blob: 7d44e1e7e4d0d74a46f5ce94de8472efce86fff5 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
$RCSfile: Writer.AddAndRemoveHeaderAndFooter.snip,v $
last change: $Revision: 1.1 $ $Author: tomsontom $ $Date: 2008/10/20 11:29:27 $
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<snippet language="ooRexx" application="Writer">
<author id="1" initial="true" email="" copyright="Josef Frysak">Josef Frysak</author>
<question heading="Add and remove header and footer">How to toggle header and footer on and off?
<p>First get the style name of the current Page. Next get the StyleFamilies</p>
<p>list of the document via the StyleFamiliesSupplier and retrieve the page</p>
<p>style with the name recieved before. Now get the &quot;XPropertySet&quot; interface</p>
<p>and retrieve the status of the header and footer. If they are true then</p>
<p>set their properties to false, otherwhise set them to true.</p>
<p>For further details see</p>
<listing>-- try to get a script context, will be .nil, if script was not invoked by OOo
x_ScriptContext = uno.getScriptContext()
if (x_ScriptContext &lt;&gt; .nil) then
-- invoked by OOo as a macro
-- get context
x_ComponentContext = x_ScriptContext~getComponentContext
-- get desktop (an XDesktop)
x_Desktop = x_ScriptContext~getDesktop
-- get current document
x_Document = x_ScriptContext~getDocument
-- called from outside of OOo, create a connection
-- connect to Open Office and get component context
x_ComponentContext = UNO.connect()
-- create a desktop service and its interface
service = &quot;{%see}&quot;
s_Desktop = x_ComponentContext~getServiceManager~{%see}~createInstance(service)
x_Desktop = s_Desktop~{%see}
-- get the last active document
x_Document = x_Desktop~getCurrentComponent()
-- first we get access to the textdocument and its text object
x_TextDocument = x_Document~{%see}
x_Text = x_TextDocument~getText
-- get the current current cursor
s_CurrentController = x_TextDocument~getCurrentController()
x_TextViewCursorSupplier = s_CurrentController~{%see}
x_CurrentCursor = x_TextViewCursorSupplier~getViewCursor()
-- get access to the properties of the current cursor and retrieve
-- name of the current pagestyle
cursorproperties = x_CurrentCursor~{%see}
pagestylename = cursorproperties~getPropertyValue(&quot;PageStyleName&quot;)
-- next we search the StyleFamily entries for our current pagestyle
x_StyleFamiliesSupplier = x_Document~{%see}
x_StyleFamilies = x_StyleFamiliesSupplier~getStyleFamilies()
s_StyleFamily = x_StyleFamilies~getByName(&quot;PageStyles&quot;)
x_NameAccess = s_StyleFamily~{%see}
s_PageProperties = x_NameAccess~getByName(pagestylename)
-- get the properties of the current page
pageproperties = s_PageProperties~{%see}
-- get the current status of header and footer of this page
oldheader = pageproperties~getPropertyValue(&quot;HeaderIsOn&quot;)
oldfooter = pageproperties~getPropertyValue(&quot;FooterIsOn&quot;)
-- if header is on turn it of and vice versa
-- i dont know why disabling needs a complet object as parameter, but
-- enabling does not. (enabling wont work if using objects)
if oldheader then pageproperties~setPropertyValue(&quot;HeaderIsOn&quot;, .bsf~new(&quot;java.lang.Boolean&quot;, 0))
else pageproperties~setPropertyValue(&quot;HeaderIsOn&quot;, 1)
if oldfooter then pageproperties~setPropertyValue(&quot;FooterIsOn&quot;, .bsf~new(&quot;java.lang.Boolean&quot;, 0))
else pageproperties~setPropertyValue(&quot;FooterIsOn&quot;, 1)
::requires UNO.CLS</listing>
<version number="2.4.1" status="tested"/>
<operating-system name="All"/>
<change author-id="1" date="2008-10-14">Initial version</change>