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<h2>Newsletter 4: Marketing </h2>
<p>Marketing would seem antithetical to <a href="">Open
Source</a> but it isn't. In fact, Open Source is itself a kind of marketing
strategy. Yet skeptics abound, as a recent <a href="">article</a>
suggesting Linux could do with marketing indicates. But is way
ahead of them. Our <a href="">Marketing
Project</a> was created by <a href="">community
members six months</a> ago and is now one of the most active and popular projects
and includes people from all corners of the world interested in making
<p>And it needs you. As project co-lead Josh Berkus has <a href="//servlets/ReadMsg?msgId=233819&listName=discuss">signaled</a>
to the <a href="">discuss</a> mailing
list, the Marketing Project needs people--regular endusers as well as developers--to
work together to get the word out about, and especially
1.0. </p>
<p>Is this a one-time thing? We think not. Rather, it seems that marketing an
Open Source project, especially, is here to stay. Why? because
although we might expect Open Source technology to spread by example, it is
only by being coordinated and logical in our endeavors that we can hope to attract
governments, corporations, and universities. Otherwise, they may dally with
it--but be persuaded by the FUD generated by Redmond, and by the general apprehension
over things truly democratic. </p>
<p>So consider helping out as best you can, even if--especially if!--that best
is reading over and correcting documents and press releases. </p>
<p>-Louis Su&aacute;rez-Potts</p>
<p>Community Manager</p>
<p>&nbsp; </p>