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OOoRegiCon Abstracts
OOoRegiCon Abstracts
<p>Last Updated: 10 February 2005</p>
<!--Added Simon's presentation..-->
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<font color="#FFFFFF"><b>Waves and Rivers: Massively Connected Society & Open Source</b></font>&nbsp;
<a href="presentations/Phipps_waves_and_rivers.pdf" target="_blank">
<img src="presentations/pdf.gif" border="0" title="Click here to view presentation (468Kb)"
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<td>Simon Phipps</td>
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<td>Open source development, collaborative standards creation, the Java community, web services - each of these have been motivated by the desire for software freedom, and all have been consequences of the world becoming 'massively connected'. But each phenomenon has stood alone as its respective community has striven to achieve its goal of freedom through community. This session considers the origins of the 'massively connected' phenomenon, compares the approaches to promoting software freedom described above and proposes a new model exemplified by
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<td><em>Biography: Simon Phipps speaks frequently at industry events on technology trends and futures. At various times he has programmed mainframes, Windows and on the Web. Currently the Chief Technology Evangelist at Sun Microsystems, Inc., he was previously involved in OSI standards in the 80s, in the earliest commercial collaborative conferencing software in the early 90s, in introducing Java and XML to IBM and most recently with Sun's open source strategy. He lives in the UK, is based at Sun's Menlo Park campus in California and can be contacted via <a href=""></a><em>.</td>
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<font color="#FFFFFF"><b>Learning through Participation</b></font>&nbsp;
<a href="presentations/Lynch_ingots.pdf" target="_blank">
<img src="presentations/pdf.gif" border="0" title="Click here to view presentation (252Kb)"
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<td>Ian Lynch</td>
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<td>INGOTS provide progressive certificates that recognise skills in office
technology including the development of resources for the
community. A Gold Certificate holder will be self-sufficient in the use
of office software, confident to diagnose computer problems in an office
setting and will know how to gain free resources from the community as
well as contribute back to it. This session will describe the strategy
for making INGOTs a worldwide standard in schools thus introducing
millions of people to the community and educating them
about open standards and the power of giving a brick to get a house.
INGOTs have the potential to generate income that can be used to fund
development too.</td>
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<td><em>Biography: Ian Lynch is the education lead for the community. He
started work as a science teacher and was head of a large faculty at the
age of 29. He went on to set up the Government's flagship City
Technology College in 1988 and was subsequently appointed as curriculum
director for maths and science for the CTC programme nationally. He
subsequently set up his own consultancy leading school inspections,
helping schools apply for grants and devising development plans for
them. In 1998 with the help of his wife, he set up IRL Computer Systems
Ltd winning the Midlands Region Small Business of the Year Award in
2000. Developing the INGOTs is now his main priority having gained some
support from the British Chambers of Commerce for worldwide development.<em></td>
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<font color="#FFFFFF"><b>INREACH, building an active community</b></font>&nbsp;
<a href="presentations/Carrera_inreach.pdf" target="_blank">
<img src="presentations/pdf.gif" border="0" title="Click here to view presentation (131Kb)"
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<td>Daniel Carrera</td>
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<td><p>We've all heard about outreach, but what about inreach?
Just as outreach is reaching out to the outside world, inreach
means reaching out to those already part of the community.
Community building depends as much on inreach as it does on
outreach. There are four steps to inreach:</p>
<li>INFORM members of what's going on around the community.
<li>REACH out to people. Don't just wait for them to come to you.
<li>ENTHUSE people about your project (inspire)
<li>NURTURE a sense of community.
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<td><em>Biography: <em></td>
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<font color="#FFFFFF"><b>Technical Writing Using Writer</b></font>&nbsp;
<a href="presentations/Weber_techwriting.pdf" target="_blank">
<img src="presentations/pdf.gif" border="0" title="Click here to view presentation (199Kb)"
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<td>Jean Hollis Weber</td>
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<td><p> Writer is a strong competitor to Microsoft Word for both drafts and final layout (desktop publishing) of many technical documents, because it combines some of the best features of Word and FrameMaker. Indeed, Writer does several things better or easier than each of them. This session will cover some of the author’s experiences using OOo Writer’s many features of particular interest to technical writers, including:</p>
<li>Customizable interface
<li>Document templates
<li>Advanced page layout capabilities
<li>Change tracking
<li>Master documents
<li>Conditional content
<li>Bibliographic database
<li>Equation editor
<li>Macro language
<li>PDF export
<li>Microsoft Office compatibility
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<td><em>Biography: Jean Hollis Weber has over 25 years of experience planning, writing, editing, indexing, and testing user manuals and online help for computer software and hardware. Two years ago she switched from Microsoft Office to for all her work. Jean has written several books, including “ Writer: The Free Alternative to Microsoft Word,” which was created using and published by O’Reilly Community Press in July 2004. Jean is active in the community, particularly the OOoAuthors project. She also maintains several Web sites, including one for technical editors (<a href=""></a>) and one about (<a href=""></a>).<em></td>
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<font color="#FFFFFF"><b>Beginners Guide to Building Database Applications
<a href="presentations/Blake_database.pdf" target="_blank">
<img src="presentations/pdf.gif" border="0" title="Click here to view presentation (4508Kb)"
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<td>Landon Blake</td>
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<td>This presentation will explain the basics of the Database features. It will include a printed tutorial on how to connect to a MySQL database with the latest version of MySQL, and discuss how a basic knowledge of programming can begin to build database applications with interactive forms for data entry and presentation.</td>
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<td><em>Biography: Landon Blake is a open source developer active in the GIS/Mapping software community. He is the co-founder of the JUMP Pilot Project, a organization to support the volunteer development of open source GIS Workbench JUMP, and the founder of SurveyOS, an organization dedicated to the development of open source software solutions for the Land Surveying and Cartography professions. He uses for all of his office software needs, and plans to contribute to improvements to database support. He is also involved in efforts to introduce the benefits of open source software, including, to the Land Surveying profession, which is dominated by commercial software solutions. Landon's primary programming Language is Java, and he is currently involved in an effort to make the API more easily understood for fellow Java developers.<em></td>
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<td bgcolor="#184090">
<font color="#FFFFFF"><b>The Shot Heard 'Round the World - How the OASIS Open
Document changes everything</b></font>&nbsp;
<a href="presentations/Edwards_OASIS.pdf" target="_blank">
<img src="presentations/pdf.gif" border="0" title="Click here to view presentation (252 Kb)"
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<td>Gary Edwards</td>
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<td>Now two years in the making, the OASIS Open Document XML file format specification is making its mark. This session will discuss how the OASIS TC made dramatic enhancements to the file format specification to meet the next generation information system requirements of the European Union. Enhancements such as XForms, SVG, and SMiL were needed to meet the "custom-defined schema" requirement. Submission of the specification to ISO (the International Standards Organization) was another challenge met by the TC. This discussion will also cover the dynamics of Microsoft's arguments to the EU that MSXML file formats and licenses are "open enough", and how the recent capitulation of Microsoft to meet the EU's insistent requirements for "Open XML and Open Standards" came about. </td>
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<td><em>Biography: <em></td>
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<p>Please Note: Program content subject to change.</p>