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<h3>How do I find the file I just downloaded?</h3>
<p>You can use the <b>Search</b> utility if you cannot remember where you placed the file during the download process. If you just downloaded the Windows version of OOo, then the file should be called something like <b>OOo_1.1.3_Win32Intel_install.exe</b> or <b></b>.</p>
<p>To use the search utility in Win98, click on the <b>Start</b> button, choose <b>Find &gt; Files or Folders</b>, type <b>OOo</b> into the <b>Named</b> field, then click the <b>Find Now</b> button. This will bring up a list of all files on your system that contain OOo, and it will show where they live.</p>
<p>To use the search utility in WinXP or Win2000, click on the <b>Start</b> button, choose <b>Search &gt; Files or Folders</b>, type <b>OOo</b> into the <b>Search for files or folders named</b> field, then click the <b>Search Now</b> button.</p>
<p>The path to the search utility will not be exactly the same on every operating system, but it will be similar. (If you can provide exact steps to the search utility on your operating system, please do!)</p>
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