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For the strategy to work, it is absolutely essential that as many active members of the Community help in the next stage of its development.<br>
The Strategy can be downloaded from the <a href="">Strategy Home Page</a>. It's quite a large document (54 A4 pages), so for people who would prefer to get a printed version, it can be ordered worldwide from an 'on demand' printer as a paperback book for a very reasonable USD7.95.<br>
At the Workshop, all participants were encouraged to buy two copies, one for work and one for home (!), and read it whenever they had a spare five minutes. Agree with it; disagree with it; but most important, send in your views.<br>
There is a downloadable feedback form on the site, or a discussion group to join for general debate.<br>
For people who feel nervous about marketing topics, there is a good tutorial on the &quot;How Stuff Works&quot; site. There are some differences between their approach and's, but not enough to cause confusion.<br>