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<title>How to Write C++ Source Code Documentation for Autodoc</title>
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<h1>How to Write C++ Source Code Documentation for Autodoc</h1>
<div align="right"><b> Last updated: January 14 2005</b><br>
<div align="right">
<font size="3">
<b>Contact: </b>
<a href="">Nikolai Pretzell</a>
<p style="margin-top:2pt; margin-bottom:20pt;">
<a href="#basic">Basic Rules</a><br>
<a href="#what">What can be documented</a><br>
<a href="#layout">Layout</a><br>
<a href="#tags">Tags</a><br>
<a href="#t_common" style="margin-left:12pt;">Common Tags</a><br>
<a href="#t_class" style="margin-left:12pt;">Tags for Classes</a><br>
<a href="#t_funct" style="margin-left:12pt;">Tags for Functions</a><br>
<a href="#t_var" style="margin-left:12pt;">Tags for Variables</a><br>
<a href="#t_global" style="margin-left:12pt;">Global Tags</a><br>
<a href="#typic">A Typical Documentation</a><br>
<p>This is a description of how to write documentation within C++ code such
it can be automatically parsed by the source code documentation tool
<h3><a name="basic">Basic Rules</a></h3>
<p>There are two possibilities to put documentation in a C++ file:<br>
Multi line documentation starts with <span style=""><font face="Courier New, monospace">
/**</font></span> and ends with <span style=""><font face="Courier New, monospace">
*/</font></span> so it looks like this:
<pre>/** Some text
<p> Single line or &#8220;inline&#8221; documentation starts with
<font face="Courier New, monospace">
/// </font>
and ends with the line, so it looks
like this:
<pre>/// Some text .......</pre>
<p>A &#8220;documentation paragraph&#8221; we call any of the two
just described documentation blocks. </p>
<li>The language of documentation is English.</li>
<li>So far, only header files are parsed by Autodoc.</li>
<li>For most typical uses, the documentation style is compatible to
Only you can not use the leftside *-bar as it is used in Java:
<pre>/** Text
* ...
*/</pre> will not work.
<li><strong>Attention:</strong> The first "/**"-comment in each file is ignored.<br>
That is because Autodoc is usually used to parse files with
license-, CVS- or other specific headers which usually start with "/**" as well.<br>
Should you have a file without such a header, you need to insert a
dummy comment.
<h3><a name="what">What can be Documented</a></h3>
<p>Documentable code entities in C++ are: </p>
<li>classes (including structs and unions)</li>
<li>functions / methods</li>
<li>variables (including constants)</li>
<li>enum values </li>
<li>#define-s </li>
<li>#define-d macros. </li>
All documentation belongs to the next following documentable code
entity. If there are more than one documentation paragraph following
each other, the last one wins.<br>
Also be aware, that the first "/**"-comment in each file is interpreted
as special file header and not recognized by Autodoc.
<h3><a name="layout">Layout</a></h3>
<p>If there is no @-tag at the beginning of a documentation paragraph, the first part
of it is interpreted like <a href="#at_short">@short</a>
, if it is not more than two lines and followed
by an empty line.<br>
After that empty line, or if it is more than
two lines, text without an @-tag it is interpreted like <a href="#at_descr">
<p>The following layout is required:</p>
<li>Leading '*'s or '#'s in each documentation line must
not be used! </li>
<li> All @-tags have to be the first non whitespace
in their line, except of the <tt>/** start </tt>of a documentation paragraph.</li>
<p>The following layout is recommended:</p>
<li>Use multi line documentation (/**...*/).</li>
<li> Start the documentation in the same line as
the <tt> /**</tt> .</li>
<li> The begin and end sign ( <tt>/**</tt> and <tt>
*/</tt> ) of a multi line documentation start in the same
column as the documented code entity.</li>
<li> Each line and each tag start 4 columns to the
right of the begin and end sign (&#8220;/** and */&#8221;). </li>
<p>HTML tags can be used or not.<br>
Default is no HTML. ( Because this makes writing documentation
easier and faster. If documentation is easier its probability to exist increases.
