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<title>Managing Open Source: 9 February 2001</title><p>
<h2><font color="#cc6600" face="Courier New, Courier, mono" size="+2">Editor's Column</font></h2>
<p><a href="//lspintro.html">-Louis Suarez-Potts</a></p>
<p>9 February 2001</p>
<p><b>Organizing Open Source</b></p>
<p>As a system of software production, <a href="">Open
Source</a> usually says little to nothing about the <i>how</i> of its organization
and implementation. But, in fact, merely releasing software under GPL (or some
other such <a href="">license</a>) does not
necessarily get you &quot;there.&quot; Even if your release is <a href="">Slashdotted</a>,
it still may not fly. What's lacking is the infrastructure comprised both of
machines and persons, for ensuring that interested developers can securely download
the open-sourced code and upload their patches without totally wrecking not
just the software but also the whole enterprise. And what's also missing from
this fanciful picture is any system for the creation and management of a developer
community. Open Source, that is, is more than a number of individuals downloading
source code and working on it alone; when it works, it is implicitly a communal
and collaborative enterprise.</p>
<p> Of course, one <i>could</i> simply place the code on a server send a notice
to a probably indifferent <a href="">Slashdot</a>, and
then wait. If the code were interesting enough or somehow offered compellingly
attractive benefits, it might very well attract developers who could form working
groups, might establish a version system like <a href="">CVS
(Concurrent Versions System)</a>, and--maybe--articulate directions and goals
for the community. And it might happen: <a href="">Linux</a>,
for instance, was and remains pretty much a grassroots enterprise (what <a href="">Eric
Raymond</a> <a href="">calls
the &quot;bazaar&quot;</a>), with a widespread and disparate community of developers--and
<a href="">Linus Torvalds</a>--maintaining
and contributing to the code as they will, in implicit collaboration. And Linux,
with its globally dispersed and active community is, as we all know, the defining
model of Open Source.</p>
<p>But, does the Linux model still obtain, or at least with the same force as
previously? I'd like to suggest that, for a variety of reasons, Linux is less
the model for the future of Open Source than an exceptional paragon.. The community--or,
communities--that have formed around the kernel have been more passionate than
commercial. This is to say--heretically, to be sure--that the model of Open
Source Linux exemplifies (a community of passionate users and developers) is
probably not the model of open-source ventures to come-- and, according to recent
<a href=",1282,38240,00.html">reports</a>,
they will come.</p>
<p>Instead of a Linux-like model, however, the more likely scenario is that a
company will wish to open source proprietary software because the company leaders
have come to realize that it's not only cheaper in the long run to develop software
using the open-source model, but that one also gets in better software faster.
A company, that is, might open source its software to save money and get ahead
of its rivals. The loss of proprietary control is, in this scenario, comparatively
slight in exchange for what it gains.</p>
<p>And what do the developers gain? If the company has arranged its Open Source
venture properly, developers benefit in at least two, obvious, ways: from the
intellectual capital embodied in the code and from the communities organized
around that capital. The interested developer can, at her will, deploy the available
code for her own purposes; and learning from the construction of the code further
enhances her own career. What is more, the collaborative community that develops
in working on the code provides her with invaluable help both in the present
and in the future. </p>
<p>But for this economy to work, the company open sourcing its property must not
only make the source code it has opened in some way desirable and valuable to
developers, but also provide an infrastructure, technical and managerial, that
enables developers to work efficiently on the intellectual capital it has released.
Without such an infrastructure, by which the code is made securely available
and communities enabled, little might ever take place that will prove profitable
for the originating company. In fact, one could state it even more strongly:
Open Source, as a business and not as a hobby, demands sophisticated managerial
support that will make sure the servers work, the pages load, and--importantly!--help
shape the community of developers into productive groups, either through roadmaps,
standards, or goals.</p>
<p>All this is fairly obvious to anyone who works in Open Source--such as the community. But it merits stating, for the myth of Open Source
is still the myth of the West mapped to cyberspace: of individuals hacking at
their favorite programs for by and large mysterious reasons, of which personal
satisfaction ranks high. In the &quot;real world&quot; there is, of course,
still that appeal to much of open-source work. But Open Source is more than
a culture: it is a dialectical strategy by which developers are given enormous
power and opportunity that requires a novel managerial approach.</p>
<h4>Previous columns</h4>
<p>1 February 2001 <i><a href="ec1Feb.html">Open Source
and Its Culture</a></i></p>
<p>23 January 2001 <i><a href="communityaction.html">Community
<p>16 January 2001 <i><a href="ec16Jan01.html">Quo Vadis</a></i></p>
<p>9 January 2001 <i><a href="thebuild.html">The 613
build:&nbsp; problems and opportunities</a></i></p>
<p>3 January 2001 <i><a href="SunsOpenDoor.html">Sun's
open door</a></i></p>
<p>E-mail:<a href="mailto:louis at"> Louis at</a></p>