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<h2>Spotlight: On Developers and Technology</h2>
On "Project Merge." The proposal, made
by Martin Gallwey in the <a href="//www-discuss/current/" target="_blank">discuss
forum</a> two weeks ago, initiated one of the more vigorous debates
has seen in months. Martin's <a href="//www-discuss/current/msg03975.html" target="_blank">simple
proposal</a> was to merge several related mailing lists into one. This way,
members would be able to discuss similar topics in one list and not miss
out on relevant discussions taking place in other lists. Discussion on the
topic has been technically sophisticated and also important. For, an Open
Source project lives in its mailing lists, and determining the right mix
of size and constitution is a difficult art. The <a href="//www-discuss/current/thrd26.html#03833" target="_blank">thread</a>
of the discussions is recommended reading for anyone interested in seeing
how an Open Source project negotiates its own success.
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