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<h3>How do I generate public and private keys from Linux, Solaris, and Unix?</h3>
<p>In Linux, Solaris, and Unix, you do not need to use Cygwin, but open a terminal, or shell, and use the same commands.</p>
<li>Open a terminal.</li>
<li>Type <code>pwd</code> to verify that you are in your home directory.</li>
<li>Type <code>ssh-keygen -d</code> to generate your public key file set.</li>
<li>When your machine is done working, it will prompt you for a file in which to save the key. Accept the default and <a href="015.html">note where it lives</a>. Your system must provide a path to this location during each login.</li>
<li>You will be asked for a passphrase, and you must enter it twice to avoid typos. You will use this passphrase each time you open a tunnel (or connection) to</li>
<li>Next you must <a href="009.html">submit your public key</a>, then wait for the support team to load it before you can proceed.</li>
<p><b>For more information:</b></p>
<li><a href="">Using Cygwin: Free and Open Source Unix Terminal Emulator</a></li>
<li><a href="">Command Line: Linux, Mac OS X, Unix, Solaris.</a></li>
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