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mdesc['help101'] = "Learn about ways for getting help on using";
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mdesc['l10n'] = "Go to a localized documentation project. These are located outside this project.<br />Select a language and click Ok.";
mdesc['br_userman'] = "<b>User Manuals</b> contain detailed descriptions of how to work with and its modules.";
mdesc['br_ug'] = "<div class='floatimg'><img src='img/pdf.png'></div>The <b>User's Guide</b> contains descriptions of how to work with and its modules.";
mdesc['br_howtos'] = "<b>How To's</b> are concise and brief instructions for specific tasks or problems.";
mdesc['br_faqs'] = "<b>Frequently Asked Questions</b> contain questions that can be answered adly.";
mdesc['br_setupg'] = "The <b>Installation Guide</b> describes the installation procedures for";
mdesc['br_ooa_gsg'] = "The <b>Getting Started Guide</b>.";
mdesc['br_ooa_wg'] = "The <b>Writer Guide</b>.";
mdesc['br_ooa_cg'] = "The <b>Calc Guide</b>.";
mdesc['br_ooa_ig'] = "The <b>Impress Guide</b>.";
mdesc['br_ooa_dg'] = "The <b>Draw Guide</b>.";
mdesc['br_ooa_mg'] = "The <b>Math Guide</b>.";
mdesc['br_ooa_mig'] = "<div class='floatimg'><img src='img/pdf.png'></div>The <b>Migration Guide</b>.";
mdesc['br_ooa_chg'] = "<div class='floatimg'><img src='img/pdf.png'></div>Download <b>individual chapters</b> of the user guides in PDF format.";
mdesc['wiki_main'] = "The starting page for all documentation wiki content.";
mdesc['wikifaq'] = "All Frequently Asked Questions from the Documentation Project.";
mdesc['wikiadmg'] = "The <b>Administration Guide</b> describing advanced setup and deployment of";
mdesc['wikibasg'] = "The <b>BASIC Programming Guide</b> giving an introduction of programming macros with BASIC.";
mdesc['wikihowto'] = "A collection of How Tos on special topics.";
mdesc['wikiooa'] = "The <b>OOo 2.x User Guides</b> in an online wiki version.";
mdesc['wikiooa3'] = "The <b>OOo 3.x User Guides</b> in an online wiki version.";
mdesc['br_olh'] = "Sorry, not yet available. Soon to come.";
mdesc['br_devdoc'] = "The <b>Developer's Guide</b> contains information about programming with using its API.";
mdesc['br_samp'] = "<b>Samples &amp; Templates</b> contain many additional template and clipart collections for business and personal use.";
mdesc['br_tut'] = "<b>Tutorials</b> are short documents or media that explain a task or concept using example scenarios.";
mdesc['br_art'] = "<b>Articles and Reviews</b> written by users.";
mdesc['br_oooproj'] = "<b>Other projects</b> provide some information resources, too.";
mdesc['br_3rd'] = "<b>3rd Party Documentation and Resources</b> that reside outside the web site.";
mdesc['br_oofor'] = "<b>3rd Party Forums and Resources</b> that reside outside the web site.";
mdesc['br_archive'] = "Sorry, not yet available. Soon to come.";
mdesc['users'] = "When you are an <b>user</b> and look for help and information, look in this column.";
mdesc['conceptguide'] = "<b> 3.x Conceptual Guides</b> - eBooks, manuals, courses and lesson files";
mdesc['largedocs'] = "<b>Creating Large documents with</b> - a guide to creating large documents with";
mdesc['contributors'] = "When you would like to <b>contribute</b> content to documentation, look in this column.";
mdesc['join'] = "Join the documentation project by filling out this simple form.<br /><b>NO COST, NO OBLIGATIONS!</b>";
mdesc['mailinglists'] = "Subscribe to the project's mailing lists and get engaged in the discussions. We recommend <b>dev</b> and <b>online_help</b>.<br />Browse or search past messages in the archives.";
mdesc['wiki'] = "Go to the Documentation section of the wiki.";
mdesc['dashboard'] = "A list of documentation projects.";
