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<META HTTP-EQUIV="CONTENT-TYPE" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<TITLE>Proposal for a new Help Agent</TITLE>
<META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="StarOffice/5.2 (Solaris Sparc)">
<META NAME="CREATED" CONTENT="20010209;15581100">
<META NAME="CHANGED" CONTENT="20010209;15581700">
<META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="User assistance, documentation, help system, Help Agent">
@page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm }
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<P ALIGN=CENTER STYLE="margin-top: 0.42cm; page-break-after: avoid"><FONT FACE="Sunsans Heavy"><FONT SIZE=4 STYLE="font-size: 16pt">Proposal
for a new Help Agent</FONT></FONT></P>
<P ALIGN=CENTER STYLE="margin-top: 0.42cm; font-style: normal; font-weight: demi-bold; page-break-after: avoid">
<FONT FACE="sunsans heavy, SunSans-Heavy, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, Lucida Sans, Sans-Serif"><FONT SIZE=4>Version
1, Lutz H&ouml;ger, 02/09/2001</FONT></FONT></P>
<DIV ID="Table of Contents1">
<DIV ID="Table of Contents1_Head">
<P STYLE="margin-top: 0.42cm; font-weight: medium; page-break-after: avoid">
<FONT FACE="Sunsans Demi"><FONT SIZE=4>Table of Contents</FONT></FONT></P>
<P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.2cm"><FONT FACE="SunSans-Demi"><A HREF="#1.Preface|outline">Preface</A></FONT></P>
<P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.2cm"><FONT FACE="SunSans-Demi"><A HREF="#2.Problem|outline">Problem</A></FONT></P>
<P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.2cm"><FONT FACE="SunSans-Demi"><A HREF="#3.Solution|outline">Solution</A></FONT></P>
<P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.2cm"><FONT FACE="SunSans-Demi"><A HREF="#4.Details|outline">Details</A></FONT></P>
<P STYLE="margin-left: 0.5cm; margin-bottom: 0.2cm"><FONT FACE="SunSans-Demi"><A HREF="#4.1.WhenshouldtheHelpAgentbetriggered?|outline">When
should the Help Agent be triggered?</A></FONT></P>
<P STYLE="margin-left: 0.5cm; margin-bottom: 0.2cm"><FONT FACE="SunSans-Demi"><A HREF="#4.2.Let'sgetvisual|outline">Let's
get visual</A></FONT></P>
<P STYLE="margin-left: 0.5cm; margin-bottom: 0.2cm"><FONT FACE="SunSans-Demi"><A HREF="#4.3.UsingtheHelpAgent|outline">Using
the Help Agent</A></FONT></P>
<P STYLE="margin-left: 0.5cm; margin-bottom: 0.2cm"><FONT FACE="SunSans-Demi"><A HREF="#4.4.Advancedfeatures|outline">Advanced
<P STYLE="margin-left: 0.5cm; margin-bottom: 0.2cm"><FONT FACE="SunSans-Demi"><A HREF="#4.5.ConfiguringtheHelpAgent|outline">Configuring
the Help Agent</A></FONT></P>
<P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.2cm"><FONT FACE="SunSans-Demi"><A HREF="#5.ImplementationSteps|outline">Implementation
<P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.2cm"><FONT FACE="SunSans-Demi"><A HREF="#6.OpenIssues|outline">Open
<H1><A NAME="1.Preface|outline"></A>Preface</H1>
<P>This short proposal doesn't claim to completely cover all aspects
of the subject, even though I'm trying to propose the feature as
complete as possible.</P>
<H1><A NAME="2.Problem|outline"></A>Problem</H1>
<P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.2cm"><FONT FACE="Sunserif Regular">When
working with StarOffice / (SO / OO.o) there are
various situations where the program 'decides' to act in a certain
way that might not have been expected by the user. Some examples for
this are: </FONT>
<UL STYLE="margin-left: 0.5cm">
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.2cm"><FONT FACE="Sunserif Regular">the
'AutoCorrect' feature automatically completes a word the user has
just started to type</FONT></P>
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.2cm"><FONT FACE="Sunserif Regular">the
same feature automatically creates a bullet list from plain text
while typing (type '- test', press Enter)</FONT></P>
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.2cm"><FONT FACE="Sunserif Regular">the
'Print' dialog box is shown even though the user has clicked on the
'Print File Directly' symbol in the 'Function Bar' (because there
was a mismatch between the default system printer and the printer
stored in the document)</FONT></P>
<P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.2cm"><FONT FACE="Sunserif Regular">To
simplify it: from a user's point of view in some situations a program
behaves unpredictably. No matter how hard we try to avoid these
cases, in certain situation the expectations of users simply are too
<H1><A NAME="3.Solution|outline"></A>Solution</H1>
<P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.2cm"><FONT FACE="Sunserif Regular">The
first and very simple idea is to tell users what's happening, e.g.