) In this case, all line breaks and all indentations will be preserved
in the generated documentation. All other things like &#8220;&lt;BR&gt;&#8221;
will appear without modification, still in the generated documentation.<br>
If HTML shall be used (for publicly used libraries a more sophisticated
layout may be desired), this can be done by the tags <a href="#at_html">
and <a href="#at_nohtml">@NOHTML</a>
. They switch the recognising of HTML on or off for the
rest of the file, or until the next such tag.
<h3><a name="tags">Tags</a></h3>
<dt>A '|' within a tag </dt>
<dd>means that the tag can be abbreviated at this position
<dt>Words in the same line as the @-tag</dt>
<dd> are parameters to it.</dd>
<dt> &lt;ABC&gt;</dt>
<dd>a parameter</dd>
<dt> "by" </dt><dd>Text within "" is to be used literally. </dd><dt>[...] </dt><dd>Parameters within [] is optional.</dd><dt>NOTEXT</dt><dd>There can't be any additional text to this
tag. </dd></dl>
<p> All tags with parameters can't
have any more text in the same line after the parameters. Parameters
not enclosed in square brackets [] are required and must be specified.
tag required-parameter [optional-parameter]
<h5><a name="t_common">Common Tags</a></h5>
<dl><dt>@ATT|ENTION</dt><dd>Is to be used, if intuitive use of a
function may be wrong. Or if it is to be used only in very specific
circumstances.</dd><dt>@author &lt;A.Name&gt;</dt><dd>Creator of the code. This is to be
changed to the (last) person, who did changes and therefore is
responsible for the present code. If the person, who did the last
change, is not responsible for the code (may be, because the author
was on vacation), the @change tag is to be used. This tag can be used
hierarchically: If there is an author tag in the class documentation, not every member
needs an own one If there is an author tag in a member too, it belongs
to that member only. The same for enums and their values.<br>
NOTEXT.</dd><dt>@change &lt;; "by"
&lt;WhoDidTheChange&gt;</dt><dd>There has to be a new @change
tag for each change, newest at top.</dd><dt>@deprecated</dt><dd>Marks an code entity as existing
only for backwards compatibility.<br>
NOTEXT</dd><dt><a name="at_descr"></a>
@descr</dt><dd>The main text describing
the documented entity.<br>
The tag can be omitted before this text (see
<a href="#typic">
A Typical Documentation</a>
).</dd><dt>@docdate &lt;;</dt><dd>Date of documentation.
The last date, when this documentation was changed.<br>
<dt>@empty</dt><dd>Special tag for
tested documentation. It means, here, no documentation is intended.<br>
</dd><dt>@internal</dt><dd>Typical for
not exported or otherwise hidden functions. The documentation for this code
entity can be filtered out of the created documentation.<br>
NOTEXT.</dd><dt>@key &lt;KeyWord&gt;</dt><dd>This
tag provides the possibility to search in the created documentation
or to filter it, by the given key.<br>
One tag for each key. <br>
Use with care. Too many keys don't support clarity.
