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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
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<title> Python-UNO bridge</title>
<h1> Python-UNO bridge</h1>
<h2> IMPORTANT: Workarounds for pyuno problems in OOo3.0.0 </h2>
There are some problems with pyuno in OOo3.0.0 (in particular with the
python executable). Here the known problems and the workarounds for the moment
<li> (windows only) The python scripting framework (scripts within openoffice via Extras/Macro/) does not work, when you have
a python 2.3 installed on your windows system (more precisly, when there exists a python23.dll in your windows/system32 directory).
You can work around it for now by copying Basis\program\python23.dll to program\. beside the soffice.bin executable. This forces
the soffice process to load the correct library beside the office process. (<a href="">94993</a>)
<li> (windows only) When you try to connect to a running office process, you get
<pre> Connector couldn't connect to socket (WSANOTINITIALISED, WSAStartup() has not been called) </pre>
You can workaround this, by placing a
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
import socket
in the top of your script (<a href="">95028</a>)
<li> (windows only) The python program crashes or you get an attribute error
AttributeError: getCurrentComponent (or some other attribute)
This is because the types could not be loaded due to changes in the
uno bootstrapping mechanism. You can work around it for now by setting the
URE_BOOTSTRAP variable (adapt to your installation path, replace every space with a %20, change \ to /).
<!-- set URE_BOOTSTRAP=file:///C:/Program%20Files/ -->
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
set URE_BOOTSTRAP=file:///C:/Program%20Files/
and run python. Alternatively, you can set URE_BOOTSTRAP=fundamental.ini when
your current working directory is beside the python executable. (<a href="">95024</a>)
<li> (windows only) Interactive mode in python does not work correctly
When you start the python executable without parameters, the interactive session runs somewhat fuzzy (at least on my machine).
When you get the prompt &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; , everything you type will be interpreted as a shell command. When you then just press return, you are prompted
with your current working directory, here you can place a python command, so in short, you have to press return 2 times after every python command
(<a href="">95037</a>).
<li>( unix only), you need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH correctly before starting the python executable, eg.
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
<h2> Contents </h2>
- <a href="#translations">Translations</a><br/>
- <a href="#intro">Introduction</a><br/>
- <a href="#download">Download</a><br/>
- <a href="#state">State</a><br/>
- <a href="#tutorial">Tutorial</a><br/>
-- <a href="#install">PyUNO Installation</a><br/>
-- <a href="#modes">PyUNO Bridge Modes</a><br/>
-- <a href="#examples">More examples</a><br/>
- <a href="#binding">UNO language binding</a><br/>
-- <a href="#mapping">UNO type mapping</a><br/>
-- <a href="#objects">Implementing UNO objects</a><br/>
-- <a href="#components">Implementing UNO components</a><br/>
-- <a href="#outparas">Out parameter handling</a><br/>
-- <a href="#exception">Exception handling</a><br/>
-- <a href="#current_context">current context support (since OOo 2.0.2)</a><br/>
-- <a href="#helper">unohelper module</a><br/>
-- <a href="#logging">logging (since OOo 2.0.2)</a><br/>
-- <a href="#multiple_source_files">Implementing UNO components with multiple source files (since OOo 2.4)</a><br/>
- <a href="#dependencies">Dependencies</a><br/>
- <a href="#bootstrap">Bootstrapping in non-OOo environments</a><br/>
- <a href="#replacing">Replacing the python runtime</a><br/>
- <a href="#regressiontests">Regressiontests</a><br/>
<!-- - <a href="#scripting-framework">Support for the new scripting framework </a><br/> -->
- <a href="#references">External references</a><br/>
- <a href="#faq">FAQ</a> (read this FIRST when you have problems)<br/>
- <a href="#known_pyuno_extensions">Known pyuno extensions for OOo</a><br/>
- <a href="#pyuno_needs_you">PyUNO needs you !</a><br/>
- <a href="#authors">Authors</a><br/>
- <a href="#license">License</a><br/>
<h2 id="translations"> Translations </h2>
Find <a href="">
a shortened Spanish version of this document.
<h2 id="intro"> Introduction </h2>
<p>The Python-UNO bridge allows to
<li> use the standard API from the well known python scripting language. </li>
<li> to develop UNO components in python, thus python UNO components may be run within the process and can be called from Java, C++ or the built in
StarBasic scripting language.</li>
<li> <a href="scriptingframework/index.html">create and invoke scripts</a> with the office scripting framework (OOo 2.0 and later).</li>
<p> You can find the most current version of this document from
<a href=""></a>
<h2 id="download"> Download </h2>
<p>You can also download this documentation for offline work.</p>
<p><strong>Download <a href=""></a> </strong>( less than 0.5 MB).
<h2 id="state"> State </h2>
<p>The Python-UNO bridge is feature complete, but has not been used
extensively, so it may contain some bugs. It is now integrated in the source trees. ( 1.0.x is not supported.)
<p>The documentation in its current state is targeted at developers who have
already some experience with API and with some other programming
language (Java/C++/StarBasic). It is recommended that you read that some
background information from the
<a href="">
developer manual</a> before looking at the specifics of python.
<h2 id="tutorial"> PyUNO tutorial for </h2>
This tutorial shows, how the PyUNO bridge
can be used to automate This is not an tutorial,
there is lots of resources available in the office development kit and
<a href="">
the developer manual</a>.
<h3 id="install"> PyUNO Installation </h3>
Since OpenOffice1.1, PyUNO is included in the default installation.
<h3 id="modes"> PyUNO bridge modes </h3>
<p>PyUNO can be used in three different modes:
<li><a href="scriptingframework/index.html"> Inside the process</a>
within the scripting framework (OOo 2.0 and later only !!),
<li> Inside the python executable (and outside the OOo process)
<center><img src="images/mode_ipc.png" alt="Python ipc mode"></img></center>
<p> Use this mode, when you
<li> begin to use PyUNO (as it is the more intuitive approach).
<li> want to trigger script execution by starting a separate process (e.g. a cgi-script
within a http-server).
<li> want the shortest turnaround times (code - execute - code - execute ...)
<h4> Hello World </h4>
<p>Make sure, that is not running (note that on windows you must also terminate
the quick starter in the system tray at the right bottom of your desktop).
Start a system shell ( cmd on Win NT/2000/XP, command on Win9x, tcsh or bash on
Unix). Switch to the Office program directory
(e.g. C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org1.1\program ) and start the office with the
following command line parameters
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
c:\Program Files\OpenOffice1.1\program&gt; soffice "-accept=socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;"
Now use your favourite text editor
to create the following sample program:
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
import socket # only needed on win32-OOo3.0.0
import uno
# get the uno component context from the PyUNO runtime
localContext = uno.getComponentContext()
# create the UnoUrlResolver
resolver = localContext.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(
"", localContext )
# connect to the running office
ctx = resolver.resolve( "uno:socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext" )
smgr = ctx.ServiceManager
# get the central desktop object
desktop = smgr.createInstanceWithContext( "",ctx)
# access the current writer document
model = desktop.getCurrentComponent()
# access the document's text property
text = model.Text
# create a cursor
cursor = text.createTextCursor()
# insert the text into the document
text.insertString( cursor, "Hello World", 0 )
# Do a nasty thing before exiting the python process. In case the
# last call is a oneway call (e.g. see idl-spec of insertString),
# it must be forced out of the remote-bridge caches before python
# exits the process. Otherwise, the oneway call may or may not reach
# the target object.
# I do this here by calling a cheap synchronous call (getPropertyValue).
Now start the above script with the python script located in the program directory
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
c:\Program Files\OpenOffice1.1\program> .\python
<font size="-1"><strong>Note:</strong> You must use the script/batch file in the
program directory to start python, simply starting the python executable
in the runtime directory (or from python installation installed somewhere else
on your machine) will not work.
