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<META HTTP-EQUIV="CONTENT-TYPE" CONTENT="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="StarOffice 6.1 EA2 (Win32)">
<META NAME="AUTHOR" CONTENT="Martin Damboldt">
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@page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm }
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<body LANG="de-DE">
<P LANG="en-US" ALIGN=CENTER STYLE="margin-top: 0.42cm; page-break-after: avoid">
<FONT FACE="Albany, sans-serif"><FONT SIZE=3><B><SPAN STYLE="background: transparent">HowTo
reduce the size of multiple installation sets<BR>to fit them on one
CDROM by using red</SPAN></B></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ALIGN=CENTER><SPAN STYLE="background: transparent"><SPAN LANG="en-US"><FONT FACE="Albany, sans-serif">by
</FONT></SPAN></SPAN><A HREF=""><SPAN STYLE="background: transparent"><SPAN LANG="en-US"><FONT FACE="Albany, sans-serif">Martin
<P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><BR>
<P LANG="en-US" STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><FONT FACE="Albany, sans-serif"><FONT SIZE=3><SPAN STYLE="background: transparent">Introduction:</SPAN></FONT></FONT></P>
<P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><BR>
<P LANG="en-US" STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><FONT FACE="Albany, sans-serif"><FONT SIZE=3><SPAN STYLE="background: transparent">This
HowTo describes the necessary steps to take to be able to fit for
example seventeen OpenOffice installation sets in different languages
for Windows which have at all a size of about 920 megabyte on a
single 640 MB CD-R.</SPAN></FONT></FONT></P>
<P LANG="en-US" STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><FONT FACE="Albany, sans-serif"><FONT SIZE=3><SPAN STYLE="background: transparent"><BR>OpenOffice
installation sets of different languages have many equal files
included. When you like to put the install sets of seventeen
languages for Windows on a single CD you can use red to create links
to equal files instead of having them multiple times on the image.
The creation of those links can be done by red. Red extracts the
content of the &ldquo;f_&rdquo; files of installation sets and diff
it to each other, then it creates links so that you will have just
one real file of each &ldquo;f_&rdquo; instead of having them twice
or more. Red will do this for all files in the CD image structure you
provide, not only for &ldquo;f_&rdquo; files.<BR><BR>Since red uses
Unix file links this tool runs only on Unix systems. Red can not be
used on Windows operating systems. But of course you can create CD's
with Windows OpenOffice installation sets on Unix.</SPAN></FONT></FONT></P>
<P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><BR>
<P LANG="en-US" STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><FONT FACE="Albany, sans-serif"><FONT SIZE=3><SPAN STYLE="background: transparent">A.
download necessary files for red</SPAN></FONT></FONT></P>
<LI><P LANG="en-US" STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><FONT FACE="Albany, sans-serif"><FONT SIZE=3><SPAN STYLE="background: transparent">Download
the solver tree package for the Unix platform you prefer (Solaris or
Linux) you can find it in OOo at Download-&gt;Source-&gt;Solver:
Output Tree</SPAN></FONT></FONT></P>
<P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><BR>
<P LANG="en-US" STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><FONT FACE="Albany, sans-serif"><FONT SIZE=3><SPAN STYLE="background: transparent">B.
prepare the environment for running red</SPAN></FONT></FONT></P>
<LI><P LANG="en-US" STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><FONT FACE="Albany, sans-serif"><FONT SIZE=3><SPAN STYLE="background: transparent">extract
the downloaded archiv, for example
&ldquo;Ooo_1.0.1_SolarisSparc_solver.tar.gz&rdquo;, to a directory
of your choice</SPAN></FONT></FONT></P>
<LI><P LANG="en-US" STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><FONT FACE="Albany, sans-serif"><FONT SIZE=3><SPAN STYLE="background: transparent">After
this you will have the following
so on</SPAN></FONT></FONT></P>
<LI><P LANG="en-US" STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><FONT FACE="Albany, sans-serif"><FONT SIZE=3><SPAN STYLE="background: transparent">make
sure that you include ./solver/641/&lt;platform&gt;/lib/ path of the
structure to you LD_LIBRARY_PATH</SPAN></FONT></FONT></P>
<LI><P LANG="en-US" STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><FONT FACE="Albany, sans-serif"><FONT SIZE=3><SPAN STYLE="background: transparent">set
the TEMP and also the TMP variable correctly to a volume which has
enough free space</SPAN></FONT></FONT></P>
<P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><BR>
<P LANG="en-US" STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><FONT FACE="Albany, sans-serif"><FONT SIZE=3><SPAN STYLE="background: transparent">C.