mdesc['wishlist'] = "Add your documentation wish here!";
mdesc['c_userman'] = "Help working on <b>User Manuals</b>";
mdesc['c_howtos'] = "Help working on <b>How To's</b>";
mdesc['c_faqs'] = "Help working on the <b>Frequently Asked Questions</b> lists";
mdesc['c_setupg'] = "Help working on the <b>Setup Guide</b>";
mdesc['c_olh'] = "Help working on the <b>Application Help</b> (or <i>Online Help</i>)";
mdesc['c_devdoc'] = "Help working on <b>Developer Documentation</b>";
mdesc['c_oofor'] = "<b>3rd Party Forums and Resources</b> that reside outside the web site.";
mdesc['c_samp'] = "Help working on <b>Samples &amp; Templates</b>";
mdesc['c_tut'] = "Help working on <b>Tutorials</b>";
mdesc['c_issues'] = "View the list of open issues";
mdesc['searchwiki'] = "Searches the complete Documentation Wiki content.<br>If you don't exactly know where to look for your information, select this search.";
mdesc['searchfaq'] = "Searches only the Documentation FAQ lists.";
mdesc['searchman'] = "Searches only the Manuals on the Documentation Wiki. Note, that not all manuals are yet available on the wiki.";
mdesc['searchweb'] = "Searches the content on this Documentation Website.";
mdesc['searchproj'] = "Searches the content of this project, including issues, mailing lists, and forum content.<br>If you are looking for <b>project related information</b>, click here.";
mstyle = new Array();
mstyle['help101'] = "bubbleblue";
mstyle['contrib101'] = "bubblered";
mstyle['searchall'] = "bubbleblue";
mstyle['l10n'] = "bubbleblue";
mstyle['br_ooa_gsg'] = "bubbleblue";
mstyle['br_ooa_wg'] = "bubbleblue";
mstyle['br_ooa_ig'] = "bubbleblue";
mstyle['br_ooa_dg'] = "bubbleblue";
mstyle['br_ooa_cg'] = "bubbleblue";
mstyle['br_ooa_mg'] = "bubbleblue";
mstyle['br_ooa_mig'] = "bubbleblue";
mstyle['br_ooa_chg'] = "bubbleblue";
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mstyle['searchman'] = "bubbleblue";
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mstyle['searchweb'] = "bubbleblue";
mstyle['searchproj'] = "bubbleblue";
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mstyle['wiki_main'] = "bubbleblue";
mstyle['wikiadmg'] = "bubbleblue";
mstyle['wikibasg'] = "bubbleblue";
mstyle['wikihowto'] = "bubbleblue";
mstyle['wikiooa'] = "bubbleblue";
mstyle['wikiooa3'] = "bubbleblue";
mstyle['br_userman'] = "bubbleblue";
mstyle['br_ug'] = "bubbleblue";
mstyle['br_howtos'] = "bubbleblue";
mstyle['br_faqs'] = "bubbleblue";
mstyle['br_setupg'] = "bubbleblue";
mstyle['br_olh'] = "bubbleblue";
mstyle['br_devdoc'] = "bubbleblue";
mstyle['br_samp'] = "bubbleblue";
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mstyle['br_oooproj'] = "bubbleblue";
mstyle['br_3rd'] = "bubbleblue";
mstyle['br_oofor'] = "bubbleblue";
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mstyle['users'] = "bubbleblue";
mstyle['conceptguide'] = "bubbleblue";
mstyle['largedocs'] = "bubbleblue";
mstyle['contributors'] = "bubblered";
mstyle['join'] = "bubblered";
mstyle['mailinglists'] = "bubblered";
mstyle['wiki'] = "bubblered";
mstyle['dashboard'] = "bubblered";
mstyle['wishlist'] = "bubblered";
mstyle['c_userman'] = "bubblered";
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mstyle['c_faqs'] = "bubblered";
mstyle['c_setupg'] = "bubblered";
mstyle['c_olh'] = "bubblered";
mstyle['c_devdoc'] = "bubblered";
mstyle['c_oofor'] = "bubblered";
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<td><h1 class="docheader">Documentation Team</h1></td>
<table class="mylamelayouthelper" border="0" summary="">
<tr valign="top">
<td id="toprow">
<div id="charter">
<strong>Welcome to the Documentation Team!</strong><br />
This team creates and maintains documentation in English for
Documentation includes user guides, FAQs, HowTos, application help, samples and templates and training materials.
