these goals, having a lot of fun and frustration getting there, and feeling
that we're contributing something that will be much used and greatly appreciated."</p>
<h4>The Group</h4>
<p><strong>LSP:</strong><em> How many of you were working on the project?</em></p>
<p><strong>Ed:</strong> "There were about ten overall contributors to the OS X port
since before it was open sourced. All were volunteers from the community and
played around with in their spare time, mostly looking into how
to fix up the errors that made us unable to compile the project. Three developers
were active during the few months leading up to our initial milestone release."</p>
<p><strong>Dan:</strong> "Like Ed said, there were about ten people in various levels
of participation on the project. When it was released, some people took a stab
at it, but there wasn't a critical mass of committed enough people to move it
forward. I guess they got discouraged and probably put aside
for a while. Then others came along and began to slowly move forward (and I
mean slowly) with the build. Once a couple of people had an idea of what was
going on and how to get things going, that attracted more people. Along the
way a number of small but significant successes (X11 build, VCL bug in 10.1)
contributed hope and the sense that <em>something</em> was happening."</p>
<p><strong>LSP:</strong> <em>How did you arrange work?</em></p>
<p><strong>Ed:</strong> "We ended up arranging our work just through contacting
each other by e-mail and instant messaging. We were all kind of doing the same
thing, fixing build errors, until the final push when we just decided what we
wanted to do: come up with installers, write frequently asked questions, etc.
With only a few people, it was relatively easy to find hard lines between tasks &#133;
one person to author it (or program it), and another to proof it (or test it).
When more people join the project, however, it will be essential to use a good
collaboration tool such as CollabNet provides. Not only does it provide a good
way of disseminating information outside of a core group, it provides historical
archives and perspectives. Without the ability to see what had been written
and coded between April and September, I wouldn't have been able to get up to
speed on the project as quickly as I have."</p>
<p><strong>Dan:</strong> "I think the biggest problem that faced the project up
until about February 02 was the organizational aspect. There was no one person
in charge of the port and so no one had a sense of organization. Everyone felt
like they were about the only person working on the thing and that there was
so much to do. But now with Ed being the nominal project head, there's more
of an idea of how the project is going and what's going on.</p>
<p>"There is no formal to-do or responsibility list. People basically just volunteer
to work on something. This of course means there is duplication of effort in
some areas, but there are still not that many people working and there's lots
to do. Besides, more people looking at a piece of code or a build error means
more people with ideas on how to fix it. During the ramp-up to WWDC there were
about 4 or 5 people who were part of the core Mac OS X/Darwin team who were
working on stuff and a couple of people inside Sun [and CollabNet] who were
on the marketing part. It was hectic and a bit unorganized but it was a lot
of fun and people just kept stepping up to make sure the job got done. Stuff
gets done because people volunteer to do it, not because responsibility gets
doled out. And because they volunteer, I think they have more of an active interest
in getting it done, and are more likely to do a better job, because they want
to. Since there were only a couple of people working, it was fairly easy to
organize stuff informally, but this will get harder over time as more people
<p><strong>LSP:</strong><em> And how was the group formed?</em></p>
<p><strong>Ed:</strong> "Things formed just from people looking at the websites
available on and through e-mailing each other on the dev@porting
list. There was never any official organizational effort, just a bunch of guys
who were interested enough to plod through the very raw and incorrect original
material up on the websites, correcting it for each other, and starting to help
others get on board quickly. We've continued that style of effort, and hopefully
we're making the entry curve for the project a lot easier for newcomers."</p>
<p><strong>Dan:</strong> "Like Ed says again, people just got interested, made contact
with other people who were also interested, and started asking questions. Those
with some answers to give stepped up, and people stuck with it. Those who tried
and didn't stick with it probably got discouraged because there was no critical
mass of people to work out things with&#151;not enough people who knew what was
going on. We hope they come back now: we need them.</p>
<p>"There was also a big discussion earlier this year about whether to fork a separate
project for the OS X port or whether to keep it in the porting one. We could
have had a separate mailing list just for Mac OS X, but we decided to stick
within the porting project since that was easiest and guaranteed easier access
to other developers who knew what we did not (i.e., general stuff
and not just Mac)."</p>
<p><strong>LSP:</strong> <em>Towards the end, the group was working tightly and
somewhat in secrecy; at least not all of the communications were out in <a href="">dev@porting</a>.
What effect did that have on your group?</em></p>
<p><strong>Ed:</strong> "A lot of issues that we faced came back to a lack of time.