use some plain text explaining the current behavior. We tried that in
SO 5.x, using the so called Help Agent. In the current SO / OO.o
release (614) there is no such information any more. </FONT>
<P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.2cm"><FONT FACE="Sunserif Regular">Due to
the lack of this feature, we can now see the real benefit of this
mechanism. It helps users in getting out of 'screen mysteries', it
offers support when users actually need it. So this proposal is about
the re-implementation of the Help Agent feature to be more elegant,
more intelligent but also less annoying than formerly.</FONT></P>
<H1><A NAME="4.Details|outline"></A>Details</H1>
<H2><A NAME="4.1.WhenshouldtheHelpAgentbetriggered?|outline"></A>When
should the Help Agent be triggered?</H2>
<P>The most important feature of the Help Agent is to 'proactively'
(I don't know any better word) offer support in certain situations.
This distinguishes it from common help systems which offer help only
if a user asks for it, e.g. by hitting the 'help' button. The Help
Agent needs to detect if the user performs an action that may lead to
confusion or that's generally difficult to understand in order to
present helpful information to the user.</P>
<P>The detection of these situations is a quite critical part of the
Help Agent. The range of implementations for this goes from a static,
pre-defined list (like in SO 5.x) to some artificial intelligence
driven agent analyzing the user's behavior and thus detecting usage
problems. The compromise between release driven reality and feature
theory lies somewhere in-between.
<P>I think it's best to start with the simple list implementation and
advance to something more sophisticated later. A list of situations
that require user assistance already exists in SO 5.x and can be
maintained based upon the feedback from our users, e.g. by evaluating
the FAQ lists that are regularly generated by Sun's Support.
<H2><A NAME="4.2.Let'sgetvisual|outline"></A>Let's get visual</H2>
<P>When designing the UI of the new Help Agent, we tried to follow
the paradigm 'K.I.S.S.' (keep it short &amp; simple). SO 5.x users
sometimes did complain about the old Help Agent. Very often the first
thing that was done with it was to disable this feature completely,
because it was rather irritating than helpful. That was caused by two
aspects: The window showed up automatically but had to be closed
again manually, and the content wasn't appropriate for the majority
of our users - beginners.</P>
<P>To change the content of the help system is one thing. It's safe
to say that it will take some time to be accomplished and the whole
process will probably span a couple of SO / OO.o releases. Fixing the
usability issue should be possible soon, so let's have a look at a
first UI design idea.
<P>Here's a mock-up screen shot of a typical Help Agent situation:
The user adjusts some settings that have 'invisible side effects' -
in this case the spell check for the selected languages only
functions if the appropriate language has been installed, something
users very often aren't aware of, if they are just 'playing around'
with some character formatting settings.</P>
<P>Due to the 'SO 5.x help content issue', we decided to initially
display as few text as possible. This leads to the idea of just
showing up an image button indicating that help is available. The
Help Agent gets triggered and shows up in the lower right corner of
the current document window. The design of the image above is just a
placeholder for some artwork that would still have to be created.</P>
<P>The Help Agent window or indicator should appear on top of the
current document window but underneath a potentially open dialog box
that has got the focus. It shouldn't be possible to raise the
document window's z-order above the Help Agent's one. The current
focus should remain unchanged so that the user can continue his work
without being interrupted. (This is exactly the behavior of the Help
Agent window in SO 5.x.)</P>
<P>Behind the scenes, the help ID of the control that triggered the
Help Agent gets forwarded to the Help Agent in order to be available
for later processing.</P>
<H2><A NAME="4.3.UsingtheHelpAgent|outline"></A>Using the Help Agent</H2>
<P>To address the complains about the old Help Agent's stickiness,
the new Help Agent should disappear after a time-out of 30 seconds.
If the user doesn't do anything but continue his normal work and
ignores the Help Agent, the pop-up window simply disappears after
this time-out. If another item triggers the Help Agent within this
time-out, the countdown timer should be reset and the new help ID
should be stored instead of the old one.</P>
<P>If the user clicks on the Help Agent indicator within the time-out
timeframe, the help system will be opened and the help related to the
temporarily stored help ID will be displayed. Starting with SO 6.0 /
OO.0, the help system is an own operating system task. In case this
task is already running at the time the Help Agent is used (clicked),
it simply gets the focus and displays the respective help topic. That
way, only one help task can be open at the same time.</P>
<H2><A NAME="4.4.Advancedfeatures|outline"></A>Advanced features</H2>
<P>Turning the static list of Help Agent relevant help IDs into a
'semi-static' list could be achieved by dropping items dynamically.