<p>This scripts prints "Hello World" into the current writer document.</p>
<li><p>Inside the (OOo) process</p>
<center><img src="images/mode_component.png" alt="Python mode component"></img></center>
<p> Use this mode, when
<li> you want to easily roll out your code to multiple other machines (using UNO packages)
<li> your scripts shall get triggered by UI events (menu or toolbars)
<li> you have collected some experience with PyUNO
<li> you want your script to run with the best performance
<h4>Hello World</h4>
The above Hello World example is now recoded as a python UNO component, which means, that the
code that does the insertion needs to be embedded in a python class. Additionally, the
connecting-to-the-office-code needs to be replaced by a distinct entry point, which is
used by the python loader to instantiate the python class.
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
import uno
import unohelper
from import XJobExecutor
# implement a UNO component by deriving from the standard unohelper.Base class
# and from the interface(s) you want to implement.
class HelloWorldJob( unohelper.Base, XJobExecutor ):
def __init__( self, ctx ):
# store the component context for later use
self.ctx = ctx
def trigger( self, args ):
# note: args[0] == "HelloWorld", see below config settings
# retrieve the desktop object
desktop = self.ctx.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(
"", self.ctx )
# get current document model
model = desktop.getCurrentComponent()
# access the document's text property
text = model.Text
# create a cursor
cursor = text.createTextCursor()
# insert the text into the document
text.insertString( cursor, "Hello World", 0 )
# pythonloader looks for a static g_ImplementationHelper variable
g_ImplementationHelper = unohelper.ImplementationHelper()
g_ImplementationHelper.addImplementation( \
HelloWorldJob, # UNO object class
"org.openoffice.comp.pyuno.demo.HelloWorld", # implementation name
# Change this name for your own
# script
("",),) # list of implemented services
# (the only service)
<p> The code needs to be linked to a user event. This can be done e.g. with the
following configuration settings :
<p> <code>Addons.xcu:</code>
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;
&lt;oor:node xmlns:oor=""
oor:name="Addons" oor:package="org.openoffice.Office"&gt;
&lt;node oor:name="AddonUI"&gt;
&lt;node oor:name="AddonMenu"&gt;
&lt;node oor:name="org.openoffice.comp.pyuno.demo.HelloWorld" oor:op="replace"&gt;
&lt;prop oor:name="URL" oor:type="xs:string"&gt;
&lt;prop oor:name="ImageIdentifier" oor:type="xs:string"&gt;
&lt;prop oor:name="Title" oor:type="xs:string"&gt;
&lt;value xml:lang="en-US"&gt;Insert Hello World&lt;/value&gt;
<p>Both files must be packaged up into a single zip file by using your
favourite zip utility, e.g. infozip.</p>
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
zip Addons.xcu
adding: Addons.xcu (deflated 55%)
adding: (deflated 55%) </pre></td></tr></table>
<p>This package can then be deployed into an installation using
<code>pkgchk</code> tool, which is located in the OOo program directory. Note,
that the office must have been stopped before installing the package.</p>
<font size="-1"><strong>Note:</strong> Make sure, that the PYTHONPATH
environment variable is NOT set when you start pkgchk or soffice
(see <a href="">#i17339#</a>).
This may require, that you create a batch file for soffice on windows,
unset PYTHONPATH in the system configuration or always start soffice from the
shell with set PYTHONPATH= (windows) or unsetenv PYTHONPATH (Unix tcsh shell).
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
c:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org1.1\program> pkgchk
c:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org1.1\program>
<p>On success no output is given by the tool. When starts
there is a new menu entry (see
<code>Tools/Additional Components/Insert Hello World</code>).</p>
As you have seen, the core script lines are identical, but the ways to
retrieve the office component context differ.
<h3 id="examples"> Examples </h3>
<li><p><a href="samples/"></a> <br/>
A command line tool, that extracts the text, html or pdf content from a
StarWriter document and writes it to a different file or (optionally)
prints it to stdout (grep your office documents).</p>
<li><p><a href="samples/"></a> <br/>
A command line tool, that creates a new document by appending multiple
single documents</p>
<li><p><a href="samples/"></a><br/>
A command line program, that fills a writer document with some text and
<li> <a href="samples/"></a>,
<a href="samples/"></a> <br/>
Same as above, but implemented as a python UNO component, so that it
runs within the office process. This shows the performance benefit
of having scripts run within one process.
<p> You must add the program with the pkgchk tool (see below)
to the office installation and can then use the
program to execute it.
<li><p><a href="samples/"></a><br/>
A command line program, that displays the contents of the biblio sample
database that comes with</p>
<li><p><a name="calc-addin" href="samples/python-tokencounter-calc-addin.oxt">python-tokencounter-calc-addin.oxt</a><br>
Adds a function named <pre>tokencount</pre> to calc, which counts the number of words within a calc cell.
After adding the extension, the office must be restarted (including terminating the quickstarter) to make the function appear
in the function list.
<li> Your example (Please send more examples, so that they can be added here).
<h2 id="binding"> UNO Language binding </h2>
In the following you find the full description about how UNO features are mapped to the
python language.
<h3 id="mapping"> UNO Type mapping </h3>
<table border>
<th>IDL datatype</th>
<th>representation in python</th>
<tr class="tableF0">
<td valign="top"> integer types (byte, short, unsigned short,
long, unsigned long, hyper, unsigned hyper
Python internally knows only the C datatypes long and long long as integer types.
On most machines, a long is a 32 bit value while long long is a 64 bit value.
<li> Values coming from UNO (for instance the return value of a UNO method)
Values which have the type byte, short, unsigned short, long or unsigned long
are converted to a python long value. Values which have the type hyper or unsigned
hyper are converted to a python long long.
<li> Values going to UNO (for instance the argument of a UNO method)
<p> If there is a concrete type in the idl method signature, the
value is converted to the concrete type (in fact the invocation service
does this work).
If the method signature just has an any, every integer value is converted
to the smallest data type, where the value fits into and send to the UNO object
( so 5 becomes a byte, 150 becomes a short, 0x1f023 becomes a long and values
larger than 0xffffffff become a hyper.
<td valign="top">boolean</td>
<td>Python internally has a boolean data type, which is derived from the
integer type ( see
<a href="">
</a> ). There exists the singletons <code>True</code> and
<code>False</code>, which pyuno uses to distinguish between integers
and boolean values.
