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<meta HTTP-EQUIV="content-type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<h2>UNO Accessibility API</h2>
<p>The UNO Accessibility API (also called UAA in the following) is modeled
closely after Java Accessibility API in version 1.4 and the the Gnome
Accessibility API. The UAA is part of the offapi project. You can browse
the CVS archive at <a
title="Browse the IDL source files of the UNO Accessibility API"
>com/sun/star/accessibility</a> or have a look at the documentation <a
title="Documentation: UAA reference">here</a>. </p>
<h3>Representation of GUI and documents</h3>
<p>The UAA represents both <em>structure</em> and <em>content</em> of the
GUI. Here GUI included the views of documents that are embedded
<p>Each top-level window of the GUI is represented as a tree of
accessibility objects. Each accessibility object stands for one GUI
element or one object of a document view:
<ul><li><b>Leaves</b><br> Some GUI elements are
represented by leaves in the tree. Such elements are for example labels and
<li><b>Internal nodes</b><br>
Other GUI elements are represented by internal nodes and thus have a
sub-tree of their own. An example for this are frames, menus and
tool-bars. Menu items
can be both depending of whether they have a sub-menu.</b></li>
The root of every tree represents a top level window. This means that the
accessibility representation of a running is actually a
forest of accessibility trees.
<p>This tree structure is realized by implementing the
<a href=""
title="Documentation of the XAccessibleContext interface"><code>XAccessibleContext</code></a> interface. To go up
towards the root of a tree you can get an object's parent. To go down
towards the leaves of a tree you can retrieve all the children of an
Relations introduce a secondary structure that is independent of the tree
hierarchy created by the parent/child relationship provided by the <a href=""
title="Documentation of the XAccessibleContext interface"><code>XAccessibleContext</code></a> interface. Relation sets as
returned by the <a href=""
title="Documentation of the XAccessibleContext::getAccessibleRelationSet() method"><code>XAccessibleContext::getAccessibleRelationSet()</code></a> are defined
by the <a href=""
title="Documentation of the XAccessibleRelationSet interface"><code>XAccessibleRelationSet</code></a> interface.
<p>Each node of the tree that implements <a href=""
title="Documentation of the XAccessibleContext interface"><code>XAccessibleContext</code></a> gives access to different
facets of the represented GUI element or document part. These are
<dt>name</dt><dd>The name is a localized string and acts as short, one word
description, this is e.g. the text displayed on a button.</dd>
<dt>role</dt> <dd>The kind of control or document part. E.g. the role of a
button is "button". With the <a href=""
title="Documentation of the AccessibleRole constants group"><code>AccessibleRole</code></a> collection of
constants there is a set of predefined roles that is suitable for the elements
of the GUI whereas there are no (not yet) roles for the direct support of the
<dt>description</dt><dd>A localized string description that is longer and more
specific than the name.</dd>
<dt>state</dt><dd>States of GUI elements as described by the
<a href=""
title="Documentation of the AccessibleStateType constants group"><code>AccessibleStateType</code></a> constants collection can be for example
"active", "hidden", or "checked". Again there is a predefined set of states
suitable for GUI elements but maybe not sufficient to represent states of
document parts.</dd>
<dt>actions</dt><dd>This active part of a node content can for instance open a
pop up window with a context sensitive menu. Another example are additional
navigational commands. Actions are represented by the
<a href=""
title="Documentation of the AccessibleRole constants group"><code>AccessibleRole</code></a> service. In general there should be as few
actions as possible. It is better to offer additional functionality through
the clasical means of the GUI.</dd>
<dt>graphical representation</dt><dd>The graphical representation of an
accessible object is exposed by the <a href=""
title="Documentation of the XAccessibleComponent interface"><code>XAccessibleComponent</code></a> interface.
It can be queried for instance for its bounding-box or for the child node at a
given point on the screen.</dd>
<dt>content</dt><dd>The actual content of a node of the accessibility tree can
have different forms:
<li>Text is represented by the interfaces <a href=""
title="Documentation of the XAccessibleText interface"><code>XAccessibleText</code></a> (read
only) and <a href=""
title="Documentation of the XAccessibleEditableText interface"><code>XAccessibleEditableText</code></a>. There is also the interface
<a href=""
title="Documentation of the XAccessibleHypertext interface"><code>XAccessibleHypertext</code></a> for texts that contain
<li>Tables are represented by the interface <a
title="Documentation of the XAccessibleTable interface"><code>XAccessibleTable</code></a>.</li>
<li>Images are represented by the interface
title="Documentation of the XAccessibleImage interface"><code>XAccessibleImage</code></a>.</li>
<li>Simple numerical values, like the position of a slider or the value of a
spin box are represented by the <a
title="Documentation of the XAccessibleValue interface"><code>XAccessibleValue</code></a>
<p>The tree modeled by the UAA is not a static data
structure. Because of scrolling the document window, changing its content, or
modifying the contents of GUI controls, the structure and content of single
nodes and sub-trees is constantly changing. These changes are notified to the
AT by sending events to registered listeners (among them the AT). The kind of
event that is sent for a specific change depends on the UAA interfaces that
the node that represents the modified object does support and on the actual
implementation of these interfaces. Listeners to accessibility events
implement the <a
title="Documentation of the XAccessibleEventListener interface"><code>XAccessibleEventListener</code></a> interface while broadcasters
implement the
title="Documentation of the XAccessibleEventBroadcaster interface"><code>XAccessibleEventBroadcaster</code></a> interface.
