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<?xml version="1.0"?>
$RCSfile: Writer.CopyComponentsToNewDocument.snip,v $
last change: $Revision: 1.1 $ $Author: tomsontom $ $Date: 2005/10/15 13:07:35 $
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<snippet language="Python" application="Writer">
<keyword>traverse document</keyword>
<author id="" initial="true" email="">Darragh Sherwin</author>
<author id="tomsontom" initial="true" email="">Tom Schindl</author>
<question heading="Copy components to new document">How can I copy things from on to another document
# Class to copy 30 lines of text
# This will break table up, if there is a table
# in the 30 lines selected by the viewCursor
class Copier( unohelper.Base, XJobExecutor ):
def __init__( self, ctx ):
self.ctx = ctx
# For a desktop example see {%internal ../Office/Office.FetchingServicesFromDesktop.snip}
deskDict = getDesktopDict( ctx )
self.splitDocument( deskDict )
# Splits the document
def splitDocument( self, deskDict ):
viewCursor = deskDict[&apos;viewcursor&apos;]
text = deskDict[&apos;document&apos;].Text
controller = deskDict[&apos;controller&apos;]
textCursor = text.createTextCursor()
textCursor.gotoRange( text.getStart(), False )
viewCursor.gotoRange( deskDict[&apos;document&apos;].Text.getStart(), False )
deskDict[&apos;viewcursor&apos;] = viewCursor
endRange = text.getEnd()
viewCursor.gotoStart( False )
while ( text.compareRegionEnds( viewCursor, endRange ) &gt; 0 ):
# The viewCursor is selecting the 30 lines
viewCursor.goDown( 30, True ) controller.getSelection() )
# This executes the copy function
# How to use dispatch see {%internal ../Office/Office.UsingDispatchAPI.snip}
executeSlot( self.ctx, controller, &quot;.uno:Copy&quot;)
# How to create a document see {%internal ../Office/Office.UsingDispatchAPI.snip}
docDict = createNewDocument( deskDict )
self.pasteToNewDoc( docDict )
controller.getFrame().getComponentWindow().setFocus( )
textCursor.gotoRange( viewCursor.getEnd() , False)
viewCursor.gotoRange( textCursor, False )
# Pastes the system clipboard into the document
def pasteToNewDoc( self, deskDict ):
document = deskDict[&apos;document&apos;]
# How to use dispatch see {%internal ../Office/Office.UsingDispatchAPI.snip}
executeSlot( self.ctx, deskDict[&apos;controller&apos;], &quot;.uno:Paste&quot;)
if __name__==&quot;__main__&quot;:
# For a connection example see {%internal ../Office/Office.ConnectViaPipe.snip}
remoteContext = connect()
job = Copier( remoteContext )
except Exception, e:
print &quot;\n\n&quot;
import traceback
<operating-system name="All"/>