<p> As long as a boolean is specified in the interface method signature,
you may also use numbers. In the following example, all calls are valid:
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
#idl signature void takeBool( [in] boolean bool )
unoObject.takeBool( 1 ) # valid, passing true (PyUNO runtime
# does the conversion
unoObject.takeBool( True) ) # valid, passing true
unoObject.takeBool( False ) # valid, passing false
<p>However, when you want to explicitly pass a boolean, where only
an any is specified, you <strong>must</strong> use <code>True</code>
or <code>False</code>.</p>
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
# idl signature void foo( [in] any value )
# implementation expects a boolean (which is separately documented
# e.g. in the service specification. True ) # valid, pass a true 1 ) # bad, just passing a 1, implementation will
# probably not be able to deal with it correctly.
Note: There also exists the uno.Bool class, which has been deprecated since
pyuno 0.9.2, but still supported. Don't use it anymore.
<td valign="top"> string</td>
<td><p>In general, the string is mapped to the python Unicode string. However,
you may pass an
8 bit python string where a UNO string is expected, the bridge converts the
8 bit string to a Unicode string using the system locale.</p>
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
# idl signature foo( [in] string value )
# both lines are valid u'my foo string' ) 'my foo string' )
<td valign="top">char</td>
<p>A char is mapped to a <code>uno.Char</code>. It has a public Unicode string member <code>value</code>
with length 1 containing the Unicode char.</p>
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
# idl signature foo( [in] char c) uno.Char( u'h' ) ) #valid 'h' ) #wrong
<td valign="top">enum</td>
<td>A concrete enum value is represented by an instance of the class <code>uno.Enum</code>. It has
two members, <code>typeName</code> is a string containing the name of the enum type and
<code>value</code> contains the value of the enum.
<p>You may create concrete enum values in two ways
<li> (suggested) by importing<br/>
<code>from <i>enumname</i> import <i>enumvalue</i></code>.
<p>For example:</p>
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
from import UNSIGNED_LONG
unoObject.setValue( UNSIGNED_LONG )
if unoObject.getValue() == UNSIGNED_LONG:
<li> (in rare situations)<br/>
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
import uno
unoObject.setValue( uno.Enum( "", "UNSIGNED_LONG") )
if unoObject.getValue() == uno.Enum( "", "UNSIGNED_LONG"):
The first solution has the advantage, that a misspelled enum name already leads to a
RuntimeException, when the python source file is imported.
<td valign="top">type</td>
<td> A type is mapped to a <code>uno.Type</code>. It has public members typeName (string) and
typeClass (enum value of
There exists a function uno.getTypeByName() to easily
create a type instance, the functions raises a RuntimeException in case the
type is unknown.
<p>You may create concrete type values in two ways
<li> (suggested) by importing<br/>
<code>from <i>module-where-type-lives-in</i> import <i>typeOfTypeName</i></code>.
<p>For example to create XComponent's type, use</p>
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
from import typeOfXComponent
unoObject.setType( typeOfXComponent )
if unoObject.getType() == typeOfXComponent:
<li><p>(in rare situations, e.g. for types of simple values)</p>
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
import uno
unoObject.setType( uno.getTypeByName( "" ) )
if unoObject.getType() == uno.getTypeByName( ""):
<td valign="top">struct (and exception)</td>
For each UNO struct (or exception), a new python class is generated on the fly. It
is guaranteed, that there is only one instance of the struct (or exception) class per
python interpreter instance. The generated class does reflect the inheritance
hierarchy of the concrete UNO type (e.g. important for exception handling, see below).
One can generate a struct class by using the import mechanism. An instance of
a struct can then be instantiated by using the python constructor. The constructor
supports zero arguments (members get default constructed), 1 argument which the
same type (copy constructor), and n arguments, where n is the number of
elements of the concrete struct. The struct supports the equality operator,
two structs are equal, if they are of the same type and each member is equal.
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
from import PropertyValue
from import Exception,RuntimeException
propVal = PropertyValue() # Default constructor
propVal.Name = "foo"
propVal.Value = 2
if propVal == PropertyValue( "foo", 2 ): # Memberwise constructor
# true !
if propVal == PropertyValue( propVal ): # Copy Constructor
# true
An instance of a UNO struct can be initially constructed with the
function <code>uno.createUnoStruct()</code> and passing the name of the struct
as the first parameter and optional constructor arguments (see above for
an example of possible ctors).
ATTENTION: In UNO, structs have value semantic, however the handling in python
does not reflect this. When a struct gets passed
as a parameter to a function, the values are passed to the callee. Later
modification of the struct instance does not influence the callee anymore.
However, simply assigning a struct to another local variable does not
create a copy, but simply creates an alias to the original instance.
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
struct = uno.createUnoStruct( "" )
struct.Name = "foo"
struct2 = struct
struct2.Name = "python" # modifies also struct, probably not desired ! struct, struct2 ) # passes the same struct 2 times !
struct.Name = "doobidooo" # even worse style. If the UNO object is implemented
# in python, you possibly modify the callee's value.
# Don't do this !
<td valign="top">sequence</td>
<td>A sequence is in general mapped to a python tuple. A python list is not (!)
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
# idl signature XInterface createInstanceWithArguments(
# [in] string servicename, [in] sequence &lt;any&gt; )
doc = smgr.createInstanceWithArguments( "foo.service", ("arg1",2))
<p><strong>Attention (since 0.9.2):</strong> The idl <code>
sequence&lt;byte&gt;</code> is mapped to the class <code>uno.ByteSequence</code>.
It has a string member named <code>value</code>, which holds the data of the byte sequence.
As the bytesequence most often is a container for binary data, this class allows to handle
binaries efficiently. This also embeds pyuno nicely into python, as python keeps binary
data in strings. For example:</p>
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
# idl signature writeBytes( [in] sequence%lt; byte &gt; data )
out.writeBytes( uno.ByteSequence( "abc" ) )
# you could also write the following
begin = uno.ByteSequence( "ab" )
out.writeBytes( begin + "c" )
# but this does not work !
out.writeBytes( "abc" ) # ERROR, no implicit conversion supported by the runtime !
# idl signature long readBytes( [out] sequence&lt;byte&gt; , [in] length )
len,seq = in.readBytes( dummy, 3 )
# the statements do the same thing
print seq == "abc":
print seq == uno.ByteSequence( "abc" )
<td valign="top">constants</td>
<td>An UNO idl constant can be given by the following ways:
<li> Use the concrete value specified in the idl file<br/>
A constant is its value and only its value. As modification of the constant values is incompatible,
one may simply rely on the values.
<li> (suggested) Use the import mechanism to create variable with the constant name<br/>
This solution is the most readable one.
<li> Use <code>uno.getConstantByName()</code><br/>
Might be useful from time to time. Function raises a RuntimeException in case the constant is unknown.
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
from import ATTRIBUTES
# the following 3 lines are equivalent
unoObject.setConcept( ATTRIBUTES )
unoObject.setConcept( 4 )
unoObject.setConcept( uno.getConstantByName( "" ) )
<td valign="top">any</td>
<td>In general, the python programmer does not come into touch with anys. At all places
where anys appear in method signatures, the python programmer can simply pass a concrete
value. Consequently, return values or out parameters also never contain a concrete any.
However, there are certain circumstances, where a python programmer may want to pass a concrete
typed value to a callee (note, this is only possible for 'bridged' calls, you can't pass
a typed any to another python uno object).
