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mdesc['br_ooa_gsg'] = "<div class='floatimg'><img src='img/pdf.png'></div>The <b>Getting Started Guide</b> from the OOoAuthors group."
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mdesc['br_ooa_ig'] = "<div class='floatimg'><img src='img/pdf.png'></div>The <b>Impress Guide</b> from the OOoAuthors group."
mdesc['br_ooa_dg'] = "<div class='floatimg'><img src='img/pdf.png'></div>The <b>Draw Guide</b> from the OOoAuthors group."
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mdesc['c_setupg'] = "Help working on the <b>Setup Guide</b>";
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mdesc['c_devtodo'] = "View open ToDo's in the API project";
mdesc['c_oofor'] = "<b>3rd Party Forums and Resources</b> that reside outside the web site.";
mdesc['c_samp'] = "Help working on <b>Samples &amp; Templates</b>";
mdesc['c_tut'] = "Help working on <b>Tutorials</b>";
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<table class="mylamelayouthelper" border="0" summary="" width="100%" cellpadding="0"
<td><h1 class="docheader">The Apache OpenOffice API Project</h1></td></tr>
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<td id="toprow">
<div id="charter">
<strong>Welcome to the <a href="" title="link to a wikipedia definition of API">API</a> Project</strong><br/>
<p>The API project provides an entry point in the world of Apache OpenOffice from a developers perspective.</p>
<p>OpenOffice offers a language independent <b>application programming interface</b> (API) which allows to program the office in different programming languages (e.g. C++, Java, Python, CLI, OpenOffice Basic, JavaScript, OLE). It allows to use OpenOffice as service provider in other applications, extend it with new functionality or simply customize and control OpenOffice.</p>
<p>The popularity of the standardized (<a href="">OASIS</a> and <a href="">ISO/IEC 26300</a>) Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) is growing. This also drives the popularity of Apache OpenOffice in general. Corporate users often demand the integration of office productivity into existing workflows and applications. They also often require additional functionality or special customizations of the existing features. And that is one of the main goals of the API project. Provide the possibility to customize or control the office that it fits well in your existing environment or fulfill your special requirements.</p>
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<div class="sec_header">SDK</div>
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There is also a <a href="SDK/index.html">Software Development Kit (SDK)</a> available which is an add-on for an existing OpenOffice. It provides the necessary tools and documentation for programming the OpenOffice APIs and creating your own extensions (UNO components) for OpenOffice. If you are interested in OpenOffice programming, you can <a href="">download the SDK</a>.
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The Office API reference
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<a href="./SDK/index.html" title="Code Snippet Base">Software Development Kit (SDK)</a>
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