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<h2><a href=""
title="Funzionalit&agrave; aggiuntive per il programma">Estensioni per Apache OpenOffice</a></h2>
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title="Funzionalit&agrave; aggiuntive per il programma">
Per estendere OpenOffice con un'ampia gamma di funzioni aggiuntive disponibili come estensioni.</a></p>
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<h2><a href=""
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Per usufruire di una vasta scelta di modelli di documento per OpenOffice in varie lingue.</a></p>
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<h2><a href=""
title="Versioni di sviluppo pi&ugrave; recenti">
Versioni di sviluppo di Apache OpenOffice</a></h2>
<p><a href=""
title="Versioni di sviluppo pi&ugrave; recenti">
Le versioni di sviluppo (Developer Snapshots) rappresentano lo stato attuale dello sviluppo.
Queste versioni sono da utilizzare soprattutto a fini di test.<br />
<b>Queste versioni sono in aggiornamento continuo e non sono destinate agli utenti finali.</b></a></p>
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+ "<p><a>A wide range of platforms and languages will be available."
+ "<br/><b>Important:</b> These builds are nearly ready but needs to be finally tested and are therefore not "
+ "released.</a></p>"
+ "</div>" );
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<div class="button yellow" id="optionitem4" onclick="openItem('optionitem4','all_rc.html#untested-full'); return false;">
<h2><a href="all_rc.html" title="Select from all platforms, languages, language packs to download">
Get Release Candidate</a></h2>
<p><a href="all_rc.html" title="Select from other platforms, languages, language packs to download">
JavaScript needs to be enabled to take full advantage of this download section. Currently it does not seem to be enabled.
Please click on this text to use the alternative webpage to select the favorite platform and language.</a></p>
<div class="sub-yellow">
<p><a href="all_rc.html" title="Obtenga todas las plataformas, fuentes, idiomas, paquetes de idiomas disponibles para descargar">
Todas las plataformas, fuentes, idiomas, paquetes de idiomas</a> |
<a href=""
title="What is new, what has been improved in">Notas del lanzamiento</a> |
<a href="next/md5sums/index.html" title="MD5 checksums for">MD5 checksums</a></p>
<!-- Yellow: Beta Release online -->
<script type="text/javascript">
if ( BETA_ACTIVE == 1 ) {
document.write( "<div class=\"button yellow\" id=\"optionitem2\" onclick=\"openItem('optionitem2','all_beta.html');"
+ "return false;\">"
+ "<h2><a href='all_beta.html' title='Select from all platforms, languages, language packs to download'\">"
+ "Get Beta Release</a></h2>"
+ "<p><a href='all_beta.html' title='Select from all platforms, languages, language packs to download'\">"
+ "<b>Most recent: OOo-Dev " + BETA_NAME + " " + BETA_NUMBER + "</b></a></p>"
+ "</div>" );
document.write( "<div class=\"sub-yellow\">"
+ "<p><a href='all_beta.html' title='Obtenga todas las plataformas, fuentes, idiomas, paquetes de idiomas disponibles para descargar'>"
+ "Todas las plataformas, fuentes, idiomas, paquetes de idiomas</a> | "
+ "<a href='" + BETA_BUILD + ".html'"
+ "title='What is new, what has been improved in " + BETA_NAME + BETA_NUMBER + "?'>Notas del lanzamiento</a> | "
+ "<a href='next/md5sums/index.html" + BETA_BUILD + "_md5sums.txt' title='MD5 checksums for "
+ BETA_NAME + BETA_NUMBER + "'>MD5 checksums</a></p>"
+ "</div>" );
} else if ( BETA_ACTIVE == 0 ) {
// Yellow: Beta Release coming soon
document.write( "<div class=\"button yellow\" id=\"optionitem2\">"
+ "<h2><a>Get Beta Release <small>(" + BETA_NAME + BETA_NUMBER + " coming soon)</small></a></h2>"
+ "<p><a>A wide range of platforms and languages will be available."
+ "<br/><b>Important:</b> The Beta is feature complete but can contain issues and detailed tests needs to be done."
+ "</a></p>"
+ "</div>" );
<!-- Yellow: Beta: No JavaScript enabled -->
<div class="button yellow" id="optionitem2" onclick="openItem('optionitem2','all_beta.html#untested-full'); return false;">
<h2><a href="all_beta.html" title="Select from all platforms, languages, language packs to download">
Get Beta Release</a></h2>
<p><a href="all_beta.html" title="Select from all platforms, languages, language packs to download">
JavaScript needs to be enabled to take full advantage of this download section. Currently it does not seem to be enabled.