<p> You can create a <code>uno.Any()</code> by passing the type (as typename or as uno.Type) and the
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
# constructs a uno.Any, that contains a byte
byteAny = uno.Any( "byte" , 5 )
# constructs a sequences of shorts
byteAny = uno.Any( "[]short", (4,5))
<p> These anys can only be used in conjunction with the <code>uno.invoke</code>, which allows
to invoke a method on an arbitrary UNO object with a typed any.
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
# the normal call
uno.setPropertyValue( "foo", (4,5))
# the uno.invoke call
uno.invoke( obj, "setPropertyValue" , ("foo",uno.Any( "[]short", (4,5))) )
When obj is a bridged object, the callee gets the sequence as a <code>sequence&lt;short&gt;</code>.
When obj is a local python object, it gets simply the <code>(4,5)</code> as it would have
got it with the normal call.
NOTE: There is currently a bug in pyuno (see <a href="">#i31159#</a>), which does not let
you fill anys into structs (e.g. a PropertyValue struct contains an any). You can workaround
this with the following code sample:
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
import uno
ctx = uno.getComponentContext()
class MagicTransformer:
def __init__( self , ctx ):
self.inv = ctx.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(
"", ctx )
self.insp = ctx.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(
"", ctx )
def transform( self, struct , propName, value ):
myinv = self.inv.createInstanceWithArguments( (struct,) )
access = self.insp.inspect( myinv )
method = access.getMethod( "setValue" , -1 )
uno.invoke( method, "invoke", ( myinv, ( propName , value ) ))
method = access.getMethod( "getMaterial" , -1 )
ret,dummy = method.invoke(myinv,() )
return ret
transformer = MagicTransformer( ctx )
# by default, the 100 becomes a byte
special = PropertyValue("TabStopPosition",0,100,DIRECT_VALUE)
print "before" + str(special)
# however, we want the 100 to be a int32 (which is a long in UNO idl)
special = transformer.transform( special, "Value" , uno.Any( "long", 100 ) )
print "after" + str(special)
The script gives you the following output:<br/>
before({ Name = (string)"TabStopPosition", Handle = (long)0x0, Value = (any){ (<strong>byte</strong>)0x64 }, State = ( }<br/>
after({ Name = (string)"TabStopPosition", Handle = (long)0x0, Value = (any){ (<strong>long</strong>)0x64 }, State = ( }<br/>
<h3 id="objects"> Implementing UNO objects </h3>
One may use python classes to implement UNO objects. Instances of a python class may then
be passed as argument to UNO calls where anys or concrete interfaces are specified.
To be an UNO object, a python class MUST implement the
interface by implementing two methods getTypes() and getImplementationId(),
which inform the python-UNO bridge,
which concrete UNO interfaces the python class implements. The getTypes() function
defines, which interfaces are implemented by the class.
To make this easier, there exists a <code>unohelper.Base</code> class, where
a python UNO object should derive from. You can then implement a UNO interface
simply by deriving from the wanted interfaces. The following example
implements a, which stores
all data written into the stream within a ByteSequence. (Note that this is
quite a poor implementation, which is just for demonstration purposes).
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
import unohelper
from import XOutputStream
class SequenceOutputStream( unohelper.Base, XOutputStream ):
def __init__( self ):
self.s = uno.ByteSequence("")
self.closed = 0
def closeOutput(self):
self.closed = 1
def writeBytes( self, seq ):
self.s = self.s + seq
def flush( self ):
def getSequence( self ):
return self.s
From the list of base classes given (here only XOutputStream),
the unohelper.Base implementation correctly implements the XTypeProvider interface.
<h3 id="components"> Implementing Python UNO components </h3>
<p>There exists a loader for python components. It allows to create instances of
python classes not just within the python process but in every arbitrary UNO process
including The python loader loads the python runtime on demand if
it is not already loaded and executes python code within the root python interpreter.
<p> If the reader is unfamiliar with the component registration process, it should
visit the developer manual for a comprehensive explanation.
<p> The python loader currently supports the following protocols
for incoming urls :
<table border>
<th> Protocol name</th>
<th> Description</th>
<td valign="top">vnd.openoffice.pymodule</td>
<td>The protocol dependent part is interpreted as a python module name, which is imported
using the common python import mechanism (which uses the PYTHONPATH environment variable).
Example: <code>vnd.openoffice.pymodule:MyPythonComponent</code><br/>
Using this url e.g. in XLoader.activate() will try to load a file
from directories, which are listed within the PYTHONPATH environment/bootstrap variable.
Note that you must not use the .py suffix here.
<p> The given module is added to the <code>sys.modules</code> hash map.
<td valign="top"> file</td>
<td> A <strong>mandatory absolute</strong> file url to a python component file.
The file itself does not need to be contained within PYTHONPATH, but it may
only import files, which are contained within PYTHONPATH.
The module is <strong>not added</strong> to <code>sys.modules</code>.
Example: <code>file:///path/to/</code>
<p>Since OOo 2.4.x, you can import self written python files from your component
(see the <a href="#multiple_source_files"> multiple source file chapter </a>)
<td valign="top"></td>
<td>The python loader supports the common macro expansion mechanisms as the Java or
C++ loader does.
Example: <code>$UNO_USER_PACKAGES_CACHE/</code>
After the module has been imported, the python loader looks for a module-global variable
with the name <code>g_ImplementationHelper</code>, which is expected to be an instance
of <code>unohelper.ImplementationHelper</code>.
The following sample code makes a uno component out of the above UNO object
( note that the component is not useful, because there is no UNO method to retrieve
the tuple nor does a service specification exist, it's just here
as an example).
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
import unohelper
from import XOutputStream
g_ImplementationHelper = unohelper.ImplementationHelper()
class TupleOutputStream( unohelper.Base, XOutputStream ):
# The component must have a ctor with the component context as argument.
def __init__( self, ctx ):
self.t = ()
self.closed = 0
# idl void closeOutput();
def closeOutput(self):
self.closed = 1
# idl void writeBytes( [in] sequence&lt;byte&gt;seq );
def writeBytes( self, seq ):
self.t = self.t + seq # simply add the incoming tuple to the member
# idl void flush();
def flush( self ):
# convenience function to retrieve the tuple later (no UNO function, may
# only be called from python )
def getTuple( self ):
return self.t
# add the TupleOutputStream class to the implementation container,
# which the loader uses to register/instantiate the component.
g_ImplementationHelper.addImplementation( \
Lets assume, that this code is stored in a file named and the
file exists somewhere within the PYTHONPATH variable, it can be registered
to an OO1.1beta build with the following command :
<code> regcomp -register -br types.rdb -br services.rdb -r services.rdb -c vnd.openoffice.pymodule:tuplestrm</code>
<p> You can of course also use the <code>pkgchk</code> tool as explained in the tutorial chapter with
<code> pkgchk </code>
<p>, but note, that this command creates a copy of the file (when the script changes,it must be
redeployed using the above command).
<p> The component can be instantiated e.g. from Basic with
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
tupleStrm = createUnoService( "" )
<h3 id="outparas"> Out parameter handling </h3>
<p>UNO out parameters are handled through the python multiple return value
feature. For
pure outparameters, a dummy <code>None</code> value should be used as a place holder.
This is best explained with an example.
