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<h2>Abstracts of Conference
Papers - Developer Stream
<h3><a name="d6"></a>
development: next steps, next level</h3>
<table border="1" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="2" width="100%">
<tr class="a">
<td><span style="font-style: italic;">Mathias Bauer - Manager
Software Engineering, Sun Microsystems </span><br>
<tr class="b">
<td>The API
and UDK teams are currently focusing
on the
improvement of the API and the development tool support
for the SDK, both with the goal to make the development
of macros, scripts and components easier. <br>
In this session I will present the roadmap for all
related work we have planned for the next minor and major releases. So I will show how we use the new UNO features
we introduced in 2.0 to make life easier for developers;
how development of components will become easier with new code
generators and the integration of our SDK into IDEs;<br>
IDE support and new features for Add-On developers; improvements for Basic and the Scripting Framework; new features for
component development (e.g. licencing, versioning and signing);
improvements of component registration, deployment and integration;
some examples and demos (e.g. from the Google Summer Of Code).<br>
<tr class="a">
<td><span style="font-style: italic;">Biography: Working on and its predecessor StarOffice for
10 years now, before this working as a software developer for graphical
and font software at URW. University courses in chemistry, finished
with a doctor's degree. </span><br>
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<h3><a name="d7"></a>URE
living all over me</h3>
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<tr style="font-style: italic;" class="a">
<td>Stephan Bergmann - Sun
<tr class="b">
<td>UNO is's
well-known component technology.&nbsp; Recently, it has been
made available stand-alone in the form of the UNO Runtime Environment
(URE).&nbsp; That has opened up the opportunity to utilize UNO in
all kinds
of application areas.&nbsp; The relative advantages and
disadvantages of
using the URE in areas outside its original domain of
are discussed
and demonstrated in this session.&nbsp; Also, an outlook is given
of how
and the URE can continue to co-exist and to influence each other in
their respective future evolution.<br>
<tr style="font-style: italic;" class="a">
<td>Biography: Stephan is
working for Sun for quite some time now, on
various aspects of and StarOffice, and recently on
setting UNO free.</td>
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<h3><a name="d8"></a>OpenOffice:
slow, bloated ?</h3>
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<td><span style="font-style: italic;">Michael Meeks - Itinerant
Idiot, Novell, Inc.</span><br>
<tr class="b">
some interesting &amp; challenging performance problems,
particularly on Free systems. This talk will look at some of the
opportunities in this area, and present various analysis of where &amp; free systems are going wrong. I'll also give
some overview of what has been done to improve things and the ongoing
work at Novell in this area.<br>
Target audience: Hard-core developers.<br>
<tr style="font-style: italic;" class="a">
<td>Biography: Michael is a
Christian and enthusiastic believer in Free software. He very much
enjoys working for Novell where as a member of the Desktop research
team he has worked on desktop infrastructure and applications,
particularly the CORBA, Bonobo, Nautilus and accessibility, amongst
other interesting things. He now works full time developing Prior to this he worked for Quantel gaining expertise
in real time AV editing and playback achieved with high performance
focused hardware / software solutions.<br>
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<h3><a name="d9"></a>
and AMD64 platform</h3>
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<tr style="font-style: italic;" class="a">
<td>Jan Holesovsky -
<tr class="b">
to 64bit platforms has several problems.&nbsp; The codebase is
huge, parts of code are really old and do not handle 64bit longs and
pointers, the gcc-UNO bridge has to be fixed, etc.<br>
This talk will introduce the AMD64 architecture from the developer's
point of view, describe the problems in length, will consult the
solutions of the problems (either existing or planned), and present the
current status of the port.&nbsp; It will also focus on good
habits that save effort of the porters.<br>
<tr class="a">
<td><span style="font-style: italic;">Biography: 28 years old
male with first Linux experience back in 1995.&nbsp;
During 1998 and 1999 I was a part of&nbsp; KTTV team which was
an editor of lecture notes for Linux (word processor and vector drawing
program).&nbsp; I worked for SUSE as a YaST2 developer from 1999 to
interrupted it to graduate from the Charles University, started my development in 2003, and joined SUSE again in 2004; this
time as an developer.</span><br
style="font-style: italic;">
<span style="font-style: italic;">In, I focus on KDE integration (<a
and AMD64 porting.</span><br>
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