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<h1>How to Introduce a New Module on a Child Workspace</h1>
<p>Version 15.12.2004</p>
<p> In case you have to introduce a new module not yet known on the
master workspace you have to </p>
<li> create that module in cvs. </li>
<li>get a cvs alias for that module so that it can be checked out by
it's name. </li>
<li> check in for this module to cvs HEAD in your CWS. In contrast to
all added modules do not work on a cws-branch but toplevel. </li>
<li> assure inter module dependencies (i.e. build.lst files) are
correct. Make sure all modules needing something delivered by the new
one are dependend on it. If it is not needed by any module at build
time, make it a prerequisite of 'postprocess'. </li>
<li> when the cws is in QA, announce the new module to Hamburg release
engineering. You can do this either by writing something in the CWS
description field (to RE: CWS contains new module bla) or by sending an
email. This is necessary because new modules do not get tracked by CWS
tooling and RE has to manually check them out before doing the
integration build on the master workspace.<br>