Lets' assume we have the following IDL method spec
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
long foo( [in] long first, [inout] long second, [out] third )
<p>A python UNO object implements such a method the following way:</p>
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
class Dummy( XFoo ):
def foo( self, first,second,third):
# Note: the value of third is always None, but it must be there
# as a placeholder if more args would follow !
return first,2*second,second + first
then such a method would be called from python the following way
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
ret,second,third = 2, 5 , None )
print ret,second,third # results into 2,10,7
<p>This also emphasizes, that out-parameters are quite close to multiple return
values (though the semantic association of a inout parameter gets lost).</p>
<p>However, note that</p>
<li> you must have the correct number of return values either in the calling and
implementing code, otherwise you will get a <code>RuntimeException</code> during the call.
<li> a void method always returns a <code>None</code> followed by possible
out parameters, so when you have a void method with one out parameter
you must assign the output to two variables (though the first one
will always be None).
<li> a python object implementing a void method with out parameters MUST always
return <code>None</code> as the first parameter.
<h3 id="exception"> Exception handling </h3>
The Python-UNO bridge uses the common Python exception handling mechanism. For every
UNO exception, a concrete exception class is generated on the fly (see above type mapping
table for an explanation how to do this).
Example for catching
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
from import RuntimeException
from import IllegalArgumentException
from import NoConnectException
uuresoler.resolve( "uno:socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext" )
except NoConnectException e:
print "The process is not started or does not listen on the resource ("+e.Message+")"
except IllegalArgumentException e:
print "The url is invalid ( "+ e.Message+ ")"
except RuntimeException e:
print "An unknown error occurred: " + e.Message
<p>Example for throwing</p>
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
from import IOException
class TupleOutputStream(XOutputStream,unohelper.Base):
def writeBytes( self, seq ):
if self.closed:
raise IOException( "Output stream already closed", self )
self.t = self.t + seq
<h3 id="current_context"> current context support </h3>
<p>pyuno supports the <a href="">uno current context concept</a>. There exist the functions
uno.getCurrentContext() und uno.setCurrentContext( newContext ).
<p>Furthermore, there exists a class unohelper.CurrentContext. The constructor
accepts a hashmap with name/value pairs and the former context for delegation.
Usage pattern:
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
oldContext = uno.getCurrentContext()
unohelper.CurrentContext( oldContext,{"My42":42}) )
# ... do some uno calls, which may interpret the "My42"
uno.setCurrentContext( oldContext )
(Note, the oldContext may also be None).
<h3 id="helper"> unohelper module </h3>
<p>The module contains some extra functions/classes, which
are nice to use with pyuno, but not mandatory. This paragraph lists
some of the features.
<table border>
def <code>systemPathToFileUrl( systemPath )</code>
Returns a file-url for the given system path. Most of the OOo API functions
expect a file-url, while the python runtime functions in general only work
with system paths. The function is implemented using the core C function
<td> def <code> fileUrlToSystemPath( url )</code></td>
<td>Returns a system path (determined by the system, the python interpreter
is running on). Most OOo function return a file-url, while most python
runtime functions expect system paths. The function is implemented by
using the core <code>osl_getSystemPathFromFileUrl()</code> function.
def <code> absolutize( path, relativeUrl )</code>
Returns an absolute file url from a given, mandatory absolute, directory url
and a relative file url, which may be absolute or relative (which includes
e.g. <code>../</code> parts. The function is implemented by using the core
<code>osl_getAbsolutePathFromFileUrl()</code> function.
def addComponentsToContext(
loaderName )
This functions adds a tuple of component urls
to the <code>
toBeExtendedContext</code> using the <code>contextRuntime</code> to
instantiate the loader loaderName and some other services needed for this
task. After completing the function, all services within these components
can be instantiated as long as the <code>toBeExtendedContext</code> is
not disposed. The changes are not made persistent.
def <code> inspect( unoobject, file )</code>
Dumps the typeinformation about the given UNO object into a file
(in fact, file needs to be an instance of a class, that implements
a write method).
The typeinformation include implementation name, supported services,
supported interfaces, supported methods and supported properties.
<h3 id="logging"> Logging </h3>
The pyuno bridge can now log every call bridged between python and uno. This
may be a useful help when you need to debug or profile your code. There are
two environment variables, which activate logging:
<table border>
Valid values are
<li> NONE - nothing is logged
<li> CALL - the method name of every call is logged
<li> ARGS - additionally, the arguments of every call are logged
NONE is default
<li> stdout - logs to stdout (doesnt work on windows within
<li> stderr - logs to stderr (doesnt work on windows within
<li> file-url-prefix(relative urls allowed) - logs to files, which start with this string.
The pid of the process is appended to the string (e.g.
file:///c:/temp/bla will write to c:\temp\bla.235
if 235 is the pid of the current process)
<h3 id="multiple_source_files"> (Since OOo 2.4) Implementing UNO components with multiple source files</h3>
Before the pythonloader tries to load a new python unocomponent, it looks
beside the uno component for a file with the
name <em></em> or a directory named <em>pythonpath</em> . If it exists, it puts it into sys.path (if it is not
already in there) and then tries to load
the given component. Note, that the unocomponent file itself is not within PYTHONPATH and thus cannot be reimported
by other modules.
This now means that python uno components can be implemented with an arbirtrary number of python source
files which can be deployed/undeployed via the uno package mechanism. It also means, that you can now use
the unohelper.Base implementation even if you have defined your own interface types (by <em>lazy loading</em>
the new types so that they don't get used during registration process).
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
import uno
import unohelper
def createInstance( ctx ):
# pythonpath/org/openoffice/comp/addin/sample/python/ contains the component implementation
# TokenCounter uses a new type, importing it at the top of this file
# leads to a failure during adding the extension to OOo. createInstance does not get called
# during registration
import org.openoffice.comp.addin.sample.python.tokencounter
return org.openoffice.comp.addin.sample.python.tokencounter.TokenCounter( ctx )
# pythonloader looks for a static g_ImplementationHelper variable
g_ImplementationHelper = unohelper.ImplementationHelper()
g_ImplementationHelper.addImplementation( \
<p> Have a look at the <a href="#calc-addin"> sample calc addin</a> to see how it works.
Note that there are some negative side effects:
<li> code added through this mechanism can only be changed with a restart of the
office process (as it got added to sys.modules). This is especially limitation for
script developers.
<li> two independend uno packages from different
developers may interfere each other, when they have name clashes in their
code (e.g. same 3rd party product, but different versions).
<li> if such a situation occurs, in general the last used component will not work
properly (which one is the last used component may also depend on the path of user
interactions in the office process)
<h2 id="dependencies"> Dependencies </h2>
<p>This chapter is most interesting for people who want to use the Python-UNO
bridge independently from</p>
<p>Unlike the Java or C++ UNO binding, the python UNO binding is not self
contained. It requires the C++ UNO binding and additional scripting
components. These additional components currently live in the shared libraries,,,,,, (on windows,...; unix,...).</p>
<p> Often, the <strong>components for setting up an interprocess connection</strong>
are also required.
These are,,, shared libraries.
The path environment variables ( LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Unix, PATH on Windows)
must point to a directory, where the core UNO libraries, the above listed
components and the pyuno shared library is located. (On Unix, there exists
two files: containing the code and a which is needed
for importing a native python module).
Additionally, the python module, and must
be located in a directory, which is listed in the PYTHONPATH environment variable.