Find information about, browse all documentation sources, or help to improve
the existing documentation yourself by signing up and <a href="">contributing</a>.
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<div class="section showlinks" id="contrib" >
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<div class="sec_header">Getting Involved</div>
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<li class="doc_tip"><a href="">Contributor's 101</a></li>
<li class="doc_tip"><a href="">Mailing Lists</a></li>
<li class="doc_tip"><a href="">Documentation Dashboard</a></li>
<li class="doc_tip"><a href="">Documentation Wishlist</a></li>
<li class="doc_tip"><a href=";component=documentation&amp;issue_status=UNCONFIRMED&amp;issue_status=NEW&amp;issue_status=STARTED&amp;issue_status=REOPENED" class="showlink">Open issues</a></li>
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<li><a href="">OOo Forum</a></li>
<li><a href="">ODFAuthors</a></li>
<!-- <li><a href="">Solveig Haugland's Blog</a></li> -->
<!-- <li><a href="">Jean Hollis Weber's blog</a></li> -->
<li><a href="">OOo Ninja</a></li>
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OOo <acronym title="Frequently Asked Questions">FAQ</acronym> on the Wiki
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OOo Manuals on the Wiki
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Documentation Website
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<li class="doc_tip"><a href="" class="wiki"><strong>Documentation Wiki Start Page</strong></a></li>
<li class="doc_tip"><a href="" class="wiki">Frequently Asked Questions</a></li>
<li class="doc_tip"><a href="" class="wiki">Administration Guide: Network Installation</a></li>
<li class="doc_tip"><a href="" class="wiki">BASIC Programming Guide</a></li>
<li class="doc_tip"><a href="" class="wiki">How Tos</a></li>
<li class="doc_tip"><a href="" class="wiki">OOo 2.x User Guides</a></li>
<li class="doc_tip"><a href="" class="wiki">OOo 3.x User Guides</a></li>
<li class="doc_tip"><a href="" class="wiki">Apache OpenOffice 4.0 User Guides</a></li>
<li class="doc_tip"><a href="online_help">Apache OpenOffice (internal) application help</a></li>
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<div class="section2 showlinks" id="download" >
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<div class="sec_header">Download Documentation</div>
<div class="sec_content">
<ul class="nobullet xsmall">
<li class="doc_tip">Installation Guide OOo 3.x<a href="">(PDF)</a>, <a href="">(ODT)</a></li>
<li class="doc_tip"><a href="" class="wiki">Developer's Guide</a></li>
<li class="doc_tip"><a href="" class="wiki">Tutorials</a></li>
<li class="doc_tip"><a href="">Templates (new Repository)</a></li>
<li class="doc_tip"><a href=""> 3.x Conceptual Guides</a></li>
<li class="doc_tip"><a href="">Creating large documents with</a></li>
<li><b>User Guides for OOo3.x</b></li>
<ul class="nobullet xsmall" style="margin-left: 10px;">
<li class="doc_tip"><a href="">Getting Started Guide (Wiki)</a></li>
<li class="doc_tip"><a href="">Writer Guide (Wiki)</a></li>
<li class="doc_tip"><a href="">Calc Guide (Wiki)</a></li>
<li class="doc_tip"><a href="">Impress Guide (Wiki)</a></li>
<li class="doc_tip"><a href="">Draw Guide (Wiki)</a></li>
<li class="doc_tip"><a href="">Math Guide (Wiki)</a></li>
<li class="doc_tip" id="br_ooa_chg"><a href="">Individual chapters</a> of all user guides (PDF)</li>
<li><b>User Guides for OOo2.x</b></li>
<ul class="nobullet xsmall" style="margin-left: 10px;">
<li><a href="">Individual chapters</a> of all user guides (PDF)</li>
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<div class="sec_header">Documentation in Other Languages</div>
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