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<h2><font color="#cc6600" face="Courier New, Courier, mono" size="+2">Community
Articles: Opinions, Interviews, Analyses</font></h2>
<p><a href="//lspintro.html" target="_blank">-Louis Su&aacute;rez-Potts</a></p>
<p>25 March 2001</p>
<p><b>The International, II</b></p>
<P>Last <a href="ec15Mar.html" target="_blank">week</a>,
I summarized the issues at hand in the debate over what has come to be called
the "internationalization" of In a nutshell, the <a href="//www-discuss/current/msg02156.html">advantage</a>
of "internationalizing" the site is that we might be able to bring in more developers.
The appeal, that is, is practical, not nationalistic. Opponents to this view
point out that success might be a form of failure, and rather than bringing
people <I>into</I> the project who would contribute to developing the software,
we might only end up "<a href="//www-discuss/current/msg02185.html">balkanizing</a>"
the project and ultimately stymie development. </P>
<P>The debate has been intense and productive. Numerous community members, from
several countries and langugaes, have participated, chief among them Bill Roth,
Guy Capra, Dietrich Schulten, &Eacute;ric Savary, Michael S. Zick, and Adam
"Goolie" Gould, who clarified the issues and <a href="//www-discuss/current/msg02316.html" target="_blank">coined
the term for this debate</a>. Each has proposed, often in great detai (see especially
Mike Zick's <a href="//www-discuss/current/msg02481.html" target="_blank">comments</a>),
solutions to the problem of not only bringing in linguistically diverse people,
but how to arrange communication among the various groups whether English, German,
French or Korean, once they have joined the community. (You can read their interventions
in the <a href="//www-discuss/current/" target="_blank">discuss
list archives</a>.)</P>
<P>For the fact of the matter is that is becoming more truly international.
Or, perhaps I should write, we are commencing an experiment in which the international
constituents of will be more fully recognized. For, as I <a href="ec15Mar.html">observed
last week</a>, we already <I>are</I> extremely international, at least in the
distribution of the community. But that internationalism seems to be merely
an accident of geography, a sign of corporate reach, and an indication of the
extent to which English, for good or ill, predominates in both technical and
commercial communication. </P>
<P>That doesn't mean, however, that it is necessarily the preferred language of
everyone, especially for more general discussions. It may very well be the case
that quite a few nonnative English-language speakers feel disinclined to contribute
their views simply because they must wrestle with a language that, for all its
utility in permitting the flow of technical knowledge, is a beast to wrestle
with when it comes to expressing less technical things. As a consequence, we
may be unintentionally limiting the developer community to only
those developers able and willing to communicate in English.</P>
<P>In doing so, we are not alone. Yes, there are significant exceptions (and they
should provide the rule). Of these, Linux naturally stands out. The paradigmatic
Open Source endeavor is by and large quite international in its projects, implementations,
and user base. But Linux, unlike, is not corporate sponsored;
we can't, as a result, easily use it as a model for the evolution of a corporate-sponsored
Open Source project. Recently <a href="" target="_blank">SourceForge</a>
has announced a greater emphasis on providing site navigation aids to non-Anglophone
visitors. But SourceForge is a hosting company (similar to <a href="" target="_blank">CollabNe</a>t),
not a software project (such as or <a href="" target="_blank">Linux</a>).
It makes sense that they would provide services to as disparate community as
possible. </P>
<P>But, in the case of software projects, where coordination of effort is deemed
important, outside of Linux there are precious few projects that do what we
are seeking to accomplish (there may be more; I couldn't find any; but my research
was spotty). Thus, for instance, the project to which we are often compared,
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>, is resolutely
Anglophonic. Yes, its <a href="" target="_blank">I18N
newsgroup</a>, which pertains to international issues (the "18" refers to the
eighteen letters in-between the "I" and the "N"), contains non-English messages,
some of which were wholly beyond my browser's capabilities to represent. But
nowhere on the site did I find anything in any language other than
English. This doesn't mean that it doesn't exist; I just couldn&#146;t find
it, and it certainly suggests a strong Anglophone bias, regardless of their
rather chaotically polyglot and spam-friendly (and seemingly entirely unmoderated)
I18N newsgroup.</P>
<P>So our experiment is unique, at least for a corporate-sponsored Open Source
project. It marks a milestone: We have achieved the point where there are enough
people interested in the project to create a space for their activities. We
are going to create a section of the site for a French component and an associated
list, also in French. The full details are still being worked out (and the devil
is in the details!), but the site will go live soon. This component will not
be a full duplicate of the site; rather, it will contain elements of <a href="" target="_blank">Guy
Capra's French version of</a>, and it will serve to encourage
Francophone participation in the community. </P>
<P>To emphasize, this is an experiment; a first and careful step; but if it is
successful, other languages will be included, and the most obvious of those
is German. (French has only gotten the step up--if that is the right term--because
Guy's site already exists, can be easily incorporated into the existing
site, and because Guy pressed his case hard.) Success, in this instance, will
be determined almost by a lack of failure (a lack, that is, of balkanization)
and by the entry into the site of more users, regardless of whether they are
Francophone or not. For the creation of the French components, as well as the
response by Sun to the proposal, is surely a welcome sign that
is a community effort. </P>
<P>But that effort will only remain a "community" effort--and not a chaotic mess--if
the community stays focused. On a functional level, the places where important
decisions--what &Eacute;ric Savary called "<a href="//www-discuss/current/msg02405.html" target="_blank">the
core work"</a>--are effected will continue to operate under one language, English.
And on a more abstract level, community members need to have a coherent sense
of the goals of the project (and projects) they are working on. That is, a notion
of what is about, what it is doing, and where it is going. To
this latter end, I have proposed a<a href="//www-discuss/current/msg02467.html" target="_blank">
new mission statement</a> and have asked for commentary, but that is but a start.
We also need an agreed-upon, up-to-date roadmap.</P>
<P>As always, please don't hesitate to send your comments to the <a href="//mail_list.html">discuss
list</a> or, if you really want, to me, <a href="">Louis</a>.</P>
<h4>Previous articles </h4>
<p>15 March 2001 <i><a href="ec15Mar.html">The International</a></i></p>
<p>9 March 2001 <i><a href="ec9Mar.html">Creating the
New Open Source</a></i></p>
<p>1 March 2001 <i><a href="ec1Mar.html" target="_blank">Interview:
Sander Vesik</a></i></p>
<p>22 February 2001 <i><a href="MSFTArticle.html">Allchin's
Demagoguery, by Bill Roth, guest contributor</a></i></p>
<p>15 February 2001 <a href="ec15Feb.html"><i>Interview
with Wilfredo S&aacute;nchez</i></a></p>
<p>9 February 2001 <a href="ec8Feb.html" target="_blank"><i>Organizing
Open Source</i></a></p>
<p>1 February 2001 <i><a href="ec1Feb.html" target="_blank">Open
Source and Its Culture</a></i></p>
<p>23 January 2001 <i><a href="communityaction.html" target="_blank">Community
<p>16 January 2001 <i><a href="ec16Jan01.html" target="_blank">Quo
<p>9 January 2001 <i><a href="thebuild.html" target="_blank">The
613 build:&nbsp; problems and opportunities</a></i></p>
<p>3 January 2001 <i><a href="SunsOpenDoor.html" target="_blank">Sun's
open door</a></i></p>
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