<h2 id="bootstrap"> Bootstrapping pyuno from the python executable </h2>
When the uno module gets first imported from an arbitrary python script, it must
bootstrap a properly prepared UNO component context.
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
# bootstraps the uno component context
import uno
# retrieve the already bootstrapped component context
unoContext = uno.getComponentContext()
<p>As the python programmer
can't (and probably doesn't want to) give parameters while importing a module,
the python-uno binding uses the pyuno[rc|.ini] file located beside the pyuno
shared library to bootstrap the UNO context
(see <a href="/common/man/concept/micro_deployment.html">uno bootstrap variable concept</a>). The bootstrap variables
UNO_SERVICES must point to a registry file where the components, given above,
were registered.
PYUNOLIBDIR is a special bootstrap variable, which contains the path to
the currently used pyuno shared library.
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
# The bootstrap variable PYUNOLIBDIR will be set by the pyuno runtime library
<p>If the above preconditions are fulfilled, the script can simply be started
<code>$ python</code>
Sometimes it is preferable to mention the librarynames of the desired
components directly within the script instead of preparing a registry
(however note that the above mentioned bootstrap components always needs
to be registered in a registry).
This can be achieved by using the function
toBeExtendedContext, contextRuntime, componentUrls, loaderName )</code>
<p> Example:
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
import uno
import unohelper
localContext = uno.getComponentContext()
localContext, localContext, ("",),
pipe = localContext.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(
"", localContext )
pipe.writeBytes( uno.ByteSequence( "abc" ) )
ret,seq = pipe.readBytes( None, 3 )
<h2 id="replacing">Replacing the python runtime with your system's python installation</h2>
OOo by default ships with the Python-2.2.2 core runtime. This is fine for most
users, but some hackers (or Linux distributors) may want to replace the runtime
with the python system's installation, which may contain more optional packages
that you want to use in python.
<p> The replacement is a little complicated however you just need an
installed python and office.
<p>On windows, you can only use python-2.2. If you want to use python-2.3, you
must recompile the pyuno module with python-2.3 (see below)</p>
<li> Install</li>
<li> Install python 2.2</li>
<li> Use your favourite text editor (e.g. notepad) to open the file and modify the lines there to something
The path elements must be entered as absolute file urls (note that you
need to escape using url syntax, for example a space is represented by %20).
The PYTHONPATH must point to the root
python library location and to OOo program directory. Add other libraries as you
need them ( space separated).
<li> Rename the following files and directories in the directory
to something else (e.g. add a .orig suffix)
<li> python.bat
<li> python22.dll
<li> python-core-2.2.2
<li> Start a cmd shell and add to the PATH variable both to python home directory and directory</li>
<li> Add to the PYTHONPATH environment variable the directory</li>
<p>On Linux, you can use both use python-2.2 or python 2.3, but when using the
you get a warning on stderr (informing you about the version mismatch)
when starting python or the office, to avoid the warning, you need to rebuild pyuno
with python-2.3 (see below), however I haven't noticed any difficulties because
of the version mismatch.</p>
<li> You need a python configured with the --enable-shared option. When
OOo and python were not built with the same gcc compiler version,
you also need to rebuild python, because the default python uses some bad
switches during linking.
<p> To rebuild do
export LINKCC
./configure --enable-shared
su -c "make install"
<li> Switch to the directory and move away the python
runtime coming with OOo.
cd /path/to/
mv python-core python-core.orig
cp pythonloader.unorc pythonloader.unorc.orig
ln -s /usr/local/lib/
<li>Add the office/program directory to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PYTHONPATH variable.
Create the file pythonloader.unorc in the office/program directory.
The path elements must be entered as absolute file urls (note that you
need to use URL escape sequences for example replacing spaces with a %20). The PYTHONPATH must point to the root
python library location and to OOo program directory. Add other libraries as you
need them (space separated).
<h4> Testing</h4>
You should now be able to start system's python and type 'import uno'. If this works fine,
use pkgchk to deploy your script, for example the above in (Tip: add a print sys.version
to it). If this works fine, python should work well in itself.
<p>I did only some rudimentary tests, but I didn't notice any significant
problems. <a href="">Let us know</a>,
if you have some.
Note that the <a href=""> Bibus </a> project uses
an extended python 2.2.2 with the wxPython/wxWindows extension for the GUI.
<h4>Rebuilding pyuno</h4>
You'll need to install OOo buildenv to do this. In the shell, replace the the PYTHONPATH
variable properly, e.g.
setenv PYTHONPATH /usr/local/lib/python2.3:.:/usr/local/lib/python2.3/lib-dynload
Make sure, that system's python is in the PATH variable. Build the office (or at least
all components, pyuno depends on) but leave out the python module. In the pyuno module
itself, you should only build pyuno/source/module, pyuno/source/loader and pyuno/test,
leave out the zipcore directory.
You'll need to modify the pyuno/source/module/ and pyuno/source/loader/
Replace the CFLAGS+= line with CFLAGS+=-I/usr/local/include/python2.3 and all occurrences
of -lpython with -lpython2.3.
When the test runs fine, you can now replace, and
in the office with your rebuilt version.
<h2 id="scripting-framework"> Support for the new scripting framework </h2>
There is now a uno-package available, which allows the support of the new scripting
framework for 2.0. It is included in the <a href="#download">above download</a>
. It allows to execute python scripts in the new framework.
This paragraph shall just explain how to install and use the python part of the new
framework, it shall not explain the framework itself.
<h3> Installation</h3>
<li> Install an 1.1rc or newer with PyUNO activated
( see <a href="#install">above</a> ).
<li> Install the <a href="">scripting framework</a>
(tested with version 0.3)
<li> Copy the file into
<li> run pkgchk in &lt;office-install&gt;/program
<li> Deploy the sample script stored in the
samples/hello-framework-python.sxp parcel into the office
(e.g. with the scripting-framework CommandLineTools, for example
java CommandLineTools -d hello-framework-python.sxp \
<h3> Deinstallation </h3>
<li> Uninstall the hello-framework-python.sxp
<li> delete the file &lt;office-install&gt;/user/uno_packages/
<li> run pkchk
<h3> Writing your own scripts</h3>
You can write scripts simply by defining python functions. You can
have multiple functions within one file, but the file must be selfcontained
meaning that it may only reference the core python library but not any self written
scripting files (may be a future extension).
Below you can find the sample script, which just pastes a
'Hello Scriptingframework' into the current document. The following
script is stored as <code></code>.
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
# Sample python script for the scripting framework
# scriptCtx supports getDocument(), getComponentContext(), getDesktop()
def Hello( scriptCtx ):
print "entering HelloFramework.Hello"
model = scriptCtx.getDocument()
# access the document's text property
text = model.Text
# create a cursor
cursor = text.createTextCursor()
# insert the text into the document
text.insertString( cursor, "Hello Scriptingframework", 0 )
return None
Beside the script file you must provide a <code>parcel-descriptor.xml</code>
file which describes all functions, that shall be callable fromt the office.
Here is the sample file for the above script.