prepare the CD structure</SPAN></FONT></FONT></P>
<LI><P LANG="en-US" STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><FONT FACE="Albany, sans-serif"><FONT SIZE=3><SPAN STYLE="background: transparent">create
the directory and content structure for the CD you like to create on
your harddisk</SPAN></FONT></FONT></P>
<P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><BR>
<P LANG="en-US" STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><FONT FACE="Albany, sans-serif"><FONT SIZE=3><SPAN STYLE="background: transparent">D.
commands for using red</SPAN></FONT></FONT></P>
<LI><P LANG="en-US" STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><FONT FACE="Albany, sans-serif"><FONT SIZE=3><SPAN STYLE="background: transparent">possible
command syntax: ./red [-s] [directory] [-t][-v]<BR>[-s] [directory]
delivers the source directory which contains the CD structure which
will be modified by red</SPAN></FONT></FONT></P>
<P LANG="en-US" STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><FONT FACE="Albany, sans-serif"><FONT SIZE=3><SPAN STYLE="background: transparent">[-t]
sets red to test mode only, no links will be created but you can see
what the result would be</SPAN></FONT></FONT></P>
<P LANG="en-US" STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><FONT FACE="Albany, sans-serif"><FONT SIZE=3><SPAN STYLE="background: transparent">[-v]
activates verbose mode, you can see if red is still running, useful
since red takes some time</SPAN></FONT></FONT></P>
<P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><BR>
<P LANG="en-US" STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><FONT FACE="Albany, sans-serif"><FONT SIZE=3><SPAN STYLE="background: transparent">D.
running red</SPAN></FONT></FONT></P>
<LI><P LANG="en-US" STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><FONT FACE="Albany, sans-serif"><FONT SIZE=3><SPAN STYLE="background: transparent">start
red: /&lt;red-installation-directory&gt;/red -s
&lt;directory-with-CD-content&gt; -v</SPAN></FONT></FONT></P>
<LI><P LANG="en-US" STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><FONT FACE="Albany, sans-serif"><FONT SIZE=3><SPAN STYLE="background: transparent">after
you have done this the &lt;directory-with-CD-content&gt; will
reflect the new content which might take less space on a CD like it
does before since now multiple equal files have been eliminated by
creating links</SPAN></FONT></FONT></P>
<P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><BR>
<P LANG="en-US" STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><FONT FACE="Albany, sans-serif"><FONT SIZE=3><SPAN STYLE="background: transparent">E.
create an ISO file with mkisofs of the CD structure</SPAN></FONT></FONT></P>
<LI><P LANG="en-US" STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><FONT FACE="Albany, sans-serif"><FONT SIZE=3><SPAN STYLE="background: transparent">one
of the best tools on Unix to create an ISO image file which you can
burn on a CD-R is mkisofs to do so use the following command</SPAN></FONT></FONT></P>
<LI><P LANG="en-US" STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><FONT FACE="Albany, sans-serif"><FONT SIZE=3><SPAN STYLE="background: transparent">mkisofs
-o &lt;output-directory&gt;/&lt;filename&gt;.iso -V &lt;CD name&gt;
-L -l -D -r -v -J -f &lt;directory-with-CD-content&gt;<BR>for more
information about mkisofs please have a look to the man pages</SPAN></FONT></FONT></P>
<LI><P LANG="en-US" STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><FONT FACE="Albany, sans-serif"><FONT SIZE=3><SPAN STYLE="background: transparent">the
created ISO file you can be burned to a CD-R with the burning
program of your choice</SPAN></FONT></FONT></P>
<P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><BR>