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The Original Code is the Issuezilla Issue Tracking System.
The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
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Contributor(s): Terry Weissman <>
<title>Issuezilla Voting</title>
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<h2>Issuezilla Voting</h2>
<p>Voting allows you to take an active role in prioritizing issues winthin your project. Depending on how your project is set up, every user may have a set number of votes per user. If your domain allows voting, you still may be restricted from voting based on the setting for your project.</p>
<p>Users can cast their votes based on their own criteria, but cannot be granted more votes then were originally allowed. The number of votes allotted to each user is determined by the administrator of the domain (by default, all users are granted 10 votes). With your vote, you indicate which issues you think are the most important to be fixed.</p>
<h3>Using your votes</h3>
<p>Your administrator has set up voting rules for users by component. If you are allowed voting privileges in a component, your administrator will have set the following rules for use of the votes:</p>
The number of votes each user is allotted.
<p>By default, each user is allotted 10 votes, but your administrator may have granted you more or less than the default. You are limited to the number of votes allotted by the adminstrator. You can cast your votes on any issue within the database that is of interest to you, but you cannot receive more votes then you were originally allotted.</p>
The number of votes each user can cast on a single issue.
<p>The administrator has allowed users to cast 0, 1 or more votes for each issue in a component. This criteria determines how many of your votes you can use on each individual issue. If the administrator has allowed 0 votes for issues within a component, then you cannot vote for any of those issues. Components that allow 1 or more votes per issue are open for voting on issues. The number of votes you cast per issue is limited by the total number of votes you have and the maximum number of votes you can cast for a single issue in that component.</p>
<li>Example: You have been granted 10 votes. Each user can cast up to 10 votes for a single issue in this component. You can use all 10 of your votes for a single issue, preventing you from voting on any other issues. Alternatively, you may choose to apply 2 votes for a single issue, leaving you with 8 votes to cast on any other issues.</li>
<li>Example: You have been granted 10 votes. Each user can cast one vote per a single issue in this component. You can cast one vote on a single issue, leaving you with 9 remaining votes to cast on any other issues.</li>
<p>If, after casting your votes, you later change your mind and would like to vote for a different issue, you can always recast your votes.</p>
<h3>How many votes do I have?</h3>
<p>The number of votes each user has is determined by the site administrator. You can view your votes, check the number you've been given and adjust votes as necessary by entering <b>Issue Tracking</b> and clicking on the <i>My Votes</i> link on the Issue Tracking navigation bar.</p>
<h3>How do I vote for an issue?</h3>
<p>To find out if you can vote on an issue and how many votes you have available, open the issue in which you are intersted. If this project allows voting you will find a link <em>Votes</em> directly above the <em>Additional Comments</em> field. Beside this link you will see a number, indicating the quantity of votes you have cast for this issue, and a link to vote for the issue. Clicking on the <i>Vote for this issue</i> link allows you view the number of votes you have, the number of votes you've used and alter the number of votes you have applied to this issue. An email is generated notifying you of any changes that occur on issues for which you have voted.</p>
<p>Assuming you have voting rights to this project, you can click on the <i>Vote for this issue</i> link directly under the <i>Additional Comments</i> field and enter the number of votes you want to cast in the votes field. After you've entered your desired number of votes, click on the <b>Submit</b> button.</p>
<h3>How can I see all votes that have been cast for an issue?</h3>
<p>You can query for all issues that have at least one vote in your project by entering "1" in the <i>At least ____ votes</i> field and clicking on the <b>Submit query</b> button. You will receive a report of all issues within your project that have at least one vote cast for them. Using the report, you can see how many votes were cast for each issue and, by clicking on the link to the issue, you can adjust your votes as you see fit.</p>
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