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<h1> QA Definitions & Abbreviations</h1>
<p>Here is a list of terms commonly used in our discussions or on this web site.
<h3>GA - General Availability</h3>
<p>The GA term is used to describe versions of software that is deemed stable for use by all users.
<h3>IZ - IssueZilla</h3>
<p>IZ is an abbreviation for IssueZilla.
<h3>OOo -</h3>
<p> should be abbreviated as OOo. Anyone know the reason why?
<h3>QA - Quality Assurance</h3>
<p>Quality assurance (QA) in software is a field of computer science that includes techniques and processes to assure the quality of software and the processes around software development. Quality assurance also includes the verification that the original software specification for a given piece of software is implemented as documented in the specification of the software.
<p>Testing in software is a field of computer science that includes techniques and processes to conduct the software development process by testing it on different levels like automated testing, manual testing or testing on code level (eg. by doing unit tests). Testing often uses techniques which are normally used by programmers like debugging.
<h3>RC - Release Candidate</h3>
<p>The RC term is used to designate releases of software that is in the final stages of testing before the software will be released with a GA status.
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