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<h2> Regional Conference North America<br>
(OOo RegiCon North America)
<p>Last Updated: 9 February 2005</p>
<!--Added news article-->
<p>The inaugural Regional Conference North America (OOo RegiCon North America) will be held 9 February 2005, <a href="">Del Mar Fairgrounds</a> in San Diego, CA.</p>
<p>OOo RegiCon is hosted by the <a href="">Desktop Linux Summit</a> (DLS) and gets the DLS underway on 9 February at 1200 midday.</p>
<p><a href="">Registration</a> for OOo RegiCon is included in the ticket for DLS and <b>early bird registration has been extended to 5 Feb 2005.</b>. </p>
<p><cite>OOoRegiCon Presentations Available </cite><a href="">[Marketing] </a>9 Feb 2005</p>
<p><cite>Net Xpress: Desktop Summit will feature numerous perks </cite><a href=""> </a>7 Feb 2005</p>
<p><cite>Simon Phipps to Speak at OOo RegiCon </cite><a href="">SunMink </a>10 Jan 2005</p>
<p><cite>Interview with Linspire CEO Michael Robertson </cite><a href=""> </a>4 Jan 2005</p>
<p><cite>OOoRegiCon 100 Club </cite><a href="">[bizdev] </a>14 Dec 2004</p>
<p><cite>OOoRegiCon 100 Club </cite><a href="">[cd-rom] </a>14 Dec 2004</p>
<p><cite>Call for Papers - OOoRegiCon North America 2005 (Feb 9, 2005) </cite><a href="">[announce] </a>29 Nov 2004</p>
<p><cite>Third-Annual Desktop Linux Summit Expands to Include Mozilla and Focus </cite><a href="">PR Newswire </a>4 Nov 2004</p>
<p>The OOoRegiCon <a href="">programme</a> includes topics about both the <a href="">product</a> and the <a href="">community</a>.</p>
<p>Come and listen to interesting and informative speakers, visit the booth, and meet contributors and volunteers to find out all that you need to know to make the switch to</p>
Presentations and papers are <font COLOR="#FF0000">now</font> <a href="">available</a>.
<h3>100 Club</h3>
<p> CDROMs are required to give out to attendees (an expected
audience of 1000) and funds are needed to subsidise our volunteers to
travel and be accommodated for the event.</p>
<p>Please join the 100 Club by donating 100 CDROMs and or
$100USD. For further information and current members, see the <a href="">100 Club</a>.</p>
<h3>If you would like to help</h3>
<p>If you would like to assist in the organisation of OOo RegiCon, help at OOo RegiCon or staff the OOo booth as part of the DLS exhibition, subscribe to by sending mail to <a href=""></a>.</p>
<p>See the <a href="">archives</a> for previous and ongoing discussions.</p>