blob: 1b190faf4585670e56d8778e8af3438e9be18de6 [file] [log] [blame]
<snippet language="OOBasic" application="Writer">
<keyword>gotoNextParagraph </keyword>
<keyword>gotoEndOfParagraph </keyword>
<author id="and" initial="true" email="">Andrew Pitonyak</author>
<author id="mi" email="">Michael Hoennig</author>
<author id="tomsontom" initial="false" email="">Tom Schindl</author>
<question heading="paragraph style">
How do I look at each paragraphs style?
The following code snippet traverses a document noticing each used paragraph
Sub PrintAllParagraphStyles
Dim s As String
Dim vCurCursor As Variant
Dim vText As Variant
Dim sCurStyle As String
vText = ThisComponent.Text
vCurCursor = vText.CreateTextCursor()
If NOT vCurCursor.gotoEndOfParagraph( True ) Then Exit Do
sCurStyle = vCurCursor.ParaStyleName
s = s &amp; """" &amp; sCurStyle &amp; """" &amp; CHR$(10)
Loop Until NOT vCurCursor.gotoNextParagraph( False )
MsgBox s, 0, "Styles in Document"
End Sub
<change author-id="tomsontom" date="2004-06-22">Modified to match codesnippet.dtd v2.0, added syntax highlighting</change>
<change author-id="and" date="0000-00-00">Initial version</change>