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;
&lt;parcel language="Python" xmlns:parcel="scripting.dtd"&gt;
&lt;script language="Python"&gt;
&lt;locale lang="en"&gt;
&lt;displayname value="HelloFramework.Hello"/&gt;
Prints a 'Hello Framework' into the current document
&lt;functionname value="HelloFramework.Hello"/&gt;
&lt;logicalname value="HelloFramework.Hello"/&gt;
Note, that the each reference to the script must be written as
The function gets called with a XScriptContext implementation as the first parameter.
It provides the UNO component context (getComponentContext()), the desktop
(getDesktop()) and the current document model (getDocument()) (if any).
Zip these two files as a .sxp file and deploy it into the office using
the scripting frameworks commandlinetool. When you restart the office, you
should be able to select the new script in the scriptinframework's dialogs.
Things to keep in mind:
<li> each function must leave with <code>return None</code></a>
<li> live editing while the office is running is possible (when you edit
the file at the place, where the CommandLineTool deploys it)
<li> performance is poor (script is recompiled for every execution), no caching </li>
<li> interface to the script may change in future releases
(e.g. the first parameter of the function)
<li> error messages are currently printed to stderr (only readable
on unix systems)
<h2 id="regressiontests">Regressiontests </h2>
In case you have modified python or pyuno, you should at least run the following regression tests.
<li> Build testtools module and run
cd testtools/source/bridgetest/pyuno && dmake runtest
<li> Build installation sets and install openoffice.
<li> Start program/python and type
import uno
(should work without any errors).
<li> Start the office and add the from the above by using Tools/Package Manager.
<li> Start Tools/Macros/Run macro/ Macros/pythonSamples/TableSample/createTable
<h2 id="references"> External references </h2>
<td>Python homepage</td>
<td><a href=""></a></td>
<td>The component model</td>
<td><a href=""></a></td>
<td> developer manual</td>
<td><a href=""></a></td>
<h2 id="faq"> Frequently Asked Questions </h2>
<li> <h4> Why do I get a 'bus error' when starting the hello-world-script on Solaris ?</h4>
There seems to be a corrupted version of the in the OpenOffice.org1.1.0
installation set. The reason is not yet clear, might be either a bug in pyuno code or
a build error. Please download <a href=""></a>
to patch OOo1.1.0 version (do not apply
this patch on any other version than OOo1.1.0 Solaris sparc!).
<li> <h4> Why do I get a 'SystemError: pyuno runtime is not initialized, ...' when starting the script ?</h4>
<li> Pyuno was not installed correctly (OO1.1RC2 and earlier, fixed with RC3). Please check
<code>&lt;openoffice-install&gt;/program $ ls -c1d py*</code>
Under certain circumstances, it may occur, that the following ini files are missing
pyunorc (or pyuno.ini on windows):
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
pythonloader.unorc (or pythonloader.unorc on windows):
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
PYTHONPATH=$ORIGIN/python-core/lib $ORIGIN/python-core/lib/lib-dynload $ORIGIN
<p>Simply cut and paste them into a text editor to create them.</p>
<li> There have been reported some failures with the above error message, which have not been
resolved yet. You may want to follow
<a href="">#i17339#</a>.
<li> <h4>Why do I get a 'SystemError: _PyImport_FixupExtension: module pyuno not loaded' when starting the script ? </h4>
This generally happens when you still start the system's python installation. ships a python installation (because python and the office must
have been built with the identical compiler version).
Please check this with 'which python'. Simply use's python with
absolute path names, for example use
<li> <h4>Why do I get a "error: python-loader:'No module named pythonloader'" when running pkgchk with a python component ?</h4>
Make sure to unset PYTHONPATH and PYTHONHOME (which you may have set, because you have
another python installed on your system) environment variables before
running soffice AND pkgchk. This is a workaround, We are currently
thinking about a better solution.
<li> <h4>Why do I get an error message 'msvcr70.dll or python22.dll not found' when starting python ?<br/>
(or Why do I get an 'error while loading shared libraries:' ? )
You probably try to start python from the exe not the bat file, for example,
but you have to use c:\program&nbsp;files\OpenOffice.org1.1\program\python.bat.
<li> <h4>Why do I get 'PYTHONPATH=... is not an identifier' when starting python ?</h4>
<p>This is a bug in the python script which occurs with older bash shell
versions. Simply use a text editor to change the following lines in the
OOo-install/program/ script</p>
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
export PYTHONPATH="$sd_prog":"$sd_prog/python-core/lib":"$sd_prog/python-core/lib/lib-dynload":"$PYTHONPATH"
export PYTHONHOME="$sd_prog"/python-core
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
<p>This bug is fixed with OOo 1.1.1.</p>
<li> <h4>I already have python installed on my system, why does the office ship another python ? </h4>
<p>Python itself is shipped with, because</p>
<li> python must have been compiled with the same C++ compiler as the office itself on
all platforms that use the gcc compiler (e.g. Linux, BSD, etc.).
<li> On most Unix platforms, no python shared libraries are available by default
(though some distributions do so). This would have meant, that python UNO
components cannot be executed within the office process.
<li> Python component developers need a guaranteed minimum platform which
they can rely on.
<li> Recognition of a python runtime at the installation system would have been an
extremely difficult and time consuming task becausemany different python
installation schemes exist.
<li>Packagers of will create their own packages, for
example redhat or debian, without Python. The standard distribution must
run on low end systems.
<li> <h4>Can I use system's python installation ? </h4>
See <a href="#replacing"> here.</a>
<li> <h4>Why does my UNO component crash, while the sample UNO
component runs fine?</h4>
There is a known bug in the office, see
<a href="">
#i13377#</a>, which was not fixed for OpenOffice.org1.1.
The office in general crashes, when a python script leads to an unhandled
exception (for example an attribute error).
You may try to workaround this bug by adding a <code>try: except:</code> level
in your trigger() implementation, which dumps an error message to stdout/stderr, but
sadly this will not help in all cases (for example compilation failure for
some reason, please follow the issue for further information).
<p> Of course, there may be other reasons for a crash, you will only know, when you
try to retrieve a native callstack (for example by using gdb).
<li><h4>Why doesn't Python's xml parser (expat) or the zip module work for me?</h4>
These libraries don't yet get built for OOo1.1. This will change for OOo2.0. Alternatively
you may use's xml parser service (see service
or the zip content provider
(see <a href=""></a>).
<li><h4> Why doesn't socket and sre module work in OOo1.1. python distribution
on windows?</h4>
This is a known bug on windows in the OOo1.1 build. This should be fixed for OOo1.1.1
(see issue <a href="">21281</a> ).
It should work for the other platforms. You can workaround this by downloading the
official windows python distribution
(see <a href=""></a>) and replacing the
appropriate .pyd files in the OOo's python installation.
<li> <h4>The samples are running fine, but how do I get more information about the API ?</h4>
The semantics of the API is a very complex topic, which can't be
discussed in this python document. Try to gather information from other
resources, especially from the developer manual (see <a href="#references">below</a>).
<li> <h4>Most examples in the devguide are in Java. How do I translate them to python code ?</h4>
Most sample code you find there is written in Java. It is easy to translate
Java code to python,when you know the following differences:
In python you don't need <code>queryInterface</code>. E.g. Java code like
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
oInterface = (XInterface) oMSF.createInstance(
"" );
oCLoader = ( XComponentLoader ) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XComponentLoader.class, oInterface );
PropertyValue [] szEmptyArgs = new PropertyValue [0];
aDoc = oCLoader.loadComponentFromURL(
"private:factory/swriter" , "_blank", 0, szEmptyArgs );
<p>becomes in python simply</p>
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
oCLoader = oMSF.createInstance( "" )
aDoc = oCLoader.loadComponentFromURL(
"private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, () )
<p>You don't need this intermediate oInterface variable anymore.
