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<h2>Community Articles: Opinions, Interviews, Analyses</h2>
<p>Editor: <a href="../lspintro.html" target="_blank">Louis Su&aacute;rez-Potts</a>
<p>2001 September 11</p>
<h4>About Marketing in an Open Source Community </h4>
<p><a href="#gian">-Gianluca Turconi</a></p>
<p>The idea of an Marketing project is born from the assumption
that an Open Source community should know what the needs of its members are,
so that it can resolve problems in a fast and fair way. The reaction of our
community to the proposal was contradictory, even if encouraging. In fact, many
people believe that marketing is applicable only to the free enterprise system
and to the world of the corporations. </p>
<p>Is the suite a product? Do the developers receive a suitable
support from the community? Is the suite only for Linux? These
questions and many others very similar were asked in lists in
the last couple of weeks. The answers were very different, and they were sometimes
incompatible. This example shows how an Open Source community can have several
voices inside: the developer, the user, the researcher, the amateur, the professional.
And everybody will have his or her own answer, because everybody has his or
her own needs.</p>
<p>Doing "marketing" in an Open Source community has an additional difficulty
in comparison to the traditional market analysis. Normally, a corporation knows
what its productive capabilities are, what it can afford and what it cannot.
On the other hand, we need to know what we can do and only then, we will be
able to define a strategy to achieve our goals. Several uncertainties can affect
the success or the failure of an Open Source project. The most important among
them is surely the consistency and quality of its members. But, how can we increase
the number of our members without knowing the needs of those people who are
currently part of our community and of the others who may join the community,
if only. . . ?</p>
<p>An Marketing project could be the solution. The working structure
would be simple: Analysis, Interpretation, and Communication. </p>
<p>On the internal side, this concept first means to understand the motivations
of the members, how they express them in their work for the community, and how
they would react to specific community behaviors. The &quot;Linux vs. MS Windows&quot;
diatribe can be used as example. Many members are Linux users and a high percentage
among them considers as a Linux project. They demand or propose
improvements for Linux only, forgetting that one of the most important features
of the suite is to be multi-platform. This is the Analysis phase.
Now, we know that Linux users can have a monothematic vision of the
Project. In the Interpretation phase, we should understand the reasons behind
this behavior, by asking: Do they understand the full nature of the
Project? Are they ignorant of the Project? Or, is this a problem related to
their philosophical interpretation of Open Source? After we have a sure answer,
we'll be able to communicate in the right way that is a
multi-platform project. Nobody will be unsatisfied (which would risk member's
defection) and the correct information will be received.</p>
<p>On the external side, an marketing project would have to face
a double challenge: How to gain new members and how to handle the growing success
of our suite! Fortunately, whoever is a potential member of the community is
also an potential end-user. So, the classical marketing techniques
can be applied to both categories. The contradictory reactions, of which I was
speaking above, were just about these topics. Must the community
provide marketing, support, and other related services for the end-users? Some
community members object that we are not ready to offer such kind of services.
They say we lack the developers, the members; in a nutshell, the forces to meet
the challenge. </p>
<p>The secret of an Open Source community is that nobody knows its potential.
Neither the founders nor the members. It can only be perceived by intuition
or with a marketing survey. . . . The weekly increasing number of binaries downloads
mean something: Out there, in the world, there are several thousand of latent members; and they are end-users. </p>
<p>Another objection to an external marketing effort is that a lot of end-users
are non-technical people (in a strict sense) and they could ruinously flood
the web site and mailing lists. Put aside the fact that many
non-technical people are already contributing to the Project, we have to understand
that when an Open Source community achieves the success level
has achieved, it has new needs that the developers cannot satisfy. Of course,
using a technical terminology, the &quot;kernel&quot; of the Project will be
the developing of the source code as essential priority, but the superstructure
will be composed (and partially is already now) by non-technical members: lawyers,
marketing experts, writers, and journalists. So, the source is the base, but
law must protect it, it must be valorized in the software market and the world
must know of its existence! </p>
<p>Finally, the hardest objection made is that whatever expectation the end-users
could have, no member can guarantee that the community will satisfy it. This
problem can seem equal to the first one discussed in this article: the lack
of available forces. Instead, it is quite different. Here, the focus is not
pointing to the number of developers, but to their will. A programmer's motivation
can vary considerably: study, amateur or professional interest, ambition (yes,
even that!). What would happen if a group of core developers, who are working
on a code Project, didn't want to change their program to follow a suggestion
of the marketing project based on an end-users request? Well, it can be said
that marketing management individualizes the problems, suggests the solutions,
but doesn't solve them directly. The community is based on the collaboration;
we'll find a workaround.</p>
<p>In conclusion, an Marketing project has its pros and its cons,
but seeing the enthusiasm raised from this proposal, there's no doubt that the
benefits will be more than the costs. </p>
<h4>About the author<a name="gian"></a></h4>
<p>Gianluca Turconi is a writer living in Italy whose passions are law, literature,
and competitive cycling. And, of course,, where he is a member
of the <a href="">Documentation</a> project,
the leader of the Marketing project, and a frequent contributor to the general
discuss list. You can read his bio in our <a href="spotlight14.html" target="_blank">Spotlight</a>.<br>
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