Please click on this text to use the alternative webpage to select the favorite platform and language.</a></p>
<div class="sub-yellow">
<p><a href="all_beta.html" title="Obtenga todas las plataformas, fuentes, idiomas, paquetes de idiomas disponibles para descargar">
Todas las plataformas, fuentes, idiomas, paquetes de idiomas</a> |
<a href=""
title="What is new, what has been improved in">Notas del lanzamiento</a> |
<a href="next/md5sums/index.html" title="MD5 checksums for">MD5 checksums</a></p>
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<script type="text/javascript">
document.write( "<div class=\"button orange\" id=\"optionitem5\" onclick=\"openItem('optionitem5','next/index.html');"
+ "return false;\">"
+ "<h2><a href='next/index.html' title='Select from the most recent Developer Snapshots'>"
+ "Get Developer Snapshots</a></h2>" );
document.write( "<p><a href='next/index.html' title='Select from the most recent Developer "
+ "Snapshots'><b>" );
if ( DEV1_VERSION != "" ) {
document.write( "Most recent: " + DEV1_VERSION + " (" + DEV1_BUILD + ") and " + DEV2_VERSION + " (" + DEV2_BUILD
+ ")" );
} else {
document.write( "Most recent: " + DEV2_VERSION + " (" + DEV2_BUILD + ")" );
document.write( "</b></a></p>"
+ "</div>" );
document.write( "<div class=\"sub-orange\">"
+ "<p><a href='next/other.html' title='Get all platforms, languages, SDK builds, source tarballs to download'>"
+ "Get all platforms, languages, SDK builds, source tarballs</a> | "
+ "<a href=''"
+ "title='What is new, what has been improved in'>Notas del lanzamiento</a> | "
+ "<a href='next/md5sums/index.html' title='MD5 checksums for'>MD5 checksums</a></p>"
+ "</div>" );
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<div class="button orange" id="optionitem5" onclick="openItem('optionitem5','next/index.html'); return false;">
<h2><a href="next/other.html" title="Select from the most recent Developer Snapshots">
Get Developer Snapshots</a></h2>
<p><a href="next/other.html" title="Select from the most recent Developer Snapshots">
JavaScript needs to be enabled to take full advantage of this download section. Currently it does not seem to be enabled.
Please click on this text to use the alternative webpage to select the favorite platform and language.</a></p>
<div class="sub-orange">
<p><a href="next/other.html" title="Todas las plataformas, fuentes, idiomas, paquetes de idiomas, SDK builds, source tarballs to
Todas las plataformas, fuentes, idiomas, paquetes de idiomas, SDK builds, source tarballs</a> |
<a href="" title="What is new, what has been improved in">
Notas del lanzamiento</a> | <a href="next/md5sums/index.html" title="MD5 checksums for">MD5 checksums</a></p>
<div class="additionalinformation" style='white-space:normal;'>
<h2>Informazioni e risorse</h2>
<li><a href="/license.html" title="Licenza di Apache OpenOffice">Licenza</a></li>
<!-- <li><a href="/download/other_tables.html">Checksum</a> (per verificare l'integrit&agrave; del file scaricato)</li> -->
<li><a href="">Download Java</a> (JRE/JDK, per le funzioni piĆ¹ avanzate; per Windows a 64 bit usare <a href="">jre-6u32-windows-i586.exe</a>)</li>
<li><a href="">Dizionari italiani</a> (gi&agrave; inclusi nella versione italiana; utili a chi installa OpenOffice in altre lingue)</li>
<li><a href="">X-ApacheOpenOffice</a> (versione <em>portable</em> che non necessita di installazione, a cura del progetto WinPenPack)</li>
<li><a href="">Guida di installazione</a> (in inglese)</li>
<li><a href="">Guida utente</a></li>
<h3>Supporto tra utenti</h3>
<li><a href="">Mailing list in italiano</a></li>
<li><a href="">Mailing list annunci</a> (in inglese)</li>
<li><a href="">Forum di supporto</a></li>
<!-- Commented out: With the new download box there is no need anymore to show direct links to installation files
<h3>Tutte le piattaforme</h3>
<li><a href="">Versione Windows</a></li>
<li><a href="">Versione Mac OS X (10.7 e seguenti)</a></li>
<li><a href="">Versione Linux DEB</a> - Per Ubuntu, Debian e le altre distribuzioni che usano DEB</li>
<li><a href="">Versione Linux RPM</a> - Per Fedora, OpenSUSE e le altre distribuzioni che usano RPM</li>
<li><a href="">Versione Linux 64-bit DEB</a></li>
<li><a href="">Versione Linux 64-bit RPM</a></li>
<h3>Per contribuire al progetto</h3>
<li><a href="">Progetto Localizzazione italiano</a></li>
<li><a href="">Progetto Quality Assurance italiano</a></li>
<li><a href="">Come aiutare il progetto</a> (in inglese)</li>
<br />
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