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<P ALIGN=LEFT STYLE="font-weight: medium"><FONT FACE="Verdana, sans-serif"><FONT SIZE=6>Definition
of a Profile </FONT></FONT>
<P STYLE="font-weight: medium"><FONT FACE="Verdana, sans-serif">The
keyword for a profile definition is <B>Profile</B>. A global ID of a
profile should begin with <B>gid_Profile </B>. Profiles have be
assigned to modules. The assigned module has to be listed inside the
definition block of the Profile. Profiles represent ini- or
.rc-files, which are created from the setup, for example sversion.ini
respectively .sversionrc. A typical definition of a profile in the
scp projects looks like:</FONT></P>
<P STYLE="font-weight: medium"><FONT FACE="Verdana, sans-serif">Profile
gid_Profile_Bootstrap_Ini<BR>ModuleID = gid_Module_Abc<BR>#ifdef
UNX<BR>Name = &quot;bootstraprc&quot;;<BR>#else<BR>Name =
&quot;bootstrap.ini&quot;;<BR>#endif<BR>Dir = gid_Dir_Program;<BR>Styles
= (NETWORK);<BR>End</FONT></P>
<P STYLE="font-weight: medium"><FONT FACE="Verdana, sans-serif">As
you can see, the definition of a profile is very simple. The profile
needs a ModuleID a name, a directory in which the file shall be
created and optionally some styles. In this case the
gid_Profile_Bootstrap_Ini is defined, which is named for unix
bootstraprc and for all other platforms bootstrap.ini. It is
installed into gid_Dir_Program.</FONT></P>
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