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<title>Using host administration tools</title>
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<h2><a id="HostAdminUtils" name = "hostadminutils">Using host administration tools</a></h2>
<div id="toc">
<li><strong><a href="/nonav/servlets/HelpTOC">Help index</a></strong></li>
<li>Help for host administration
<ul><li>Using host adminstration tools
<ul><li><a href="#config">Configure site</a></li>
<li><a href="#query">Ad hoc database query</a></li>
<li><a href="#viewlog">View system logs</a> </li>
<li><a href="#build">Build information</a></li>
<li><a href="#sessions">Active user sessions</a></li>
<li><a href="#broadcast">Broadcast message</a></li>
<p>The host administrator can set a variety of options for the entire site.
These options should be set with caution as they can adversely affect the
entire site. Access the host administrator tools from the <b>Administration
</b> tab. </p>
<dt><a name="config"></a>Configure site</dt>
<dd>Use the <b>Configure site</b> link to set site wide configuration options.
Configuration options are organized into three categories; <a href="#host">Host
Options</a>, <a href="#domain">Domain Options </a>and <a href="#project">Project
Options</a>. Use the tabs to navigate between configuration sets. The following
options can be set: </dd>
<p><a name="host" id="host"></a><b>Host Options</b></p>
<dt>Name for system mail</dt>
<dd>You can define a name from which system mail is sent.</dd>
<dt>Display timezone</dt>
<dd>The timezone defined here will be used for displays of times and dates</dd>
<dt>Logging level</dt>
<dd>You can select the level of detain provided in the logs of system
operation and events.</dd>
<dt>User cache size</dt>
<dd>You can define the size of the site-wide user cache as a fraction
of the total number of users on the site.</dd>
<dt>Project cache size</dt>
<dd>You can define the size of the site-wide project cache as a fraction
of the total number of projects on the site.</dd>
<p> <a name="domain" id="domain"></a><b>Domain Options</b></p></dd>
<dt>Enable dicussion forums</dt>
<dd>You can enable or disable the use of discussion forums site-wide.</dd>
<dt>Issue tracking component</dt>
<dd>You can choose which issue tracking components will be available for
<dt>Domain contact</dt>
<dd>You can define an email address for the domain contact.</dd>
<dt>Allow guest access</dt>
<dd>You can enable or disable the ability for users to see public portions
of the site without logging in.</dd>
<dt>Always allow access to domain home</dt>
<dd>You can make the domain home page visible to all users, even if guest
access is turned off.</dd>
<dt>Allow user join</dt>
<dd>You can enable or disable the ability for users to register on the
site. Note, this option is available only when guest user access is
<dt>Enable community section</dt>
<dd>You can activate a community section seperate from the SourceCast
tools. The community section can be used to communicate important information
to community members.</dd>
<dt>Project path separator string</dt>
<dd>You can define a character to separate the names of projects within
a parentage tree. For example, SuperProject&gt;SuperProject&gt;Project,
where &gt; is the separator character. Be sure to add any needed spaces.</dd>
<dt>Enforce click-through</dt>
<dd>You can enable or disable the requirement for users to agree to the
Terms of Use.</dd>
<dt>Send plaintext passwords to new users</dt>
<dd>New users can receive their current passwords in plaintext email,
instead of having a ticket to set their passwords generated. NOTE: this
is a potential security risk and should be set only as required.</dd>
<dt>Destination on login</dt>
<dd>You can choose whether users are sent to their individual start pages
or to the community page after logging in.</dd>
<dt>Policy on public projects</dt>
<dd>You can select whether to allow new projects to be public or private
and set a default.</dd>
<dt>Show project artifact links on category home page</dt>
<dd>You can enable or disable the display of project artifacts on category
home pages.</dd>
<dt>User can edit own organization</dt>
<dd>You can enable or disable the ability for users to edit the <b>Organization</b>
field on their own user profiles.</dd>
<dt>List of file extensions that should always be downloaded</dt>
<dd>You can force users to download files with certain extensions, rather
than allowing browser plug-ins to automatically open these files. Multiple
entries should be seperated by spaces (e.g. .wmv .mp3).</dd>
<dt>Show project artifact links on category home</dt>
<dd>Checking this adds links to project artifact resources on category
home pages</dd>
<dt>Users can edit own organizations</dt>
<dd>allows users to edit their own "Organization" fields.</dd>
<p><a name="project" id="project"></a><b>Project Default Options</b></p></dd>
<dt>Maximum attachment size</dt>
<dd>You can define the maximum attachment size that can be uploaded to
a project's <b>Discussion forums</b> component.</dd>
<dt>Maximum file upload size</dt>
<dd>You can define the maximum file size that can be uploaded to a project's
<b>File sharing</b> component.</dd>
<dt>Offer to lock files</dt>
<dd>You can enable or disable the ability for user to lock files when
they are first created in a project's <b>File sharing</b> component.</dd>
<dt><a name="query"></a>Ad hoc database query</dt>
<dd>Use the <b>Ad hoc database query</b> to enter and run a SELECT query against
the Tigris database. </dd>
<dt><a name="viewlog"></a>View system logs</dt>
<dd>Use the <b>View system logs </b>link to select a log to view. </dd>
<dt><a name="build"></a>Build information</dt>
<dd>Use the <strong>Build Information</strong> link to view current build
information. Clicking this link will display the versions number, build
number and build instance of SourceCast.</dd>
<dt><a name="sessions"></a>Sessions</dt>
<dd>You can view a list of users currently logged into your site by clicking
the <strong>Active User Sessions</strong> link. This servlet lists the logged
in users by username and details the time and date each logged in, the last
servlet accessed by each, and the last access time for each user. While
this information is not logged, periodically reviewing the active user session
provides insight into who is accessing your site.</dd>
<dt><a name="broadcast"></a>Broadcast message</dt>
<dd>Use the <b>Broadcast message</b> link to enter a message to be displayed
at the top od every page viewed by users.</dd>
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