Maybe, possible keywords in a project should be defined by the
points to a related documented code entity. <br>
NOTEXT.</dd><dt><a name="at_short"></a>
A short text (typical just one line) describing the documented
entity. For instance, this text may be used in indices as a short
The tag can be omitted before this text (see
<a href="#typic">
A Typical Documentation</a>
Tasks which are still open with a code entity.</dd></dl>
<h5><a name="t_class">Tags for Classes</a></h5>
@base &gt;&gt;BaseClass&lt;&lt;</dt><dd>
Comment to a base class. <br>
Use this only, if there are comments. Simple
listing of base classes is done automaticly.</dd><dt>
@collab|orator &gt;&gt;TheCollaborator&lt;&lt;</dt><dd>
&gt;This is to be used in the sense of <a href="">
CRC Cards</a>
One tag for each collaborator.</dd><dt>
If the class is designed for derivation, here can be described,
how to do this: Which methods should be rewritten, which should not etc.</dd><dt>
@instance &lt;ObjectName&gt;</dt><dd>
Describes a (or the one) specific instance of this class.<br>
One tag for each instance.</dd><dt>
This tag says, this class is to be used only as an interface and
implementation is in derived classes.<br>
Can be used for formal invariants of this class. Recommended
for publicly used library classes/interfaces.</dd><dt>
@resp|onsibility </dt><dd>
This is to be used in the sense of <a href="">
CRC Cards</a>
One tag for each responsibility.</dd><dt>
@tpl|param &lt;TplParamName&gt;</dt><dd>
Only for templates. Describes a template parameter:
meaning, requirements, restrictions.<br>
One tag for each template parameter.<br>
<h5><a name="t_funct">Tags for Functions</a></h5>
<dt>@exception &gt;&gt;ExceptionType&lt;&lt;</dt><dd>
Describes one exception.<br>
One tag for each exception.<br>
Use this only, if there are comments. Simple
listing of exceptions is done automaticly.</dd><dt>
Can be used for formal invariants of this function. </dd><dt>
Handling of error conditions. Can be used, if there
is no exception specification.</dd><dt>
@param &lt;ParameterName&gt; [ "["&lt;ValidRange&gt; "]" ]</dt><dd>
Describes one function parameter. <br>
The range is optional, but the '[' and ']' must
be literally there, if a range is given. (They are not meant as
an "optional parameter" sign here).<br>
One tag for each parameter.<br>
Use this only, if there are comments. Simple
listing of parameters is done automaticly.</dd><dt>
Can be used for formal postconditions of this function.
Recommended for publicly used library functions.</dd><dt>
Can be used for formal preconditions of this function. Recommended
for publicly used library functions.</dd><dt>
Describes the return values of the function. </dd><dt>
@tpl|param &lt;TplParameterName&gt;</dt><dd>
Only for templates. Describes a template parameter:
meaning, requirements, restrictions.<br>
One tag for each template parameter.</dd></dl>
<h5><a name="t_var">Tags for Variables</a></h5>
This marks a pointer variable as owner of a heap object. If used consequently,
this is always makes clear, if a pointer should be deleted or is only
referencing. This tag must not be used for refcounted objects. If it exists,
it always means: Use delete on this variable, or pass it on to somebody,
who deletes it reliably.<br>
Describes, when a variable is created and destroyed.</dd><dt>
@multi|plicity &lt;Range&gt;</dt><dd>
Range can be something like &#8220;1+&#8221;, &#8220;0+&#8221;, &#8220;2..5&#8221;, &#8220;Strings up
to 255 characters&#8221;.</dd>
<h5><a name="t_global">Global Tags</a></h5>
<dt><a name="at_html"></a>@HTML</dt>
<dd>For the rest of the source code file (or till the next
<a href="#at_nohtml">@NOHTML</a>
), HTML-tags in documentation will be recognised as such.
<dt><a name="at_nohtml"></a>@NOHTML</dt>
<dd>For the rest of the source code file (or till the next
<a href="#at_html"> @HTML</a>
), HTML-tags in documentation will be ignored and handled
like normal text, ie. not translated.
<h3><a name="typic"></a>A Typical Documentation</h3>
<pre>/** Short comment: This is for .... .
After an empty line, here comes the main description of the code
entity. Here can be a longer text, examples,
philosophical considerations and special solution descriptions.
After this text, only @-tags are allowed. Each following text belongs
to its prefacing @-tag.
@param integer1 [0 .. 255]
Describe parameter integer1.
@param str2
Describe the parameter str2.
@return true, if everything is ok. Else false.
bool funct_00( int integer1, const char * str2 );