Events are <a
title="Documentation of the AccessibleEventObject structure"><code>AccessibleEventObject</code></a> structures, their types
are described in the <a
title="Documentation of the AccessibleEventId constants group"><code>AccessibleEventId</code></a> constants group.</p>
<h3>Independent implementation of the UAA</h3>
<p>The <a
title="Documentation of the XAccessible interface"><code>XAccessible</code></a> interface allows the decoupling
of the implementation of the UAA from the implementation of the rest of
the UNO API. Its only method, <a
title="Documentation of the XAccessible::getAccessibleContext() method"><code>getAccessibleContext()</code></a>,
an object that implements the <code>AccessibleContext</code> service.
This may or may not be done by a class other than the one that implements the
title="Documentation of the XAccessible interface"><code>XAccessible</code></a> interface. This has the big advantage, that the
existing API implementation needs only minimal modifications.</p>
<h3>Differences between the Accessibility APIs of UNO and Java</h3>
Here is a list of major differences between the UNO and the Java Accessibility APIs:
<li><p>Java interfaces <a
title="Documentation of the JAA AccessibleComponent interface"><code>AccessibleComponent</code></a> and <a href=""
title="Documentation of the JAA AccessibleExtendedComponent interface"
><code>AccessibleExtendedComponent</code></a> have been rearranged into the UAA interfaces <a
title="Documentation of the XAccessibleComponent interface"><code>XAccessibleComponent</code></a> and <a
title="Documentation of the XAccessibleExtendedComponent interface"><code>XAccessibleExtendedComponent</code></a>.</p></li>
<li><p>Java interfaces <a
title="Documentation of the JAA AccessibleTable interface"><code>AccessibleTable</code></a> and
title="Documentation of the JAA AccessibleExtendedTable interface"><code>AccessibleExtendedTable</code></a> have been merged into the single
UNO interface <a
title="Documentation of the XAccessibleTable interface"><code>XAccessibleTable</code></a>.</p></li>
<li><p>Java interfaces <a
title="Documentation of the JAA AccessibleText interface"><code>AccessibleText</code></a> and
<a href=""
title="Documentation of the JAA AccessibleEditableText interface"
><code>AccessibleEditableText</code></a> have been rearranged into the UAA interfaces <a
title="Documentation of the XAccessibleText interface"><code>XAccessibleText</code></a> and <a
title="Documentation of the XAccessibleEditableText interface"><code>XAccessibleEditableText</code></a> to better reflect the read only and
read/write access to text.</p></li>
<li><p>The Java class <a
title="Documentation of the JAA AccessibleBundle interface"><code>AccessibleBundle</code></a> is not supported, because it is
not necessary in the UNO environment.</p></li>
<li><p>The Java class <a
title="Documentation of the JAA AccessibleResourceBundle interface"><code>AccessibleResourceBundle</code></a> is not supported, because it
is deprecated in the Java API.</p></li>
<li><p>The Java <em>classes</em> <a
title="Documentation of the JAA AccessibleRelation interface"><code>AccessibleRelation</code></a>,
title="Documentation of the JAA AccessibleRole interface"><code>AccessibleRole</code></a>, and <a
title="Documentation of the JAA AccessibleState interface"><code>AccessibleState</code></a> are realized
by UNO <em>constants collections</em>
title="Documentation of the AccessibleRelationType constants collection"><code>AccessibleRelationType</code></a>, <a
title="Documentation of the AccessibleRole constants collection"><code>AccessibleRole</code></a>, and <a
title="Documentation of the AccessibleStateType constants collection"><code>AccessibleStateType</code></a>
due to different API designs.</p></li>
<li><p>The Java interface <a
title="Documentation of the JAA AccessibleIcon interface"><code>AccessibleIcon</code></a> has been renamed into
the UNO interface <a
title="Documentation of the XAccessibleImage interface"><code>XAccessibleImage</code></a> to represent its more general approach.</p></li>
<li><p>The methods of the Java class <a
title="Documentation of the JAA AccessibleHyperlink interface"><code>AccessibleHyperlink</code></a> regarding actions have been
removed. Instead the UNO service <code>AccessibleHyperlink</code> supports
in addition to the interface <a
title="Documentation of the XAccessibleHyperlink interface"><code>XAccessibleHyperlink</code></a> also the
title="Documentation of the XAccessibleAction interface"><code>XAccessibleAction</code></a> interface.</p></li>
<h3>Documentation of the UNO Accessibility API</h3>
<p>More details of the UAA can be found in the <a
title="Documentation: UAA reference">API reference</a>.
<p>The services that expose application specific details of the UAA can be
found here for the <a
title="Services of the UAA implementation used by the GUI">GUI</a>, <a
title="Services of theUAA implementation used by the Writer">Writer</a>,
<a href=""
title="Services of the UAA implementation used by the Calc">Calc</a>,
<a href=""
title="Services of the UAA implementation used by Draw/Impress">Draw/Impress</a>,
and <a href=""
title="Services of the UAA implementation used by Chart">Chart</a>.</p>