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<h2> Is Four</h2>
<p>Today we are four. On 13 October 2000 Sun Microsystems donated the source to StarOffice to the open-source community. Sun has continued to sponsor the project, which <a href=""> CollabNet</a> hosts and manages. Our celebrations started early, in September, with the Second OOoCon, in Berlin. The papers presented there highlight the activity and promise of the project and the code. </p>
<li><a href="../editorial/year_four.html"> Year Four</a>, Louis Su&aacute;rez-Potts</li>
<li><a href="">OOoCon 2004</a>, Stefan Taxhet, Erwin Tenhumberg, Jacqueline McNally</li>
<li>News highlights: 2004 <a href="../editorial/ooo_news-year4.pdf">PDF</a> (336 KB) | <a href="../editorial/ooo_news-year4.html">HTML</a> | <a href="../editorial/ooo_news-year4.sxw">SXW</a> (68KB) , Erwin Tenhumberg</li>
<li><a href="../awards/index.html">Awards</a>: Miljenko Williams, Tamblyne</li>
<li><a href="testimonials.html" target="_blank">Testimonials</a>, Aaron Benedict</li>
<li><a href=""> Statistics</a>, Louis Suárez-Potts
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