Whenever the Help Agent detects that his help offer didn't succeed,
i.e. the user didn't make use of it a couple of times (3? 5? 10?)
within a certain time (e.g. 90 days), an item can be dropped from the
list. That way the occurrences of the Help Agent can be minimized
down to what an individual user actually needs.
<P>I'm not sure whether or not it is necessary to manually reset a
list that has been modified this way to the factory default. But my
guts tell me that there might be a number of people who want to have
this feature.
<P>So far this is not 'rocket science'. A far more advanced feature
would be to add new items to the list based on an analysis of the
program's usage. This could come pretty close to an interactive
tutor, detecting certain 'inefficiencies' in usage patterns and
offering the respective shortcuts to the user. This feature itself
would need a much more extensive description than this proposal is
supposed to deliver. Maybe someone else wants to pick this up and
follow upon it?</P>
<P>Regardless whether or not the typical geek likes it: animations
are one of those neat features that particularly beginners do like.
As there is a quite contradictory discussion about this detail, I'll
leave it open and name it just for the purpose of completeness.</P>
<P>Something maybe more important to think about is the position of
the Help Agent indicator. On one hand it brings a certain calmness to
the user interface, if this window always shows up at the same
position, on the other hand if this position should ever be occupied
by something else (like a toolbar or a docked float), it could be
desirable to open the window somewhere else. SO 5.x had a mechanism
that tried to position the Help Agent's floating window intelligently
so that it doesn't cover the currently used dialog box. Of course
such a feature would be helpful for the new Help Agent's window, too.
But as the new window should be much smaller than the old one, it
might be something that can be done later.</P>
<H2><A NAME="4.5.ConfiguringtheHelpAgent|outline"></A>Configuring the
Help Agent</H2>
<P>Even though the new Help Agent tries to be both - as visible as
necessary and as invisible as possible - there's probably the
requirement to configure at least some basic settings.
<UL STYLE="margin-left: 0.5cm">
<LI><P>Advanced users might want to switch the feature completely
off; so this option should be offered. This implies that the default
should be 'on' ;-)</P>
<LI><P>The suggested default time-out of 30 seconds might be
something that users want to adjust, too. We should offer a scale
from 0 to 60 seconds in 5 second steps, so this can be combined with
the above configuration setting ('0 seconds' means 'feature is
deactivated'). Or should the two settings be independent from each
<LI><P>As soon as the Help Agent is able to 'forget' or 'learn'
about situations it should show up, there's probably some
requirement to reset a modified list to the factory default.
<LI><P>As mentioned above, the position of the Help Agent window
should later be configurable if it's not possible to make it evade
intelligently .</P>
<H1><A NAME="5.ImplementationSteps|outline"></A>Implementation Steps</H1>
<P>Driven by product release reality, I suggest the following three
steps of implementation. However, if someone thinks this isn't
appropriate, I would be happy to see an alternative.</P>
<OL STYLE="margin-left: 0.5cm">
<LI><P>The first implementation basically should include anything
described in the chapters &quot;When should...&quot;, &quot;Let's
get...&quot; and &quot;Using&quot;, plus the basic configuration
option of enabling/disabling the feature and justifying the
<LI><P>The addition of the feature &quot;dropping items from the
list&quot; and the possibility to reset the list should be the main
parts of step 2. In addition to this, the window positioning issue
(if at all there is such an issue) should be finalized.</P>
<LI><P>The third step could be a mid-term to long-term project,
defining and implementing the feature &quot;add new items to the
list&quot;, as this would probably affect other projects as well.</P>
<H1><A NAME="6.OpenIssues|outline"></A>Open Issues</H1>
<P>These are just a few open issues that would need to be resolved in
order to achieve step 1 and step 2 of the implementation. Probably
there are many more if one starts digging into the details, but I
think these are the most obvious ones.</P>
<UL STYLE="margin-left: 0.5cm">
<LI><P>Artwork for the Help Agent indicator<BR>This should clearly
indicate 'click me' and 'there's something you might want to know'</P>
<LI><P>Further configuration details<BR>Are the configurable
settings sufficient or already too detailed? What are reasonable
default values to minimize the necessity of configuring this
<LI><P>Window behavior<BR>What about stickiness, movability, focus
<P STYLE="margin-top: 0.1cm; margin-bottom: 0.2cm"><FONT SIZE=1 STYLE="font-size: 8pt"><SDFIELD TYPE=DOCINFO SUBTYPE=CHANGE FORMAT=DATE SDNUM="1033;1033;MM/DD/YYYY">02/09/2001</SDFIELD> <SDFIELD TYPE=DOCINFO SUBTYPE=TITLE>Proposal for a new Help Agent</SDFIELD> Page