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<h1><b><i> writer</b></i></h1><p>
<ul><li><h2>The powerful word processor</h2>
<ul><li><i>Wizards</i> to produce standard documents such as letters, faxes, agendas, minutes.
<li><i>Styles and Formatting</i> to put the power of style sheets into the hands of every user.
<li><i>AutoCorrect dictionary</i>, which can check your spelling as you type.
<li><i>AutoComplete</i> to make typing easy
<li><i>Text frames</i> and <i>linking</i> for newsletters, flyers, etc. .
<li><i>Table of contents</i>, <i>index</i> for complex documents
<li><i>OpenDocument</i> and <i>MS-Word .doc</i> format compatibile