So the python code simplifies the example a lot, with a little training, you
shouldn't have too many problems to translating Java to python code.</p>
<li> <h4>Why can't I call the print method?</h4>
In python, 'print' is a
<a href="">statement</a>. This
basicly means there is no way to get a variable, method or anything else
with this name. For example the below code does not work:
doc = desktop.loadComponentFromURL(infileurl, "_blank", 0, ())
doc.storeAsURL(outfileurl, ())
You can workaround the problem by using the <code>uno.invoke()</code>
function like below :
uno.invoke(doc, "print", ((), ))
<li> <h4>Why can't I do a replace on the 'NumberingRules' object ? </h4>
<p>There are some places, where the loss in type safety leads to
difficulties, as this issue shows
<a href=""></a>. The problem
here is, that the C++ implementation within the office expects a
<code>sequence&lt; PropertyValue &gt;</code>, while the PyUNO runtime
converts it to a <code>sequence&lt; any&gt;</code>, where each <code>any</code>
contains a <code>PropertyValue</code>. In my eyes, this is a bug within
the C++ code. However here is a workaround for pyuno that the python
scripter can use. See the sample below:
<table width="100%" bgcolor="silver"><tr><td><pre>
import uno
import unohelper
localContext = uno.getComponentContext()
resolver = localContext.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(
"", localContext)
ctx = resolver.resolve(
smgr= ctx.ServiceManager
desktop = smgr.createInstanceWithContext("",ctx)
doc = desktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, ())
style = doc.createInstance("")
family = doc.getStyleFamilies().getByName('NumberingStyles')
family.insertByName('List test', style)
rule = style.getPropertyValue('NumberingRules')
level = rule.getByIndex(0)
# the normal call would have been:
# rule.replaceByIndex( 0, level )
# but this will end up in a exception
# magic to pass the exact type to the callee
uno.invoke( rule , "replaceByIndex", (0, uno.Any("[]",level)) )
<p>This is the only place, where the uno.Any is used. Using the uno.Any in normal
calls will lead to RuntimeExceptions. A python uno object implementation will never
receive an instance of uno.Any() as a incoming parameter, instead always the value within the
is passed.
<p> This solution looks really ugly, but it allows you to continue, where you
otherwise could only give up or use to another implementation language.
<li> <h4>How can I activate encoding iso8859-1 for's python installation ?</h4>
Put a file called somewhere in your PYTHONPATH
import sys
(or any other encoding you wish). However, note that this is generally
not such a good idea. It would be much cleaner to do the necessary
conversions explicitly in the code, for example using Unicode(x, 'iso8859-1').
<h2 id="known_pyuno_extensions"> Known PyUNO extensions for </h2>
<p>Packages listed here can be taken as a demo of what is possible with pyuno.
Let me know, if you are aware of other extensions using pyuno.
<table border>
<col width=50% /> <col width=50% />
<td>PyOOoBib - The program will search library catalogs over the Internet for bibliographic records, you can select records and add them to the bibliographic database</td>
<td><a href=""></a>
<td>Thessalonica - A tool to improve multilingual support in OOo </td>
<td><a href=""></a></td>
<td>Bibus Bibliographic software </td>
<td><a href=""></a></td>
<td> - A demon for </td>
<td> <a href="oood/index.html"></a></td>
<td>pyXray - Debugging tool to visualize uno objects via the office toolkit </td>
<td><a href=""></a></td>
<td>Ponto - A wrapper layer around writer documents </td>
<td><a href=""></a><br/>
<a href=""></a></td>
<h2 id="pyuno_needs_you"> PyUNO needs YOU ! </h2>
<p>PyUNO is currently (and will be in future) maintained by myself in my spare
<p>My main aim for pyuno is to provide a good
integration of's component model into python. Some guys
on <a href=""></a> demand to
have a
<strong>more feature rich python runtime
in</strong> and an integration with the system's
python installation. While this is an understandable demand, it is not
one of my favourite topics to work on and it involves quite a lot of work. As I also spend time on the
creation of a <a href="">postgresql driver
for</a>, there is simply no time left for this task.
<p> So I am looking for other volunteers such as <strong>you</strong> to fill this gap. In case
you are interested, let me know via the
mailing list or drop me a mail privately.
<p> I currently see the following main tasks
<table border>
<th> Task </th>
<th> Description</th>
<th> Main 'challenges'</th>
<td> Raise OOo's python version to current python release</td>
<p>OOo currently uses python 2.2.2 with OOo 1.1.x and python 2.3.4, which is
considerably old already.
Someone doing this
will mainly spend time in the python module of the buildtree, where
the python tarball gets extracted, patched and built. This is a very platform dependent
task, typically for Mac OS X you'll need to do a lot of patches.
<td> OOo build knowledge, port current OOo python patches to current python version,
maintain the build for both Windows and Unix platforms </td>
<td> </td>
<td> Add support zlib library (and more ...) </td>
<td> Currently, OOo's python comes without these libraries which are
missed a lot by python users. Ideally, they should reuse the versions of zlib,
which are already in the OOo source tree.
<td> OOo build knowledge, continue to maintain the build for both Windows and
Unix platforms </td>
<td>Reintegrate OOo's patches to python into the python source
tree (if sensible)</td>
<td>A lot of patches get applied to the python source tarball,
before it is built
for You would need to review the patches and try to
convince with the
python code maintainers to integrate those patches
(if sensible) into their source tree.
This will make life easier when upgrading to future python versions. </td>
<td>OOo build knowledge, understanding of the patches and discussion with the python community.</td>
<td> changes in python itself
<td> Real integration with the system's python installation will only
be possible, if python itself is modified.
<li> Unix: Is it really necessary, that the python executable is linked
to libstdc++ library ?
<li> Shared library: python should be built by default as a shared library
(on all platforms, where this is possible).
<li> Versioning: Python currently assumes, that native modules are built
and run with identical python versions (otherwise warnings are issued).
Newer python versions should guarantee binary backward compatibility for
native modules built with older python versions.
Discuss with the python community.
<td>PyUNO FAQ maintainer</td>
<td>A lot of good questions on pyuno have already been, and will be, answered
in future in the <a
href=""></a> (or others)
mailing lists.
Someone should add it to the FAQ on this page.
<td>Follow mailing lists and maintain this page in CVS.<br/>
Knowledge of simple html.</td>
<h2 id="authors"> Authors </h2>
<p>The UNO python bridge was initially created by <a href="">Ralph Thomas</a>
and is now
maintained by <a href="">Joerg Budischewski</a>.
Christian Zagrodnick sent in some very useful patches. Many unmentioned porters
made it possible to have pyuno on all platforms supported by OOo. Last updated
$Date: 2008/10/16 22:02:35 $
<p>Please use the <a href=""></a>
mailing list for further questions.</p>
<h2 id="license">License</h2>
This document is available under <a href="">PDL</a> (Public Documentation License).