Being able to simply IM [instant message] each other when we were available
or communicate off-list allowed us to really concentrate on what we needed to
do: code. It unfortunately takes time to answer people's questions on mailing
lists and help newcomers to the project, and we simply didn't have the time.
As more people join us, we'll be able to divide our efforts so someone can spend
the time to continually update our website and respond to the community mailing
lists. With only two to three people working two hours a day in varying states
of sobriety and trying to hit a major deadline, expending any effort away from
coding would have not allowed us to move with such speed."</p>
<p><strong>Dan:</strong> "As of a couple weeks before WWDC, all the important traffic
about the OS X/Darwin build was off-list. It was kind of unfortunate because
those few people that did post on dev@porting with questions and who were not
on the private list didn't know they were out of date, or would be in a week.
We couldn't really answer their questions. Anyway, I think the off-list discussions
and communication, while not the best for the port as a whole, did enable the
members to get the WWDC build working in a very quick and efficient manner with
a minimum of static. Plus, the whole press thing, where we could not afford
to have the general Mac community get all worked up over a <em>developer</em>
build and then get subsequently let-down when they figured out it actually <em>was</em>
a developer build. I think the off-list list also enabled the people involved
to get to know each other better and to work better as a team to get what needed
to be done."</p>
<p><strong>LSP:</strong> <em>How long did it take your group to get to this point?</em></p>
<p><strong>Ed:</strong> "We did not have a reproducible build process until towards
the end of march, and a major bug preventing the Writer module
from launching wasn't fixed until about the middle of April. It's taken since
last April to get this far."</p>
<p><strong>LSP:</strong> <em>What was the main stumbling block?</em></p>
<p><strong>Ed:</strong> "Technical difficulties present within Mac OS 10.0.x. When
Apple released 10.1.x with dual level namespaces, a big roadblock was removed."</p>
<p><strong>LSP:</strong> <em>Were there periods when it seemed this effort would
fall apart?</em></p>
<p><strong>Ed:</strong> "When I started to see the compiler fail on certain
files that worked on gcc on other platforms, I started to think that it might
not be possible to make headway until Apple fixed the compilers to not segfault.
Thankfully a few clever people were able to find workarounds for the faults
in the tools. The next set of development tools from Apple should be a lot better
for C++ programs and should solve those problems that we didn't have the expertise
to solve easily."</p>
<p><strong>LSP:</strong> <em>Where would you suggest people start?</em></p>
<p><strong>Ed:</strong> "I would suggest that everyone start by downloading the
pre-alpha milestone binary and start playing with it. :) The amount of time it
takes to get up to speed with the initial compile is a while, but I hope that
seeing how good the product can be will convince people that the effort is worth
it. Also, end users should start there so they can witness what we may be capable
of in the future.</p>
<p>"The next step is probably to read the <a href="">roadmap</a>
for the port. It shows you (roughly) where we've been, where we are, and what's
left to go. Again, the roadmap is just a reflection of what's been discussed
by the community of both Mac OS X and non-OS X porting developers in the past
and is always up for commentary or change. Perhaps if we get enough people to
help we could even start putting potential dates of completion on it as well &#133;</p>
<p>"After getting a compile started from reading the
build instructions, it's probably best to start reading some of the white
papers describing the architecture of the program. It's quite large and is
difficult to get a grasp on without the documentation. Also, it'll help get
people familiar with the terminology and acronyms thrown about on the dev
lists and other sources of information.</p>
<p>"There are links to the binary installer at the top of the <a href="">Mac
porting page</a>, and there's a pointer to the white papers at the bottom."</p>
<p><strong>Dan:</strong>"I'd suggest they sign up with the <a href="">Porting
project</a>, and <a href="">subscribe</a>
to the <a href="">dev@porting</a> list, then
follow the build instructions; and most important, <em>ask questions</em> when
things don't work, so we can help. If they just get discouraged and walk off,
that doesn't help anybody. But if we can help people see that things can work,
then great. We need the help.</p>
<p>"I'd like to thank everybody who helped of course,
but mention Ed specially, because he's the nominal head of the project and
someone had to do it. We can all whine to him when things don't work out and
ask him to make it better. But then he'll just tell us to deal with it ourselves
and report back how we did."</p>
<p>The new version, 1.0 for Mac OS X is <a href="">available</a>
now. Thanks Ed, Dan, and the rest of the <a href="">Porting
<p><a href="index.html">Other Articles</a></p>
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