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<h2>OpenOffice Bibliographic implementation</h2>
<td>Last Modified 2006-October-14</td>
<td style="text-align: right"><em>A printer friendly PDF version of
this page is available <a
href="implementation.pdf">implementation.pdf (134Kb)</a></em></td>
<li><a href="#Save">File Save Format</a></li>
<li><a href="#XML">OpenOffice XML schema</a></li>
<li><a href="#API">OpenOffice Bibliographic API code functions</a>
<li><a href="#Text">TextField</a></li>
<li><a href="#text4">XTextField#getPresentation</a></li>
<li><a href="#text">Bibliography</a></li>
<li><a href="#text2">Textfield/Bibliography</a></li>
<li><a href="#text1">FieldMaster/Bibliography</a></li>
<li><a href="#text3">BibliographyDataField</a></li>
<li><a href="#TextSectio">TextSection</a></li>
<p>This page provides some basic information about how Openoffice implements
its bibliographic functions. It provides links to the detailed documentation
provided by Openoffice. For related information see the <a
page.</a> For details of our proposals for enhanceing the bibliographic API's
see the <a
<h3>File <a id="Save">Save</a> format</h3>
<td>A simple example of how OpenOffice stores bibliographic information
in its XML save file format <a
<p>The OpenOffice XML file format document is available. The
bibliographic references are on pages 450-451 &amp; 467-471 at <a
<h3>OpenOffice <a id="XML">XML</a> schemas</h3>
<td>See the XML project site <a
<p>The OpenOffice file format DTD files are at <a
, it is a large document so we have extracted the bibliographic bits
in <a href="bib-dtd-bits.html">bib-dtd-bits.html .</a></p>
<p>A proposal to improved Openoffice XML support for citations in the
OOo document format has been accepted by the <a
href="">OASIS</a> OpenOffice
XML Format Technical Committee (<a
minutes)</a>. See our <a href="XML-bibliography-proposal.pdf">XML
Citation Proposal.pdf</a> .</p>
<h3>OpenOffice Bibliographic <a id="API">API</a> code functions</h3>
<td>This section contains a brief description of the OpenOffice Writer
code functions that implement bibliographic services. Use the link to
the full documentation to see more detailed explanations.</td>
<h3><a id="Text">TextField</a></h3>
<p style="font-size: 12pt"><strong>Description</strong></p>
A <a href="../form/component/TextField.html">TextFiel<span></span>d</a> is a
<a href="TextContent.html">TextContent</a> which fades its textual
representation into the text range to which it is anchored.
<p style="font-size: 12pt">See the Developers Guide <a
Text Documents - Working with Text Documents - Text Fields</a></p>
<p><span>"Text fields are text contents that add a second level of
information to text ranges. Usually their appearance fuses together with the
surrounding text, but actually the presented text comes from elsewhere. Field
commands can insert the current date, page number, total page numbers, a
cross-reference to another area of text, the content of certain database
fields, and many variables, such as fields with changing values, into the
document. There are some fields that contain their own data, where others get
the data from an attached field master."</span></p>
<td><p><img alt="Text Fields" src="TextFields.png" width="700" />
<p>Included Services</p>
<p><em>TextContent</em> is an object which can be anchored in a text, like
instances of TextFrame or TextFields .</p>
<p><strong>Exported Interfaces</strong></p>
<p>This interface is used to access the textual representation of this
<p>[ OPTIONAL ]</p>
<p>makes it possible to access the properties of the field, if any.</p>
<h5><span style="color: #3B00B2; background-color: #FFFFFF">Comment by David
<p style="background-color: #FFFFFF"><span
