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Combining the <i>Threats</i> and <i>Opportunities</i> seen in the outside world with the <i>Strengths</i> and <i>Weaknesses</i> of gives a two by two matrix of the kind beloved by consultants and business schools.<br>
<i>(Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats also makes a nice acronym in the English language - SWOT.)</i><br>
<b>O-S</b>: There is <i>Opportunity</i> which plays to one of our <i>Strengths</i> = a 'no brainer' - just do it<br>
<b>O-W</b>: There is an <i>Opportunity</i> but a <i>Weakness</i> means we might not be able to respond to it = effort in this area could bring big rewards<br>