style="color: #007F00; background-color: #FFFFFF">The data fields in the
bibliography need to support complex formatted text and objects and this is
not possible with the current text field. For example some scientific
document titles need to be able to display words in Italics.</span></p>
<p style="background-color: #FFFFFF"><span
style="color: #007F00; background-color: #FFFFFF">In discussing how to
achieve this, Oliver Specht, has advised that the best approach was to
enhance the bookmark object.</span></p>
<p style="background-color: #FFFFFF"><span
style="color: #007F00; background-color: #FFFFFF">A possible solution is "to
add a new object that is similar to bookmarks</span><span
style="color: #007F00; background-color: #FFFFFF">(
This extended bookmark would also carry a DOM tree property. This 'bookmark'
can span over formatted text longer than a paragraph. The user can modify the
text inside of this bookmark easily. An interface to access the new elements
needs to be implemented (sorted by document position).</span></p>
<p style="background-color: #FFFFFF"><span
style="color: #007F00; background-color: #FFFFFF">The DOM interfaces are in (e.g. XDocument.idl,XNode.idl,XElement.idl)</span></p>
<p style="background-color: #FFFFFF"><span
style="color: #007F00; background-color: #FFFFFF">There's also a service available that supports the creation of
DOM trees.</span></p>
<p><span>The bibliography component works on the DOM tree and can manipulate
it independently. In case of using a field the component has to set the
resulting string representation of the reference at this field." See issue
<h3><a id="text4">XTextField.html#getPresentation</a></h3>
<p>is the base interface for all text fields.</p>
<p>A text field is embedded in text and expands to a sequence of
<p><strong>See also</strong></p>
<p><strong>Methods' Summary</strong></p>
<p><strong>Methods' Details</strong></p>
<p><em>getPresentation</em> string</p>
<p><em>getPresentation</em>( [in] boolean bShowCommand );</p>
<p>the display string of the text field either as the command of the
field or as the output string.</p>
<p><strong>Parameter bShowCommand</strong></p>
<p>if true the command of the field will be returned</p>
<h3><a id="text">Bibliography</a></h3>
<p>specifies service of bibliography table within a text document.
See also <a
<h5><strong>Included Services</strong></h5>
<p><em>BaseIndex</em> : specifies the basic service of different
indexes within a document.</p>
<h4>Properties' Summary</h4>
<p><em>Locale</em> : contains the locale of the index.</p>
<p><em>SortAlgorithm</em> : contains the name of the sort algorithm
that is used to sort the entries.</p>
<h3><a id="text1">textfield/Bibliography</a></h3>
<p>specifies service of a bibliography text field.</p>
<p>Bibliographic entry created by Insert &acirc;&euro;&ldquo; Indexes
and Tables &acirc;&euro;&ldquo; Bibliography Entry. The content is
the source of the creation of bibliographic indexes. The sequence
&lt;PropertyValue&gt; in the property "Fields" contains pairs of the
name of the field and its content, such as:</p>
<p>The names of the fields are defined in <a
A bibliographic entry depends on <a
<h3><a id="text2">FieldMaster/Bibliography</a></h3>
<p>specifies service of a Bibliography [table] field master.</p>
<h5><strong>Included Services</strong></h5>
<p>A TextFieldMaster field specifies important data for its
<h5><strong>Properties' Summary</strong></h5>
<p><em>IsNumberEntries</em> : determines whether the bibliography
text fields are numbered. If the short name of the bibliography entry
is displayed instead.</p>
<p><em>IsSortByPosition</em> : determines whether the bibliography
entries in a bibliography index are sorted by the document position.
If the SortKey property determines the sorting of the entries.</p>
<p><em>BracketBefore</em> : determines the opening bracket used to
display the bibliography text fields.</p>
<p><em>BracketAfter</em> : determines the closing bracket used to
display the bibliography text fields.</p>
<p><em>SortKeys</em> : determines the sorting of the bibliography
entries in a bibliography index. This property is used if the
property IsSortByPosition is not set. Each contained element of the
sequence is a sequence of the following two properties:</p>
<p><em>Locale</em> : contains the locale of the field master.</p>
<p><em>SortAlgorithm</em> : contains the name of the sort algorithm
that is used to sort the text fields.</p>
<h5><span style="color: #3B00B2; background-color: #FFFFFF">Comment
by David Wilson</span></h5>
<p style="background-color: #FFFFFF"><span
style="color: #007F00; background-color: #FFFFFF">The range of
options will need to be enhanced.</span></p>
<h3><a id="text3">BibliographyDataField</a></h3>
<p>These values define parts of bibliographic data. They are used to
create a bibliography in a text document. Depending on the type of
the data some of the fields will usually be left empty.</p>
<li>IDENTIFIER : This field contains a unique identifier for the
bibliographic data.</li>
<li>BIBILIOGRAPHIC_TYPE : This field contains the type of the
bibliographic reference. It is of the type
<li>ADDRESS : This field contains the address of the publisher.</li>
<li>ANNOTE : This field contains an annotation.</li>
<li>AUTHOR : This field contains the name(s) of the author(s)</li>
<li>BOOKTITLE : This field contains the title of the book.</li>
<li>CHAPTER : This field contains the name or number of the
<li>EDITION : This field contains the number or name of the
<li>EDITOR : This field contains the name(s) of the editor(s)</li>
<li>HOWPUBLISHED : This field contains a description of the type of
the publishing.</li>
<li>INSTITUTION : This field contains the name of the institution
where the publishing was created.</li>
<li>JOURNAL : This field contains the name of the journal.</li>
<li>MONTH : This field contains number or name of the month of the
<li>NOTE : This field contains a note.</li>
<li>NUMBER : This field contains the number of the publishing.</li>
<li>ORGANIZATIONS : This field contains the name of the
organizations where the publishing was created.</li>
<li>PAGES : This field contains the number(s) of the page(s) of the
reference into a publishing.</li>
<li>PUBLISHER : This field contains the name of the publisher.</li>
<li>SCHOOL : This field contains the name of the university or
school where the publishing was created.</li>
<li>SERIES : This field contains the series of the publishing.</li>
<li>TITLE : This field contains the title of the publishing.</li>
<li>REPORT_TYPE : This field contains a description of the type of
the report.</li>
<li>VOLUME : This field contains the volume of the publishing.</li>
<li>YEAR : This field contains the year when the publishing was
<li>URL : This field contains URL of the publishing.</li>
<li>CUSTOM1 : This field contains user defined data.</li>
<li>CUSTOM2 : This field contains user defined data.</li>
<li>CUSTOM3 : This field contains user defined data.</li>
<li>CUSTOM4 : This field contains user defined data.</li>
<li>CUSTOM5 : This field contains user defined data.</li>
ISBN : This field contains the ISBN data of the publishing.</div>
<h5><span style="color: #3B00B2; background-color: #FFFFFF">Comment
by David Wilson</span></h5>
<p style="background-color: #FFFFFF"><span
style="color: #007F00">This field is currently inserted with every
bibliographic citation instance. No link is maintained with the
original data source in the bibliographic database. If a mistake is
made each separate instance of the field must be re-inserted or
corrected manually.</span></p>
<p style="background-color: #FFFFFF"><span style="color: #007F00">It
is proposed that a new field be created a
'MasterBibliographyDataField' which would be inserted the first time
a citation was used and all BibliographyDataFields would contain a
link to their MasterBibliographyDataField. The
MasterBibliographyDataField would be linked to its datasource
(initially the bibliographic database, but others are possible) and
would be updated by the Writer link update function. When the
MasterBibliographyDataField was updated all the linked
BibliographyDataField instances, and the Bibliographic Table would be
updated as well.</span></p>
<h3><a id="TextSectio">TextSection</a></h3>
<p>A <a href="TextSection.html">TextSection</a> is a range of
complete paragraphs within a text.</p>
<p>The content of the section may be the content of a link into
another document, a link from the same document, or the result of a
DDE operation.</p>
<p><a href="TextSection.html">TextSection</a> instances can be linked
from and to other texts <a id="devmanual"></a></p>
<dt>See Developers Guide <a
Text Documents - Overall Document Features - Text Sections</a></dt>
<h5><span style="color: #003A7F; background-color: #FFFFFF">Comment
by David Wilson</span></h5>
<p style="background-color: #FFFFFF"><span style="color: #007F00">It
is proposed that the new bibliographic table mechanism <a
href="/citeproc/index.html">Citproc</a> be used to insert the
bibliographic table into a TextSection.</span></p>
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